Fit For Future Families - April 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey Spring!!

    Heather, from Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant used to be here with us - we love her! Welcome to our group!

    DH - Dear Husband (similar to DD being Dear Daughter, DS is Dear Son, etc...)
    SMEP - Sperm Meets Egg Plan - lots and lots of unprotected sex!
    BFP - Big Fat Positive, BFN - Big Fat Negative

    If you throw any of these into google you should get the answers.

  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Hiya Spring :) I'm the lurker from the other board and saw Heather point you our way :) Welcome!!!! Sounds like you'll fit right in :)

    Jalara - feeling any better today?

    AFM: Trying to gte back into the exercise mode today - with the weather being yucky, I'm not terirbly motivated....LOL but I will when I get home tonight. Leaving in about 30 minutes for weekly lunch with sis @ Subway....I'm not sure what to's such a balance there - some things are low in cals, but higher in sodium. Lots of processed meats, but am I getting my $$ worth with a veggie delight....*sigh*

    How's everyone else's week going?
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    Hi All-

    I haven't posted in a while so thought I'd update you. My pre-op for my tubal ligation reversal went well last week other than the doctor telling me my incision might be almost the size of a c-section one!!! My surgery is still May 4th and I'm not looking forward to the painful recovery and not being able to exercise :(

    If all goes well, I'll be TTC the end of May! I'm trying not to be negative but I've read a lot of stories about women having ectopic pregnancies and miscarriages after reversal or not getting pregant at all. I'm just placing my life in God's hands as usual and trusting everything will be fine no matter what the future may hold. I've never had abdominal surgery so I'm quite nervous!!! My DH keeps reminding me that even though we may not have another child at least my PTLS symptoms will diminish, which I must say, I can't wait to feel "normal" again.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi Spring!! LOL I think we are on the same page in many ways!!! Welcome!

    I have been taking my vitamins and extra folic acid for almost a year :) I have to say...I'm pretty good at it (well with a little help from DH. He is good at reminding me) I tried prenatals, but as soon as I start taking them my face breaks out HORRIBLY the instant I start taking them! I did a little research a while back and I think someone said it was because of the amount of biotin...I don't know...I have tried different kinds and they all have the same result. :grumble: So One-A-Day Women’s + Folic Acid is my daily supplement before bed.

    Thank you, Pam, for keeping things going! I really need you ladies and realized that my discouragement does not mean it is time to back out. It's time to do quite the opposite; get involved and get focused! :smile: Sorry for your itchiness, but enjoy your Subway!
    This week has turned out better than it started. My goal has been to rehydrate after not having any water while in England, and try not to eat if I am not hungry! I have a terrible habit of eating when I am bored and this is probably a reason for my plateau. Well and the fact that I haven't been under/around my calorie goal in quite some time. And to challenge myself even more...I have a lunch date with a friend (she is preggo, due in June and I missed her baby shower when we went to England) today at an authentic Italian place! UGH...carbs and sweets are my weakness! I see Zumba and a light dinner in my future.
  • atcbabe1
    atcbabe1 Posts: 22
    Hi everyone. I'm new here but not new to TTC. We started TTC about 18m ago with no luck. I think one of the major hold ups besides PCOS is my weight. So im hoping to loose 30-100lbs and hopefuly fall pregnant in the mean time. This is day one for me on the diet and exercise plan so wish me luck.
    A little about me im 28 almost 29 yrs old. This would be my second child but a ton has changed sence i had my son almost 9yrs ago. I was dx with pcos in 2005 lost about 45lbs but have slowly gained it back with stress of my husband being out of work and stress of being sole provider.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    80lbs lost - that's exciting. I hope that the scar isn't too big and that everything goes smoothly from here until you're holding your new little one.

    Kim - lunch is going to be yummy!!!!! Worth the Zumba totally!! i'm the same way - I"m sure half the time I eat, it's boredom.....which is ridiculous!!! Now half the time I eat its because if I don't, I'm not going to hit my are you doing on the goal of the drinking of water??

    ATC - I'm in a similar boat (without the child already).....are you taking any medications to help with the PCOS? I have found that the healthy eating, regular exercise and Metformin have helped tremendously........glad you could join us :D

    AFM: I blew it at lunch apparently. I was going to get a Subway Sweet Onion sub with baked lays...Instead I got the Roast beef with 2 cookies instead. THOSE DANG COOKIES!!! Apparently 1 is a serving....that serving is 210 calories!!!! FOR ONE!!!! heads up.....they are not worth the same calories (maybe more even) than my sandwich was!!!! LOL I'd have taken a foot long with no sides for the same price instead....shoot.....moral of the story: always do your research before hand......not to mention blowing my sugars out of the water (but I was expecting that!!!!)
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Oh, PMS, you manifest in the most ridiculous ways.... like making me cry at a TLC show called Wild About Prince Harry.......... (I cried about Lady Di not being here to see how he turned out)...........oh my.:sad:

    So yeah.... I'm a Royal fan - but I don't normally cry about it!

