

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all! Feel like I've been running at top speed the past couple days. The nor'easter is passed, just wind today. The cross country meet yesterday was soooo windy and chill and rainy.......I wore a sweatshirt, fleece jacket and lined 3/4 length raincoat, hood up over a ball cap, jeans and barn boots........quite the fashion statement!!!! And still wished I had brought my ear muffs!!!!

    Phone call to cousin.......her son works at the mint, near the shooting but he was up north at their hunt camp near Algonquin Provincial Park hunting moose. Good to know he was not in danger.

    It still doesn't seem real for that to have happened in Canada of all places, here, yes, but not Canada. I guess it's stereotyping on my part but I see Canadians as calm, strong, practical, peaceful, and friendly. I guess because I loved those "Sargent Preston of the Yukon" recordings when I was little.......listened so much I had them memorized. Soooooo unfair to those young men! I'm with Katla.

    Took Gwen for f/u today on her eye this am.........doing superb according to dr. cutie-pie.

    Stopped in to see friend at her store that my other friend was worried about; yes, it might be something serious, but no tests even completed yet.

    Janemartin and Meg..........hoping you are both feeling better.

    Sylvia.........Lovely pottery. What color are you planning? The cousin I called in Ontario is a potter.

    Vicki........I have found muself in a tub of ice cream too many times also.

    patceoh......Congrats on the new mattress. We need one badly......I get awake just aching in my lower back and hips some mornings.

    Suein SD..........I would have loved that concert!!!!

    Welcome newbies!!!! Keep posting!!!

    Hello to everyone else!

  • hiphop10
    hiphop10 Posts: 135 Member
    Hi may I join this group? if so how?
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Oh fudge! I read, and typed up a response yesterday, never posted it and deleted it… GRRRR
    So here goes again…. Well as I started to re – respond to everyone I found my post… oh goodness I am getting old and crazy!!!

    My heart is sad for Canada.

    Welcome to Dickefaru1105, Rose and all the other new ladies…
    Deb – hang in there! Could you find an exercise item on craigslist or other used site?

    Joyce – I am with you (on Christmas name draws) I love to do for everyone but our group got to be about 25 folks and the rest of the group did want to do for so many; not too long after that change we all stopped getting together… It was sad.

    I have always wanted to try geo caching but don’t have a gps unit or gps on any gadget… my gadgets are too old.

    Katla – have we seen Gloria in Detroit? Or ???? in the Mojave Desert? Why can’t I think of her first name…. Michele THANK You is Anne!!
    Sylvia – great soup bowls!!! When they are glazed can you do a second pic?

    Meg – Shouldn’t you be seeing the dr about your “ plague” ?

    Lesley – Salad for breakfast…that would be enough to have me throw in the towel and just give up…. Good for you to plan to stick with it.

    Beth – try to find time to care for yourself too

    Heather – (and Beth) we can get crackers here usually at World Market (aka Cost Plus) they are fun.

    Robin – good job! Follow the Dr. orders and listen to your body!

    HipHop10 – you just joined… log in and tell us about you…

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Happy Thursday, everyone! Lots of thunder and rain today. Scared the cats, but I love it. I tried Jicama for the first time. It is a little bland (I ate it plain and raw) but I really enjoyed it. Low calories, a hint of sweet, high potassium (which I need). I think it will turn into a good munchie type snack food for me. I also tried that old PlayStation2 game 'Dance, Dance Revolution Extreme 2' today. I haven't tried it in years. I forgot how sweaty that thing can make you! I will try to play a little each day. I am pretty abysmal at it right now, but hope to get better with practice.

    Hiphop10 - Welcome! It makes it easier to find this thread if you click on the star to the right of the thread title. Then you can access it under your bookmarks menu.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 55 minutes of the LaLo Fit DVD. In one sense, I don't like this DVD because his cueing is so horrible. But then again, he really gets me working up a sweat and I really feel it the next day. Oh well. Tomorrow's plan is to go to the Humane Society and take my aluminum there then take the deep water class.

