Dropping pounds with inspiring pals [CLOSED GROUP]



  • jaelwoman
    jaelwoman Posts: 81
    My favorite exercise of the moment is swimming. Not that I'll be doing it any time this weekend! UGH....going away and won't have a chance to do much. But come Sunday evening I'll be at the pool and I'm committed to make May Fitness month for me. Some kind of loggable fitness every day for May!!!

    Have a great day friends!
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    Hello all!! Congrats to Pin and Claudia for Onederland status!!! Woohooooo!!

    Friday Fitness...Zumba was fun last night, but my instructor wasn't feeling well. She was a little low on the energy and my HRM sure showed it with a lower burn than normal. I started realzing my HR wasn't going above 150 (it's usually around 160-170 during zumba) and so I then started to put more oomph into the moves myself, instead of following the instructor. This instructor comes to my workplace gym, and I also go to another Zumba class on Saturdays lead by a different instructor. My work zumba instructor goes to that too, as a backup instructor. There's one song I love, love, LOVE the routine for in Saturday's classes (J-Lo's "On the Floor") and I asked if we could do it at the work classes. The work instructor said that she knew it ok, but she said that she'd have me come up front and lead that one. Yay! I'm excited for Tuesday Zumba!!! Now I have to d/l the song and practice! :wink:

    Daughter's LAX game got moved from noon to 9am tomorrow (my Zumba class time..ack!) then moved again just now to 2pm. Phew!! I can Zumba now! The Biggest Loser contest at work just got a new scale too! Hope this one works better!! Everything is falling into place!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Friday fitness - It's non-existant for me right now. I'm being slammed right at the end of the semester obviously, tons of homework to do this weekend, research project, and studying for tests... then all next week/weekend will be more homework and studying for finals. Eek! I may try to squeeze in a walk or two if I can, but I honestly doubt that will happen. After next weekend you'll start to see me busting some butt though =)
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    ~T= Congrats on making to ONEderland!! WOOHOOO!!! you are seriously amazing losing a 100lbs! WOW! what an accomplishment! and in such a short amount of time! I wish my fat wasn't so stubborn and come off me quicker :)

    ~Tess= Have fun on your camping trip! and WTG on your bootcamp workout. Burpees and I don't get along.

    Friday fitness: Well, I got sick over my vacation so I've been kinda taking it easy. I started feeling better yesterday so I jumped on the treadmill only to jump off after only 30 mins. My nose was running faster than I was HA! Today I seem to be feeling worse and I;m getting seriously frustrated with it! Hopefully I can make it through some kickboxing tonight. Oh, and HAPPY FRIDAY everyone!!! :heart:
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Becky: that's awesome about the J-Lo zumba song! Good luck leading the class with that. :smile:

    Learning2Love: I totally understand where you're coming from... I had that issue about two weeks ago when I was in the midst of finishing all of my papers/projects for class. There just wasn't much time for exercise. But you'll fit it in when you can and I'm sure everything will go well. Good luck on your exams!

    Claudia: Thanks! :flowerforyou: I wish I could snap my fingers and make it come off like that for you, too. It's crazy how different everyone's bodies are. Also, I hope you feel better soon!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Had a fabulous morning at my bootcamp. 61 burpees in 12 min. It was supposed to be at least 100 but oh well. Then the remaining session was amazeballs yoga. I am off to camp in the mountains and there is no electricity or phone reception so I will be disconnected off the grid until monday night. All of you have a FABULOUS weekend. You are incredible! MUAH!

    I've never done a burpee but I've seen them. Those suckers are HARD. Good job!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Friday Fitness: Still trucking away at the C25K. Going to start week 2 soon, I'm excited and scared. Otherwise looking forward to starting 30D shred on May 1st, really hoping I can make it through all 30 Days.

    My husband was going to do it with me (because he's too sweet and trying to be supportive), but with his work schedule, and our daughters after school activities I didn't want him trying to stay up till midnight just so we can fit it in, only to wake up at 4:30am to go to work. He looked relieved when I said I wanted to just do it during the day. lol
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    So kind of an off topic subject...Have any of you tried diet pills? Either currently or in the past?

