

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Mimi: I agree that the text is too small. So are the pictures of us. I put my ticker back. I found it on my home page and added the url to the bottom of the word document I use to compose my messages. :)

    Cynthia: I agree with you about the silliness of removing the tickers. Some people have always chosen not to share them, and it should be the choice of the poster/member. :)

    Alaska Susan: Welcome. :)

    Heather and Renny: What have you done that has improved your depression situation? I take Wellbutrin plus lots of vitamin d3 with calcium. I also added daylight temperature lights all over my house. I haven’t been depressed since I did that combination of things. I need all of them. :)<3

    DeeDee: I don’t like the new format either. They have work to do. I have to search for this group each time I come by typing in the name of it. The only things that come up under my posts are the ones I send to MFP about problems. I don’t like our teeny tiny pictures or the teeny tiny font. :\

    LizPlus: It is nice to hear from you! Congratulations on jacking up your cable provider and getting some improvements. :D

    JB: Your dogs have friendly faces and an amazing background. Where was the photo taken? I couldn’t get the picture to enlarge. I wonder why not. :\

    Painted Lady: Welcome. This is an open group and we welcome new women. All of us were new at some point and some of us have been here several years. My second anniversary is coming up. You’ll learn the acronyms and abbreviations as you go along. NSV=Non-scale Victory. DH = Dear Husband, or less flattering D words depending on the situation. :D>:)

    Sylvia: I LOVE the lawyer joke! I also love your comments about the supportive aspect of this thread and the “little things” that make up the fabric of our daily lives. You are a wise woman, and this is a very special group. If this is what sisters are like, I’m even sorrier that I’m an only child. But I have all of you and some other very dear long terms friends who are like sisters. I’m grateful. <3

    Robin: I’m happy that you got the prescription sorted out with the pharmacy. Finding a counselor is always a challenge because you need someone you can relate to and vice versa. I wish you good luck with the search. Once years ago I was having a lot of stress due to teens and sick elderly parents, so I went to the free counseling provided by my employer. The “counselor“ greeted me and then lay down on his office floor. He told me it was to make me more comfortable. I walked out and never returned. I also reported the situation to my employer’s personnel department. Now I think it is funny, but I didn’t at the time. Your girls are beautiful. I’ve no advice for the urine situation with Bodi other than hard floors and a handy mop. Carpeting doesn’t seem like a good idea. :\

    Heather: You started here about 6 months before me. My second anniversary is coming up. :-)

    Carol: Good that you went to see an attorney. This is a situation where you needed good legal advice. It sounds like you’ve made a sound plan. Good luck! I’m sorry to hear that your coworker lost his wife. He needs all the support he can get. :)

    Cynthia: Only you can get your mojo back, but what drove my change was anger that I couldn’t do something I wanted to do because of my weight. It was a powerful motivator for me. Somewhere along the line I started wanting to be healthier, and then began enjoying the feeling of better health. This group has been a huge part of that transformation in my thinking. <3

    Beth in WNY: Your sons are very handsome. They take after their mom.:-)

    Juanita in Sudbury: Welcome back. I hope we’ll see you regularly. You’ve certainly had an eventful year. I’m sorry for your losses and stress.:-)

    Nannyjackie: welcome.:-)

    Sue in SD and yanniejannie: Thanks for all your advice and support regarding the riding helmet. I bought a Troxel helmet yesterday. It is fuchsia in color. If I’m out riding trails, I want to be noticed as a human, NOT a game animal. I know that black is the appropriate helmet color for a show ring, but I don’t expect to ever be inside a show ring as a contestant. I might be on bleachers looking at a show, though. :-)

    Joyce: My ticker was saved to my homepage. I had to copy the code under it and paste the code into my posts. Since I normally type my posts in a word document, I simply saved the code at the bottom of the document. That way I don’t have to go back and copy it from my home page each time.:-)

    Heather: I love your quotation, DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD! It is an excellent reminder and one that I need. I hope you get over your virus quickly and enjoy life again. Your reminder that 98% of dieters put the weight back on strikes a note with me. I did exactly that after the birth of DD years ago. I deprived myself for months on a thousand calorie diet, took the weight off, and then checked it off of my “to do list” and went right back to my old way of eating. Surprise—I got my old results. It took time to put it all back on and then I put on some more. I don’t want to do that again, which is why I’m still counting every calorie and sticking around with you wonderful women. Plus, you’ve all become important to me. <3

    I have my bright fuchsia helmet at the ready and my riding lesson starts at 4:30 this afternoon. I look forward to meeting my new teacher in person. I hope she is good at her job and I make lots of gains in skill.<3

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Robin, Here is a commercial version of what I was telling you about:

    Thank you for the link. After seeing it I went to Amazon and searched. there are quite a few types out there and I will be getting some to try.

