Sugar Problems



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    ^^^Stopped reading at LoloLustig.

    MrM27 was does that mean?

  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    wkwebby wrote: »
    wamydia wrote: »
    I think it's almost impossible to eat a healthy amount of fruit/ veggies per day (assuming a balanced diet) and still stay under the MFP goal. I don't generally track sugar for that reason. If I do look at it, I always subtract the sugar from fruit/veg just to give myself a number for refined sugars. Overall, I've never had much use for it though.

    I'm prediabetic and have been about or under my sugar goals for 75% of the time. The only time I will go over is if I eat more than 3 servings of fruit a day, and ones with lower sugar content at that. If you stick to veggies as your sugar source, you won't go over unless it is from something like sweet potato which tends to be higher in natural sugars or a rare sweet treat like dark chocolate. For someone like me, that is a problem, but if you don't have a problem, there is no real need to track your sugars.

  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi. Just avoid high sugar fruits and vegetables if you must. Eat berries. Avoid peas carrots . You can get a list if you google low carb fruits and veg
  • moleskined
    moleskined Posts: 3 Member
    SideSteel wrote: »
    One thing you could do would be to track calories, protein, carbs, fat, and fiber, then from there make sure you come reasonably close to your goals, select about 80% whole and minimally refined foods, and stop tracking sugar entirely.

    This. End thread.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    psulemon from your above post you seemed to not be aware ketosis was being considered as a form of possible treatment for other medical conditions. This recent article on the subject may be of interest to you.,-2014/the-ketogenic-diet-in-cancer-control.aspx

    "More recently, research provided preliminary evidence for the ketogenic diet’s therapeutic potential against diverse illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, polycystic ovary disease, and cancer."
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psulemon from your above post you seemed to not be aware ketosis was being considered as a form of possible treatment for other medical conditions. This recent article on the subject may be of interest to you.,-2014/the-ketogenic-diet-in-cancer-control.aspx

    "More recently, research provided preliminary evidence for the ketogenic diet’s therapeutic potential against diverse illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, polycystic ovary disease, and cancer."

    Most of those illnesses already have ties to low carb diets. I am fully aware of that. Keto is an extreme option as it's also a LCHF diet. But again, the OP does not have a medical condition, so most of your research does not apply. For weight loss, the OP only needs a calorie deficit. But it is recommend that should aim to get about .8g - 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass (with resistance training) it has been proven to be muscle sparring. Fats are generally recommend at .35g per lb of lean body mass to ensure adequate fatty acids intake. And the rest can be carbs (sugar is a carb). So unless the OP has PCOS or another medical problem a moderate approach could work.

    Now since the OP is pretty close to her goal weight, I would question why her goal is 1200 calories, but I suspect that is because she might has chosen an aggressive goal. But the good news is she appears to be eating back exercise calories. And ideally, based on the one day, i would probably recommend adding a bit more protein to hit around 100g. But if the OP wants us to look at calories, she can ask.

    And FYI, Taubes, Vokey, Lustig, etc.. are all highly biased and their research reflects that. In the fitness and wellness community, they are highly disregarded. Their extreme views and cherry picked research is constantly ripped apart by people with actual educations in the field. I am not saying that some of their research isn't valid, but the extremism automatically makes it invalid in my eyes and many others in the community.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    psulemon from your above post you seemed to not be aware ketosis was being considered as a form of possible treatment for other medical conditions. This recent article on the subject may be of interest to you.,-2014/the-ketogenic-diet-in-cancer-control.aspx

    "More recently, research provided preliminary evidence for the ketogenic diet’s therapeutic potential against diverse illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, polycystic ovary disease, and cancer."

    The op did not express any desire to do keto, so I'm not sure why advise related to keto is being offered. She's essentially asking whether it's more healthy to avoid carrots, peaches, etc., and it seems perverse to tell her it is.
  • Scarecrowsama
    Scarecrowsama Posts: 85 Member
    helenanj wrote: »
    I eat well, trying to stick to the 80/20 rule.

    What do you mean with this? that you eat 80% "healthy" and cheat 20%?
    helenanj wrote: »
    My one problem seems to be the sugar intake. It's usually simple sugars from fruit but still. How do I eat my fruits and veggies without going over my sugar limits?

    Sugar should always be eaten alone, prior or post meals, but not 5 minutes, but rather in between meals, and the more sugary fruits, the ones with more fructose content, will give you more trouble than benefit, limit fruit intake and consume it within meals, don't care about veggies.
    helenanj wrote: »
    Whenever I track my food intake I am usually well under my calorie limit but over my sugars.

    Although this kind of websites help to track calories, don't take them as a God's rule.
    helenanj wrote: »
    What am I doing wrong?
    Do you have any ideas for veg/fruit/snack foods low in sugar?

    I don't know what you eat but I just wanted to point out that if you skip "healthy whole grains" or beans when you talk about sugars you are making yourself a big trouble.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    helenanj wrote: »
    I eat well, trying to stick to the 80/20 rule.