    Right now I'm baking some more of the bran muffins to keep in the freezer then I go to volunteer at the Green Room, then lunch at Bob Evans with some neighbors (I already know that I'll get the grilled chicken breast and a side (hopefully two) of steamed broccoli and just have water to drink. Afterwards, I'll go to Aldi since I need more veges and some other things from there Update: I wound up getting 3 orders. Not sue why they gave me so much, but they did.

    barbie - I'm so glad to hear that we'll be able to start a new thread. Wonder if there will be a link at the bottom of the old thread again? Guess we shall see.....

    Donna - the physical went well. I honestly don't understand why they don't want the results of the blood work before your appointment so you can discuss it, but whatever. We did discusss my bloodwork, the things I was low on he said he wouldn't worry too much about. We only discussed the HDL a bit. I didn't know that spirulina was so high in niacin! Thanks for telling me

    Cynthia - you're taking such good care of your doggie, I'm impressed. What tips did that trainer give you?

    Deb - sounds like a great time is in store for you

    Sue in SD - glad you had such a good time at the concert. I know that I always do better eating on my own than when I have to cook for Vince. He wants his meat and potatoes, he thinks a dinner of veges or eggs is sacriligious. I sometimes like having oatmeal or cereal or eggs for dinner.

    Jan - so glad your cousin's son is safe

    hiphop - OF COURSE you can join!!!! You joined by posting. We're so glad to have ya. Tell us more about yourself

    Today was a hectic day. Exercised, then made some bran muffins, went to volunteer at the Green Room, then lunch with some of the neighbors (just had grilled chicken and broccoli with just water to drink), then to Aldi to get some veges, then PetSmart to get some dry cat food to use as "treats" when Loki gets his med, then home to schedule my DEXA, roasted one of the spaghetti squashes for dinner (they were small), then Newcomer bowling. Came home from bowling and roasted another spaghetti squash and a butternut squash.

    Tomorrow I suspect we'll work some more on the Halloween decorations. Vince didn't bowl tonight because the other day he was walked down the stairs and got a bad splinter in his finger. It hurts even with the bandaid on so he knew it would really hurt bowling. Jessica should be here tomorrow. I also made some fudge. I'm trying something new, using the Fantastic Fudge recipe as a guide but instead of the evaporated milk I used sweetened condensed milk and added some unsweetened cocoa. I did find that you really needed to keep stirring it.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Just had to pop in and say I voted! I do it absentee; and with 3 voter pamphlets to read through I thought it would take forever... but not as bad as I feared! So I am making a sign to put on my front door telling all that I have already voted and please don't leave any flyers on my doorstep! I bet I had a whole tree worth of paper trying to get my vote!

    Good, one more thing off my list of things to do.

    have a good evening all.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif In keeping with my happiness commandment, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the best", I'm going to make a quick post rather than getting upset that I don't have time to respond individually.

    smiley-excited001.gifToday was Jake's first appointment with our new GP doctor.....the last one moved on to working with geriatric patients in convalescent hospitals. The new doctor is female, very young, knows a lot about all the things we asked about, and is darling. I'll have my appointment with her in December

    smiley-computer004.gif I got my new glasses today and they are wonderful.

    smiley-dance010.gif Today was my second week teaching the intermediate dance class. It went well and it was a challenging way to stretch myself as a dancer and a teacher but I'm really looking forward to the beginner class tomorrow.

    smiley-love014.gif Barbie


    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends ~
    Once again I have been playing catch up on your posts after a week-long business trip. As I have been reading, I send up prayers for the health of all of you lovely ladies, as well as your loved ones (2 and 4 legged). So many virulent bugs are circulating :p – please take care and keep washing your hands!

    Tomorrow DH and I start a fun weekend in the mountains with 4 grown up nieces and nephews. The ‘baby’ of the family is turning 30. My late brother would be so proud of his kids. He died of ALS when the oldest was a sophomore in college. I wasn’t a steady presence in their lives because they were in Oklahoma and I lived in Hawaii. I did my best to send birthday presents, and to this day I still have the sweet thank you notes and drawings they sent me as kids. I’m packing these and many other family albums to share as we sit by the fireplace at night.