    Yesterday was a good day. I started the anti-depressant and I got some things done around the house. I then had a long over due dinner with an old friend. we spent hours talking. I only ate half of my meal and I planned for it so I did well. I feel optimistic this morning. That's new.

    I am not focusing on weight loss right now. I am focusing on my state of mind. Exercise will help with the depression of course so I will be thinking about that.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    edited October 2014
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Robin: Finding a counselor is always a challenge because you need someone you can relate to and vice versa. I wish you good luck with the search. Once years ago I was having a lot of stress due to teens and sick elderly parents, so I went to the free counseling provided by my employer. The “counselor“ greeted me and then lay down on his office floor. He told me it was to make me more comfortable. I walked out and never returned. I also reported the situation to my employer’s personnel department. Now I think it is funny, but I didn’t at the time.

    Katla, I have seen a few counselors in my day and there are good ones and really not good ones. :bigsmile: I am sure it will all work out. I have to just keep trying. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    edited October 2014
    Katla - just press the star at the top of these posts - it should turn yellow. Then it is bookmarked. Then to find it again you press the grey star next to the little bell at the top. It shows you how many have posted since you and takes you to them. :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,368 Member
    edited October 2014

    Walking along the High Line, an old railway track through the Meatpacking District that has been turned into an urban park. :love:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Friday! Tonight DGD is coming to stay for a week. Her parents are going to LasVegas with some friends. Going to be interesting as DGD is in the first grade, so going to have to take and pickup at school and she has dance class. I have flipped my hours at work this next week so I will be able to pick her up each day and DH will drop her off in the mornings before he goes to work. Tomorrow we are going to Nebraska City to the apple farm with DD and her family. Going to celebrate DGS's 2nd birthday also. Went out last evening to Sears and got him acouple outfits. They have so many toys so wanted to get something he would use. Sounds like it will only in the 60's so hoping for a good day. My eating has been out of control the last two days. I have to figure out to stay busy when I am home and not eat all the time. I am so close to being at 200 and seems I can't get past it. But not giving up.
    One thing I do like about this change is when I click on the star it takes me to my last post so I know where to start.

    Welcome Kat- You have come to great group for support and friendship. Hope to see you posting again often. We are a chatting group.

    Robin--Glad to see you back. Hope things keep getting better. Sorry to hear about Bodi. Sending hugs and prayers for both of you. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Since we got my dad's dog after he passed last March him and my other two seem to see who can pee on the most in the house. DH shampoos the carpets about once everyother week and we use alot of frebreze for pets. Helps alot. Good Luck.

    Carol--Sure hope everything is ok with your DD. Sorry to hear DD is still not feeling well. I agree interesting talk with the lawyer. I do hope it works out that you get the new place.

    Slyvia--I am finding somethings I do like about this new way and some I can not figure out. But life is about change and I have to adjust. Hope you have a great time this weekend. Sounds like having people with you at the studio was a smart move to make. The pot is very pretty. Sounds like your fitbit is in the sleep mod. Tap it several times and see if it comes out of it. I am having trouble with making mine sync I have to reload it and do the repair almost everyday lately. I do like the way you talk about us and I agree. It's like my family here.

    Barbie--Like the pictures. You have done such a fantastic job and look great.

    Kim--Glad to hear things with your roommate are working well.

    Joyce--Sure hope DD feels better in time for your trip. Sounds like she has a BAD case of the flu.

    Liz--Good to see you posting again. I wish our cable company would do something like that for us. We have thought about changing packages and the channels we watch are in the upper tier.

    Joy--Sorry you are not feeling comfortable here. This is a great group and just by posting you have joined. We share our lives and give support. Some of us answer posts and mostly we just share our ups and downs. It helps me to know that I am not alone in this. Is there something I could do to make you feel more a part of us?

    Cat--Congrates on the new spin class. You are so right, this aging is not for wimps! lol

    Cynthia--Sending you lots of Hugs. I know what you mean about being out of control. I do better when I am not home and close to food. But the important thing is do not give up. Each day is a new start. Acouple days ago one little problem sent me to an all out eating session. Yesterday was not good as then I found out I had over reacted and felt guilty so I ate enough ice cream to feed a family of five. Today I am doing better so far, but at work so will see what happens when I get home. Going to walk home so give me time to pray.

    Beth--thanks for sharing the picture of your boys. Very nice looking young men.

    Welcome Jackie--hope to see you back often.

    WOW!! Looks like most of us are having the afternoon-evening lets eat everything not nailed down. What are we going to do??? I am so tried of feeling like a failure.

