Freelee the Banana Girl...SMH



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    Terrifying. Just...truly. Check it out on youtube.

    Listening to her talk scares me. There's so much misinformation about balanced diets out there...she markets herself as if the way she eats is the way all humans are supposed to eat and anyone who eats higher protein is ridiculous...
    So scary.
    Anybody else have opinions on this individual? People should be more careful about what they put out there for everyone to see...this could be a lawsuit waiting to happen.
    I'm amazed she isn't dead yet.
  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    edited October 2014

    Jenna Marbles

    THIS ^ ???? is fat? That is a bizarre statement.

    There she's not fat, but there was a time where she was bigger and freelee was talking about that time, she was never truely fat though, but there was a time she was chubbier and plumper.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    "she was never truly fat."

    Interesting diction. Very interesting.
  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    edited October 2014
    I like her actually, she isn't like amazing, but she does have some pretty good points. But her diet's just why!? I agree vegan can be a good thing, but 30 bananas a day, no just no! But freelee does have an amazing body! And that's about it!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I've never seen any of her YouTube videos, and I certainly have no desire to go check them out now.

  • TitikiOoh
    TitikiOoh Posts: 40 Member
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    Terrifying. Just...truly. Check it out on youtube.

    Listening to her talk scares me. There's so much misinformation about balanced diets out there...she markets herself as if the way she eats is the way all humans are supposed to eat and anyone who eats higher protein is ridiculous...
    So scary.
    Anybody else have opinions on this individual? People should be more careful about what they put out there for everyone to see...this could be a lawsuit waiting to happen.

    She took losing her period as a good sign and not a flashing watning light tht something is wrong.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Never heard of her before I started reading the MFP forums and I don't get why anyone cares what wacko things she says. I know lots of people who have weird ideas about food, they just don't put them on YouTube.
  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    TitikiOoh wrote: »
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    Terrifying. Just...truly. Check it out on youtube.

    Listening to her talk scares me. There's so much misinformation about balanced diets out there...she markets herself as if the way she eats is the way all humans are supposed to eat and anyone who eats higher protein is ridiculous...
    So scary.
    Anybody else have opinions on this individual? People should be more careful about what they put out there for everyone to see...this could be a lawsuit waiting to happen.

    She took losing her period as a good sign and not a flashing watning light tht something is wrong.
    She never said that losing your period is good, and that having a period is bad!

  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    This chick is thin like a stick and talks a lot of crap. Funny!
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    Her arms make me sad.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    JenniDaisy wrote: »
    Her arms make me sad.

    Her attitude makes me sad.
  • buzybev
    buzybev Posts: 199 Member
    youtube/google adsense is a hell of a drug.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    buzybev wrote: »
    youtube/google adsense is a hell of a drug.

    ^^This. If you don't like her message, ignore and stay away. The more attention you give her, the more you are HELPING her. If you want her to go away, stop clicking her videos.
  • I actually like Freelee a lot...she's found something that works for her. And it not only works for her, it works for thousands of others. It's slightly hypocritical for you to be saying to watch out for her based on her dietary choices. It's basically you saying she's wrong and you know better than she does. Which seems to be why you'r putting her down.

    She clearly states in many of her videos that she is not a medical professional, just that she's done a lot of research and tells things like they are based on her own experiences. If those videos help someone find what works for them, that's awesome!

    I've definitely learned several things from her, 801010, and the HCRV lifestyle...was going all out 100% in that direction for me, no...but did it have a lot of positive takeaways for my life and health...heck yes.

    Just think about how you go about your heavy handed judgement...there is nothing wrong with someone touting a system that works for them...and her lifestyle certainly leaves nothing out nutritionally.
  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    I actually like Freelee a lot...she's found something that works for her. And it not only works for her, it works for thousands of others. It's slightly hypocritical for you to be saying to watch out for her based on her dietary choices. It's basically you saying she's wrong and you know better than she does. Which seems to be why you'r putting her down.

