
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    edited October 2014
    Katla - on my tablet the cog in the top right hand corner does not appear until I press the empty space! What a crazy design fault. I have got most of my old emoticons back with the colon system, but you have to be careful not to leave any spaces :noway: :laugh:

    Renny - I think it must have been Rita I was talking to. :embarassed:
    Katla - I didn't do anything much for my depression - just married DH. I now feel 'all of a piece', which I never did before. If I start getting fragmented and not living true to myself then I can feel things slipping. Have to haul them back into line. Of course, over the years I have done masses of work on myself. And spent a lot of money on it. I used to say "I have pieces of mind", - now I have "peace of mind". (*)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    afternoon ladies, fighting a bit of a headache, think it is the weather, it rained most of the morning,so sometimes that gives me a headache.. the DH are sitting inches apart at the same desk with the 2 computers, he is playing free cell and I am chatting with you, when he is out of firing range will fill you in on this mornings events :D
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    im back DH went to take a nap..
    I dont know if any of you believe in medium's or not but I went to see one this morning..
    It was wonderful..
    my mom came through, and said that I had aged, or a better word for it had matured lol,
    she said that she is proud of me and that she didnt think she was going to go before my dad,
    the medium also said that the spirit guides said I would be moving in less than 3 years, and that I need to start clearing stuff out..
    that I should focus on surrender, to stop doing and doing for everyone and to look into what is next for me, onto another career,
    she said do you take care of elderly people, well yea, my DFIL and my DF, well the guides see me working in maybe pallative care/hospice and maybe learning something along the lines of Reiki ,to help people with pain.
    then she said a younger male was coming through.
    I really need to speak with my dear friend that I grew up with ,it was my Godson that came through,she told me how he passed and he felt bad about what happened, his mom never really grieved for him, she put best face forward and has kept going, he was very close to his younger sister, and she is an actress/dancer out in Hollywood,said 2015 is going to be a great year for her ,a big break... he is keeping an eye on everyone.
    guides also said my dad's health will deteriorate, and he is stubborn and doesnt want to face the fact that this is happening..
    luckly I wrote most of all of it down, would love to go see her again.. and the room we sat in, was all about birds.. hmmmm go figure me being the bird girl... haa.
    the guides also told me that my daughter would further her education and that she would go into social work or that type of field.. that she would find and marry a rich man.. and that my grandaughter has some ability to really see things at 7 that most adults dont,that she will be an animal healer... interesting...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi Katla, I think the postings about depression are directed to me by mistake. I am trying to read back through the posts to find out who that person is, but am not successful so far.
    But thanks for your thoughtfulness.

    Sorry for the mix up, Renny, and thrilled you aren't suffering!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi ladies, I am really trying to stay caught up with this thread. So today DH and I are scrubbing the family room from top to bottom. Of course he doesn't do it right so we fight but at least it is getting done. :bigsmile: One positive thing about my depression is that I don't have much of an appetite. :laugh:

    I hope you are all doing well.
    I thought I would share a picture of the boys. I love these two soooo much. You can see how much Ritter loves Bodi.

    You can only edit your post for an hour after you post it. you will find a little gear icon at the top of the post that will let you edit.

    the old icons can be used by typing them out with a colon at the beginning and end. type them all lower case.
    I know these all work.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Robin, I think it was you I was talking to about depression. <3
    To any one who is depressed, my very best wishes. :love:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Gaaaa what is with this new format? I'm a creature of habit and don't like new things LOL. We've been deep cleaning the downstairs guest room, finally putting the spread and pillows on the bed and hanging pictures. We're going to dinner for our anniversary. 18 years tomorrow. DH won't tell me where we are going so no pre-planning. Oh well. I can have one night free. Our friends made us a lovely low fat, low carb dinner last night including a low carb dessert that was most yummy. My new weight watchers scale and I will get acquainted Monday! Take care all. Meg from sunny Omaha PS what is a BBCode? And how to you get this thread to show as a favorite? I'm digging through all the boards.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Experiment: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :shaking head: :tongue: :ohwell: :mad: :blush: :embarrassed: :cry: :tears:
    :flowerforyou: :uhuh: :tongue: :ohwell: :mad: :blush: :embarrassed: :cry:
    :flowerforyou: :tongue: :bomb: :mad: :blush: :embarrassed: :cry:

    Okay, I give. What is the command to make the wonderful little guy who rolls his eyes and shakes his head? I think if you'd list the words without the quotes I could copy them and be all set.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I don't seem to have the blush, either.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited October 2014
    blushing :blushing: noway :noway: embarassed :embarassed: for some reason embarrassed is misspelled, explode :explode: grumble :grumble:
    love :love: ohwell :ohwell: drinker :drinker: yawn :yawn: sad :sad: brokenheart :brokenheart: bigsmile :bigsmile: huh :huh: sick :sick: indifferent :indifferent: glasses :glasses: mad :mad: devil :devil: grumble :grumble: flowerforyou :flowerforyou: smooched :smooched: smokin :smokin: frown :frown: Laugh :laugh: happy :happy: tongue :tongue:
    If you type in the word preceding the icon and put colons around them these are some more I found. Need to have a space in front of colon as I found out as I typed these.

    smile, angry, wink, cry will be the new icons.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sonday morning here and my scheduled rest and re-feed day. We go for a drive out and walk the dog only.
    Stan making the bacon, eggs, has browns and tomato. Rack of lamb tonight.
    Posted my food and it comes in at 1740, so in line with the 1600 to9 1900 dietitian told me.
    Have to weigh as yet.
    The beef bourgignon from recipe on Livinglite was really good and enjoyed it with the mash potato they recommended for dinner.I like the recipes on Livinglite now.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Ludka13
    Ludka13 Posts: 136 Member
    Very sad that kayaking season is pretty much over. I love it and it burns hella calories. Now it's back to walking until May.

    No goals for me, other than keep logging and try to get the house cleaned up.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    edited October 2014

    Making French onion soup today. I think stirring the onions for an hour burns up calories. :tongue:
  • lesleychev
    lesleychev Posts: 56 Member
    rjadams wrote: »
    Making French onion soup today. I think stirring the onions for an hour burns up calories. :tongue:

    French onion soup sounds yummy!!
  • Sonny1
    Sonny1 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello everyone - I am over 50 but I do not care - and I want to keep it that way. I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year in February - I am doing fine now - finally back to feeling some what like a regular person again. I had just started running the year before I was diagnosed and was looking forward to a bunch of races and events - well all that was put off and I was disappointed to say the least but here I am - training for Run the Bridge 10k in Annapolis in November - and feeling good - I would love to get back to the weight I am most comfortable - it has been a tough road mentally and physically but I AM on the road!!! Nice to see all of you doing so well - I hope I can keep up an join you... :)
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited October 2014
    I wonder if this discussion will still have a cutoff at 500 replies, similar to the old forum system. We will soon find out. If so, I hope the feature that automatically creates the 2nd part still works.

    The rain stopped and the sun is shining. Hoping for more good weather this long Thanksgiving weekend.

    Welcome to all the newbies. You will find much support on this forum.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. I just got home from my trip and BOY am I tired! Had a wonderful time and learned a lot, so it was worthwhile. While trying to take a box of clay out of my friend's car, I dropped it on my leg and now have a huge, throbbing bruise just above my leg. Thank you blood thinners.

    I haven't done much more than skim the posts since I got home, but I'm going to bed now so I will just post today's joke of the day:

    A couple walking in the park noticed a young man and woman sitting on a bench, passionately kissing.

    "Why don't you do that?" said the wife.

    "Honey," replied her husband, "I don't even know that woman!"


    Goodnight everyone.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    The next post you see from me will be from the beach!!!! We leave at 7 AM sharp and the cars are mostly packed. We still have to get my wheel chair in, Charlie and my suitcase and other bags and my other daughter's. HMMMM, doesn't sound like we almost packed. The kids had a wonderful time at the Fall Festival. Michelle did feel like going, Her funny room mate wanted to go with her so they took a separate car. Everyone here said she looked good and acted like sh felt good just lacking enough sleep. Her and my SIL drive the second car. I am so glad that they get along so well. Sometimes I the wrong daughter married him. But him and his wife, Christina, are so well matched. So they are a cute trio. When we go to an amusement park, it's Michelle, Paul, the SIL, and sometimes me that go on the roller coasters and other thrill rides. Christina stays back with my husband and the two girls. Ellie, the younger girl, is much more adventuresome but Trinity the older one is 13 and is beginning to enjoy some of the bigger rides. Today at the fall festival they only rode the gigantic ferris wheel. Michelles room ate is a 40'ish little tiny Vietnamese. He has a huge sense of humor and is always invited to our family dinners. He fits right in. He is divorced with 2 kids and sees them quite often. He pays Michelle $50/month rent so he has it good.

    Be good you guys. I have no idea how my week will go. My SIL tried to fix my laptop so I could at least sync my fitbit but it is unfixable. I have no idea when I will get a new one. I have my dongle in my desk top but my fitbit ins't syncing with it at all.