    I had a good workout today - but we still have mini-eggs in the house! Argh!!!!!

    I got my official letter of Full Time acceptance today - even though I got one via email last weekend, it feels good :smile:

    Hope everyone is having a good week. My heart goes out the everyone in the USA who was affected by the storms and tornadoes the last couple of days.
  • atcbabe1
    atcbabe1 Posts: 22
    Pam im on Met and have been for years we also tryed a few rounds of clomid but the side effects drove me batty. We have basicly given up the crazy ttc game and when it happens it happens. I charted for the first year of ttc also.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Oh Jalara...I know what you mean - I always get hypersensitive :) YAY on the official notification!!!

    ATC - sounds like you're definitely similar to me :) We've been diagnosed since 2002 but I chose not to stay on the Met - no results and made me sick. When we started on the fertility treatment journey they put me on substantially more. That plus the healthy eating has regulated my cycles. I say regulated because they are regular, not normal....LOL as the fertility specialist pointed out, 35 days isn't normal (but it is regularly between 30-35 days)......We are doing the fertility thoguh because my DH has MFI as well as my PCOS (male factor infertility as well as my polycystic ovarian syndrome for those new to TTC). His last analysis showed less than 1M which is considered acute something or other...theere wasn't even enough to get a good reading on the quality this time. He went through surgery last year for a problem that might have been the 3m mark, no results. We're doing another test in May for 6m mark...urologist says it can take up to a year to have something - we'd be happy with it going up to 10m, which is still low, but would make our journey less difficult from a treatment perspective.

    As for me.....tomorrow is my one year mark on this weight loss journey. As of this morning, I have lost 60.5lbs in that time :happy: I met my one year goal of 60lbs lost and that feel fantastic. Also this morning, I saw a dip in my temp so I'm keeping to the 35 day cycle, which, while not normal, make me feel better. Based on the last 4 months, I would say the biggest issue for the long cycles is a long LP - it averages 17-18 days. When I was temping about 5 years ago, it was 14 days (when I ovulated)....I'm not concerned, just curious if anyone knows if this is a regular thing? I love Princess Katherine's dress.........Love it. If I were her size that was exactly the dress I so wouldn't have suited me though.....some people are saying it was a little to plain though and I guess it is compared to Diana's, but it's exactly what people were expecting from her.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Good morning Pam,

    A mildly longer LP isn't really a concern, it's when it's too short that there is cause for worry.

    The dress - it exactly what I told DH I would want her to wear, and (like you) I would wear myself. It's so elegant and beautiful.

    Congrats on the loss - and coming so far on your journey!
  • Vinbelle
    Vinbelle Posts: 12
    Hey ladies.....New on this board but have been a member for a while. I need to get back into the grove of loosing more weight and not trying so hard to get pregnant. My back story is that we started to TTC in May of last year and had no luck and a short luteal phase so I was put on Clomid. We had 4 failed rounds of clomid and than went to an RE and he put me on femara along with monitoring and a trigger shot. We had 4 failed rounds of that. So we are going natural and not temping, doing OPK's, nothing. Our RE wanted to put us on injectables along with IUI and we are not ready to do that finanically or mentally. So my goal while we are waiting to save up some money will be to get down under 200 lbs and closer to my goal weight of 160. I also have a wedding that I am in in July so that is another reason for my goal. Cant wait to get to meet you ladies!!!
  • atcbabe1
    atcbabe1 Posts: 22
    Morning off to a good start today up early got a work out in already.

    Pam as long as your lp is steady you should be fine. Month to month it shouldnt vary more then a day or so. Mine is 16 days on average. I would love to have a 35 day cycle. Right now i average 45 but my doc seems ok with it. Not much he can do at this point to get it shorter. Even in my teens i had a longer cycle at 36 days. I know i can get it back down to 38 days if i drop the weight but i need to loose at least 20lbs to get there. Thats the goal at least.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Jalara - yeah, I know. It's just that the RE was pretty adament that my cycles were "not normal"....LOL but it seems to have followed a similar pattern for me...Thanks for the congratulations

    Vinbelle - welcome :) Looks like you're doing well already. Completely understand the whole going natural after being told fertility was the only way...that was part of my story :) Sounds like you have a lot in common with a few people on here. Looking forward to getting to know you too....
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    Hello All!
    I'm new to the group, but it definitely pertains to me. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for a few years now, with no luck. I have spoken with my doctor about it, and she referred me to a high risk OBGYN. I spoke with him, who basically told me that I MUST lose weight before I can consider becoming pregnant. I was very down in the dumps and had started to give up hope. I though maybe adoption would be the route that we would take. But I so desperately want a child of my own. I was recently put on insulin, in addition to oral meds, to combat my diabetes and that became my wake up. I can do this, and if I ever want to have a child (and live long enough to see that child have a happy life of their own), then I HAVE to do this.

    I started about two or three weeks ago, and I feel like I'm making progress. I'm down more than 10 pounds, which has been a huge motivation.