    To be honest I could never bring myself to try any of them before because of how expensive they were, especially when there isn't anything to really prove they help. (I'm a believer that they are basically just a placebo vitamin) About 3-4 weeks ago I did buy a bottle of slimquick (the ones that are supposed to help women specifically) :blushing: .... Its still on my fridge in an unopened box. I feel so dumb for giving in to all the advertising, but they are kind of a reminder of how desperate I felt.
  • chrystal559
    chrystal559 Posts: 205 Member
    Fitness Friday
    This week I have not been exercising. Maybe a little walk or cleaning the house. But this has been a relax week for me. I am trying something new this week. I increased my calories I have been eating. Been trying to keep my NET calories at 1200-1400
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    Friday Fitness: Still trucking away at the C25K. Going to start week 2 soon, I'm excited and scared. Otherwise looking forward to starting 30D shred on May 1st, really hoping I can make it through all 30 Days.

    My husband was going to do it with me (because he's too sweet and trying to be supportive), but with his work schedule, and our daughters after school activities I didn't want him trying to stay up till midnight just so we can fit it in, only to wake up at 4:30am to go to work. He looked relieved when I said I wanted to just do it during the day. lol

    Good luck to you, Virgo... I have faith in you that you can make it through the 30 Days. You just have to put your mind to it! You have a lot of drive and motivation. You can do this! Congratulations on starting week 2 of C25K, too. :smile:
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    So I went to the pool to swim for two hours today and when I got there they were closing. So I had to delete my exercise. I put it up before I go so I am motivated to do it. This is the first time I've had to delete an exercise. I guess I will do some stationary bike instead today.
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    So kind of an off topic subject...Have any of you tried diet pills? Either currently or in the past?

    To be honest I could never bring myself to try any of them before because of how expensive they were, especially when there isn't anything to really prove they help. (I'm a believer that they are basically just a placebo vitamin) About 3-4 weeks ago I did buy a bottle of slimquick (the ones that are supposed to help women specifically) :blushing: .... Its still on my fridge in an unopened box. I feel so dumb for giving in to all the advertising, but they are kind of a reminder of how desperate I felt.

    I've tried some in the past... but my problem is I always forget to take pills consistently so I never saw any results. This is also why I fail at taking birth control or vitamins... I always forget to take them!

    Funny though every time I go to the store I stop and stare at all the get skinny quick pills, bars, shakes, etc and I'm always tempted to try them... and I have to spend about 10 minutes talking myself out of it. Logically I know I can do it just fine on my own without help from pills that probably won't do anything for me... but that little voice who wants the quick, easy fix wants to buy them.
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    @pinstripepirate – its amazing that you have come so far! :)

    @tesshaney – OMG how in the world can you do 61 burpees at all let alone in 12 minutes!? I can barely do two in a row.

    @rebecky – sounds exciting to get to lead your zumba class. Everyone talks about how much fun zumba is but I don’t think I am coordinated enough for it, lol.

    @Learning2LoveMe – Sounds like my life. I had my last day of undergraduate classes today and as soon as I revise a paper, write another, take a test, and finish up a lesson plan I can graduate next Saturday. Only bonus is that my finals week gives me more free time to get everything done and maybe squeeze in some exercise for stress relief.

    @Claudia – Is it allergies? They were killing me a few weeks ago and I still can’t walk to class without getting there and having my nose running off my face.

    @NeuroticVirgo – great job with the C25K. I did a couple days of week one and then life went chaotic but I should really get back on it. Also, I have tried diet pills: DB-Goddess and Thyrodrive because the male versions worked wonderfully for my brother but they haven’t really worked for me so I am not buying them again and I wouldn’t really recommend them. DB Goddess did give me amazing energy (no need for coffee) but it also didn’t let me sleep but at 80 dollars for less than a months supply with little results, not worth it. If I want to lose the weight, I am going to have to do it. Sadly, there is no magic pill.

    Friday Fitness: Nothing today, except for my walking to and from class. I tried to break it to my professor that the walking thing wasn’t working and well, somehow I have myself in tangled mess of drama. You would think a grown woman would handle things better than a 22 year old college student. But hopefully my friend and I really get into a morning routine. I might also look into at home zumba dvds or something because everyone seems to be talking about it!

