Total Body Enhancement at Planet Fitness?



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I was coming around, I was going to stop mocking Planet Fitness. If it's a gym you like, great. I was really gonna let it go.

    Then they do this. Honestly at this point I firmly believe they are trying to scam their customers into staying overweight.

    Pizza night, red light therapy, and no scale. This isn't the place to go if you want results.
    Oh, so now pizza IS Bad. I thought pizza was great "in moderation". On the description of IIFYM mentions pizza 5 times, and the avatar for the link is pizza.
    How's PF different?

    Who wants pizza immediately following/preceding a workout? It's hot and greasy, low on protein and high in carbs. Now I love pizza, and I eat plenty. But it's not food to fuel your workout.

    Why don't they offer protein shakes? That would actually help people.
    Dunno. Seems folks like them. Granted, I don't know if folks actually work out on "pizza night" or just show up to hang out like they do for socials at many other gyms.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I was coming around, I was going to stop mocking Planet Fitness. If it's a gym you like, great. I was really gonna let it go.

    Then they do this. Honestly at this point I firmly believe they are trying to scam their customers into staying overweight.

    Pizza night, red light therapy, and no scale. This isn't the place to go if you want results.

    I get your point but pizza is optional and a scale has never helped someone lose weight. I'm actually glad I haven't used one frequently in the past year when I lost over 30 lbs. I've gone months without weighing myself and every time I hope on I'm 5 lbs down and less than I thought I was.

    I do feel bad for the patrons who lack the willpower I have. And it sends a horrible message. I think PF just wants people to feel complacent under the guise of motivating them to lose weight.

    And I'm not anti pizza! I have a cheat day/meal and I have no problem planning it around pizza night
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I was coming around, I was going to stop mocking Planet Fitness. If it's a gym you like, great. I was really gonna let it go.

    Then they do this. Honestly at this point I firmly believe they are trying to scam their customers into staying overweight.

    Pizza night, red light therapy, and no scale. This isn't the place to go if you want results.
    Oh, so now pizza IS Bad. I thought pizza was great "in moderation". On the description of IIFYM mentions pizza 5 times, and the avatar for the link is pizza.
    How's PF different?

    Who wants pizza immediately following/preceding a workout? It's hot and greasy, low on protein and high in carbs. Now I love pizza, and I eat plenty. But it's not food to fuel your workout.

    Why don't they offer protein shakes? That would actually help people.

    *slowly raises hand* LOL

    Working out usually suppressed my appetite afterwards. But yesterday I made myself three scrambled eggs after a serious workout for dinner. My sister brought leftover pizza home and I had a slice (it was only about 2 inches wide). I get so sick of eggs and the pizza was a nice little treat. Will I gorge on it? No. But if it fits my macros and I haven't eaten all my exercise calories, why not? And I always treat myself to one tootsie roll on my way out.

    And to answer your question, fast food/unhealthy food is cheaper and easier so pizza is a logical option (just not logical for a gym). I would prefer the protein shake though.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I was coming around, I was going to stop mocking Planet Fitness. If it's a gym you like, great. I was really gonna let it go.

    Then they do this. Honestly at this point I firmly believe they are trying to scam their customers into staying overweight.

    Pizza night, red light therapy, and no scale. This isn't the place to go if you want results.
    Oh, so now pizza IS Bad. I thought pizza was great "in moderation". On the description of IIFYM mentions pizza 5 times, and the avatar for the link is pizza.
    How's PF different?

    Who wants pizza immediately following/preceding a workout? It's hot and greasy, low on protein and high in carbs. Now I love pizza, and I eat plenty. But it's not food to fuel your workout.

    Why don't they offer protein shakes? That would actually help people.
    Dunno. Seems folks like them. Granted, I don't know if folks actually work out on "pizza night" or just show up to hang out like they do for socials at many other gyms.
    I wasn't present for pizza night this week but I'm sure a lot of this happens

  • melaniedsm
    melaniedsm Posts: 55
    It helps with Acne, but that is about it I think. Red light therapy is a thing you can get done at the Dermotologist and I have had some good luck with it. Similar to when your skin improves when you tan, you just don't get the color. The motion hurts my knees, so it isn't for me.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I was coming around, I was going to stop mocking Planet Fitness. If it's a gym you like, great. I was really gonna let it go.

    Then they do this. Honestly at this point I firmly believe they are trying to scam their customers into staying overweight.

    Pizza night, red light therapy, and no scale. This isn't the place to go if you want results.
    Oh, so now pizza IS Bad. I thought pizza was great "in moderation". On the description of IIFYM mentions pizza 5 times, and the avatar for the link is pizza.
    How's PF different?

    Who wants pizza immediately following/preceding a workout? It's hot and greasy, low on protein and high in carbs. Now I love pizza, and I eat plenty. But it's not food to fuel your workout.

