Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Tracy~Yuck on the stomach bug--glad you and Emma are better. Wow, 40s-50s and heat? Hard for me to comprehend since I'm still running the a/c--autumn hasn't made it to Texas yet! :smirk:

    @Tom~Its also national cat day! :smiling_imp:
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    I weighed in today and am down 3.5# this week. You all help more than you know. Thank you! Now if I could just reset my ticker to reflect that, but I have a little catching up before anything will show as I initially started at a lower weight. Oh well, I will get there regardless.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member

    Well last night was not a good night as dad went to the hospital about midnight. He will be going to a rehab center (nursing home). I hope he gets better this time. It took about 4 EMT's and firefighters to get him out of his chair.

    I will be back later, right now I need a nap.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited October 2014
    - I have internet but I do not have a cat >:):)

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited October 2014
    Cat Day
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member

    Because it's National Cat Day, I thought I'd post a photo of our kitty, Blue, so named because he's a blue tabby. It was taken December 2008, right after we adopted him. Blue was 3 years old and malnourished at the time, but now needs to join MyFitnessPet as his belly, which is very pretty, plump and spotted, has grown substantially. He was 10 pounds when he chose us, and now weights 16 pounds, despite being on a very restricted diet for years. Apparently our weight issues are genetic :D

    NK: My first cat was also named Strawberry and was a dead ringer for your Strawberry. Believe in reincarnation?

    Allison: Your posted photo is exactly what I hope to see next year when we get to Northern Ireland and Scotland. Getting excited now.

    Kelley: The cruise photos are gorgeous! Camera or phone?

    Barbara: Nice loss! Keep up the fab work.

    Laurie: A setback for your dad? So sorry. Hope rehabilitation is just the ticket and he's better pronto.

    Welcome home, Helen, from another prodigal.

    October Challenge:
    23/29 days under my 1350 goal (5 of the 6 days I was over only a wee bit, 1 day over about 500); 24/29 days of cardio.

    I like RobinsEgg/Ellen's November Challenge idea of "All In," with the modification of allowing a free day on Thanksgiving. Also, I'm going to try to get my fitbit steps up to 10,000 everyday. Normally, given my knee and foot injuries, I log about 7,000-8,000 steps daily except on training days when I hit 10,000. Now that I feel a little better, I'm going to try to bump it up to 10,000 everyday except Sunday.

    Think I'm coming down with something as my throat is very sore, so I'll say good night.

    Zicam is my friend.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @marsha—Love the pic of blue! So cute. I also fear I may be getting sick. Nothing serious just a tiny bit of congestion that I hope doesn’t develop into anything more serious. Thanks for the reminder to take my zicam.

    @laurie—sorry to hear about your dad’s setback—get some rest.

    @barbara—3.5 lbs is awesome!! Congrats!

    @tracy—sorry to hear you and yours were sick. We have had very chilly nights and have already turned on the heat for limited periods to chase out the chill. I’m hearing whispers of “snow” in the forecast. Definitely not ready for that.

    @L2T—congrats on your DD’s upcoming engagement. I don’t think either of my grandmothers had an engagement ring. Both were immigrants with no money for such extravagances when they married. My mom’s mother did have a lot of jewelry and my sisters and I each got to choose a ring when she passed. I chose a beautiful opal. I also got several junk rings—she had a lot that are so cheap they have adjustable bands. Many say “Avon” in the band—you would probably need to be 40+ to remember when the “Avon Lady” would sell jewelry, make-up, and trinkets door to door. Even though those rings aren’t worth any money, I love them b/c they remind me of my “fancy” grandma. LOL

    @kelley—love the pics and thanks for the compliment. That’s great that you are enjoying being back at the old gym.

    @alison—lovely picture! We traveled to Scotland the first time I visited my sister while she was at university in Manchester. Loved it there! Funny story—in Manchester I was having a really hard time understanding the dialect, so my sister had to keep “translating” for me. However, when we got off the train in Edinburgh, we jumped in a taxi and the driver and I talked the whole 10-minute ride to our hotel. When he drove off, my sister laughed and said “Scottish you can understand, but you can’t understand English?!?!”

    @robin—I think you are channeling billy crystal! LOL I also like the idea of keeping the calorie challenge as a mainstay and switching up a secondary challenge from month to month. Thanks for the suggestions of ways to reduce the grading, I do have my students trade and grade or self-grade when it’s just a quick quiz or worksheet. However, most of the work (especially in AP) is all essays that I have to grade. There’s just no way around it—it’s the price I pay for having the best kids in the school. Fortunately, they remind me of how awesome they are on a daily basis which helps get me through. And I do have them work in groups to do analysis on their own (while I try to get some grading done), then we come back together to share insights. It helps, but I still have to facilitate those discussions so it’s hard to concentrate on grading essays.

