650 pounds... Rambling introduction



  • SanDoThis
    I have never read a post this long before on MFP, I am glad I took the time to read this. YOU GOT THIS! Wishing you all the best and success in your journey! Be proud of yourself, you have already overcome a lot in your life!
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    You're awesome...just, awesome.
  • Sondicalondi
    Sondicalondi Posts: 57 Member
    Thank you for sharing. Would love to help you in your journey in anyway I can. FR me if you would like, you are very strong for putting this all out there.
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    You Sir, are amazing and we salute you!


    Much Respect!

    ETA - Friend Request sent!
  • RachelX04
    RachelX04 Posts: 1,123 Member
    wow, what an introduction. My heart goes out to you. I have no words to express what I am thinking, but your words described something for me that I had a difficult time describing for myself. Stay stong, motivated and take it one day, one meal, one activitiy at a time. You can do this.
  • phoenixdon1
    Sir, you are truly amazing. Such a strong soul! Friend request sent
  • m_guarino92
    amazing :)
  • Ronij59
    Ronij59 Posts: 191 Member
    I can't stop crying for you and with you for your loss and yet know that your successes will be HUGE! I would love to be your friend and I am going to be there with you all the way. I promise!
  • yougogirl45
    yougogirl45 Posts: 10 Member
    I wanted to take a few more moments of your time to respond to the outpouring of support I've received since I introduced myself to the MFP community. It's humbling to read post after post, page after page of kind words and support from people who've never met me. We come to MFP often in pain and fear. Something has changed in us that forces us to recognize that the steps we need to take to live better, healthier lives must be faced honestly. This honesty can be brutal. But as we hold the mirror up to ourselves, as we look at our reflections and contemplate we're we have gone wrong, what we have done wrong, we can temper that brutality with compassion and support.

    Yesterday, you as a community opened your arms and welcomed me. 10 friends, 50 friends, 100 friends, 200 friends.... It was breathtaking the response I received. The personal notes of support were touching and much appreciated. Notes of encouragement, suggestions for books, websites.... New friends offering to stand with me as I journey towards a new life. A better life. A life worth living. A life my sister would be proud of.

    New friends that I'd just met today, opening their hearts and investing their time to look at my food diary. Offering to purchase pedometers or FitBit to help me become a fitter person as I shed the weight. Who does that? I think that if there is one positive part about being overweight, it is this shared understanding of what it being overweight means. The pain, bullying, fears, despair are we have all endured are shared, and because all of us have these shared experience maybe it makes it easier to reach out.

    Surprisingly, I received emails from so many members that had shared some of the more horrific aspects of my story. Some of it was beautiful... A mother friended me, then contacted me asking if she could please have her son friend me and talk to me. A young man that had been molested and was dealing with the painful ramifications of his abuse. Another young man that has been too shy to post his story or his weight. It's humbling to think my post, that I almost didn't share, could touch people. It leaves me with a feeling of responsibility. It was my complete honor to be trusted with so many peoples lives. Their secrets and fears. I don't know why you thought I was worthy, you've only just met me, but believe me my new friends, whatever your story, embrace our commonalities and goals. We all want the same thing, right?

    There was only one negative issue that I'd like to touch on before I close. As I read posts and emails, I would occasional come across this strange theme that a person's accomplishments or life experience was negligible compared to me. That somehow losing 100 pounds was more valid then losing 2, that my pain somehow trivialized their lives or accomplishments. And I don't understand that. Everything we do to reach our goals is work. My work may take longer, but it is in no way better or harder then anyone else. Your accomplishments matter. Your pain and sweat matter. It doesn't matter how long or how hard we work does it? It just matters that we work. And you should be proud of every inch you've lost, every pound you've lost, and never belittle or trivialize it again. Your work is too damn important to be dismissed. And I'm really going to be hurt if you can't be as proud and supportive of yourself as you have been of me...

    Thank you for your welcome. I'm honored.

    Your follow-up post melted my heart just as much as your original one. With all the craziness in the world (just turn on the evening news), the support you received was a welcome reminder as to how very good people can be.

    I also especially appreciated your last paragraph. Everybody Has A Story. Everybody. And suffering is not relative.

    "We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world." - Marianne Williamson

    I'd be honored to be your friend as you Become the You that You were meant to Be.
  • marthalgutierrez92
    You've inspired me.
    Thank you.
    Please don't give up,
    let go of the past and the hardships.
    You can do it!
  • 2015170
    2015170 Posts: 12 Member
    To: Rambling introduction: I didn't catch your name, but.........

    I am amazed at the beautiful way you write. Heartfelt, honest and humble. You just may be the one person I have read about on these pages to make me want to try. Being a yo-yo dieter for decades and getting next to nowhere, I actually am feeling like maybe, just maybe, I can try again and make it this time. I will be remembering you and all that you are overcoming as I begin in a stronger way to get these pounds off.

    Thank you for posting this story of your life. I'm sure you haven't told the half of it, but what you did write here is enough for me. :)
  • chocobis09
    chocobis09 Posts: 57 Member
    So inspirational! Thank you for sharing and good luck on your journey!
  • mandymack14
    mandymack14 Posts: 100 Member

    All of this may be the reasons behind why I eat, but the bottom line is, I did this to myself. No one forced me to eat, no one forced me to not stay on a diet, no one forced me not to get exercize. I was a 650 pound sick man, who really only had himself to blame. And even sick, I still had my blinders on.

    This! This! THIS!

    WOW! Tannun, you know what? I didn't shed a single tear reading your story and I didn't once feel sorry for you! I am so sad you had such a traumatic childhood but, right from the word go, I picked up that yours was a story of survival not sadness. I felt power rising in me as I read on ... cheering for you all the while.

    But when I read the paragraph quoted above I KNEW you were on the winning track. You've been a survivor all your life, but also a victim. When you understood that the things that happened to you are REASONS and not EXCUSES for your issues - that is when you changed from survivor/victim to survivor/hero. You are a hero! You are saving your own life and inspiring many, many others.

    I know a little about what got you to where you are. For me it wasn't weight. I had other issues. But I DO know what a turning point it is when you let go of being a victim and take responsibility for your own healing.

    I feel certain you'll have set backs along the way. There will be triggers that will have you yearning for the comfort of food - and sometimes you might give in. That's OK. It's part of healing - learning to recognise your triggers and finding new ways to deal with those feelings. The important thing is never to beat yourself up and never give up. Treat yourself with the same love and lightness you have for your sisters and niece. Something like this: "That was yesterday. This is a new day. And today I am back on the healing journey (with new insights)!"

    I wish every success for you, with every fibre of my being. You are not alone - there's a whole army of us out here: healing, taking responsibility, falling down and getting up again, winning! You have the power - your survival is proof of that. But now you are a hero, and heroes do extraordinary things! I can't wait to read more as your journey progresses.

    You probably have more friends now than you know how to deal with but if one more can help please feel free to add me as a supporter.

    PS They're not spelling mistakes - I'm an Aussie. And other commenters are spot on - the OP is a talented writer!
  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    Amazing story of life struggles. It shows you are a survivor and you can do anything!
  • SchatzieLoosesWeight
    What a touching story. God bless you for your courage. You are fearless! Hope you all the best. Am here for you...
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    Be strong. God bless you and keep you.
  • rdfhunter
    rdfhunter Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing.. You're an inspiration
  • Fightingvonne31
    Your story is very much inspiration keep up the good work i am sure your sister is smiling down at yyou:)
  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    Amazing post, thank you for sharing.
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    I SO BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!! Never give up.