    While I was looking at photos today, I shuddered at some of my heavier pictures. :\ I was never, ever thin, even as a kid. As a teenager I came close to 200 pounds. In my twenties I already had thunder thighs and giant bat wings. There was a point in my late 20’s when I became a runner and got down to about 150, but thought I was still super fat. LOL! Today I am grateful for the strength, stamina and shape I carry as a much wiser 58 year old. Still a work in progress. (*) (*) (*)

    Stay well. Stay strong. I am cheering you on.
    Rori B) in the Colorado foothills and still learning how to use this new system.

    October goals:
    > Minimize consumption of alcohol to two servings per week
    > Register for and attend 50% of Master's swim course
    > Once a week, call someone just to say hello
    > Make plans for how I will use up my remaining paid vacation days
    Word for 2014 = Release
  • DebinMelbourne
    DebinMelbourne Posts: 134 Member
    Hi there everyone,

    Is anyone monitoring their body fat percentage? I'm getting annoyed that mine is not budging and sits around 30 percent, according to both my Withings scale and the scale at the gym. I feel that I'm exercising for England!
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    I did manage to get to Target at lunch yesterday. Found four adorable, yet practical sweaters on sale. Three cardigans that look as nice buttoned as open and classic winter white pullover. I no longer need to look quite so baggy!

    Wednesday night is dog school. I have been going to the same instructor for almost ten years. Through three dogs' careers. Currently each dog gets one hour in a mixed level class. So I am on my toes for two hours trying to keep ahead of them. Great classes. It is looking like the boys are both coming together very nicely for the shows.

    Busy Thursday. Got up early to walk the dogs and get the cows fed, but still managed to not really have time for a good breakfast before I ran off to work. I hate it when the dogs goof off and won't poop when you are in a hurry. Just threw yogurt and a little granola in my lunch bag. I hate that. That kind of breakfast never sticks with me until lunch. I survived but was a bit grouchier than I needed to be this morning. Only got little bit of progress on my next project. I'll just need to try hard to focus tomorrow. And make sure I get a good breakfast.

    Tonight I got to watch my granddaughter at her swimming lesson and then babysit her while her mom ran off to a class. Works great for everyone. My DD gets some time to herself and I get some special time with the munchkin!

    Hope everyone feels better. It seems like there is a rash of illness and it isn't even flu season yet.

    Looking for the joy in everyday, just like my dogs!

    Sally W.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Since it is Thursday that means I will tell you about Thursday on vacation!!! Makes sense.

    I guess sitting in the beach and letting the surf carry us back and forth in the sand, there for leaving a lot of sand in our bathing suit bottoms to then land on our bathroom floors when we take the suit off, I was totally exhausted Wednesday night and when I got up on Thursday morning. Our outing that day was supposed to be Marine Gulf World. I was going to be pushed around in my wheel chair while everyone else walked. I knew how tired my oldest daughter and my husband already were. And the girls really wanted to do the 'swim with dolphins' there but it would cost and extra $70 apiece. They already knew that Grandpa and Grandma was not paying that. So I suggested that since we really hadn't had much time to just sit on the beach and watch the kids play that we should do that. And when I say kids I mean my 41 year old son in law and my 34 year old youngest daughter. Unboundless energy. And my Grandkids absolutely adore their Aunt Michelle because she will do just about anything with them. The winds were calm on Thursday and the temp ok. So that is what we did, absolutely nothing!!! AH, heavenly. My SIL is kid of like my dAd was. He will let those girls do anything to him, put ribbons in his hair, curlers, make up, wear a tootoo and do ballet with them. I know that sounds like he may be a little feminine but he loves his kids. Anyway, thye wanted to bury him in the sand so he started digging the hole. And he dug deep, He is long and lanky and when he was sitting the the hole digging, all you could see was body and no swim trunks! After he was satisfied he was deep enough they started to cover him up. Then Charlie actually got involved! I pinched myself to see if it was true. Charlie allowed himself to have fun! He was still in his shoes socks, long pants, long sleeve shirt and heavy insulated denim shirt with hat on but he was having sun!!! So he decided to make a merman out of his SIL. I think when they finally finished he was about 12 feet tall. Charlie likes to draw so he tried his best to make good fins and flipper on him. In the meantime Paul, SIL, was making great abs for himself. Michellle, YDD, tried to change it into boobs but Paul wouldn't have it. So the 2 grand kids had to make themselves into mermaids but they didn't dig them selves down as deep. But Grandpa made their scales and flippers on them and they all had fun. Michelle is always looking for things to eat. She had been losing weight but she started on quitting smoking and gained her weight back. So she started feeding the seagulls potato chips. Word of caution, do not offer to feed sea guls anything. You soon find yourselves in a chapter form 'The birds'. I don't know how many we had jsut swirling around us, dive bombng to get a chip out of Michelle or Ellie's, youngest Grand daughter, hands. Trinity, oldest grand daughter, acted freaked out but I think she was having fun. The kids went boogie boarding and every one had a wonderful time. We knew it was our last day to do something fun, the weather was wonderful, Charlie actually decided to join us instead of staying in the house with the TV remote. We went out and found our local fish eatery and spent $170 on the whole family. The plates were huge, the servings were huge, It was in a quaint boat dock and was in the boobies so it was called the boondocks. I had grilled flounder and green beans but had a baked potato. I usually don't find baked potatos that are that perfectly baked that I want to eat the whole thing but these were. So that's the only thing I over did on. And it was GOOD. They did serve hush puppies with every meal but they were as big as a couple of peas cooled together.