    Joyce, Indiana, soon to be Florida for a week.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Pau Katemi's ASAP Fitness DVD today. Tomorrow's plan is to do Leslie Sansone's Start Walking DVD

    Heather - how cool that you were cast in Diary of Anne Frank! What part?

    Sylvia - maybe you can give me an idea. What we'd like to do is have some sort of ceramic (possibly, could be something else) figure with a light at the top that would illuminate the top of the slide. We don't want it to seem like the person is in the spotlight, but we would like that area lighted. A lighthouse wouldn't work since the light is INSIDE the house and wouldn't shine much on the top of the slide. Vince is very good electrically. When we were having the pool installed, this was the first time they'd used this type of pump and the electrician made a mistake. He told the electrician what the mistake was and what he needed to do to rectify it. Anyway, there is already power near the slide, he wouldn't have any problem at all wiring it up. But we can't think of something that wouldn't look too weird with a light on top. Since the area around the pool is riverrocked, I'm not inclined to go with another rock with a light in it. Any ideas? Good salad at Ingredients. I probably wouldn't have had the cheese on mine. There is a place like that near Jessica, I remember going in there and getting a salad. But I think you could only get a certain amount of toppings (at least at her place) and I would have wanted more. I really would have been just as happy without any lettuce. When we stay at the hotel near Jessica, I usually bring my own cereal, too. They usually have bananas and skim milk, along with eggs (I just want the whites), I have 1/2 a bagel and 1/2 a tub of cream cheese.

    Our HOA is going to have their annual picnic. Last year they didn't have it. It seems to me like it's a somewhat "rush" thing. They didn't do it last year (they'd done it previous years, had a bbq in early October). This year it's the first weekend in November. From 4-6. In some ways, it hardly seems worth it. You barely get there, have something to eat, and it's time to leave. And it can start getting cold in November.

    After exercising, had breakfast and then made some more of the chocolate bran muffins, then pumpkin muffins for Rummikub Tuesday, brownies for Rummikub Tuesday, cheese stuffed shells for Vince, cooked the cabbage for the stuffed cabbage I'm making for Tuesday (I'll probably make them tomorrow), now making some chocolate chip cookies for Vince. Have to lector at the church tonight. Made some more of the tofu/cocoa mix. I find that using a banana and adding some cocoa to that is preferrable, but I got this tofu that I used a coupon on and want to use it up.

    Mary - a cooking class -- how fun! Let us know what you make, OK? So sorry about your ankle injury acting up.

    Margaret - I know that being tired in the evening definitely contributes to my wanting unhealthy snacks. Oh, purple potatoes are so good! Really, they (at least I don't think so) don't taste much different from the white potatoes. But they must be higher in antioxidants since they have such color. I can only get them at the farmer's market, tho. That book sounds quite interesting.

    Jane - prayers for your friend

    Katla - I've only baked the purple potatoes in the microwave. They didn't turn my water blue. But then again, they weren't opened. When I boil some golden beets, even tho I try hard not to cut the top stem down too much, the water sometimes turns a golden color. Vince is a big hockey fan so he immediately recognized Deb's picture as the logo for the Calgary Flames. So glad you like your horseback riding teacher. I've never worked a horse on a lunge line. What is it? The first time I went horseback riding, I'd been exercising regularly and thought I was in pretty good shape. But did my innerthighs ever burn the next day!

    Heather - I was just thinking, do you know, if you are living out of the country (like Bryan is) and need to renew your passport, do you have to go back to your country to renew it?

    Mary - I try to buy only candy that I don't like for Halloween. If there's something that I do like that Vince bought, I try to give it away (he calls me wayyyy tooo generous) or the next day I take it right to the soup kitchen. Unless he'll eat it in which case I leave it in his office

    Renny - Oma is so young looking! And those grandbabies......precious

    After church tonight I might make the filling for the stuffed cabbage. We're going to see Diary of Anne Frank tomorrow afternoon, so I won't have time to cook the filling and stuff them, so I may just have the filling already made and all I have to do is stuff them. Update: I put the meat into the cabbage, I'll just have to bake them Tuesday. Tomorrow we're going to the play and then monday is senior bowling.

    Alison - the medium is probably onto something, maybe you should stop doing so much for others and think about yourself once in a while.

    Meg - happy anniversary

    Sonny - welcome. What a great way of looking at things you have

    Joyce - drive safely

    Michele in NC
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!!!

    DeeDee in chilly and rainy NC