can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    glad you read this thread too! We gotta stick together:):tongue:
  • TLW77
    TLW77 Posts: 97 Member
    Dear A**shole aka PCOS

    I just want to tell you how much I appreciate the struggles you have put me through for the past 15 years. Thanks for all the missed and painful menstrual cycles, infertility problems(I did eventually get two beautiful children), and the lovely extra hair you thought I needed. The deeper voice and the extra pounds you gave me is also such a pleasure. I was thinking about the disagreements I have had with you twice before about all these "gifts" you share with me. I no longer wanted them but you keep showering me with them. I have decided I no longer need them and this time your not talking me out of it. Just to be perfectly clear, I no longer want your aches and pains, missed cycles, extra hair, deeper voice, and extra 108 lbs on my body. I shut you out of my life 100 days ago and finally have had a reguarly menstrual cycle and have lost lost 45 lbs. Thanks for ruining my last 15 years, but you won't get my next 15 or more years. Goodbye PCOS!
  • Shannmarrs
    Shannmarrs Posts: 117 Member
    I am really glad I found this thread =) Glad to know I'm not alone...
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Melroxsox, this is awesome.

    Dear PCOS:

    Thanks for the beard, which I've had to laser off. Thanks for the lack of periods, which I've had to be on BC pills since I was 14 for. Thanks for the hairloss, which took my beautiful, thick, black hair and transformed it into the thin, gnarly mess I have now. Thanks for the three different prescriptions I have to take for this, which take a giant chunk out of my wallet every three months. And thanks for the fear that someday I won't be able to have kiddos, which I've wanted my whole life.

    Man, what a bag of poo you are.


    PS... Thyroid, you can eat a bowl of ****ens too.
  • clala82
    clala82 Posts: 90 Member
    Why PCOS sucks:

    Makes you feel out of whack when you rarely, if ever, have a period. You have facial hair sprout on your chin. Weight gain. Sweating. Insulin resistance. Can't look at a carb without gaining weight. Lack of concentration. Mood swings. Acne. Thinning hair. Infertility. The list goes on and on...PCOS just sucks the big one!
  • mustnothrowcantelopes
    mustnothrowcantelopes Posts: 116 Member
    Dearest PCOS ,

    I wanted to tell you what a darling, gem of a friend you are , really! You came into my life , unexpectedly, when I was but 14 years old, in the bloom of youth, and took me under your wing. Through my experience you have not only affected my self esteem but my relationship with others!

    You guided me to the realization that because I do not get a period, have excessive hair growth on my arms, butt, face, and on my back in patches and the testosterone level of a 16 year old boy, I am not in fact female , but secretly a man, masquerading as a woman. Through your love and care, I have to the realization that depression, BPD and Anxiety are my true friends. My "normal" friends are the enemy. And why bother being at a normal , healthy weight. I need all the extra body mass and insulation I can get. Thank You PCOS , you have made sure that I would 'love' myself just the way that I am and any time that I tried to change that , by losing the smallest bit of weight, I would get a reproachful slap on the stomach or the arm or the thigh.

    You have further proven to me that spending money on things such as birth control, diabetic medication, anti-depressants , acupuncture, herbal supplements and going to doctors is a serious waste of my precious time because no matter what I do, it will not work, but once again, YOU will always be there for me! And of course, children, who needs 'em , when we have each other.

  • mom23nuts
    mom23nuts Posts: 636 Member
    Yeah thanks PCOS for a rocky start to a maiirage where I first discovered you were part of my life at my premarital blood testing and physical.

    Thanks for the extra hair where no ladies should have it and the months of no periods thinking I was pregnant taking test after test only to find that it was just my messed up hormones.

    You may be a battle I have to fight for the rest of my life, but you will not win the war.

    Finaly we have 3 great kids after many false starts and losses and I am SLOWLY reaching my goal weight, no thank to you and all the extras i have to do to lose a lb in comparisson to other ladies!
  • mericksmom
    mericksmom Posts: 222 Member
    While I havent been diagnosed for PCOS. I am hormone sensitive I have all the same issues from the MONTHS of not seeing a period to the MONTH long times I do, the cysts that burst on my overies and the ACNE . I CANT even take Birth control to control my hormones because I become psycotic. and I am tired of my DRS thinking that I am there just for MEDS..(I am not a druggy, I do not want to take your drugs...I didnt even wanted to take the BC you put me on..)