    Then unfortunately back to our lovely house on the beach to finish up laundry and pack. Oh to day I got email confirmation that our damage deposit was given back to us. Our other houses sometimes took up to 6 weeks. Tomorrow, going home. Quite a trip!

    Got the information today at the doctors office that they had enrolled in an online patient record and so I singed Charlie up tonight for his. I go to the same office for my MS treatment and gave them my email but they haven;t sent me my portal number yet to sign in.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Joyce, love hearing about your trip... and glad Charlie got involved..
    i didnt do much of anything yesterday, really I stayed home, I did take the dogs for a couple of walks, and did a load of laundry, made Tom's dinner and made him a carrot cake, but I binge watched DIY tv all day... :o and it felt good.. I didnt take the car to car max, figured we would keep it through the winter anyway.. we are un decided on what to do for the renovation of the kitchen and bathroom, we dont want to take out a loan, DH is thinking of borrowing from his 401k,because he can without penalty..
    we really have to think this out..
    I have been bad and have fallen off the exercise wagon.. I have to really get back in it if I want to finish losing the weight..i dont want to slide back into nothingness again.. i am going to try and post a picture of my DH and our 2 grandaughters at the airport this summeriz7ivtvl3lr7.jpg
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Ainsley in the glasses,Tom of course and Shannen in the pink.. they love there grandpa!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou: Gloomy day here.

    Alison - lovely photo! :)

    Well, I'm 2 lbs up on my fighting weight, so I have got to be a bit stricter with myself for a while. I did 614 cals of exercise snd strength training this morning, despite being interrupted by a phone call from my friend. But I got back on the bike afterwards.
    Between my wonderful DH and you lovely women I hope to get it back off. I have lost snd regained the weight 4 times over previously, each time putting lots more back on, but I sooooo don't want that to happen. :noway: :noway: :noway:
    I do know that without this thread I would have no hope. Don't go away! ! ! ! ! ! ! <3 (*) <3

    I want to find time over the next few days to g o out looking for my LBD as I have a 20% off voucher until Monday. I hate shopping at weekends though. Maybe Monday. I really have to be in the right mood for that sort of thing - not feeling in an LBD mood today. :ohwell:

    Sorry for those with bad cases of the lurgy. Meg, Jane and others. :flowerforyou: Meg, I will be thinking of your daughter and her pregnancy problems. Worrying time. :'(

    Margaret - have you ever made sauerkraut? I know you were investigating fermented food. We eat a lot of yoghourt. I was looking at a sauerkraut pot on Amazon and found some methods on line. I'm tempted, but it's probably something I would do once and never again. Also it makes a lot. I have put it on my wishlist to think about. Could also make Korean kimchi with it.
    I think we are buying each other an ice blue KitchenAid for Christmas. I told DH I didn't think it was much of a present for him, but he said he likes to eat the results! : laugh: Sometimes we bake together so that would be fun. It will probably encourage me to make more bread. Got to make our Christmas cake next week.

