

  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sylvia – Please keep trying to find the owner of the dog. My Talga got out of the yard then got chased out of the local area by my “not too bright” neighbors a couple of years ago. Even though I knew he was missing within minutes I could not find him. Being the sweet doofus that he is, somebody farther down the hill gave him a home for the night. They saw my Craigslist ad in the morning and I got him back. His collar was off because I was grooming him. Did the vet or the shelter scan for a microchip? They do migrate. My guys wear a collar with my number, they are microchipped, and they even wear a gsp tracking collar now, but stuff still happens. Just because you found the dog, doesn’t mean the dog is yours forever. Someone is missing him.

    My thoughts are with all you dear folks with major problems and troubles in your lives. Be strong.

    Great day yesterday! Had a herding lesson in the middle of the afternoon. Just with my older dog. (Talga is still on house rest.) We made huge jumps. I figured out how move the gate so I stayed safe. Zedd managed to do a few lovely hold the sheep off the gate. (He needs to keep the sheep still even though the sheep really, really want to escape through the gate.) He also did some nice walking into the pressure of the sheep without busting. (It is a little scary, so he will just kind of rush headlong to get it over.) He could not quite hold it together enough to actually sort the black sheep from the white, but he did not panic went I let him release some of the sheep out of the group. Very proud of both of us.

    Got home in time to feed the cows and take poor Talga on a nice power walk, since he did not get to go herding. It started pouring as soon as we got back in the driveway – excellent timing!

    Then got to watch my DGD at her swimming lesson and babysit her while her mom ran off to class.

    What a wonderful day!

    So far the Halloween potluck has left me groggy… was doing great … but it has been so long since I had a slice of pizza ….. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.

    Looking for the joy is every day, just like my dogs! smiley-chores016.gif

    Sally W.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    It is easy to post pictures here if you have them on your computer......at the top of the reply box there is an icon that looks like a piece of paper with a corner folded over and a downward pointing triangle next to it....click on the triangle and it says "attach an image or file". Then click on "browse" and find the picture in your files, click on the picture and then on "open" and it will go on your post.

    Halloween in over for me. I wore my pumpkin costume to line dance....I had planned eight familiar easy dances to Halloween sounding music.....lots of people wore costumes...we took tons of pictures and had a fabulous time.

    smiley-laughing006.gifBarbie from rainy NW Washington
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sally, I totally agree. Somebody has got to be missing this dog. Two different vets scanned him for microchips, but no luck. I put up flyers all over town, including at the elementary schools, hoping a kid might see it and recognize him. My son helped to post his info on Facebook, and then his friends copied it to their own pages, so it has started to snowball. When I went to a groomer to ask to put up a flyer she already had it because she had seen it on Facebook. I put him on craigslist and a find fido page. I know if he were my dog and got lost I would be heartbroken. I really am trying to find his real family. Did I say something that gave you the impression that I meant to keep him? If you can think of other options, I'm all ears.

    Today I got him a collar so I can use a real leash and not the little " emergency leash " that looks like a ribbon with a d-ring at one end. I also got him some flea treatment drops and some oral flea meds. I do not want to get my house and other dogs infested with fleas. He has some hair loss on his rear end, so my vet thinks he's had fleas for a while already. He thinks it may have been a low income family who couldn't afford flea meds so they gave up on him. His neutering seems fairly recent, and might have been done by the traveling spay& neuter van. I called the doctor who does that work and was told that they do such a large number of those that they couldn't possibly remember him, and certainly would not know who brought him in.

    It's kind of depressing.

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Cynthia -" NO! I am on doctor's orders until Wednesday.

    Changing to Harris Benedict and checking Calorie Calculator is helping. BMR =1571 and eat between 1712 and 1750 when possible. Today is 1665, close enough, with 530 cals exercise. I am back to 212 pounds this morning.
    Breakfast is Jeannette Jenkins' banana berry oatmeal, lunch is salad and salmon,
    Exercise is Jeannette's kick-boxing and 1 mile walk

    Mildred Beagle has very porly eyes, waiting on 9am to ring Vet. Mildred is 11.5 years old and is sleeping lots. No snake bites.

    No youngsters in Takone so no trick or treat.

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Found this on a cute account on Instagram; so cute and funny!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,767 Member
    well we had about 10 trick or treaters so far, and a whole bowl of candy :s
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    edited November 2014
    Happy Halloween, smiley-char062.gif

    We get between 80-100 trick or treaters, so I am writing this from our chrome book. Just had a group of twelve. I bought 96 pieces of candy when it is gone I have some pencils. I was going only going to give pencils one year and my DS said no way mom. It is only once a year and we usually do not have any left overs. It does force me to get up and down for two hours.

    Cynthia loved Count Barkula.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Cynthia, great picture! What shiny clean teeth he has!

    We've had 5 trick or treaters so far, almost 7pm. There are a lot of events going on around town tonight. Hope we aren't stuck with $25 worth of tiny chocolates.