    On a side note, somewhat related to yesterday’s motivation and inspiration, I watched this week’s Glee episode tonight. I know, cheesy tv shows, but in the end, this episode had a great message about self acceptance and think that you guys should at least watch a few of the song clips (Unpretty, Born This Way, I’ve Gotta Be Me) because they are inspiring and the episode is about more than a girl who doesn’t like her nose. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Finished May as far as a dinner meal plan....Not sure how I feel about it yet...but what can you do. I wish I could get some of the sodium lower, but dinners are my hardest because they tend to be the meals where I have to try and please everyone. Overall though I guess its not too bad, most of it is low enough that I can manage the rest of my day around it and probably still come out around 1500 for sodium....not to mention my "serving" sizes are usually little piggy sizes. Partially why I have problems with low cal meals in magazines...I do not consider jello & an apple dinner...even if it is low calorie. lol

    If any of you want to take a look...see if you have any suggestions for easy low cal/low sodium foods that my husband and kid hopefully won't whine about. :grumble: :laugh: My husband was already complaining about Wed & Thur always being the same, but those are our busiest nights and I can get both those dinners ready in like 15 minutes. lol So they stay unless he wants to cook dinner.

    This is a link to the image (I typed it all into a printable calendar that I can hopefully keep on the computer & the fridge lol)

    Link: http://img39.imageshack.us/img39/2943/mayi.jpg

  • mrssavvysteve
    mrssavvysteve Posts: 239 Member
    Good Morning Everybody!
    I am sorry that i've been a little MIA for the Past 2 days, work has been nutso, and add tornados to it... and well...

    I am able to wear some jeans that i've had for about 3 years and haven't been able to wear since about 2 years 6 months ago!
    that was pretty exciting for me, not to mention they were the most expensive jeans i've ever purchased!

    Also, I am doing a 5k today with a girlfriend from work, and we are attempting to finish in less than 50 minutes! May not seem like a lot, but that is an improvement from the last one I did. Gotta start somewhere right?

    Anyways, I hope everyone has a great and productive day! I'm off to Doggie Dash 5K! :)
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    @mrssavvysteve - Good luck on your 5K. :)

    Saturday NSV - I don't know if you would call this a victory per say, but its an improvement. I think my blood is flowing better! lol I didn't have anything like high blood pressure etc, but I have to move around a lot shooting weddings, and sometimes that means crouching down and sitting on my legs...for like 30 minutes! I was always having a problem because my legs would cramp up, or go numb and tingly in only a few minutes. But the last wedding we did it wasn't bad at all, and my legs didn't hurt with all the getting up, kneeling down, get up, etc etc...
  • mds2372
    mds2372 Posts: 53
    @NeuroticVirgo - that schedule for dinners is really amazing work that you've done. I know it may seem overwhelming but I am very impressed.

    NSV Saturday - To be honest, I think the only thing I can claim as a victory is that I have renewed motivation and am going to be upping my game a bit. Otherwise, I haven't had any NSV victories and have had a Scale defeat by gaining 3 lbs this week. I did completely screw up sodium and drink very little water so hopefully if I improve those things this week I can be down a few lbs next Saturday when I graduate!
  • naesue
    naesue Posts: 401 Member
    Sorry I missed yesterday I was trying to get settled in to my moms and I was spending time playing with my daughter before I have to be away from her for a whole month! Fitness well I didn't really work out yesterday but I did find my gym that I will be using while I am out here and talked with the manager. Today I redid my c25k week1 Day 1 and I unfortunately skipped three of the 9 runs my poor legs just couldn't do it. It has also been over a week since I did it last so I need to work up to it again. Hopefully I can do it every other day and next week I can move on to week 2.

    NSV- well....this may be TMI but my NSV is that last night I was able to make love to my hubby and didn't feel like my big belly was going to crush me and I didn't get so winded that I had to stop in the middle to catch my breath. Sorry if that makes anyone uncomfortable but it is the only NSV I can think of.

    Have a good weekend everyone I will be milking this weekend for everything it is with my hubby and daughter. I'm really going to miss them this month.

  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member
    My NSV is just that I have much more energy and I'm accomplishing so much around my house! It feels so good!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    My NSV is just that I have much more energy and I'm accomplishing so much around my house! It feels so good!

    Ditto!!! so true!!!