    She clearly states in many of her videos that she is not a medical professional, just that she's done a lot of research and tells things like they are based on her own experiences. If those videos help someone find what works for them, that's awesome!

    I've definitely learned several things from her, 801010, and the HCRV lifestyle...was going all out 100% in that direction for me, no...but did it have a lot of positive takeaways for my life and health...heck yes.

    Just think about how you go about your heavy handed judgement...there is nothing wrong with someone touting a system that works for them...and her lifestyle certainly leaves nothing out nutritionally.

    She's going low on the 2 out of 3 macronutrients your body actually needs to properly function and goes overboard with the one that is optional. 801010 is not a good diet. She lost her period for almost a year on her stupid diet for Christ's sake.
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I have been watching her recently. I do not like how she says cutting calories down to lose weight/ calorie counting isn't going to work longterm, you'll never be happy with it. *kitten* off. Everyone loses weight by restricting calories, whether it be by just eating healthier and whatnot. That's longterm. Why isn't calorie counting? Does she not know you can maintain your weight eventually and eat enough calories to maintain?
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    nykismile wrote: »
    Freelee gives vegans a bad name. Her diet is dangerous. Her diet is similar to what I'm trying to get out of (binging on fruit, eating little else). Her existence just infuriates me. Girls with eating disorders look at her and think, "if I eat like her, I'll look like her!" But it doesn't work like that. I never fell into that trap because I only discovered Freelee rather recently.

    She also called Jenna Marbles fat. And apparently anyone without a thigh gap is fat and unhealthy too.

    Totally a legitimate source of info.

    I saw her video on thigh gaps. It made me mad. She was pretty much promoting them. They both annoy me to no end.
  • mangogirl272727
    mangogirl272727 Posts: 95 Member
    MSeel1984 wrote: »
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    She's hot.

    No denying she's gorgeous...
    She's also very...very wrong.

    Woah. You just did exactly what you're criticizing her for doing. Obviously that lifestyle works for her (and waaaaaayyyyy before this was an internet sensation, I personally had great success with something similar). Doesn't mean it works for everyone (which is why she shouldn't generalize her diet as the "best"). But you can't say its wrong for her.
  • Itskaleena
    Itskaleena Posts: 157 Member
    I actually like Freelee a lot...she's found something that works for her. And it not only works for her, it works for thousands of others. It's slightly hypocritical for you to be saying to watch out for her based on her dietary choices. It's basically you saying she's wrong and you know better than she does. Which seems to be why you'r putting her down.

    She clearly states in many of her videos that she is not a medical professional, just that she's done a lot of research and tells things like they are based on her own experiences. If those videos help someone find what works for them, that's awesome!

    I've definitely learned several things from her, 801010, and the HCRV lifestyle...was going all out 100% in that direction for me, no...but did it have a lot of positive takeaways for my life and health...heck yes.

    Just think about how you go about your heavy handed judgement...there is nothing wrong with someone touting a system that works for them...and her lifestyle certainly leaves nothing out nutritionally.

    I think it is more of her attitude toward others and herself righteous persona that she puts off in her videos that most people don't like. If her diet works for her then good for her, but it won't work for everyone. That's why we have so many different diets out there from vegan to paleo to flexiatarin to fruitatatin. The same diet won't work for everyone yet she acts like anything just slightly different then her way is horribly wrong.
  • I watch her videos for entertainment value, because she can't be serious about all this. 30 to 50 bananas a day cannot be good for anyone. I'd like to see her 20 years from now...

    The video titles are always picked so that they cause controversy, and get attention. It's all so very very sad. But when it's mentioned that the bikini shots and provocative titles are getting a bit old, she gets her knickers in a twist and has a blow out on Youtube. They don't seem to be the type of people I could hang around with for a long time, they'd suck the energy out of me.

    The only thing I don't mind about her is that she's not the 'raw vegan superstar' with ridiculously bright coloured fruit and a fake smile plastered on her face while talking in a baby voice like some out there... But other than that, her and her boyfriend get my bloodpressure up because I keep shouting at the laptop saying how stupid they are!