    Well ladies time to get this posted and get ready to get off work. Going down to have a complimentary massage that I got as a gift. They do them here at the hospital acouple days a week. Then will walk home in time to meet DH and go pay some bills and get a gift bag for DGS's birthday present for tomorrow. Remember ladies we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~have a wake for the husband of one of my knitting buddies.
    My friend with the cancer was suppose to go home,she developed fluid in the lung,now they are doing surgery.
  • audbod63
    audbod63 Posts: 15 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Thank you Barbie for the October thread. September was a good month for me. For the most part I stayed on task with exercise and dieting and I feel very good. I am getting closer to my goal of being overweight and no longer obese. In October, I would like to up my fitbit steps from 5 miles a day to

    Audrey in Hawthorne CA
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Everyone - found you again at last! Wow so many changes since I last logged in! I couldn't even find the message boards to begin with! Why did I have this week to be so crazy busy that I couldn't find time to post in community!

    Welcome to all the newbies - really good to hear from you. Keep posting!

    Hopefully, I will work out how to attach my ticker - I like to see how little I have lost in a hope to encourage me to keep at it! :)

    This was just a quick post now that I have found you. We are just about to go out to spend some time to support our Street Pastors, taking the dogs out with us.

    Happy weekend everyone.

    Maryann (MA) in UK

    Found the bb code - will it work and add my ticker? Here goes!

  • JackieMM6
    JackieMM6 Posts: 9 Member
    edited October 2014
    What a lot of trouble to get a ticker on here! Well, on my page. Still don't know how to add it to my posts.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good late afternoon ladies :flowerforyou:

    Mimi :) I love your pics, your granddaughters are so cute, and your parents look marvelous <3 !!!

    Joyce :) Wow! Your hard work has certainly paid off, I would have never guessed that was you in that pic! I sure hope your daughter starts feeling!!!!

    Cynthia :) Love the pic of the doggie and your “new” room! I`ve had a few spots frozen off and they blistered up, looked awful and felt awful, hope yours is better now. You`ve been going through so much, you`re overwhelmed right now and it`s okay.

    Heather :) Hope you feel better! Love your pics!

    Liz :) I`m so sorry you`re not feeling well!

    Margaret :) Thanks for all the tips on how to navigate the forums! I bet your friend really appreciates your help with the students and I bet the students love you!

    Jb :) Timber and Rugby are so cute!!! So glad you had a good time on your trip!

    Joy in the UK :) Jump in and join the conversation!!!

    Sylvia :) Thanks for the tips on how to navigate the forums!!!! Hope you`re having a good time!

    Robin :) I`m so happy to see you back!!! I hope the meds will work for you and you`ll be feeling much better soon! Noel is sending Bodi and Ritter hugs!! Olivia looks just like a little princess! Andelane looks like a little disappointed princess! Your daughter is just like you…beautiful!

    Caron in NC :) Glad you got advice from the attorney! Sorry to hear about your co workers wife! What a cute pic of your son, and yes, I saw the graduation pic, big difference, but still very handsome! Hope things are okay with your DD!

    Cat in Utah :) I so enjoyed reading your post! You`re right aging is not for wimps!!!

    Beth :) Your sons are so handsome, as handsome as their mother is beautiful!

    Juanita :) So nice to see your post and your beautiful face! Sorry you`ve been going through so much!

    Lesley :) Oh my goodness, that Mildred, yuck. Looks like you`re doing good on your plan!

    Michele :) I still don`t like the format, and for some reason when I`m on my iPad on MFP it will freeze the screen, I spend more time resetting the iPad than I do getting to read, guess I`ll just have to get the laptop out. It was a gorgeous day today, nice and warm and now it looks like we`re getting ready to have a ferocious thunderstorm.

    Yanniejannie :) DH thought your oregano was weeds, and lost his keys and started a fire…yikes!

    Katla :) You can click on the star and bookmark the thread and then click on the star when you go to community and it should take you right to the thread….it`s just more steps than I like, and it wasn`t broken before, in fact I thought the old format was awesome! I`m glad you decided to get a helmet, and a bright fuchsia at that!

    Viki :) I love reading your posts, you are a very thoughtful person! Hope you enjoy your granddaughters visit!

    Jane Martin :) Sending you hugs!!! So sorry to hear your friend didn`t get to come home yet!

    I know I missed a lot of people, if you`re new… Welcome, this is a great group of supportive women, pop in often and chat away!!!

    It looks like the sky is about to fall in right now and there is thunder in the distance, Noel always looks forward to a little afternoon walk, guess we`ll miss it today!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

    DeeDee in stormy NC

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    what the heck happened here? I have tried all day to find you guys! At least I finally did! I had to buy my own scale because the one at work has mysteriously gone missing. off to have dinner with friends...more tomorrow! Meg
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    edited October 2014
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    Walking along the High Line, an old railway track through the Meatpacking District that has been turned into an urban park. :love:

    You look absolutely beautiful
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited October 2014
    Afternoon friends,

    Welcome newcomers :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee Noel is such a cutie.