    Got to get washed and dressed now. The window cleaner saw me exercising in my pyjamas! ! ! !

    Love from Heather in Hampshire. I'm still posting my inaccurate ticker as I can't be bothered to change it. It should read 55 lbs lost. Soon be right again. :laugh:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited October 2014
    Well ... I did not stay on track yesterday. I really need a swift kick in the derriere! So today I try again.

    Kim ... it's "Anne" you're thinking of from the Mojave Desert.

    Alison ... thanks for sharing the photo ... beautiful granddaughters!

    Lesley ... your meals sound delicious ... hoping for good results!

    Beth in Western New York

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Beth - Thanks for the support regarding strengthening my quad muscles. I have had OA in both knees about 15 years (cortisone shots at least twice a year), and I was diagnosed with RA about 1 year ago (so symptoms about 3 years). Luckily, I work at a Clinic with 2 Physical Therapists, so they stop by my desk a few times a day to give me exercises for whichever joint(s) is having a flare, and the ones that are not.

    DH bought copper knee braces for himself and DS (Osgood-Schlatter). Son loved them, hubby not so much. He said he had to keep tugging them back up in place. Of course, he blamed his 580 bowling series on the new braces (whatever). As long as son can get through this growth spurt, that will make this all worth it.

    I think I am going to bring fresh fruit to the bowling alleys with me this weekend. I have a grapefruit in the fridge, and my favorite store has bananas on sale this week. After bowling Saturday we will get the yard ready for winter, and after bowling Sunday is our town's Trick-or-Treat day. I bought KitKat bars because they are NOT my favorite. >:)

    Hugggs to everyone sick or struggling. Thanks for all the support. Take Care All ! ! !
    (Let's see if my ticker shows up, I haven't tried the new way yet).


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Popping back in because I'm so excited! ! ! ! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    DH, glory be, has decided he wants a BIG get together next October for his 70th birthday. <3 (*)
    He is right now making enquiries about hiring a group of houses and a barn in the Cotswolds for the whole bday weekend with a catered meal for the Saturday night. Around 28 people. I am amazed! He has never done anything like this before. We are just waiting for them to call us back for a chat. I found the place in House Beautiful magazine while I was looking for ideas for our bedroom redec and just showed it to him and said, "that's an idea", because he was thinking about how to mark the occasion. I hope it comes off, though it will take a bit of organising.

    This is very off the wall for him. I had trouble getting him to believe enough people would want to come to his 60th birthday dinner at our local tapas place. He has a problem believing in his own worth to others, though he is very much loved. o:) No doubt this will cause him anxiety, but at least he has made a start. :love:

    Heather, feeling hungry after a light lunch in Hampshire UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    Good morning,

    Heather I tried to make sauerkraut. My first attempt did not work out. It got moldy. The mistakes I made were I needed to boil the jar longer, cover the grated cabbage with more brine, and it might have helped to use an organic cabbage. I want to try again. Now it might be too cool. If I remember right it also need to ferment at a certain temperature. If any one else has tips love to hear them. I have been buying Kombucha, fermented tea. I would love to learn how to make that too. It is a bit pricey to buy.

