12 Weeks Till Summer Challenge - 6 Wks To Go!



  • sparkle327
    Question of the day: My most recent NSV is that I am starting to see definition in my arms again! Yay!!

    My biggest accomplishment during the challenge has been consistency with my eating and exercise. I have finally found the spark to stay dedicated to doing both. It feels pretty good to be doing this for myself....because no one else can do it for me!!
  • bmathies
    bmathies Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I would love to join!!
    After a full summer of undiagnosed health issues-I have finally been diagnosed and am doctoring at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I have been on high doses of prednisone--and have gained an un-godly amount of weight! I need to lose and need to stay on track.

    Heaviest non-pregnancy: now at 218.6
    Lowest adult weight since having children: 162

    Goal 1: 210 lbs. (May 16)
    Goal 2: 190(July 8th)
    Goal 3: 170 (September 1st)
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    Reflection- I think I've been doing really well. I usually lose a little less than a pound which is fine by me. I don't have much weight to lose so it's probably healthier that way. I know now that I won't make my goal. 9 pounds in 6 weeks probably isn't realistic at this point. That's okay. I think I'll re-evaluate at the end of this challenge to see if I actually need to get down to 135. That may be to low of a weight for me.

    Question- My pants are super huge on me today, which is great cause these are the pants I bought when I started gaining weight. I bought them a size to big so that I wouldn't feel fat in them. I m swimming in them now though!

    Also I'm on to the second level of 6w6pack. By the last few days of level one I could totally feel the change in my body. I am more coordinated and much stronger!

    Advice- I work at a school and a few of the parents have said I am looking "skinny" They always ask me, are you losing weight and I always reply with I'm not sure! Maybe! I feel kind of embarrassed of it almost. I have no idea why? It makes me sad though that I can't be proud of it and say yes! This is what I am doing!

    The other thing is that I am a little worried, I still have a bunch of belly fat to get rid of but the rest of me is skinny enough. I don't want to have stick skinny legs and arms. I like them the way they are. I know you can't spot reduce fat, but I don't understand how to get rid of this belly fat without getting to skinny elsewhere?
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    My NSV for the week: My nephew made a comment about me being strong because I "eat healthy food." He's only 5 but he notices! I always take bananas and pears over to his house for my 3 nephews to eat, and if I'm eating dinner there I'll bring asparagus or something. All my nephews love fruit and vegetables and I think I've helped their eating habits develop (I told them broccoli is little trees, they love eating their trees!)
  • lolabugs
    lolabugs Posts: 141
    Bumping with my chart for the end of the week

    Starting Weight:198
    Current Weight: 175.8
    Goal Weight: 168
    Ultimate Weight Loss Goal: 140

    3/24: 182
    3/31: 180
    4/7: 178
    4/14: 174.5 <<<mini goal - 176>>> (Reward for meeting or exceeding mini goal: pedicure)
    4/21: 175.8
    5/12: <<<mini goal>>> 168

    Non-Scale Victory:

    In the past 6 weeks, I've noticed a major change in my body. I'm kicking myself for not taking my measurements when I first started so I can see exactly how many inches I've lost. I NEED to take them this weekend so I can track my progress for the next 6 weeks. My clothes are fitting so much better. When I bought my belt, I had it set on the middle hole, now I'm on the tightest hole (that's 3 holes in 3 months)... it would actually go tighter if there was another hole and if my jeans weren't bunching up because they're too big too. I'm going to have to buy some transition pants here shortly as well as a new belt. I've also noticed how easy it is for me to resist eating heavy foods when I go out. I try to find the healthiest thing on the menu for 2 reasons. The first being the fact that I know how hard I have to workout to burn the calories in the heavier foods. The second is that my tolerance to grease has changed. I don't feel very good after eating greasy food and it isn't fun to be out with my friends when I feel gassy and bloated. :sick: I'm almost half way to my goal weight and I'd say I'm getting really close to having my food habits set too. It's really exciting to see how much progress I've made in such a short amount of time.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Thank you so much again!
  • Maxylicious
    Maxylicious Posts: 226 Member
    Sorry for the late post. Had a really rough week & didnt make it in time to weigh in...here it is anyways. Hopefully this week will be better..

