can I start a PCOS Vent your frustrations Thread? lol



  • StaceG1986
    StaceG1986 Posts: 350
    I have PCOS and it's no excuse for anything that I've let myself become.

    I can't control the fact that I may not be able to conceive, had attrocious acne my whole teenage life (and part of my adult life as well), that my bones might crumble by the time I'm thirty, or that I might die of some form of reproductive cancer or be diagnosed with heart disease...

    I'm sure my weight gain was multiplied ten-fold by the fact that I have PCOS but I'm the one who ultimately decided to stuff my own face endlessly with garbage while I sat on the couch whining "Poor, poor me... "

    PCOS is just another stumble on the way to the top of the Mount Everest of Life. Just a stumble.

    I sure as hell won't let it get in my way.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming the PCOS for my weight gain, I gained weight WAY before I even found out I had it (which like you, I was the one who decided to stuff my face and get that way) and took the step to lose it MONTHS before I found out.. It's just one reason why it has been damn hard to lose it, but I am not going to let it get in the way of me getting to my goal, or in the way of my dream of having a baby! I will do whatever it takes!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I have PCOS and it's no excuse for anything that I've let myself become.

    I can't control the fact that I may not be able to conceive, had attrocious acne my whole teenage life (and part of my adult life as well), that my bones might crumble by the time I'm thirty, or that I might die of some form of reproductive cancer or be diagnosed with heart disease...

    I'm sure my weight gain was multiplied ten-fold by the fact that I have PCOS but I'm the one who ultimately decided to stuff my own face endlessly with garbage while I sat on the couch whining "Poor, poor me... "

    PCOS is just another stumble on the way to the top of the Mount Everest of Life. Just a stumble.

    I sure as hell won't let it get in my way.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not blaming the PCOS for my weight gain, I gained weight WAY before I even found out I had it (which like you, I was the one who decided to stuff my face and get that way) and took the step to lose it MONTHS before I found out.. It's just one reason why it has been damn hard to lose it, but I am not going to let it get in the way of me getting to my goal, or in the way of my dream of having a baby! I will do whatever it takes!
    Thats exactly how I got diagnosed...I was working out soooo hard and eating pretty good(it wasn't so much lo carb back then because I didn't know carbs were bad for PCOS, but it was def. lo cal)
    The weight just kept piling on no matter how much i was working out and eating I finally got pissed enough to call my DR. and they did bloodwork and reffered me to my Gyno who has WAY more advice on this subject than the family DR. It was an extremely rough time knowing you were doing the right thing but your body was totally fighting itself!
  • pandorah7777
    pandorah7777 Posts: 15 Member
    I totally agree. So, hard because you want to know but at the same time your like do I waste more money. Somehow makes the negatives even worse.
  • pandorah7777
    pandorah7777 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for making me feel like a failure as a wife, Daughter-in-law, Grandaughter, ect...
    Not being able to have a baby in a family that spits them out left and right and get pregnant in a hot tub after a one might stand. Really? !!!!!!! Yet I try for over 8 years and have everyone with good intentions asking me if we just don't want kids or something like we aren't trying non-stop. Make me sad I have lost two of my remaining three grandparent that will never get to meet their great grandchildren if we ever are blessed with one. I love the fact that I have to pluck chin hair every day just to have it spring up again overnight. Just wanted to say thanks.
  • pandorah7777
    pandorah7777 Posts: 15 Member
    I thought I was the only one who had that reaction to meformin. I hated it. Would have to pull the car off into random gas stations and fast food places all the time. Fast food places are way better to stop at. Usually they are off to the side close to the door so I could get in and out without being noticed and feeling bad for not buying something. Crazy. I stopped it after a year.
  • Brina4888
    Hello Ladies, My name is Sabrina and I have a doctor’s appointment on May 4 to go and get tested for PCOS. I'm quite scared. I started my period at 12, it was normal until 18 when things started complicating. They became very irregular, I never questioned it though I blamed stress and diet when you research all the symptoms separately it never comes up until 3 weeks ago I found what I was looking for. From 19 to now (I’m 23) I have grown significant facial hair, I have ingrown hairs on my neck from where I have to shave/ wax/ tweeze every week at least, at 20 I had high blood pressure, I’ve been trying to lose weight for about a year and CANNOT lose it!!!!!! I only maintain and when my period does roll around it gets worse and worse with every one. I have dark patches, which until these posts I didn’t know that was a symptom. Wish me luck... But in a sick way I sort of hope I do have it, all the time I’ve struggled with all these things I always thought it was just me. Now there’s kind of a light It’s not just all in my head, there could be a legitimate reason for my struggles. If it is positive it’s going to hurt but at least I will know! You all have been an inspiration that it doesn’t have to conquer you, so I know now that I don’t have to be as scared there are ways because, you all have done it!! THANK YOU! I will update.
  • pittielover23
    I love plucking all my excess facial hair so much. I also love my irregular periods and extra special long cycles. I also love the messed up horomones that have created problems with anxiety and weight loss.

