Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    @Sarah that was freaking hilarious! I had to read it to my hubby and he laughed too but questioned the fact that it is only slightly creepy!
    Thursday inspiration- well the only thing I can say about that is on Tuesday I posted on Facebook my awesome scale victory and was surprised at how many people praised my accomplishment even people I graduated from high school with that I wouldn't think thought it was much of an accomplishment at all! I was pleasantly surprised and encouraged that more people out there are really supporting me!

    Update we are half way to my moms only 5-6 more hours of driving! Stayed overnight at a hotel and I have already worked out for 30 min!

    Hope you all have an awesome day!
  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    @Sarah that WAS hyterical!!! I on the other hand had only good things to look at at my pool yesterday!!! WOW the muscles on this one dude....sigh!

    So, Thursday motivation....sorry right now I need - SO if you have some to spare I would appreciate it. I'm not giving up - not even close to that, but I'm frustrated and my attitutde could be better....doesn't help that I'm at work right now when I've had 3 days off and had a fabulous time with my children! UGH, nope, fresh outta motivation right now. :ohwell:
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    @ Sarah - omg!!! that is super creepy!! Love your title tho!! hehee

    still no power at home. not opening the fridge or freezer cause I'm not sure how long it will be out. Don't want any of the cold to escape! Hopefully it's being fixed as I type this. I had just stocked the fridge/freezer Tuesday night, that's a lot of $$ wasted if it goes much longer.

    Motivation - not feeling it right now. Still grumpy my plans were foiled last night. Although, Zumba tonight, looking forward to that!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    Morning everyone! just checking in this morning with some great news! I am now in ONEderland!!! I don't how it happened as being on vacation meant eating out a lot, but it happened and I am not complaining!

    ~Sarah= your pool guy story is too funny! But I'm sure if I had to swim with him around I wouldn't like it at all! I wonder if you could complain about him? At the very least, tell them his swim shorts are see-through! They have to do something about that, right?
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    @ Tamanella: I have a recommendation. Try eating clean. I just finished reading The Eat Clean Diet by Tosca Reno and it has changed the way I look at food and eating. Its not really a diet book though, it is a guide to how to change your lifestyle. I hope you will at least give it a look see. I think her plan may help you jump start your weight loss. The are tons of options that she provides that will help you stay full and healthy. I am starting eating clean at the first of the month and I will let you know more about how it is working for me if you are interested. I also agree that you should look into seeing a nutritionist. Maybe there is something you are lacking chemically in your diet that is causing the cravings. Like a vitamin or mineral that you are not getting enough of. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

    I found that on facebook... I want to get the book. It looks cool
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    @ Sarah - omg!!! that is super creepy!! Love your title tho!! hehee

    still no power at home. not opening the fridge or freezer cause I'm not sure how long it will be out. Don't want any of the cold to escape! Hopefully it's being fixed as I type this. I had just stocked the fridge/freezer Tuesday night, that's a lot of $$ wasted if it goes much longer.

    Motivation - not feeling it right now. Still grumpy my plans were foiled last night. Although, Zumba tonight, looking forward to that!

    Sorry about the fridge... I had that happen twice. We live in appartments and our fridge went out... and we had just bought food... they didn't fix it for 2 days... got the new fridge and then the fridge went out again... and once again it was right after we had just filled it again. All that food went bad again.... we were so mad.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Thursday Motivation:

    To keep motivated I look at my new BMI or do my messurements. All those little things are what keep me motivated through this journey.

    When I started my BMI was 53.2

    Now my is 50.7

    It is moving slowly... but it is moving. And that helps me keep motivated to do this.
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Thursday Motivation:

    To keep motivated I look at my new BMI or do my messurements. All those little things are what keep me motivated through this journey.

    When I started my BMI was 53.2

    Now my is 50.7

    It is moving slowly... but it is moving. And that helps me keep motivated to do this.

    That is awesome! It's not easy to get your BMI down! Great job
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    This is so superficial but the only thing keeping me motivated is that I have been single for a year and half. I have NEVER been single that long and I do not want to end up a giant old cat lady. It's so disturbing to go from always receiving attention to not even being a blip on anyones radar. Am I the only one motivated by the potential of an excrutiatingly lonely existence with no friends, no lovers, and reality tv being my only comfort? Did I mention that I tend towards the slightly melodramatic? Honestly, I need to get to a place where I feel good enough about myself to meet others to date. It's a big motivation when I try to back out of my morning bootcamps.
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    I got so caught up in my motivation that I forgot my inspiration. It's my mom. She also gained a TON of weight however last year she started Couch2 5K and has lost a ton of weight. She's super tiny. It just fell off her. She never even ran prior to starting the program. I made her join MFP. Her name is tinahaney if you want to check her out. She's even started a fitness blog.
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    Morning everyone! just checking in this morning with some great news! I am now in ONEderland!!! I don't how it happened as being on vacation meant eating out a lot, but it happened and I am not complaining!

