Who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow?!?



  • bast2112
    bast2112 Posts: 63
    I've been hearing good things about the shred... And I could really use something different! I'll pick it up tonight. :)

    Just did the video at level 1 and I feel like jell-o. Drank some chocolate milk after so hopefully not too sore tomorrow!

    Here's my measurements today:

    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 134 lbs
    Bust: 37.5"
    Waist: 29.5"
    Hips: 42"
    Thighs: 23.5"
    Arms: 12"

    Hopefully there will be less jell-o in 30 days!

    Day 2 down as of last night. Still hurts a lot!!
  • jsonnett02
    jsonnett02 Posts: 110
    I have a hard time pushing thru on the squat/arm presses after doing the push ups. Anyone else have this problem??? My shoulders are just so tired!! I pushed thru more this time than the past 2 days though :) Finding cardio a lot easier. But some how I have GAINED 3#!!!! WTH!! I find my appetite higher but I haven't been eating loads of crap. A little disturbed with this. I have been working out every day since Friday whether it's running or 30DS. :grumble:
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I have a hard time pushing thru on the squat/arm presses after doing the push ups. Anyone else have this problem??? My shoulders are just so tired!! I pushed thru more this time than the past 2 days though :) Finding cardio a lot easier. But some how I have GAINED 3#!!!! WTH!! I find my appetite higher but I haven't been eating loads of crap. A little disturbed with this. I have been working out every day since Friday whether it's running or 30DS. :grumble:

    I was actually just about to post something like this. I just weighed myself and I am +2. I admit I lost it a bit. I cried to my fiance and was think WTF! I'm suppose to be losing not gaining! I am assuming that I'm gaining some muscle with all this strength training and that's what the weight gain is. I don't know what else it could me. I have been sticking to my diet, doing my exercise, adding extra cardio, etc. I honestly don't know what else the weight gain could be.... Maybe water weight... Idk...UGH!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 983 Member
    To minmise any injuries, please read this:


    I personally, experienced knee pain after only 5 days - so I stopped doing it. I'm going to go back to it, but right now I'm doing No More Trouble Zones instead.
  • D3L1
    I have a hard time pushing thru on the squat/arm presses after doing the push ups. Anyone else have this problem??? My shoulders are just so tired!! I pushed thru more this time than the past 2 days though :) Finding cardio a lot easier. But some how I have GAINED 3#!!!! WTH!! I find my appetite higher but I haven't been eating loads of crap. A little disturbed with this. I have been working out every day since Friday whether it's running or 30DS. :grumble:

    I was actually just about to post something like this. I just weighed myself and I am +2. I admit I lost it a bit. I cried to my fiance and was think WTF! I'm suppose to be losing not gaining! I am assuming that I'm gaining some muscle with all this strength training and that's what the weight gain is. I don't know what else it could me. I have been sticking to my diet, doing my exercise, adding extra cardio, etc. I honestly don't know what else the weight gain could be.... Maybe water weight... Idk...UGH!

    Do either of you do measurements.? Seeing a loss in inches will help make you feel better.=) at least that way you know its still coming off even if the scale doesnt show it.!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Yeah, I measured too and everything is the same.
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    I am way off track, didn't get to do D2 or D3 due to the kids and work... then today would have been D4 but they have rescheduled my son's baseball practice for tonight. I'm really trying hard to jump back on board... I need to hit this and hit it hard~
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    I am way off track, didn't get to do D2 or D3 due to the kids and work... then today would have been D4 but they have rescheduled my son's baseball practice for tonight. I'm really trying hard to jump back on board... I need to hit this and hit it hard~
  • slow2go
    slow2go Posts: 4 Member
    Well, I have done day four but having a hard time keeping myself motivated. I know the next three days will be hard as I am planning a trip to the city tomorrow and then the wkend is here. I am having a hard time getting my eating in check. BUT I CAN DO THIS!!!! AT least I keep telling myself that ;)
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I would suggest trying not to weigh/measure again for a while. I think several things are going on.... we are gaining muscle mass and also because we are stressing our bodies, they are retaining water to recover. Shred it most known for its loss in inches over pounds but if youre still following your low calories, we should all end up with losses at the end too. Inches, to me anyways, are what really count!! And someone else said something abut being hungrier - me too! Im craving protein like a beast.
  • K1tt
    K1tt Posts: 37 Member
    right, well day one is done. My arms are a little shaky, but I feel ok at the moment. I've weighed and measured before starting and now I've put the scales and tape measure away until my 30 days are done.

