Who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow?!?



  • gwen933
    gwen933 Posts: 79 Member
    I will start with you. I have done Level 1 before but never kept going after that. This will keep me motivated.
  • espia
    espia Posts: 4
    what size weights are you guys using???
  • Funny, I was going to start this again yesterday but talked myself out of it. Wish I found this thread yesterday as it may have motivated me to actually start like I planned to. So, I will start day 1 today.

    Posting weight and measurements right away. Thanks for starting this! Last time I tried 30dayshred, I only made it to level 2 and gave up (all those planks!) Want to finish it this time!
  • I just stated this about 9 days ago and have completed 6 workouts so far. I am also on a 1200 calorie diet - I haven't seen any difference but I am trying to stay positive!
  • bast2112
    bast2112 Posts: 63
    I've been hearing good things about the shred... And I could really use something different! I'll pick it up tonight. :)
  • mrmchap
    mrmchap Posts: 31 Member
    I am using 2lb weights only because I have never really "lifted" weights before and don't want to over do it! I do have 5lb ones as well and hope to move up to those at some point when my arms don't feel so weak!

    I did day 2, I really didn't want too because I am super sore but I pushed through it. I still had to take breaks but not as many as yesterday and I modified a bit more today due to being sore etc. I won't be able to do it tomorrow so I will be sure to walk a bit extra then pick back up on Thursday.
  • Stats - Level one, Day one (I will update my stats on day one of every level, and then at the end).

    Height 5'7"
    Weight 165
    bust - 40
    back - 35.5
    waist - 33
    bellybutton - 36.5
    stomach - 38.5
    hips - 39
    thigh - 22
    arm - 11.25

    Can you tell my problem area is from my stomach up to my bust? My hips are the same size as my stomach but only slightly smaller than my waist. If I find pants that fit me in the waist and belly where I can actually do them up, they're too big in the hips and I end up yanking on them all day! So frustrating! I need better waist to hip ratio! I need a booty! Help me Jillian!!! LOL
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Day 4 complete!
    Still having trouble straightening my arms after killing my biceps with 8lbs curls the first two days:) That was a mistake!
    Switched to 4's then 2's today to give 'em a break.

    Doing 8lbs for the rows and chest flys then 2's and 4's for all other stuff.

    Today was a triumph of will power - I really wanted to take today off, but knowing this thread (and all of you) were here to check-in with...well, I just plowed my way through it and am WAY happier for it now!
    I just repeating to myself "it's only 20 minutes - just knock it out!"
    And I did.
    whoop whoop!! :)
  • bast2112
    bast2112 Posts: 63
    I've been hearing good things about the shred... And I could really use something different! I'll pick it up tonight. :)

    Just did the video at level 1 and I feel like jell-o. Drank some chocolate milk after so hopefully not too sore tomorrow!

    Here's my measurements today:

    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 134 lbs
    Bust: 37.5"
    Waist: 29.5"
    Hips: 42"
    Thighs: 23.5"
    Arms: 12"

    Hopefully there will be less jell-o in 30 days!
  • shrinkinc
    shrinkinc Posts: 74 Member
    Day 2 completed today!
    I did day 1 on Sunday and rested yesterday. OMG I'm so out of shape. Sunday I didn't finish the tape but today I did. Yay!
    I still need to do measurements.
  • marly37
    marly37 Posts: 4 Member
    Just started as well, day 2. My legs are so sore! OMG i'm so out of shape but i'm determined to do it!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    what size weights are you guys using???

    I'm using 3 and 5lb weights, depending on what move I am doing. Chest flies and arm curls I do the 5lb but the other arm moves I use the 3.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I did actually find it a little easier today. The cardio parts at least. I had to battle with my arms to stick with it. I was literally talking myself through it - keep going! push! You can do anything for 30 seconds! haha

    The arms parts for me arent 2 bad. The lunges kill me tho, and the bouncing. I need to shell out some money for a GOOD sports bra designed for the bigger chested gal.
    Totally know the feeling. I ended up combining two sports bras, tight one and a slightly looser one, and it works awesome.

    That's what I do now but it's not quite working. I think they may have gotten too stretched out.
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    The planks are killer!! Very effective though!
  • jsonnett02
    jsonnett02 Posts: 110
    D2L1 COMPLETED!!! It was easier than Monday....went running yesterday with my softball team (I coach) and by the time I got home, I was nauseous and ready to pass out...I think I was a little dehydrated...and my quads killed me!!! So I decided to skip D2 yesterday and continue today. Proud of myself of getting up early and getting it done in the morning. These 25 minute workouts are easier to fit in before school then trying to come home and do it after an hours commute!! Loving it :) Have a great day everyone~!!!
  • I had a sick teething baby last night so I didnt get to do day 2.=( Picking up day 2 this evening, but I definitly noticed some soreness last night. Must mean Im working something.LoL!
  • jasonsmom001
    jasonsmom001 Posts: 5 Member
    I just completed day 5 and the soreness really isn't as bad. I have to keep reminding myself i can do it for 20 minutes!!!
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm on Day 5 level 1. I was using 5lb weights and I'm going up to 10lb weights. It gets better every day. You just have to stick with it. I have not modified anything yet. I plan to start level 2 on Sunday. I will probably go back to 5 ilb weights to see how level 2 is and then move back up to 10lb weights.
  • Girl1Beagle4
    Girl1Beagle4 Posts: 78 Member
    I also do my Turbo Fire or Zumba with the 30 day shread. I usually do the cardio after the 30 day shread.
  • jsonnett02
    jsonnett02 Posts: 110
    how is turbo fire compared to turbo jams?
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