    Why don't they offer protein shakes? That would actually help people.
    Dunno. Seems folks like them. Granted, I don't know if folks actually work out on "pizza night" or just show up to hang out like they do for socials at many other gyms.
    I wasn't present for pizza night this week but I'm sure a lot of this happens

    . Probably.
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    I'm a member at Planet Fitness AND another "super gym" I am someone who works out, has a lot of gym memberships (planet fitness is closer to my work, other gym closer to my home, other gym in between has inexpensive personal trainer) and I hope they will all motivate me to workout more. I have about 40 pounds to lose, workout hard at the gym, but only get there 2-3 times per week, and eat out way too much... so there's my life story.

    I like Planet Fitness alot. It is missing a track, sauna/steamroom/pool, and juice bar of some sort. I too find the pizza thing to be strange, but just don't eat it (or should I say don't go when I know it's pizza night so I won't be tempted.)

    I get the complaints about the lunk alarm. I work out harder than what I see from other people my size doing (like run 2-3 miles outside, for example) and had started trying to get my water in my carrying around a gallon water container like my trainer does. Turns out, that is listed as one of the things that sets out the lunk alarm. I found that annoying. Why would people be bother by that? Also, dropping weights, making loud noises, and wearing fitted muscle shirts. So I think that part is silly. I consider myself fat but that stuff doesn't bother me when I'm working out and doing my own thing since I have headphones on anyway. on the flip side, I get the insecurity too. Watching a size 2 girl run full speed on a treadmill wearing victoria secret booty shorts makes me feel like I way 459 pounds. it sucks, but motivates me to workout harder not never go to a gym. to each his own I suppose.

    I game to the board about the red light therapy. I plan to try it eventually but wondered if there were any risks. I come from a cellulite thigh family and even when I was at a perfect weight it was still a problem. So I'm willing to try it. honeymoon in september. can't have that lol
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    I hit the gym at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. No red lights, no jiggly machines, no roid heads. People who say "Ma'am" and "Sir", track, pool, basketball court, racket ball courts, great weight room, great classes, trainers, spin room and cardio room. The patrons there actually encourage a sixty-something woman like me to hit new goals. No rubber mat smell and you can even deadlift.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I hit the gym at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. No red lights, no jiggly machines, no roid heads. People who say "Ma'am" and "Sir", track, pool, basketball court, racket ball courts, great weight room, great classes, trainers, spin room and cardio room. The patrons there actually encourage a sixty-something woman like me to hit new goals. No rubber mat smell and you can even deadlift.
    Nice! I have a workout buddy (in another town) who belongs to a heart hospital gym. Now THAT is a nice place to work out. Even has a great indoor track.
  • MissJessicaxx
    MissJessicaxx Posts: 4 Member
    It does not tan you at all. It reduces pores, helps reduce wrinkles/fine lines (prevents supposidly too). Can reduce cellulite. The main benefit is healthy looking skin.

    I second this. I work at a PF. It doesn't tan your skin or use UV rays. If you use it before working out, it can help tighten and tone - after working out, you can use it to shake our your muscles so they're not as sore. (However, LIKE TANNING, the light only works on what's exposed, but it wont leave tan lines or anything.)

    I personally don't use it, but I see people use it repeatedly who swear by it and say that they've noticed that it helped with their skin/wrinkles.

    When I googled it on my own time - it had a bunch of great benefits, but like working out, it's something you have to do regularly and often to see results from.
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    Yeah getting a little sick of the snide remarks and random interjections on how ****ty some people think Planet Fitness is as gym. If it's not your bag - move the **** on. You make people who are working hard cringe when we think about the freaking condescending nature of fitness veterans and their opinions of cheaper gyms. Not everyone participates in their food days and not everyone can appreciate an *kitten* who has the nerve to chime in and discredit someone's attempt at a healthier body.

    The total body enhancement is not an extra fee - it's part of the Black Card Membership. If you don't think it works - MOVE ON. Seriously - you piss me off. Personally I prefer the hydro-massage after my workouts - but hey that's me. I LOVE Planet Fitness and I have lost 120 lbs with their help THIS YEAR. Get off your high horses and meet us back down at reality. There's really a lot of great people who work very hard at Planet Fitness.

    RIght on. And good for you! That's amazing! I love PF, too. I can lift as heavy as I want, enjoy all the amenities of the Black Card membership, and the staff is very friendly and helpful. People shouldn't disparage others from trying to better their lives, just because the gym isn't as pricey as others.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Yeah getting a little sick of the snide remarks and random interjections on how ****ty some people think Planet Fitness is as gym. If it's not your bag - move the **** on. You make people who are working hard cringe when we think about the freaking condescending nature of fitness veterans and their opinions of cheaper gyms. Not everyone participates in their food days and not everyone can appreciate an *kitten* who has the nerve to chime in and discredit someone's attempt at a healthier body.

    The total body enhancement is not an extra fee - it's part of the Black Card Membership. If you don't think it works - MOVE ON. Seriously - you piss me off. Personally I prefer the hydro-massage after my workouts - but hey that's me. I LOVE Planet Fitness and I have lost 120 lbs with their help THIS YEAR. Get off your high horses and meet us back down at reality. There's really a lot of great people who work very hard at Planet Fitness.