    I worked the last couple of days and am getting ready to go help my friend in Kindergarten, so I hope to check in later today and catch up.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • Lindaloowww
    Lindaloowww Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new to the discussion. You look like a lively group of ladies! I've been having many ups and downs in weight loss, and recently experienced an "up". Looking for friends to share the adventure. I'm 5'10", 51 years old, have hypothyroidism and low metabolism. I've been sitting right around 200 for weeks now after being down to 178 with Weight Watchers last year (2013). My goal weight is around 159-165, weight in my 20s was in the 150s. I've had a lot of hardships in my life in the last four years and I know it effects my eating habits (trying to fill up the holes in my heart with food). I love exercise but my body is starting to feel a little older and pain comes quickly and injuries easily. Just looking to share the journey, encourage others, and get more healthy one step at a time - hopefully two steps forward and only one step back, rather than three steps back.
    B) Linda
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sue: Sorry your poor horse has arthritis. :cry: My previous lesson horse did, too. He was a grand old man of 20, and sometimes we had to postpone a lesson for him. Since my DH also has arthritis, I understood that fairly easily. My current lesson horse is only six but has hoof problems for which he get shots twice a year. I’m still working to understand the problems. The terms I heard were founder, laminitis and granulation. My teacher bought a wild yearling mustang colt at auction this past spring and his hooves are amazingly small and symmetrical. It was an interesting comparison. Since neither horse is currently shod, I got to compare structures and to see how the hoof walls connect to the interior. I was amazed at how thin the hard outer layer actually is. I’d always assumed it to be about the width of a horseshoe. According to her, mustangs tend to have better feet than domestic horses because those who have bad feet don’t survive to produce a bunch of offspring. Also according to her, Western Oregon and Washington soils lack selenium and she gives all of her horses a daily feed supplement that contains selenium and vitamins. The mustang came from Central Oregon, which has a different soil profile and drier conditions. I’m learning so many things I didn’t know before. :bigsmile:

    Joyce: Congratulations on your efforts to be a hospice volunteer. I can see how your MS interfered with that situation. I don’t think I could do it because of the emotional challenges. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Today’s joke could have helped me when I was teaching writing to 8th graders. :laugh: :wink:

    Yannieannie: We need a new mattress, too. We’re having a hard time making a decision because we’re afraid of making an expensive mistake. :noway: :ohwell:

    Hiphop: Welcome to a great group. You join by posting. Tell us about yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: I haven’t seen a post from Gloria or the woman in the Mojave. I can’t recall her name just now, either. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: I agree with you about breakfast for dinner. Sometimes it is just the right thing. Luckily, DH likes it, too. Your fudge sounds yummy—and way too tempting. :laugh:

    Barbie: I’m so happy that we will be starting a new thread in November. I think the ritual of reporting on our goals and setting new ones is an excellent motivator even though I always choose the same goals. They’re working for me. You are a gifted leader. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Rori in CO: I’m glad to see that you found us! I hope you have a wonderful time with your grownup nieces and nephews. It is wonderful that you are still part of their lives. :flowerforyou:

    DebinMelbourne: I am not monitoring my body fat percentage. Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    SallyW from Oregon: I envy your time with the munchkin. I’ll see my DGK at Halloween and then who knows when. Living several states apart has drawbacks. What part of Oregon are you from? If I already asked, I don’t remember the answer. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Your vacation with the kids sounds excellent. Thanks for sharing. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: Hang in there for yourself! You’re worth every bit of effort. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Heather: You can prevail and make this new lifestyle a permanent thing. You are one of the strongest women around. I’ve been backsliding a bit lately, myself. :embarassed: I think that the shorter days as we approach winter play a role in it for me. I had a huge lunch out yesterday and spent the rest of the day atoning for my “sins.” What I know of myself, and suspect is a truth we share, is that it is all too easy to backslide. I’ve grown to be so much happier than I used to be that I find the effort to stay healthy is worth every counted calorie. :flowerforyou: Your plan for DH’s 70th birthday sounds grand. I’m so happy for him that he’s going to celebrate! :bigsmile: :star:

    Beth: Thanks for reminding us about Anne’s name. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I had a coworker several years ago who made sauerkraut annually. I think she packed it into a crock and salted it, then let it do its thing. I didn’t get complete instructions from her, though she gave me a nice jar of kraut. :flowerforyou:

    Riding lesson today! Yay! I wonder what I’ll learn this week. I am so happy to have something to look forward to each week. DD has a wedding anniversary coming right up, and we’ll be seeing her and the DGC next week for Halloween. It is especially important this time of year to have good things to look forward to since the days are shortening. I want to avoid seasonal depression. Light, good nutrition, and fun all help me in the struggle to combat the blues. :heart: :star:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