    I have found Vitex, while not being a cure-all it does help regulate my periods and is a natural suppliment from GNC. I heard about it from the PCOS web site and it helps wonderfully .
  • Andee08
    Andee08 Posts: 147 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    Thank you for making feel like I am out of my mind half the time. Thank you for ruining great relationships before I realized I had you. Thank you for this 30 pounds that I cant seem to shake. Oh and just to top it off, I blame you for having my sister live with me who has Hyperthyroidism, whom of which thinks it is normal to consume 5,000 calories a day and not gain a single pound. I will beat you no matter how sick the Metformin makes me, how long I have to run for everyday, and how careful I have to be with my diet! I WILL win!
  • uubulldawg06
    uubulldawg06 Posts: 102 Member
    dear pcos,
    thanks for all the lovely times we have had since i was 15. thanks for finally putting me through enough that my dr decided i had to have a hysterectomy before i got to complete my family. I really am thankful for the one time you were nice to me and allowed me to conceive my precious son, but other than that i HATE you. You have caused so much pain, misery, financial strain, emotional strain, and just complete and utter chaos in my life. I for one am glad i no longer have to deal with you but am constantly mourning the lost of the children i could have had.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Im so glad I have found this!! I feel like I am the only person in the world goign throught these issues! Especially the facial hair and spots!! The strech marks and the extremly painful periods - which I havnt had for a bout 7 years thanks to the pill :) I dont think I can ever face going back to having them. I recently found out I had PCOS and all the infertility problems that come along with it - I decided not to let my self get worried about it until the time came when I was trying for a baby, but las year I had very changed cells in my cervex at Stage 3 so had to have them removed - this has now increased my chance of having a misscarrage so now it plays on my mind all the time. My mum also went through menopause at 30 - so my clock is defo ticking! I am also very quick to loose my temper and from reading this thread I now realise that may have something to do with PCOS as well. My doctor told me that thier is nothing she can do for me - im not beliveing that now either with all the meds some of you girls are on - time for more investigation me thinks :) Thanks everyone!! We can beat this!!! :) xxx
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Im so glad I have found this!! I feel like I am the only person in the world goign throught these issues! Especially the facial hair and spots!! The strech marks and the extremly painful periods - which I havnt had for a bout 7 years thanks to the pill :) I dont think I can ever face going back to having them. I recently found out I had PCOS and all the infertility problems that come along with it - I decided not to let my self get worried about it until the time came when I was trying for a baby, but las year I had very changed cells in my cervex at Stage 3 so had to have them removed - this has now increased my chance of having a misscarrage so now it plays on my mind all the time. My mum also went through menopause at 30 - so my clock is defo ticking! I am also very quick to loose my temper and from reading this thread I now realise that may have something to do with PCOS as well. My doctor told me that thier is nothing she can do for me - im not beliveing that now either with all the meds some of you girls are on - time for more investigation me thinks :) Thanks everyone!! We can beat this!!! :) xxx
    You have to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion! There are a lot of treatments available, but the best one of all that has worked for me is metformin and LOTS of exercise combined with a low glycemic diet.
  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    I'm gonna read this later! From what I've glanced at so far though I'm totally with you all!

    I only found out last month I have PCOS after trying for a baby for over 2 years and starting fertility investigations last summer/autumn! So now I am on meds to make me ovulate and hopefully I will be baking more than just cakes soon! :laugh:
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    I have PCOS and it's no excuse for anything that I've let myself become.

    I can't control the fact that I may not be able to conceive, had attrocious acne my whole teenage life (and part of my adult life as well), that my bones might crumble by the time I'm thirty, or that I might die of some form of reproductive cancer or be diagnosed with heart disease...

    I'm sure my weight gain was multiplied ten-fold by the fact that I have PCOS but I'm the one who ultimately decided to stuff my own face endlessly with garbage while I sat on the couch whining "Poor, poor me... "

    PCOS is just another stumble on the way to the top of the Mount Everest of Life. Just a stumble.

    I sure as hell won't let it get in my way.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Im so glad I have found this!! I feel like I am the only person in the world goign throught these issues! Especially the facial hair and spots!! The strech marks and the extremly painful periods - which I havnt had for a bout 7 years thanks to the pill :) I dont think I can ever face going back to having them. I recently found out I had PCOS and all the infertility problems that come along with it - I decided not to let my self get worried about it until the time came when I was trying for a baby, but las year I had very changed cells in my cervex at Stage 3 so had to have them removed - this has now increased my chance of having a misscarrage so now it plays on my mind all the time. My mum also went through menopause at 30 - so my clock is defo ticking! I am also very quick to loose my temper and from reading this thread I now realise that may have something to do with PCOS as well. My doctor told me that thier is nothing she can do for me - im not beliveing that now either with all the meds some of you girls are on - time for more investigation me thinks :) Thanks everyone!! We can beat this!!! :) xxx
    You have to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion! There are a lot of treatments available, but the best one of all that has worked for me is metformin and LOTS of exercise combined with a low glycemic diet.