    @niki—adorable cats!

    Wed. Wish:
    Still wishing for laurie’s dad to recover from pneumonia. I would wish for papers to grade themselves, but that’s a wasted wish.

    I made a bit of progress on the essays. Handed back one class and started in on the second. Tomorrow both of my junior classes will be writing journals (sheesh—more writing to grade!), so I hope to get the 2nd set of AP essays done and handed back on Friday. That will leave just 25 for the weekend.

    I skipped the gym today to grade, but it was probably just as well. I’ve been exhausted and, as I mentioned above, fear a cold coming on. Finishing up some laundry then going to bed.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 29/66 AP essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day (meeting) DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today I had a better handle on things. I kept busy getting some cleaning done. Tomorrow will be cleaning bathrooms. DS and his family will be here for Halloween and will spend the night. I already know that Halloween will be a lost cause. I'm trying to figure out how to feed the family something healthy while making donuts for the trick or treaters. Halloween is always a very crazy day for me.
    I'm really loving seeing all of the pictures. I'm glad that they made it easier to post them. I was cleaning up a pile of stuff today and found a picture of me taken at my 50 year class reunion just a couple of months before I joined MFP. Holy cow, I could hardly believe the difference. I will have to scan it and post it as my before picture.
    Everyone keep up the good work.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited October 2014

    This is a test to see if I can upload from my iPad. This is a picture of my two nephews and two kids. Jacob is the taller one in the back. He and Chase helped Daniel in the Lion's Den arcade game. Parker is 7 and an obvious Vikings fan (a boy after my own heart). Emma is Wick'd Wolfie.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited October 2014
    Weeelllll.... as it's Thursday Truth, I guess its quite appropriate to say the last 2 weeks have been awful. I've gained 1lb, which means my grand loss for the month is....*drum roll*..... 1lb. To say I feel deflated would only be the beginning. I'm struggling massively. My problem is that I will happily eat healthy, fruit, veg, stir-fry, fish (all types) my partner on the other hand is the most fussy person I've ever met. I think he is addicted to fast food. If he gets home late, I'm happy to cook but he doesn't want to wait. So yesterday I defrosted meatballs to have with pasta or rice, when he got home, said he feels ill (as in a cold/flu thing) and he wants a pizza hut. I said I've defrosted meatballs, but no, he wants a pizza hut. I left it 10 minutes to see if he changes his mind and asked him again, he has already ordered pizza hut on his iPad. So what can I do?!
    And I'm frustrated with my Achilles. I'm not the most patient person in the world. I want to ramp up the exercise so I can at least balance out the rubbish food but I don't want to push it. I'm caught in an unhealthy limbo. I'm dreading Christmas now, I wanted to loose at least some weight before then so If I put weight on I won't be heavier than I am now, but that seems to be turning into a distant dream now.

    Ever felt like running away and starting a happy healthy life somewhere else? That's me right now...

    I also want a cat so I can join in on the cat photos, looks like fun :smile:

    I'm gonna browse the success stories for motivation...

    Love you all <3
  • chrissylove0
    chrissylove0 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey my husband is like that too, but he's a police officer and I don't eat what he eats. I have what I have if he doesn't like it he gets his own and I have healthy left overs for me. Win win good luck

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy Mischief Night
    When : Always October 30th
    Mischief Night is today, errrr tonight! It is an evening when people traditionally participated in harmless (please) mischief. We stress harmless or innocent mischief. Other forms of mischief can lead to big trouble. Even seemingly harmless mischief can be the source of problems.
    This night is discouraged by law enforcement organizations. The mischief is sometimes less than funny, and can even lead to vandalism or destructive.
    Important: We neither encourage, nor endorse participation in this day. Why risk getting in trouble??
    Historically, some common forms of mischief on this has included:
    • Soaping windows
    • Egging houses and cars
    • Tossing a few rotten tomatoes
    • Toilet papering house trees, etc.
    • Knocking on doors, then running away
    Have a happy, safe, and harmless Mischief Night.

    “People are very open-minded about new things – as long as they’re exactly like the old ones.” ~Charles Kettering

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited October 2014
    @Tom~LOL, love the national cat day pic—thanks for sharing! :smile:

    @Marsha~Thanks. Pictures are from both, surprising the new iPhone 6 takes fantastic videos and photos. Blue is a cutie pie. Zoe weighs around 18 and she’s still growing, but she’s a Maine Coon—they don’t reach maturity until five. :open_mouth:

    @Laurie~I’m so sorry your dad had to go back to the nursing home, I hope he makes a speedy recovery and is back home soon.

