What's the REAL reason you want to lose weight?



  • pknjhh
    pknjhh Posts: 117 Member
    To fully get my abs in and get bodyfat below 10%. Did the bulky thing for many years. Decided to really lean out and go for definition. Just enjoy pushing my body to extremes. Sticking to a diet has always been easy for me though because I focused on the performance of the food I ate. Don't eat for comfort just fuel. Bulking to 316 was more challenging truthfully. Eating 4-5k calories a day was hard. No junk only healthy food. Following Keto diet is soooo easy for me. Not sure total calories but can't be over 2300 a day. Workouts are a breeze now. Cardio and abs everyday. Regular workouts 2 days on 1 day off then 3 on.
  • 7aneena
    7aneena Posts: 146 Member
    Vanity, health, and for people to take me seriously at my job.
    People perceive overweight and obese individuals as less competent at their jobs than "thin" people
  • PrizePopple
    PrizePopple Posts: 3,133 Member
    Aside from my two daughters needing their mother... My husband who doesn't deserve to lose another wife in his lifetime... Being at risk of losing part of my colon due to a GI disease I have, and my increased risk of colon cancer (a precancerous polyp was found when I was 28), as well as a number of diseases I'm at risk for because of familial history...

    Because I want to look good. I want to feel sexy. As sexy as I felt 9 years ago when DH and I started dating.
  • nicoleagafitness
    nicoleagafitness Posts: 100 Member
    I have a family of obese people. I was obese as a child. I gained control, then lost it again after I had my kids. My grandma has had more than 10 stints in her heart. She has diabetes and heart disease and a blood disease. My dad has high blood pressure and high cholesterol. My mom has pre diabetes and is currently trying to eat healthy and lose weight to get her health back.

    I want my kids to grow up without these illnesses around them. They shouldnt have to worry like I did growing up.

    I also want to feel sexy again!! I am already getting my hot booty back and it feels great!!! Now to continue losing lbs.
  • EvaStrange
    EvaStrange Posts: 59 Member
    kellyb28 wrote: »
    It's not for me. I'm already at a healthy weight.. honestly, I try not to let myself conform to society's standards of beauty, but thin to me represents someone who is healthy, takes care of themselves, and has self-control... all attractive features. Now don't get me wrong, someone with extra fat on their body can absolutely be all of these things and often are! It's just hard not to succumb to the pressure that thin is healthy and how everyone should be. Another reason that I want to be thin is because I'm vegan and a nutrition major... I feel like people have these ideas that vegans need to be thin and dietitians need to be thin. I feel like being thin is also a great way to promote the vegan lifestyle... someone might ask "how do you stay so thin?" and an answer might be "well, first of all, I eat a healthy, vegan diet.." and it might get people curious to try out veganism (which I want everyone to do, it makes you feel amazing!).
    That's funny, I could sign all of this, the "vegan ambassador" thing (even though it's not proved to be very effective in the past) and the not-wanting-to-conform-to-standards-yet-doing-so-anyway part.

    Further reasons:

    – This is again related to those hated beauty standards that I don't want to let myself be tyrannised by, yet do so anyway (what choice do I have?): I don't think I'm particularly pretty, therefore being thin/lean would be the only thing I have going for me, looks-wise. People tend to forgive an unattractive face if you are at least decent enough to be skinny.

    – I have become ambitious with my running and my dancing and, to a lesser extent, bouldering, and fat is not functional: it's dead weight in sports, and the more you carry with you, the harder it gets and the slower/worse you get.

    – As of this week, I'm a student at a big-*kitten*, elitist sports academy, which is obviously doing wonders for my body image… I really don't want to look the odd one out there!

    – A (mental&physical) health reason: I like feeling lighter because I'm not full all the time; I like having a clear head because my whole body isn't busy digesting heavy food all the time; I like feeling fresh and energised because I've eliminated (to a large degree) all the poison that I put in my body when I go through a period of indiscriminate emotional eating. I have experimented enough with food to be able to recognise changes in my body when I eliminate certain foods. That's the beauty of the weight-loss process: change is immediate; there's no delayed gratification: I don't have to remind myself that I'll begin to feel better when I'm down 15 lbs – I feel better immediately!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'm sick of seeing horrible photos of myself, tired of my knees hurting, and tired of wearing ugly clothes. I don't have any health issues, but I'm sure those will pile on too if I don't take care of the problem now.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,567 Member
    edited October 2014
    MCIBTY wrote: »
    I want to not be fat.

    Honestly, this. 80+ lbs down and 140 to go, I already feel less fat and it makes a huge difference.

    Oh, also, my sex drive is higher when I'm not so damn fat. Yeah, I've been married 14 years and have four kids, but I well and truly love getting laid. That fell off as I hit my highest weight. I've lost 80+ lbs and it's already improving. Four times last week!

  • EMergise
    EMergise Posts: 36 Member
    Vanity - if I can't see my abs before I'm 30 iM scared I never will!! I want to be able to wear a crop top!!
  • xyrnyth
    xyrnyth Posts: 11 Member
    I want to not be disgusted by what I see in the mirror every day.
  • lisamartin45
    lisamartin45 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm tired of my middle age muffin top? :D
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It does worry me somewhat that I am overweight by BMI, and therefore statistically more likely to have health problems. But, I've been overweight for some time now and have no health problems, no lack of energy, I'm stronger than most women I know, and my BF% is in the healthy range. I would still like to be thinner, so I suppose it's vanity.
  • Justin_34
    Justin_34 Posts: 15 Member
    edited October 2014
    To look good naked! B)
  • crystallynnl
    crystallynnl Posts: 100 Member
    For my health. I do want to be in smaller size clothes.
  • samammay
    samammay Posts: 468
    Because I want all of my wife's friends to think I'm hot.
  • gamesandgains
    gamesandgains Posts: 640 Member
    Tried of being overweight. Diabetes runs in my family. Boost self esteem and confidence. Look good naked. In that order.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    For me I think life would just be easier. I'm fairly active. I scuba dive a lot, rock climb, crossfit. I think not hauling a bunch of extra weight would make things a lot easier. I know clothes and gear shopping would be easier.
  • Cheriesaurus
    Cheriesaurus Posts: 92 Member
    I want to cosplay anime and have my clothes fit loosely around my stomach area, I also love dresses but never worn them. I just want to feel comfortable and not all flabby xD It's for myself not others.
  • ThatDoll
    ThatDoll Posts: 37 Member
    I wanna wear a bikini and live for a long time
  • sowrongitsemily
    I lost 2 family members to cancer this year and my mom was diagnosed with diabetes. Plus a lot of my family has heart problems, including my mom. I want to be healthier so I can prevent these things, or have an easier time managing them if I do get something through genetics.

    That and you know, self esteem, look hot naked, etc. B)