    Is metformin a diabetic tablet? Im sure thats what my mum is on? I could be totally wrong though! Right Im gonna go back to my docs and have a chat - Im at a new doctors now so thats one advantage :) Thanks hunny :) xxx
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Im so glad I have found this!! I feel like I am the only person in the world goign throught these issues! Especially the facial hair and spots!! The strech marks and the extremly painful periods - which I havnt had for a bout 7 years thanks to the pill :) I dont think I can ever face going back to having them. I recently found out I had PCOS and all the infertility problems that come along with it - I decided not to let my self get worried about it until the time came when I was trying for a baby, but las year I had very changed cells in my cervex at Stage 3 so had to have them removed - this has now increased my chance of having a misscarrage so now it plays on my mind all the time. My mum also went through menopause at 30 - so my clock is defo ticking! I am also very quick to loose my temper and from reading this thread I now realise that may have something to do with PCOS as well. My doctor told me that thier is nothing she can do for me - im not beliveing that now either with all the meds some of you girls are on - time for more investigation me thinks :) Thanks everyone!! We can beat this!!! :) xxx
    You have to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion! There are a lot of treatments available, but the best one of all that has worked for me is metformin and LOTS of exercise combined with a low glycemic diet.

    Is metformin a diabetic tablet? Im sure thats what my mum is on? I could be totally wrong though! Right Im gonna go back to my docs and have a chat - Im at a new doctors now so thats one advantage :) Thanks hunny :) xxx

    It is for diabetics, but it is also prescribed for women with PCOS. It helps with insulin resistance and also helps regulate our crazy out of whack hormones. Taken with diet and exercise it certainly will help your symptoms over time. It has a few nasty side effects in the beginning though:(
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Im so glad I have found this!! I feel like I am the only person in the world goign throught these issues! Especially the facial hair and spots!! The strech marks and the extremly painful periods - which I havnt had for a bout 7 years thanks to the pill :) I dont think I can ever face going back to having them. I recently found out I had PCOS and all the infertility problems that come along with it - I decided not to let my self get worried about it until the time came when I was trying for a baby, but las year I had very changed cells in my cervex at Stage 3 so had to have them removed - this has now increased my chance of having a misscarrage so now it plays on my mind all the time. My mum also went through menopause at 30 - so my clock is defo ticking! I am also very quick to loose my temper and from reading this thread I now realise that may have something to do with PCOS as well. My doctor told me that thier is nothing she can do for me - im not beliveing that now either with all the meds some of you girls are on - time for more investigation me thinks :) Thanks everyone!! We can beat this!!! :) xxx
    You have to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion! There are a lot of treatments available, but the best one of all that has worked for me is metformin and LOTS of exercise combined with a low glycemic diet.

    Is metformin a diabetic tablet? Im sure thats what my mum is on? I could be totally wrong though! Right Im gonna go back to my docs and have a chat - Im at a new doctors now so thats one advantage :) Thanks hunny :) xxx

    It is for diabetics, but it is also prescribed for women with PCOS. It helps with insulin resistance and also helps regulate our crazy out of whack hormones. Taken with diet and exercise it certainly will help your symptoms over time. It has a few nasty side effects in the beginning though:(

    Is that the whole toilet saga? lol x
  • jmhigg1020
    jmhigg1020 Posts: 51 Member