    CONGRATS! That is amazeballs! Super exciting thursday inspirational motivational news.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I am being selfish here..... My motivation is Me!

    But the perks are fantastic!!!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Morning everyone! just checking in this morning with some great news! I am now in ONEderland!!! I don't how it happened as being on vacation meant eating out a lot, but it happened and I am not complaining!

    ~Sarah= your pool guy story is too funny! But I'm sure if I had to swim with him around I wouldn't like it at all! I wonder if you could complain about him? At the very least, tell them his swim shorts are see-through! They have to do something about that, right?

    Woohoo!! Congrats on reaching ONEderland!! That is awesome.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Thurs Inspiration//Motivation - I am finally getting some motivation back. I've been eating a little better this week, though not anywhere near perfect and every morning when I check the scale (I check everyday, it works for me... but I only record once a week) it keeps giving me a lower number. That is keeping me motivated to not fall back and binge on fast food or junk. So far I'm down 2.5 since monday, I normally record on fridays so I will post my update tomorrow.

    I watched the new Biggest Loser last night... and I'm totally baffled and a little peeved about what happened at the weigh-in. I'm not gonna say in case anyone hasn't seen it yet, but I mean come on.. really? I was super excited to see Tara come back for the episode... I loved her so much when she was a contestant - she was a HUGE motivator for me, unlike any other contestant. I don't know what it is about her... her drive, passion, competitiveness? Either way she really got me off my butt. I rooted for her all season long and I was a little crushed that she didn't win the whole thing. So to see her again was awesome! But yea, I'm still upset at the weigh-in and it kinda ruined the episode for me.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Just wanted to say I'm looking forward to having some people do the 30 Day Shred with me. Thanks. :flowerforyou:

    @naesue - Hope you get settled in when you get to your moms. If she likes to criticize maybe you can exercise in a different room so she can't see you.
    At the same time, plus size clothes are often frumpy looking or like you said, expensive. Even the stuff from Torrid or LB, although it is trendier, isn't always the best quality. When I shopped there I was always a little peeved that I could spend $45 on a top that would start to come apart after 4 washings.
    Ah, I thought it was just me!! I thought I was clumbsy or bad at doing laundry, because the clothes were stringy, or just wearing out fast. Guess I wasn't catching my clothing on mystery nails sticking out of who knows where!

    The last time I was in torrid I noticed a bunch of stuff said dry clean only :grumble: That really deterred me from buying anything. I don't own anything that's dry clean only because I know one day I will forget and in the washer it will go.

    @mds2372 - I've actually never even heard of dots. I looked at them online though and they have some cute clothes! lol

    @sarahbear1981 - Okay the story about the guy at the pool was too funny. :laugh: I can totally see what you mean about not wanting to swim with him, but at least he makes an interesting story!

    @tamanella - How are you with repeating foods? You can always make your own meal plans, that way you know what your going to be eating this week, what to buy from the store, and not to buy anything else (keeps temptation away). One day just sit down for a while at the computer and look up foods and make a 1 week meal plan. Then just repeat that every week until you really feel like you need a change. I have to do this or its to easy for me to go off track. I still have fall back options, like subway in case we are too busy on a certain day etc, but overall it makes watching what I eat much easier than trying to decide while I'm hungry. I tend to post mine on my blogs (tried keeping it on the fridge but for some reason it always ends up falling off and gets messed up by dogs/kids walking all over it....you'd think at least the kids would think to pick it up:grumble: ), your welcome to use mine too if you want, sometimes they are more planned...and sometimes I've only had time to plan out dinners. I hope you find something that really works for you. :flowerforyou::smile:

    @rebecky27 - Sorry to hear about your power, glad to see your safe though. I've been hearing a lot of people are under tornado warning lately....and that's just scary!

    @Claudia007 - Woo hoo for Onederland. [img]http://freeemoticonsandsmileys.com/animated emoticons/Smile Animated Emoticons/happy dance.gif[/img] [img]http://freeemoticonsandsmileys.com/animated emoticons/Smile Animated Emoticons/happy dance.gif[/img] [img]http://freeemoticonsandsmileys.com/animated emoticons/Smile Animated Emoticons/happy dance.gif[/img]

    @tesshaney - I really don't think your the only one who gets motivated when single. I wish I had the motivation I tend to have right after a break up...you know that "I'm going to be soo hott and your going to beg for me to take you back! wa ha ha"....for some reason when I feel like that its like I have super work out powers! And my criptonite is having a boyfriend. I get sucked into the comfort of someone being there, like i don't have to try so hard etc. I guess this would explain my 60lb gain during my current relationship. But you don't have to be tiny to date, don't be afraid to get out there. You never know, you might find the perfect match for you, and you two can work out together and totally rock a healthy lifestyle as a couple. :)

    @cobarlo14 - I never thought about freezing the caramel eggs. That sounds sooo good...I might have to go see if we have any left at Walmart now. I love your motivation too btw. :tongue:

    @Learning2LoveMe - Good job, you'll be past that 4lb adjustment in no time. :bigsmile:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Motivation: I've had this poster for forever up in my bedroom. Even though I tend to need a lot of motivation and inspirations for weight loss, I also need them a lot for life in general. Since that seems to be were my weight gain stems from (bad things in life). Its kind of cheesy (okay not kind of...it IS cheesy :laugh: ). But I like it. And sometimes when I'm feeling really down, I like to read over all the the letters and it makes me feel a bit better, and kind of helps think in the right direction. So I'm sharing what it says with you...now no laughing at my lameness....:laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: :heart: To Achieve Your Dreams, Remember Your ABCs:heart::heart:

    A -void negative sources, people, things and habits.

