What's the REAL reason you want to lose weight?

Is it actually for your health?

It's not for me. I'm already at a healthy weight.. honestly, I try not to let myself conform to society's standards of beauty, but thin to me represents someone who is healthy, takes care of themselves, and has self-control... all attractive features. Now don't get me wrong, someone with extra fat on their body can absolutely be all of these things and often are! It's just hard not to succumb to the pressure that thin is healthy and how everyone should be. Another reason that I want to be thin is because I'm vegan and a nutrition major... I feel like people have these ideas that vegans need to be thin and dietitians need to be thin. I feel like being thin is also a great way to promote the vegan lifestyle... someone might ask "how do you stay so thin?" and an answer might be "well, first of all, I eat a healthy, vegan diet.." and it might get people curious to try out veganism (which I want everyone to do, it makes you feel amazing!).

It's funny, I find people beautiful at every size yet it's hard for me to find myself beautiful unless I'm thin.

So what's your honest reason?


  • caimay149
    caimay149 Posts: 65 Member
    I want a hot boyfriend.
  • pinkiezoom
    pinkiezoom Posts: 409 Member
    I want to show my cheating EX's what a fool they have been :smiley:
  • I see older people in my family, and I want to get thin/healthy before its too late. I want to be in the best shape of my life before I'm 30
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I actually started my weight loss journey for health, seeing as my parents are suffering medically and I don't want to end up that way. Plus I'm a nursing student! I can't advocate health if I'm not healthy. :)
  • carryncoulson
    carryncoulson Posts: 29 Member
    My Mom ended up in hospital early this year with Atrial Fibrollation (heart was beating irregularly over 200 beats a minute) due to undiagnosed high blood pressure. We almost lost her, she was at an incredibly high risk of a stroke or heart attack. I will never forget the despair I felt at not being able to do anything to help. When she came out she had to change her diet and seeing as we live together with my brother as well.... We all changed diet in support. Moderate sugar, low salt etc. My big reason for wanting to lose is to not make my loved ones feel the despair I felt when she landed in hospital, to form good eating habits now and not have to do damage control when I`m in my 60s.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I don't think its all about being 'thin' to be honest. I have been 'thin' before and looked to 'thin' for my own good, especially at 5 ft 9. The media and these magazines are making out that 'thin' is beautiful, hence why so many young girls are on diets when they should be enjoying there life, and not hoping on the scales everything 5 mins. Why don't they put more plus size models on the front pages, girls with cellulite, stretch marks, spots, scars etc???

    Why not eat healthy, exercise and enjoy life - They are all attractive features to me : )

    Thin for me is not top of my agenda list - To others its the be and end all!!!! There is more to life than being 'thin' - Enjoy it, You never know how long your here for : )

  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    to be healthier and have more stamina for crazy monkey sex :smiley:
  • anish137i
    anish137i Posts: 3 Member
    My friend was died due to hart attack,That realize me the importance of healthy life.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    It started for health reasons. Never cared what the number on the scale said but soon as I discovered I had type II diabetes, that was my wake up call to change. I no longer have to take meds to control it and periodic checks show I am no longer diabetic. Now my main focus is keeping myself that way along with getting stronger and more fit doing things I wasn't able to do before. The number on the scale is still irrelevant to me.
  • Because I want to lose the weight from my butt/hips/boobs, and hopefully the feminine curves that go with that weight.
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    lorib642 wrote: »
    to be healthier and have more stamina for crazy monkey sex :smiley:

    Why would you want sex with a crazy monkey? Sane monkeys make much better lovers... kidding.

    I'm losing for pure vanity!
  • I'm not getting any younger. If I don't do this now, I might never get it done. I'm down close to 100 lbs and feeling good, but I want to make sure I actually live to see 80.

    And a COMFORTABLE 80, at that.
  • AnemoneWoodshadow
    AnemoneWoodshadow Posts: 13 Member
    Im losing weight for vain reasons really. I want to wear nice clothes that fit properly, I love jeans and jackets and 50's dresses. Also I want to be able to do child's pose at yoga without suffocating on my fat tummy, I know I can stretch much further than my fat allows me to!!
    So I guess I am losing weight for me really, and so my little girl has a healthy mumma!
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    my reason was to look good on holiday. but even though it is a pure vain reason lots of benefits have followed. i feel healthy, not tired all the time, indigestion issues gone, and i am stronger.
  • Benjinkan
    Benjinkan Posts: 1,107 Member
    Well both parents are large, so I guess that has always played a factor in me wanted to stay in shape and not follow that trend.

    Plus y'know, to look good nekkid :wink:
  • WelshPhil1975
    WelshPhil1975 Posts: 138 Member
    The trigger for me was that I am 40 next year and if I don’t lose weight now I am worried I’ll develop health issues sooner rather than later (I’ve always seen 40 as a sort of “gateway” into middle age and I don’t want to carry on being very overweight as I am not getting any younger). I also want to play and do things with my children without feeling the need to sit down all the time or get my breath back all too often.

    But there’s a generous helping of vanity thrown in to the mix aswell; as much as I want to feel good health-wise, I want to get my confidence back that perhaps I don’t look as bad as I have told myself over the past 20 years.

    Who doesn’t want to look as good as they can?
  • fobs13
    fobs13 Posts: 1,080 Member
    I have been thin the majority of my adult life.I prefer myself that way so want to get back to the way I used to feel. I am already at a healthy weight but prefer to be closer to the weight I have been for 80% of my adult life.

    I never really worried about being fit so this time want to be fit as well as thin as in my 40's my health is now as important as vanity.
  • feather144
    feather144 Posts: 4 Member
    Throughout 2013 and the first half of this year, I hardly exercised at all, while paying no attention to what/how much I ate. I would go out to eat several times a week, and I work a desk job so I was fairly inactive throughout the day. I rarely weigh myself (just go by how my clothes fit) but I'd say I put on at least 15 pounds, which doesn't seem like a lot but I'm hardly 5'3 and petite so when I gain it really shows. I want to be able to fit into my old clothes again! :) I felt so defeated going shopping for jeans and having to buy a bigger size. What really pushed me though was seeing pictures of myself and how visible the weight gain was in my face!

    When I graduated high school a few years ago, I noticed I had put on some weight and didn't like it, so I made a lifestyle change, which I largely stuck with until last year, due to some things going on in my life. I feel so much more confident and happy when I workout regularly and eat better. I want to stick with it for the rest of my life. I'm already noticing huge changes in how my clothes are fitting after only a few weeks, and I'm feeling great! I want to get into the best shape of my life, and maintain that :)
  • feather144
    feather144 Posts: 4 Member
    pinkiezoom wrote: »
    I want to show my cheating EX's what a fool they have been :smiley:

    And this, 100%!! :wink:

  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    It was never for my health. It's always been because I want to look like society thinks women should look and because I want to actually like myself instead of hate myself.