    @Tracy~Great pic of the kiddos, hope they have a fun Halloween!

    @Lois~I’m so sorry your Achilles is still giving you grief, it a long road to recovery when it's injured—the blood flow to that area is minimal so it just takes a long time to heal. I can empathize all too well, mine gives me grief too—I’m actually seeing my ortho doc this afternoon. Mine flared up in June and hasn’t improved, so time for an injection or something.

    AFM~Morning was off to a rough start as I had to have my car battery replaced (one in it only 3 years old, thank you Texas heat). Car had issues starting yesterday after work and after a session with my trainer so I had it tested—bad cell. Called the dealership and went by before work, luckily it was still in the 50/50 part of the warranty so I only had to pay for half of a new one. Good session with trainer last night, boxed a little. Today cardio at the gym and meeting with the Pilates instructor to set up one on one session.

    Exercise Goals:

    Monday~Trainer DONE!
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Trainer DONE!
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Tom - I recall we called it "Beggers Night" when I was a little girl ... good to know it's "Mischief Night" ... because it explains something to me. We did have some pranksters come to our door ... knock - knock and no one there; one time we had soap writing all over our picture window. I always thought it was because the beggers didn't like the handouts they received. (Which was a surprise to me because my dad gave out full size Hershey, Mars Bars, and Chunkie Candy bars instead of popcorn balls or apples. And when he ran out of those treats he gave money enough for the kids to buy a candy bar themselves.)

    Thursday Truth ... I am such a slouch when it comes to digging in and doing the tasks I should be doing around my home that I am so tempted to hire a cleaning service to come in and set things right. IF I can find one willing to tackle the job. Does anyone hire help for cleaning the house, or taking care of the grounds? If so, I sure would like to get an estimate of how expensive these services are ... I've thought I might put that amount of money aside and log it in my expenses as housekeeping service fees ... then pay myself for doing the work ... maybe that would motivate me because then I'd have a cache of money to spend on clothes and trips and such.

    October Challenge ... Through Wednesday, Oct 29, my at goal calorie count is 19 days.


  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    Thursday Truth ~ I have been slacking in walking :( I WILL DO BETTER!
    I'm so glad I get tomorrow off, even tho it was not scheduled :| My eye appointment was changed :# Good thing I have Tom to drive me in case he dilates my one good eye!
    We will prolly hit Rambo's Kitchen for breakfast on the way :D Then pick out some nice meat and shrimp for the smoker this weekend.
    Have a GREAT Day :)
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello everyone.
    Progress report October
    Down 12 pounds - Yea, no human sacrifice necessary!
    Calorie goals - 24 days on target, 5 days above, 1 terrible, horrible, go good very bad day
    I have been contemplating my situation and believe it may be necessary to go back on one of my antidepressants. The SAD is getting to me already and it is only the end of October. If I want to stay on goal with my weight loss, fitness plan, continue getting to a better place with my husband, and catch up at work I need help.
    My sister actually made me cry today and that is definitely not me. Add to that a customer came in today, asked for an additional adjustment on her bill and I wanted to get snarky with her, I know this is not me. I have been adding some tanning to my routine just for the additional sunlight as well as taking vitamin D. This summer I switched out several light bulbs at home to full spectrum. So I will be calling the Dr. today before this get out of hand.
    Thanks to all for your generous sharing, concern and general camaraderie. This thread is truly the main reason I have stuck with this for so long, 145 days :D .

    @Niki, my sister was a cleaning lady before she came to work for me. At the time she charged $25/hour. Not sure what it goes for in your area.

    @Lois, my husband and I only eat the same things at the same meal about once a week. When it is my turn to cook. Do what you need to do for yourself. Truly no one will ever say to you, "OK, now it is your turn".

    @skinnyjeansbound, I can really identify with the backed up paperwork. My desk is once again about 20 files deep. Good luck, may the grading elves show up for you.

    Love to all
    Lori <3
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Thursday Truth: I have two: I didn’t make the November 1st goal – I turned on the heat this morning. It got down to the low 20’s overnight and just couldn’t shake the chill (My husband’s response was FINALLY!). Also, I got plain chips and onion dip in my house and haven’t been very good about limiting myself. But it’s gone now so I should start behaving again.