    3/19: 202.5
    3/27: 201.3
    4/02: 195.6 (yay me!!! )
    4/10: 192.6
    4/17: 189.8
    4/24: 188
    6/09: 170
  • Carmendu
    Carmendu Posts: 409
    Everyone is doing so AWESOME!!! Keep up the great work. :happy:
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    In the past 6 weeks...
    ... I have lost half my wardrobe! It has been put in bags and brought to a local women's shelter as they were too big.
    ...I am wearing some pants I have hoarded for several years that I was almost 20lbs lighter than I am now when I used to wear them, and there is NO muffin top! The JM Ripped in 30 videos reshaped my body.
    .... part of the last NSV, was I religiously did my workouts progressing through the workouts and finding strength I haven't seen in a long time because of them.
    ... I am ready to go in a sparkly tap dress and dance this week with a LOT less self-consciousness since I have committed to a healthier me, and feel more confident!

    BTW... thanks again Vic for the great chart and for keeping up this great challenge!
  • PolyTeine
    PolyTeine Posts: 78 Member
    Thanks Vic for putting together our chart, and also thanks for this challenge because it's one of the reasons I'm still motivated.

    My NSV:

    Most of my clothes are hanging off of me. I still wear them because I'm not at the point where I wanna go crazy shopping. I think I'll hang on to it until the next 20lbs come off.
  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    wooooo great job everyone
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Hi I would love to join!!
    After a full summer of undiagnosed health issues-I have finally been diagnosed and am doctoring at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. I have been on high doses of prednisone--and have gained an un-godly amount of weight! I need to lose and need to stay on track.

    Heaviest non-pregnancy: now at 218.6
    Lowest adult weight since having children: 162

    Goal 1: 210 lbs. (May 16)
    Goal 2: 190(July 8th)
    Goal 3: 170 (September 1st)

    ugh, I'm sorry! I was on prednisone for a couple years and put on a lot of weight from it before I got diagnosed with RA and then until we found some meds that controlled it.
  • maremare312
    maremare312 Posts: 1,143 Member
    I haven't posted the chart before, maybe I should add it to help me remember at the end of the week!

    ~New Goals~
    4/21: 270.3
    5/12: <<<mini goal:264>>>
    6/9: <<<challenge goal: 256>>
  • shimmerlady
    shimmerlady Posts: 43 Member
    great replies for NSV

    I started a serious healthy eating and exercise plan after Christmas and I have noticed my body really changing so much in those 3.5 months.

    I can now fit into clothes that I have not been able to fit into in years and I had great fun over the weekend running around the garden with my almost 3 year old, she wanted to slow down. I feel better about myself.

    I did fall off the wagon the past 2 weeks with moving house and easter but I am super motivated again. I have started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred today and have started tracking again as I have been so bad at that recently.

  • nmpresto
    nmpresto Posts: 157
    2 lbs lost!!!!!

    4/21: 162 lbs
    4/28: 160 lbs
    5/12: <<<mini goal: 155 lbs>>>
    6/9: <<<challenge goal: 150 lbs>>
  • heather7marie
    heather7marie Posts: 506 Member
  • bacanbit
    bacanbit Posts: 58 Member
  • irishrose22
    irishrose22 Posts: 161 Member
    THIS WEEK'S CHALLENGE: Reflection and Change

    We are half-way through our challenge. It is a perfect time to refect on how the last 6 weeks have been. Think about the changes that you have made in your life. Have you given it your all? Did you fall off the wagon? Seriously refect on your progress up to this point and decide if there are changes that you need to make. If you are struggling, reach out to someone else in this challenge that has made progress that you admire and ask them how they have done it. If you are making great progress, offer advice to others that seem to be having a hard time. Come up with a game plan for how you are going to succeed over the next 6 weeks of this challenge.

    QUESTION OF THE DAY: What is your most recent non-scale victory (NSV)?

    Start bragging people! We see your numbers every week....but what have you accomplished that the number on the scale can't tell us?

    Over Easter I heard a lot of " you look good" so that was really nice. I started taking up kickboxing and i am in love with the workout that goes along with it. I had a rough few weeks of barely any loss, so I started cycling my calories (beefed up my protein) and started on weights and I saw my first loss in a long time it seems. I feel healthy, which is huge. I can fit into jeans that I haven't in a long time. Life is good. i am truly happy and proud of myself. I have done what I have done, no one else has done it for me. I have controlled what i put into my mouth and how much i exercise. And I love exercising. I eat what i want, but everything in moderation. I drink a ton of water each day. I can feel my body transforming into something better. It's awesome to not only see the light at the end of the tunnel but actually believe in it this time.

    Everyone is doing so great. keep it up kids!
  • EMc4452
    EMc4452 Posts: 187 Member
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member