    I hope to find some new friends in this group who know the struggles that I've been through and that I'm going through. Feel free to friend me!! :-)
  • MrsHinds7
    MrsHinds7 Posts: 64
    I loooooved her dress too!! It was so elegant and beautiful without being gaudy!! I fell in love with her sister, Pippa's, dress!!! It was so pretty :) Anyways, I loved everything about the wedding and it makes me want to get married all over again and have a "royal wedding." lol. I have it DVR'd so I'm very excited to go home after work and watch it all the way through!!! :)
  • dragonairis
    dragonairis Posts: 75 Member
    Awww, I don't have DVR. :( It would be great to watch while I'm packing. I'm sure they'll have re runs somewhere, right?

    Pam - In TCOYF, they say a 'normal cycle' is anywhere between 28 to 35 days, so at least someone says your normal, yeah?

    Jagri - Welcome! 10lbs is a great start!

    ATC - Awesome way to start a morning! If only I could get myself out of bed to do that I would be so much better off......

    AFM - This whole moving things is killing my eating habits. I'm trying to make healthy choices, but then I come home and try to log..... and find I've blown half my calories for the day. So far I'm not doing too bad, just maintaining the loss I already have. I'm just happy I'm not putting it back on. And I notice I get fuller with less food, and am satisfied longer. I think paying attention to that + lots more water than I'm drinking will help me jump start again.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Jagrib- Welcome! You are off to a fabulous start!

    I haven’t watched one bit of the wedding and have been avoiding anything that could spoil it for me :) I DVRed the whole thing and can't wait to get home to watch it. :) It's so cool to see the news crews there reporting and thinking, "we were just standing there 2 weeks ago". I'm a sucker for weddings...I even love to watch Say Yes to the Dress on TLC. Yup...I'm a dork. LOL

    I've been doing well with my water 9-12 glasses everyday this week. I went to Zumba last night and then jogged over to my mom's (one street over) to pick up my dog (from doggy day care). It felt SO good! DH and I made pulled pork in the Crockpot and I must say, it is WAY better than any pulled pork i have ever had, from anywhere! I stopped when I was not hungry, and let me tell you that that is a HUGE step for me! I had to keep telling myself that I was fine, and it seemed to work.

    TTC is going ok... still temping (seeing no changes), still ClearBlueEasyFertilityMonitoring ("low" everyday so far), trying to stay on SMEPlan (trying is the key word) To be honest, reading all of your stories, I'm not very hopeful. Fingers crossed...everyone is different. Thank you for being here with/for me! This group keeps me focused, sane, and realistic with my goals and expectations. :flowerforyou:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    I didn’t get to see the royal wedding either…planning to watch the rerun on TLC later tonight.

    Spring, ATC, Vinbelle, jagrib- Welcome!

    80 lbs lost- I will send some prayers your way for a smooth reversal and speedy recovery

    Jalara- Its okay to cry randomly during AF time…it’s a stress relief although I know what you mean sometimes I ask myself, “Wait, why am I crying?” and then it makes me start laughing. For some reason during that time of the month I always get sucked into lifetime movies which of course make me cry like a baby.

    Kim- GREAT job on the water.

    AFM: I’m very disappointed! :frown: I have been taking fish oil pills for over 5 months to get my good cholesterol higher. In October I had a fasting blood test and it was 44- over 60 is optimal, the higher the number the better. If you are under 40 it is considered too low. So I had my fasting blood test today and my good cholesterol was even lower at 41! What the heck!!! I don’t understand! The good news is my triglycerides were lower too but the only thing in my blood tests I really need to improve is getting my good cholesterol up. I’m going to continue taking the pills but anyone have other ways to help with this? I'm just so upset that these pills I've been taking don't seem to have helped at all and I kinda feel like just quitting- I'm not going to- but thats how I feel! :cry:
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi ladies, Long time, no post :flowerforyou:

    Pam, Amaaaazing weight loss! So glad you hit your one year goal!

    Kim, great job with working out!

    I've been very MIA, as I think I hit the "we've been tryin and it's taken longer than we thought" mark. This is cycle 7. Ever since I had a very light period a couple weeks ago, I've been convincing myself I'm pregnant. I've been super naseous the last couple days, but it's probably psychological! I took a couple pregnancy tests a week after it was supposed to show up, and BFN. Has anyone else "made up" symptoms in their head at what would be 6 weeks out? I'm feelin like a crazy over here!!!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Andrea- Yes I have thought I have symptoms of pregnancy when BFNs have appeared. My body went through a strange time last spring and summer of spotting around week 3, which always got my hopes up of possible implantation...needless to say it made each cycle harder once AF arrived and it lead to my dr. doing a cervical biopsy which was not fun! Then in the late fall my body went back to normal and stopped the random spotting. Think back to your recent AF was it just spotting or was there tissue? If there was tissue is probably was a light cycle, if there was no tissue try another HPT in a couple of days...