    Most of all I LOVE the wonderul long time I have been TTC.
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    Hello Ladies, My name is Sabrina and I have a doctor’s appointment on May 4 to go and get tested for PCOS. I'm quite scared. I started my period at 12, it was normal until 18 when things started complicating. They became very irregular, I never questioned it though I blamed stress and diet when you research all the symptoms separately it never comes up until 3 weeks ago I found what I was looking for. From 19 to now (I’m 23) I have grown significant facial hair, I have ingrown hairs on my neck from where I have to shave/ wax/ tweeze every week at least, at 20 I had high blood pressure, I’ve been trying to lose weight for about a year and CANNOT lose it!!!!!! I only maintain and when my period does roll around it gets worse and worse with every one. I have dark patches, which until these posts I didn’t know that was a symptom. Wish me luck... But in a sick way I sort of hope I do have it, all the time I’ve struggled with all these things I always thought it was just me. Now there’s kind of a light It’s not just all in my head, there could be a legitimate reason for my struggles. If it is positive it’s going to hurt but at least I will know! You all have been an inspiration that it doesn’t have to conquer you, so I know now that I don’t have to be as scared there are ways because, you all have done it!! THANK YOU! I will update.

    It's a relief to put a name to the struggle, and know how to help it go away.
  • maggieschuck
    Dear PCOS,

    You SUCK! I have struggled with my self image and sex appeal for years.

    PCOS can be controlled by weight loss but PCOS makes it extremely hard to loos weight. It's a very frustrating cycle. PCOS common symptoms are: uncontrolled hormones, lack of cycle, heavy periods, weight gain or hard to loose weight, facial hair, adult acne, lack of ovulation ( infertility issues), higher chance of diabetes, mood swings, and depression.

    I've suffered from PCOS for 15 yrs. I've had 2 kids but have also miscarried twice ( one at 6.5 months). The key to getting pregnant is to track your temp, sex and cycle. You need to find out how often your ovulate. It took me 10 months to get prego with my son. I did 6 month is temps to find the hormone peek of my ovulation so it can all be scheduled. I do find that with a weight loss I can jump start my cycle and some times it will increase my ovulation. Every time I have gotten pregnant it was after a nice weight loss of 10 lbs or more.

    As for the acne I had to see a dermatologist and get meds. I got laser hair removal for my face and it kinda worked. I have to go back to get more treatments done. Stubborn stupid hair. Good luck ladies.
  • DallasLeann
    To those of you with PCOS who have lost weight, were you on meds?
  • Zayshuh
    Zayshuh Posts: 1 Member
    I just wanted to say I completely understand the frustration! I have been living with PCOS since trying to get pregnant for the first time which was about 8 years ago. I have gone through numerous rounds (too many to truly count) of fertility treatments due to the lack of ovulation. I experienced a miscarriage but I now have 3 wonderful children. My dd is 5 1/2 and my twin boys are 15 months. I have spent so much of my adult life trying to figure out how to get pregnant and stay that way that I haven't really been able to focus on me and how I can stay healthy. My doctor has put me on glucophage (metformin) and is hoping that along with healthier eating and exercise I will be able to lose some of this weight and in turn have at least a few more periods per year. Less than 4 periods per year exponentially increased the chances of cancer later on in life! I knew that if I opted the birth control route I would never take the steps needed to actually take care of myself and my health. I am happy to report that I have lost 11 pounds in the last month and I am feeling very hopeful that I will be able to maintain this momentum!

    The constant mood swings, difficulty with weight, lack of ovulation and random appearances of unwanted hair truly does suck! Hang in there gets better. I hope!

  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    To those of you with PCOS who have lost weight, were you on meds?