    What do you mean with this? that you eat 80% "healthy" and cheat 20%?
    helenanj wrote: »
    My one problem seems to be the sugar intake. It's usually simple sugars from fruit but still. How do I eat my fruits and veggies without going over my sugar limits?

    Sugar should always be eaten alone, prior or post meals, but not 5 minutes, but rather in between meals, and the more sugary fruits, the ones with more fructose content, will give you more trouble than benefit, limit fruit intake and consume it within meals, don't care about veggies.
    helenanj wrote: »
    Whenever I track my food intake I am usually well under my calorie limit but over my sugars.

    Although this kind of websites help to track calories, don't take them as a God's rule.
    helenanj wrote: »
    What am I doing wrong?
    Do you have any ideas for veg/fruit/snack foods low in sugar?

    I don't know what you eat but I just wanted to point out that if you skip "healthy whole grains" or beans when you talk about sugars you are making yourself a big trouble.

    Sugar should always be eaten alone? Explain why.
    I was going to ask that as well, since I'd say blood sugar wise, satiety wise, my own experience wise: do the opposite if you have any issues.
  • Scarecrowsama
    Scarecrowsama Posts: 85 Member
    Not sugar, fruit, that was a mistake.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Not sugar, fruit, that was a mistake.

    All fruit should be eaten alone? Why?
  • Scarecrowsama
    Scarecrowsama Posts: 85 Member
    Well, if you have ever read about "food combining" you can have some explanations, I am reluctant about the food combining theory for other reasons but anyway, the problem that other people comment about the fructose combined with other foods is mostly that what is going to happen is that the slow digestion of proteins in food and fats is going to make that fructose sit there long time and will start to ferment, leading to gas and feeding bacteria.

    Try to see how you feel, your digestion, when you combine fruits and other foods, although not all the fruit are consider that bad, some of them, with less fructose, are tolerated better.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    psulemon from your above post you seemed to not be aware ketosis was being considered as a form of possible treatment for other medical conditions. This recent article on the subject may be of interest to you.,-2014/the-ketogenic-diet-in-cancer-control.aspx

    "More recently, research provided preliminary evidence for the ketogenic diet’s therapeutic potential against diverse illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, polycystic ovary disease, and cancer."

    This is another example of why people don't like keto-ers/low carbers.

    That's all great for you, but that isn't what the OP was asking. She said nothing about medical conditions.

    And the fact you claim sugar is like your heroin....yeah everything else you wrote won't be taken seriously. That comparision is just ridiculous.

  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    psulemon from your above post you seemed to not be aware ketosis was being considered as a form of possible treatment for other medical conditions. This recent article on the subject may be of interest to you.,-2014/the-ketogenic-diet-in-cancer-control.aspx

    "More recently, research provided preliminary evidence for the ketogenic diet’s therapeutic potential against diverse illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, polycystic ovary disease, and cancer."

    And then there's the other side of the story:
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    helenanj wrote: »
    I eat well, trying to stick to the 80/20 rule.

    What do you mean with this? that you eat 80% "healthy" and cheat 20%?
    helenanj wrote: »
    My one problem seems to be the sugar intake. It's usually simple sugars from fruit but still. How do I eat my fruits and veggies without going over my sugar limits?

    Sugar should always be eaten alone, prior or post meals, but not 5 minutes, but rather in between meals, and the more sugary fruits, the ones with more fructose content, will give you more trouble than benefit, limit fruit intake and consume it within meals, don't care about veggies.
    helenanj wrote: »
    Whenever I track my food intake I am usually well under my calorie limit but over my sugars.

    Although this kind of websites help to track calories, don't take them as a God's rule.
    helenanj wrote: »
    What am I doing wrong?
    Do you have any ideas for veg/fruit/snack foods low in sugar?

    I don't know what you eat but I just wanted to point out that if you skip "healthy whole grains" or beans when you talk about sugars you are making yourself a big trouble.

    Sugar should always be eaten alone? Explain why.
    I was going to ask that as well, since I'd say blood sugar wise, satiety wise, my own experience wise: do the opposite if you have any issues.

    My thought exactly. Fruit doesn't give me problems anyway, I assume because of the fiber, but anything that has blood sugar effects is much better to be eaten as part of a balanced meal if you are sensitive at all.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    Not sugar, fruit, that was a mistake.

    All fruit should be eaten alone? Why?

    Oh, wait, I'm remembering this now, from when my mom bought the Beverly Hills Diet book. Cool.

  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    psulemon from your above post you seemed to not be aware ketosis was being considered as a form of possible treatment for other medical conditions. This recent article on the subject may be of interest to you.,-2014/the-ketogenic-diet-in-cancer-control.aspx

    "More recently, research provided preliminary evidence for the ketogenic diet’s therapeutic potential against diverse illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, polycystic ovary disease, and cancer."

    This is another example of why people don't like keto-ers/low carbers.

    That's all great for you, but that isn't what the OP was asking. She said nothing about medical conditions.

    And the fact you claim sugar is like your heroin....yeah everything else you wrote won't be taken seriously. That comparision is just ridiculous.

    I agree.