    Is anyone having rest days or are you pushing through the sore muscles? I don't want to injure myself or put myself off!
  • jsonnett02
    jsonnett02 Posts: 110
    I haven't measured yet.....took pics and weighed. I was planning on measure tonight, that will help me see a diff hopefully! I am having a hard time not thinking about food tho when my tummy is always growling :(
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    So I am having to skip today due to a few things. 1. Fiance came home from work extremely sick so I need to take care of him and 2. My legs are seriously sore, I need to rest them. I plan on making up for today this weekend. I was planning on not doing 30ds this weekend to recuperate and to help my mom move but I will be able to squeeze in a session on Sunday.
  • jlzrdking
    jlzrdking Posts: 501 Member
    Yesterday I was so sore from doing 30DS mainly my legs and my shoulders, I don't think i've done a push up since I was a child.

    Last night after the weather calmed down I completed day 3 of the shred and then went to the gym.

    I woke up this morning and most of the pain is gone and I feel great and I will do day 4 this evening.
  • Woot, day 4 down. I feel like I am starting to lose steam, I need to hype myself up....I have been stuck at 150 for sooo long now!
  • cat_1977
    cat_1977 Posts: 79 Member
    right, well day one is done. My arms are a little shaky, but I feel ok at the moment. I've weighed and measured before starting and now I've put the scales and tape measure away until my 30 days are done.

    Is anyone having rest days or are you pushing through the sore muscles? I don't want to injure myself or put myself off!

    I'll be having rest days. If I can get 5 days in a week i'll be happy. I'm away a bit in May and am getting my wisdom teeth out so I know there will be days I can't shred. I got to day 20 about 3 weeks ago and had been taking rest days but I was still shrinking before my very eyes so don't worry! Once you've taken those measurements you'll def be amazed come day 30. I was measuring myself every 10 days btw. Def helps with the motivation when you start to see the inches come off.

    L1 D2 done, along with yoga and boxing. I'm so ready for a shower and bed x
  • shadiel
    shadiel Posts: 59 Member
    I would love to join as well, I am on Day 4!!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I would love to join as well, I am on Day 4!!

    Perfect timing! come right on in!
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    To all those who are discouraged or losing steam: DON'T GIVE UP!!! Try hard not to weigh or measure for at least 3 weeks. Before that you might gain a pound or two, an inch or so here and there. You might fluctuate while are gaining muscle, and after workouts you are pumped up a little.
    Be patient, do the work.
    Results will come.

    Today I modified a bit...did all the strength work at the gym (with heavier weights) then did an hour class of Turbo Kickboxing with killer abs at the end.
    Figured it still counts:)

    So Day 6 completed for me!! WOO HOO!!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    Day 27, three more to go. Holy **** it IS possible!! I know what you mean by hating doing it. I don't hate doing it, but I do hate starting ot each day. I argue with myself until I say, "You can't quit NOW!!" and then I just suck it up and do it.
    I will post my progress from the 30 days when I'm finished.
    I don't know what I'll do after day 30... any suggestions?
    Keep it up everyone!! You CAN do it!

    Yay.You're almost done.Thats such a great accomplishment.=) Well done.! I have the Jillian "The Biggest Winner" DVD set. Its a collection of 5 dvd's at 30 minutes each. Working ALL areas imaginable. Shes killer but its nice switching things up everyday and it works! Just a thought if you like Jillians training style.!

    My main areas of sorness are arms. I was literally shaking getting through those side lung/arms last night, but Im proud to say I pulled through. I didnt love day 2, but I felt like I pushed hard all the way through finishing the whole thing. Bring it ONNNN day 3.=) Im also going to do some walking/jogging over the weekend. Its suppose to be beautiful out in my neck of the woods.!
    Good luck everyone.!
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