    Also, ifiwasurvampire, are you getting a hysterectomy to remove your cyst-riddled ovaries in attempt to "cure" PCOS, or is it for other reasons? I know that's a personal question, but if you're trying to cure PCOS by getting rid of your ovaries, you may want to do some more research. Cystic ovaries are a SYMPTOM of the disease, NOT the CAUSE. I say this because I care, and I don't know what you know. I'm not trying to be a miss know-it-all. I say this because I care.
    Thank you for the concern. Thankfully I do not have cystic ovaries so that is not the reason. I have chosen to have a partial hysterectomy bc 1 I am fixed, I can not have any more children. 2 I am sick of taking provera in order to have a cycle and I do not want to relie on this medicine for the rest of my life. And 3 I am removing my uterus to decrese my chance of getting endometrial cancer, the longer you go without a cylce the higher the chance. My gyno is a life saver, so far the only one that seems to care what I want and not say I'm too young. Hell I've had my tubes tied since june 27th 2008. 7 days after I turned 21! There's no point in keeping the uterus if I do not need it. Plus ill love not worrying about even getting a cycle. Don't get me wrong I hate doing this and I'm terrified of being put under. But its the best choice right now. If my cycle becomes normal before june then maybe ill cancell the surgery, but that most likely won't happen. Even with normal cycles for me comes severe pain where I can't function to care for my disabled daughter. This surgery was the last resort for me. I am sick of under going laparscopic surgeries, saline ultrasounds, vag ultrasounds and uterine biopsies. Ahhh I'm rambling. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say. I absolutely despise pcos!

    Way to go, seeing that statement for what it was!! So many people get so defensive on here when someone reaches out, and I thought this was great! :)

    Dear PCOS,

    WTF? If I didn't have big boobs and extra space downstairs, I'd be sure I was a dude.

  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Im so glad I have found this!! I feel like I am the only person in the world goign throught these issues! Especially the facial hair and spots!! The strech marks and the extremly painful periods - which I havnt had for a bout 7 years thanks to the pill :) I dont think I can ever face going back to having them. I recently found out I had PCOS and all the infertility problems that come along with it - I decided not to let my self get worried about it until the time came when I was trying for a baby, but las year I had very changed cells in my cervex at Stage 3 so had to have them removed - this has now increased my chance of having a misscarrage so now it plays on my mind all the time. My mum also went through menopause at 30 - so my clock is defo ticking! I am also very quick to loose my temper and from reading this thread I now realise that may have something to do with PCOS as well. My doctor told me that thier is nothing she can do for me - im not beliveing that now either with all the meds some of you girls are on - time for more investigation me thinks :) Thanks everyone!! We can beat this!!! :) xxx
    You have to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion! There are a lot of treatments available, but the best one of all that has worked for me is metformin and LOTS of exercise combined with a low glycemic diet.

    Is metformin a diabetic tablet? Im sure thats what my mum is on? I could be totally wrong though! Right Im gonna go back to my docs and have a chat - Im at a new doctors now so thats one advantage :) Thanks hunny :) xxx

    It is for diabetics, but it is also prescribed for women with PCOS. It helps with insulin resistance and also helps regulate our crazy out of whack hormones. Taken with diet and exercise it certainly will help your symptoms over time. It has a few nasty side effects in the beginning though:(

    Is that the whole toilet saga? lol x
    LOL times..........but it DOES get better!
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    Im so glad I have found this!! I feel like I am the only person in the world goign throught these issues! Especially the facial hair and spots!! The strech marks and the extremly painful periods - which I havnt had for a bout 7 years thanks to the pill :) I dont think I can ever face going back to having them. I recently found out I had PCOS and all the infertility problems that come along with it - I decided not to let my self get worried about it until the time came when I was trying for a baby, but las year I had very changed cells in my cervex at Stage 3 so had to have them removed - this has now increased my chance of having a misscarrage so now it plays on my mind all the time. My mum also went through menopause at 30 - so my clock is defo ticking! I am also very quick to loose my temper and from reading this thread I now realise that may have something to do with PCOS as well. My doctor told me that thier is nothing she can do for me - im not beliveing that now either with all the meds some of you girls are on - time for more investigation me thinks :) Thanks everyone!! We can beat this!!! :) xxx
    You have to get a 2nd or 3rd opinion! There are a lot of treatments available, but the best one of all that has worked for me is metformin and LOTS of exercise combined with a low glycemic diet.

    Is metformin a diabetic tablet? Im sure thats what my mum is on? I could be totally wrong though! Right Im gonna go back to my docs and have a chat - Im at a new doctors now so thats one advantage :) Thanks hunny :) xxx

    It is for diabetics, but it is also prescribed for women with PCOS. It helps with insulin resistance and also helps regulate our crazy out of whack hormones. Taken with diet and exercise it certainly will help your symptoms over time. It has a few nasty side effects in the beginning though:(

    Is that the whole toilet saga? lol x
    LOL times..........but it DOES get better!

    Hehe I also have IBS so Im used to things being screwed up in that department ne way lol x