    Only birth control
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Dear PCOS-
    I HATE YOU. Seriously. You have wreaked havoc with my body, my emotions and my hormones for years. I can't stand that I have to take medication to have children- I will never have a "surprise" pregnancy, it takes charting and planning and ovulation sticks and metformin and clomid- HATE IT!!!! I hate that no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get rid of the spare tire around my belly. I hate that my once beautiful skin is now just . . . .gross. I hate that after a shower there are clumps of hair in the drain because of you. I despise that fact that 1 piece of white bread gets me a pound or more. All in all I just HATE you.
    Please feel free to leave this unwelcome host at any time!
  • pandorah7777
    pandorah7777 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm not. Just very strick diet.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hello Ladies, My name is Sabrina and I have a doctor’s appointment on May 4 to go and get tested for PCOS. I'm quite scared. I started my period at 12, it was normal until 18 when things started complicating. They became very irregular, I never questioned it though I blamed stress and diet when you research all the symptoms separately it never comes up until 3 weeks ago I found what I was looking for. From 19 to now (I’m 23) I have grown significant facial hair, I have ingrown hairs on my neck from where I have to shave/ wax/ tweeze every week at least, at 20 I had high blood pressure, I’ve been trying to lose weight for about a year and CANNOT lose it!!!!!! I only maintain and when my period does roll around it gets worse and worse with every one. I have dark patches, which until these posts I didn’t know that was a symptom. Wish me luck... But in a sick way I sort of hope I do have it, all the time I’ve struggled with all these things I always thought it was just me. Now there’s kind of a light It’s not just all in my head, there could be a legitimate reason for my struggles. If it is positive it’s going to hurt but at least I will know! You all have been an inspiration that it doesn’t have to conquer you, so I know now that I don’t have to be as scared there are ways because, you all have done it!! THANK YOU! I will update.
    keep us posted! It sounds very much like PCOS...almost in every way actually...But don't worry! We can beat this!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    To those of you with PCOS who have lost weight, were you on meds?
    Im only on metformin...I also take lots of vitamins because the metformin actually decreases your vitamin B....ugh...if its not one thing it's another!:mad:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS-
    I HATE YOU. Seriously. You have wreaked havoc with my body, my emotions and my hormones for years. I can't stand that I have to take medication to have children- I will never have a "surprise" pregnancy, it takes charting and planning and ovulation sticks and metformin and clomid- HATE IT!!!! I hate that no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get rid of the spare tire around my belly. I hate that my once beautiful skin is now just . . . .gross. I hate that after a shower there are clumps of hair in the drain because of you. I despise that fact that 1 piece of white bread gets me a pound or more. All in all I just HATE you.
    Please feel free to leave this unwelcome host at any time!
    I agree with everything you just said! Especially the hair thing....ugh my hair was GORGEOUS and now it just keeps falling out day by day...It makes me want to cry because there is really nothing I can do about it..The exercise and weightloss isn't helping keep my hair from falling out.
  • ifiwasurvampire
    ifiwasurvampire Posts: 181 Member
    To those of you with PCOS who have lost weight, were you on meds?
    I am currently not on any medicine. And have lost 25lbs! But I also do a lot of. Exercise I do not log.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    To those of you with PCOS who have lost weight, were you on meds?
    I am currently not on any medicine. And have lost 25lbs! But I also do a lot of. Exercise I do not log.
    Same here I truly think that exercise(I mean LOTS of it!) and lo carb (if you do eat carbs make them whole grain) are the key in losing weight with PCOS
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Dear PCOS,

    You SUCK! I have struggled with my self image and sex appeal for years.

    PCOS can be controlled by weight loss but PCOS makes it extremely hard to loos weight. It's a very frustrating cycle. PCOS common symptoms are: uncontrolled hormones, lack of cycle, heavy periods, weight gain or hard to loose weight, facial hair, adult acne, lack of ovulation ( infertility issues), higher chance of diabetes, mood swings, and depression.

    I've suffered from PCOS for 15 yrs. I've had 2 kids but have also miscarried twice ( one at 6.5 months). The key to getting pregnant is to track your temp, sex and cycle. You need to find out how often your ovulate. It took me 10 months to get prego with my son. I did 6 month is temps to find the hormone peek of my ovulation so it can all be scheduled. I do find that with a weight loss I can jump start my cycle and some times it will increase my ovulation. Every time I have gotten pregnant it was after a nice weight loss of 10 lbs or more.

    As for the acne I had to see a dermatologist and get meds. I got laser hair removal for my face and it kinda worked. I have to go back to get more treatments done. Stubborn stupid hair. Good luck ladies.
    I tried doing the whole Charting thing for about 5 cycles with Clomid.....but I recently stopped because nothing stuck....and I was just like...ya know what? Im just going to lose all my weight first. If I get preggers then YAY!!!!! but if least I will be one SEXY lady! lol Im really hoping that once I get to my goal weight it will just happen for us:)