    B -elieve in yourself.

    C -onsider things from every angle.

    D -on't give up and don't give in.

    E -njoy life today: yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come.

    F -amily and Friends are hidden treasures. Seek them and enjoy their riches.

    G -ive more than you planned to give.

    H -ang on to your dreams.

    I -gnore those who try to discourage you.

    J -ust do it!

    K -eep on trying, no matter how hard it seems. It will get better.

    L -ove yourself first and foremost.

    M -ake it happen.

    N -ever lie, cheat, or steal. Always strike a fair deal.

    O -pen your eyes and see things as they really are.

    P -ractice makes perfect.

    Q -uitters never win and winners never quit.

    R -ead, study and learn about everything important in your life.

    S -top procrastinating.

    T -ake control of your own destiny.

    U -nderstand yourself in order to better understand others.

    V -isualize it.

    W -ant it more than anything.

    X -ccelerate your efforts.

    Y -ou are unique of all of Nature's creations. Nothing can replace you.

    Z -ero in on your target, and go for it!!

    Oh and this is just cute.
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    @naesue – Congratulations on the praise and encouragement, it is the best thing ever!

    @jaelwoman – What is your biggest struggle with motivation? Knowing where you are struggling would help give us more lead for suggestions for motivation and inspiration.

    @Becky –Keep up that excitement for Zumba!

    @Claudia – Congratulations on ONEderland!! That is amazing!!

    @Chrystal – You inspired me to take a look at my own BMI and I was excited to see that it has gone down. I hadn’t thought to look into something like that to show that even small amounts of weight (15lbs in my case) can lower it by a number of points.

    @tesshaney – You are by no means the only one motivated by the threat of being single forever. Sometimes it acts as a motivation for me, but sometimes, it causes me to crash and burn into emotional eating. I have never been in a “relationship” in technical terms but I have had guys be interested in me and have, “flings” with them (but this all happened while I was studying abroad so when I came back home, I haven’t blipped anyone’s radar). You are not alone and we will not be giant cat ladies!

    @learning2loveme – You don’t have to be perfect, no one is, but you seem to be doing well and that is what matters!

    @neuroticvirgo – I love the idea of posters for motivation. I have them ALL over my apartment. Several of them say things like “Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.”

    My Thursday Inspiration/Motivation/Encouragement: I am stressing out with school, so I am putting all my motivation into my last few finals and kind of lacking in the eating and working out portion. Apparently I have a limited about of internal motivation!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    Fr, Fr, Friday!!!!!
    My fitness only started in full force about 3 weeks ago
    I walk on the treadmill at work 30-40 minutes
    2.5 speed and 5.0 incline

    Happy Friday!!!
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    This is so superficial but the only thing keeping me motivated is that I have been single for a year and half. I have NEVER been single that long and I do not want to end up a giant old cat lady. It's so disturbing to go from always receiving attention to not even being a blip on anyones radar. Am I the only one motivated by the potential of an excrutiatingly lonely existence with no friends, no lovers, and reality tv being my only comfort? Did I mention that I tend towards the slightly melodramatic? Honestly, I need to get to a place where I feel good enough about myself to meet others to date. It's a big motivation when I try to back out of my morning bootcamps.

    I understand that. That was one of my reasons when I first started MFP, too. But as I got into this program, I realized that I really couldn't handle having a boyfriend right then and I really needed to focus on myself first. I completely put dating/relationships on the backburner. I'm still not "looking" now, but for slightly different reasons... haha... Anyway, wanting to look sexy and attract men isn't a selfish reason.

    Sorry I missed yesterday... my current inspiration/motivation comes from two things: first, I made it to "onederland" this week as well, and I'm excited to keep making that number go down, and second, I'm only 13 pounds away from having lost 100 total. I can't wait to reach that milestone!

    Friday Fitness: I did my morning yoga routine, and later I will walk the dogs. Not that I consider this exercise, but I also want to wash/clean my car today, so that will be some extra activity, and tonight I'll do my nightly yoga routine. Phew.

    Have a great day!
  • tesshaney
    tesshaney Posts: 110 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Had a fabulous morning at my bootcamp. 61 burpees in 12 min. It was supposed to be at least 100 but oh well. Then the remaining session was amazeballs yoga. I am off to camp in the mountains and there is no electricity or phone reception so I will be disconnected off the grid until monday night. All of you have a FABULOUS weekend. You are incredible! MUAH!