    Heather your trip looked delightful. Hope you feel better soon.

    Jane prayers for your friend.

    The newcomers to my friends class are settling in well. Despite all the new additions her class is calmer than the one she had last year. She is doing a fabulous job with them. :bigsmile:

    I prefer the old icons to the new ones. You have to have the exact word and put it into :: to have it added. I found the words by going to sending a message. All the old icons are there when you put an arrow on them the word pops up underneath.

    One feature I do like in this new format is when you go to bookmarks it tells you how many new posts are there since the last time you visited the site. I will probably not use bump so often anymore.

    I still think they should put a short statement about bookmarking when you visit the community page, so you know how to more easily find discussions you are interested in. Heather thanks for explaining about the star. I think it is good to keep repeating it.
    As I edit this I also think the edit feature should also be explained. Miss edit feature in old system. It is the cog in upper right corner of your post. You also need to click on edit when it appears. Too many steps. :grumble:

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,658 Member
    Margaret – thanks for the hint on the “bell” but can’t get the bookmark, no yellow no matter what I do…. grrr :disappointed:

    Mimi – cute pictures!!!

    Joyce – interesting to see you heavy, I would barely recognize you!! Sorry to hear your DD was so sick… hope she gets better quick!!!

    Cynthia – I have “pinned” a doc in word that I call MFP stationary, with my goals, signature, and now the link to ticker, and then I just type comments into it – copy and paste into reply, and NO saving it, as it is already saved as just stationary.

    I know you’ll get back on track, and honesty is always good, you are among friends and we support you as you take the steps to get back on track. :sunglasses:

    Buddy is SO SO cute!!!! And I like the color of your new floor!

    Alaska Susan – good Job!

    Joy in UK – hang in there – we are the same supportive gals, just stuck behind the new system!

    Sylvia – so glad your fitbit is back to normal!!! So well said about how we support each other – if this is what it is like to have sisters; I wish I had one…

    Robin – great pictures ! White vinegar in water (50/50) helps cut the urine scent

    Carol – great pic!!!

    Cat – you may want to consider new shoes with better cushion and arch support, having your feet hurt that badly sucks!!! " :cry:

    Jackie – welcome --- there are a few “foodies” here and we are learning to continue to love food, just to do it in smaller portions. :smiley:

    Terri_mom – glad you don’t lay on the floor naked at work as I don’t think you can be on MFP in jail!!!

    Lesley – what a naughty dog and a wonderful hubby for cleaning up!

    Heather - great great pic!!

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday morning here. I am sure I posted yesterday but GONE.
    Had a good day yesterday exercise wise at 595 cals. Walked the dog and toxic neighbour's husband in garden. He NOT happy with her as garden NOT in good place. He was whippersnipping garden as she too lazy to mow. Just said yes and said have to go. Dog behaved herself.
    Have done Bob's Body rev cardio and off to do his kettle-bells and then walk this afternoon.
    My scale is being stubborn and stuck on same weight 5 days. See what tape and BF% says on Monday,
    Had the Livinglite breakfast and its beef bourgignon for dinner.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Debmal77
    Debmal77 Posts: 4,770 Member
    Hello ladies. I'm Deb. Hope everyone has a wonderful October. Can you guess where I'm from? The attached picture should give you a hint! :p
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Short note. Been a hectic day. I have tried to do some organizing but decided to sit and cal my youngest daughter and see how she is. Well she had tried to go to work, that's just the way she is. You go to work unless you are half dead. But the more she was in the getting ready process she went the worse she felt and then felt real faintly in the car. So she went inside and called in. So I called her,glad I did, and convinced her to cal and see if she could get in with her doctors nurse practitioner. She got an immediate appointment so off I went. Hadn't curled my hair, was raining. NP agreed with me that she didn't understand why she was put on Vistaril just to dry secretions. She could have used an over the counter drug and it wouldn't make her so drowsy. She said she needed an antibiotic but wasn't sure how quick it would make her feel any better. So I suggested a shot to give her a boost of antibiotic. . Then we went to walgreens, they said they hadn't received the prescription so called Dr office. It got called in again. Took her to the grocery store them back to Walgreens. Still no prescription. I don't know how many times I was in and out of the rain, well drizzle. Other daughter should get in around 8:30this evening and if the weather holds they will all go to the Fall Festival tomorrow.then heading out to Florida on Sunday

    Sylvia, so sorry part of your kiln was broke. The kids need ground rules not only from you but their parents also

    Joyce, Indiana
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member

    There is a star outline by the title of a discussion that is the star that turns yellow when you click on it. The gray star at the top of the page when you go to the community page is a solid gray and does not change color when you click on it. At the top of this page is the title WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR OCTOBER 2014 right above the small magnify glass is the star that you click on to mark for the bookmark.