    RIght on. And good for you! That's amazing! I love PF, too. I can lift as heavy as I want, enjoy all the amenities of the Black Card membership, and the staff is very friendly and helpful. People shouldn't disparage others from trying to better their lives, just because the gym isn't as pricey as others.

    Is that really what you think is going on in this thread? Because it isn't.

    Or at least I don't think it is. Hard to remember after five months.
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    Red Light Therapy has no scientific evidence proving it works.
  • christynichols78
    christynichols78 Posts: 2 Member
    I haven't tried this machine but I read through this thread and laughed. People mock what they don't understand. I conduct therapeutic research. Pharma, NIH, nonprofits researching cures. I am currently working on a light study for Cerebal palsy children for which we are seeing dramatic reductions in seizures and decreased spasticity which means fewer Botox injections in these kids. Red light therapy or Diode therapy is highly effective in wound healing as well. Go to and search the results of this treatment. It's fascinating. Laser and heat are the most effective ways to cause changes to your skin. Creams, etc... are cosmetic items which means they can only superficially alter appearance. Light alters cellular tissue and is therefore, more effective for long term results.

    You may also search vibration on Vibration machines have been found to increase lean muscle and decrease body mass. They also have been found to increase oxygen consumption. If you know anything about oxygen's ability to heal damaged cellular tissue then you know why this is a benefit and why treatments with increased oxygen can reverse some neurological conditions.

    There are a number of studies on both of these treatments. None that I found were financed by any type of sponsor. They were physician researched to determine implementation into practice. Our grant has been awarded by the Cerebal Palsy Alliance.

    So, I understand I will receive naysayers who refuse to conduct their own review and choose to criticize. The research is out there if you know where to look. Every healthcare organization in the entire world promotes movement unless you have a health condition that may exacerbate. If the machine feels good to someone and it is causing the synapses to fire - keep doing it. Science is behind you.
  • christynichols78
    christynichols78 Posts: 2 Member
    Red Light Therapy has no scientific evidence proving it works.

    Sure about that? I found no fewer than 236 studies. Here's one regarding central nervous system injuries. light wounds
  • LaserSex
    LaserSex Posts: 1 Member
    I found this thread because I was just curious as to what the Total Body Enhancement actually was and started reading and what I found was a bunch of smug and pompous a-holes making fun of an exercise facility as a whole because they would dare to offer such an atrocious device.

    It really cracks me up when people mock a facility as not being a "serious gym" because they have some machine that makes claims (which seem to be backed up with legit research) can help with a variety of problems.

    Yea, you're totally right. The gym has got to be totally bunk because they offer a machine and pizza night. Like seriously?! PF has to be the biggest running joke cause they offer such silly things.

    Last I checked, PF has all the tools that someone needs to stay fit. They have weights, muscle training machines, and top notch cardio machines.


    Last I checked, It is the PERSON and NOT the facility.

    But please, if you want to attend another gym and pay through the nose cause it has an air of prestige just to use the same exact machines around a bunch of pretentious and arrogant meatheads and snobs, be my guest. Then I won't have to wait to use the machine you're on while you judge me.
  • Wheelhouse15
    Wheelhouse15 Posts: 5,575 Member
    LaserSex wrote: »
    I found this thread because I was just curious as to what the Total Body Enhancement actually was and started reading and what I found was a bunch of smug and pompous a-holes making fun of an exercise facility as a whole because they would dare to offer such an atrocious device.

    It really cracks me up when people mock a facility as not being a "serious gym" because they have some machine that makes claims (which seem to be backed up with legit research) can help with a variety of problems.

    Yea, you're totally right. The gym has got to be totally bunk because they offer a machine and pizza night. Like seriously?! PF has to be the biggest running joke cause they offer such silly things.

    Last I checked, PF has all the tools that someone needs to stay fit. They have weights, muscle training machines, and top notch cardio machines.


    Last I checked, It is the PERSON and NOT the facility.

    But please, if you want to attend another gym and pay through the nose cause it has an air of prestige just to use the same exact machines around a bunch of pretentious and arrogant meatheads and snobs, be my guest. Then I won't have to wait to use the machine you're on while you judge me.

    Strong fist post, be gone troll.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ...this thread needs to DIE!
  • vanfox3
    vanfox3 Posts: 2 Member
    I can't believe the condescending remarks on this thread about people who go to PF. I go there because I can't stand the people at other gyms who like to flaunt how much they can lift and how they can run for hours at a time and not break a sweat. If you can do that, then more power to you. There are those that can't. There are those that just want a place they can go and be comfortable as they get started on a weight loss/fitness journey. Everyone has to start somewhere. If you truly cared about people Mr/Ms Fitness trainer with 25 gazillion posts on MFP, you would be happy that they are making a conscious decision to take charge of their health and encourage others to find what works for them.

    As for the red light therapy, I've done it twice. I like the way I feel when I am done. Does it really do all it claims? I don't know, but I do know how I feel when I come out of it. So I will continue to use it. I use the hydromassage tables too. Do they do anything? Again, I don't know. I like the way I feel when it is over. I like the way I feel when my workout is over. And isn't that what this is all about? Feeling better???