Three Day Military Diet?



  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    E_Sally wrote: »
    I say if people wants to try new diets or whatever let them they are not hurting your body or making you do it , what ever makes you happy or whatever you wanna try go for it (gessshh)

    I say don't resurrect old posts to write comments that add no substance or value to the discussion. But I guess whatever makes you happy. Or whatever.

  • funfang
    funfang Posts: 200 Member
    I have done this about 20 years ago when I was in high school, then tried again when I was in college, yes, I lost about 10 lbs the first time. Then the second week I think I only lost a few lbs, about a month later I gained all the weight back. Not worth it....
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    coopieclan wrote: »
    First of all you don't know me and shouldn't assume that I would need your advise. I am very familiar with dieting and have tried enough of them to know what works and what doesn't.

    The preachers should stop preaching

    You're very familiar with dieting, so much so that you've tried lots of them? ...pardon me for being all Debbie WTF but someone who had had to try many different diets to find success and is still lookjng fir that success doesn't exactly strike me someone knowledgeable to the point of not needing advice from others.

    First of all everyone should stop acting like you know me.

    Just to make things straight.

    First, I have been put on this diet by my doctor to help me speed up my weight loss and get off some medications. I am under a doctor's care.

    Second. I'm sure this forum topic was started by the OP because she wanted some advice from people who have tried it. Not a deluge of negative comments. Some of which have been very very derogatory.

    Thirdly, there are diets for morbidly obese that are only 500 calories a day every day.

    Give people a chance to communicate with others that are kindred. If this diet is not for you great. Much success with whatever you choose.

    terminally ill people, burns victims and people recovering from major surgery are given heroin (albeit under its pharmaceutical name) as painkillers, so therefore I, a healthy person, can take heroin and I'll be just fine.... not.

    Just because VLCDs the right thing for someone who's morbidly obese and in fairly immediate danger of getting ill or dying from obesity related illness, does not mean it's safe for anyone who wants to lose a few lbs....

    You wouldn't promote prescription drugs to anyone who just happened to fancy taking them.... so don't promote VLCDs (treatment for severe morbid obesity) to just anyone who happens to want to lose a few lbs.
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    You know what irks me (and is totally off topic lol)... People thinking the word "advise" is a noun.

    Advise = verb (i.e. - "I will advise you to do something. Don't do this fad diet.")
    Advice = noun (i.e. - "I will give you some advice. Unhealthy, is this fad diet.")
  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    coopieclan wrote: »
    First of all you don't know me and shouldn't assume that I would need your advise. I am very familiar with dieting and have tried enough of them to know what works and what doesn't.

    The preachers should stop preaching

    You're very familiar with dieting, so much so that you've tried lots of them? ...pardon me for being all Debbie WTF but someone who had had to try many different diets to find success and is still lookjng fir that success doesn't exactly strike me someone knowledgeable to the point of not needing advice from others.

    First of all everyone should stop acting like you know me.

    Just to make things straight.

    First, I have been put on this diet by my doctor to help me speed up my weight loss and get off some medications. I am under a doctor's care.

    Second. I'm sure this forum topic was started by the OP because she wanted some advice from people who have tried it. Not a deluge of negative comments. Some of which have been very very derogatory.

    Thirdly, there are diets for morbidly obese that are only 500 calories a day every day.

    Give people a chance to communicate with others that are kindred. If this diet is not for you great. Much success with whatever you choose.

    terminally ill people, burns victims and people recovering from major surgery are given heroin (albeit under its pharmaceutical name) as painkillers, so therefore I, a healthy person, can take heroin and I'll be just fine.... not.

    Just because VLCDs the right thing for someone who's morbidly obese and in fairly immediate danger of getting ill or dying from obesity related illness, does not mean it's safe for anyone who wants to lose a few lbs....

    You wouldn't promote prescription drugs to anyone who just happened to fancy taking them.... so don't promote VLCDs (treatment for severe morbid obesity) to just anyone who happens to want to lose a few lbs.


  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I realize this is an old post but since others are resurrecting it - I did find it ironic that the link takes you to a blog post with the purported creator of the diet, and she recommends using MFP on your 4 days off of the diet to track your calories. Ironic since most of the recommendations she makes in the 3 Day Military Diet are against MFP guidelines.

    I also find it amusing to see a diet where hot dogs are one of the "you must eat this, no substitutions" requirements. I have no issues with hot dogs, have just never seen them utilized in a rigorous diet plan before.

    Also curious how the OP and others who tried this "magic diet" out are doing, 2 months after the topic was posted....
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    I've done it a few times with great success. Didn't really effect my lifts or runs at all but by day 3 you are so sick of tuna you would rather not eat again for a long while.
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »

    Also curious how the OP and others who tried this "magic diet" out are doing, 2 months after the topic was posted....

    I'm doing pretty well and a bit leaner than most. I'll hope on this thing every once in awhile when I find myself out of whack from a few weeks of crappy choices and need a quick fix.
  • xmichaelyx
    xmichaelyx Posts: 883 Member
    Any "diet" that doesn't last the rest of your life isn't worth doing.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    jennlynn49 wrote: »

    I looked over this diet its making me feel more hungry not because of the way it sounds its because ive eaten those things and felt more hungry. No I havent tried it to answer the original question
  • Deena_Bean
    Deena_Bean Posts: 906 Member
    Anything you do for 3 days isn't going to make a difference 3 weeks from now. I don't have to click the link to tell you you're better off just concentrating on calories in/calories out than looking for a bunny in a hat.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Wasn't this just a means to get someone to make weight so they could get another recruit signed up? They told me that I needed to do this for like a week for them to take me back after 9/11
  • adamitri
    adamitri Posts: 614 Member
    Reading the comments on that site is alarming. People are asking for medical advice so they can start the diet. Should I take my medication with this diet? Is it okay? Really... So if someone dies because they tried this without medical advice and doctor's care and they die. Is that site now liable?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    No, and I'm not gonna, it's stupid.