    @Mary…wow.. 3.5# -- great week!
    @Laurie…sorry about your dad.
    @Marsha…I had a cat that looked just like Blue when I was growing up on the farm. His name was Pepper and yes, there was an all white one named Salt.  My youngest sister started to get to name them after that and we had Whitey, Blacky, Orangy and Snowball. Hope you caught your cold in time.
    @Karen…When my grandmother passed, she had three “nice” rings. One went to each of her daughters. But she did have LOTS of costume jewelry that we granddaughters got to pick from. I got a blue cameo necklace that had lots of chains. When I took it to the jeweler to get it down to one chain, his comment was “This isn’t worth any money, why spend it to get it changed?” I didn’t cry when I said it, but man, that necklace was worth everything to me! Unfortunately, that chain did break and I’ve lost this necklace, but everytime I see a cameo necklace I think of Grandma. And yes, I’m old enough to remember my Mom getting jewelry from the Avon lady. 
    @Kaye… I wish I lived in a small town that could take/give homemade treats. I grew up in one of those and while nobody made donuts for Halloween (thanks, now I feel cheated!! HA!) We did have the occasional homemade popcorn ball or cupcake. Now I know it would just get thrown in the garbage so I hand out pre-packaged treats.
    @Lois…my husband hasn’t always been the most supportive with my weight loss attempts. He and I sat down and I told him that I really wanted it this time and he needed to help me (when he started in about self control I reminded him he is a smoker and recovering alcoholic and he quit talking). We made the agreement that he could still have those treats, but that if it was something that I would want to, he needed to hide it somewhere and never eat it in front of me. I still don’t know where his hiding spots are. As far as meals, he’s been very good about eating/not complaining. Have you had a sit down with him about your needs?
    @Kelley…sorry to hear about the battery…they just don’t like extremes do they?
    @Niki…ooooohhhh love that idea! I bet I could get my husband and kids to help more if I did it that way. They wouldn’t want me to get all the cash. Oh yeah, that’s why I don’t have a cleaning service now…can’t afford it!!! But I am hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas so I have some motivation. We are down to about a dozen boxes to go through. One of the boxes I opened yesterday was all my old photo albums from high school and college. I graduated in 1991, so the hair was pretty tall and permed. Emma asked why we all had static!!! Nope honey, we did that on purpose. 

    AFM…my sister couldn’t go to the gym late last night (8:45 was the earliest I would be able to go) but she sent me a text with the full workout and I went at 9:15. I did the routine 3 times (usually we do it twice through) and increased the weights by 5 pounds. For about 10 minutes afterwards I wanted to vomit, but now I feel so proud of myself for pushing through it. Then just as I was putting my shoes back on, the final inning of the world series was playing…couldn’t leave then. Thought KC was going to pull it out, but no…bummer! I’m not even a baseball fan in any way, shape or form, but I love a good close contest and that’s what all baseball fans got.

    I have a book series that I read about once a year that I started last night. It is a Christian book series and if anybody would like a good read, I would recommend it. It’s called The Mark of the Lion and the author is Francine Rivers. It begins with the fall of Jerusalem and follows three main characters…a Jewish slave girl taken from Jerusalem and sold to a Roman family…a German tribe member that becomes a Gladiator…and the members of the Roman family. It’s a wonderful story and has lessons that I feel I need to be reminded of on a yearly basis.

    I hope you all have a great day!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Got "trapped" having lunch with hubby at a place I didn't want to go today, BUT managed to do fine. I had a salad and skipped what he had. I feel triumphant about that; it has always sort of been a problem here too.
    @cblue the weather around these parts is not helping anyone! ...and we are just getting started. Looking forward to meeting you next week.
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I know I'm late for Wednesday wishes, but I'm going to wish for Laurie's dad to have a complete recovery and Skinnyjeansbound to find grading to go quickly and smoothly.

    Thursday Truth- I really can't blame anyone but me for my choices. My husband will now eat whatever I put in front of him. (At one time, he'd only eat fish if it was breaded and fried, but now we have baked tilapia at least once a week...) The family member who was staying with us and giving me a hard time for not cooking like my mother hasn't been staying with us for a long time. I allowed my habits to slip back. (But not entirely... we are still eating tilapia... :smile: )

    @cblue315 Good for you for realizing you need help. I'm often afraid to ask for help when I need it, so I see a lot of strength in your decision.

    @Niki Paying oneself sounds like a great idea! (Though I don't think I could afford me at $25 an hour. I'm willing to negotiate, though)

  • DevilsNegu
    DevilsNegu Posts: 60 Member
    Hi I'm not sure if this group is still going. I hope it is.