    Bruno and Spot are the official greeters, and doing a fine job. Molly is in her crate, so no children will get a "trick" tonight.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    DH and I went out for fish tonight. Usually he eats my fries, and I bring home 1/2 of my meal. Tonight I just couldn't do it, and I ate all my fries, 2 pieces of fish, and a cup of clam chowder. That put me 300 calories over, not to mention what it did to my fat and carbs. I better ride the bike extra fast and long tomorrow. I think I will take cucumber slices to the bowling alley for my snack.

    We only got a trace of snow today, but the wind is still strong and cold. I feel bad for the Trick or Treater's in the towns that are doing it tonight.

    My Dad made a pumpkin pie, but I'm going to let DS eat it all. Not craving sweets right now, which is nice, and rare.

    Now I need to enter my radio codes, because there are a bunch of concerts for which I want to win tickets.

    Hugs all around ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    Here is the link to the new thread for November....I hope I'll see you there. I've had a long day so I'm off to bed earlysmiley-sleep012.gif

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all,

    Our kids have been here and gone; about 40 to 50, most adorable but some WAY too old. Our community upper age limit is supposed to be 12; a lot of the older ones had no costume and were just holding out their t-shirts to cradle the candy. Toward the end I was giving out handfuls. I made my purchase at 5pm today so I wouldn't eat it all........and still some of the Twix made it in my mouth!

    Sylvia.........Well, it's been over 24 hrs., personally, I'm hoping the little guy gets a good home with your ill friend. You have gone above and beyond to find his owners if they are local.

    Terri and Vicki.......Brrrrrrrrrrr......

    Margaret........Pencils, well, I think it's a good idea too. I have a friend with a husband who is a dentist.........one year they gave out toothbrushes......not popular!

    Barbie........Love your kitties!!!

    Cindy........How very sweet of your DH to carry the old pug girl around.

    Joyce.........Hope the visit went well. Fingers crossed!


    Kataniki..........I'm with you about not getting drawn in to others drama; my DD (22 now) (and her friends) has been known to exaggerate circumstances and events somewhat. Every situation is different, but usually I found refusing to participate in the outrage and anger about the unfairness of life (or whatever event), etc. by listening only for a limited amt. of time, speaking slowly and calmly and asking how they were going to eventually deal with it to be effective to take the air out of their drama queen posturing many times. I have been known to say: " We are resolving nothing. This conversation is terminated for the time being." to my DD and turn and walk away. I found that often the more she spoke the more she fed off the story and got more wound up.

    Cynthia.......Neat pic!

    G'nite everyone!
    yanniejannie.........Oh, no--turned the heat on for the first time today.........

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    lee134 wrote: »
    My name is judith . From Macon , Georgia .

    Welcome, Judith. I am Kay from the Athens area of Northeast Ga.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Ok, let's be honest tonight. How many ate candy???? My husband always hopes for huge amount of people so he bought a 230 piece bag. We had 18. We bought those little mini pieces and he was giving out 2 pieces. When I answered the door I gave out a handful not counting at all. I knew his secret. He wanted more leftover for him.sneaky. As soon as we turned the outside lights off he felt to go Karoaking. That means I was alone with a big bag of scrumptious candy terrible man I ate enough I had tod delete my healthy bedtime snack and my evening popcorn. But I entered it all in my diary. Then I remembered that they didn't bring my salad right tonight at Denny's. I had to ask for the glazed pecans and cranberries. S I afe only a teeny wheezy amount of the cranberries and no pecans. I also didn't eat the garlic bread all of this is included in the total calorie count of the meal. So that dropped quite a bit off the meal, actually down to the allowed but the nutrition of it was awful. I hope I have Biden the mixing bowl where I will forget it. But what woman does not remember where she put the chocolate??? I will have to Charlie to rehide it. We will give the remains to Mixhelle when she comes over Sunday. I should have taken it over to her place of work tonight but it's just to cold out.

    Enough of my confession tonight, Joyce, Indianaq
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited November 2014
    Do dried cranberries taste good in plain oatmeal. I have some left over from supper. I also have all my glazed pecans but those will probably go to Charlie? But I do want to make use of the cranberries

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    edited November 2014
    Barbie - Loved your pumpkin costume.
    I was Beaker today.
    Joyce- You are only human and some situations are more difficult to deal with than others. Leave it in God's hands and he will show you the perfect time.
    Sylvia - I'm glad that poor dog is with someone as caring as you.
    Renny - Massages are one of my favourite things. I don't think you can get them often enough.
    Doctors still don't know what is going on with me. I guess we'll continue with tests and different medications. Hopefully they figure it out soon. It hasn't had any impact on my weight. After 2 weeks I am exactly the same as I was.
    DH had his colonoscopy on the 30th, this is the 2nd one since his bout with diverticulitis that some him turning grey and being rushed to hospital. It is also the 2nd time that they didn't get through. He will be sent to Calgary in the next few weeks for more specialized tests. Never thought life would be this way.
    Wore my Beaker costume to work and felt like a celebrity. One child jumped up and beeped my nose.
    Did Halloween crafts with 2 of my granddaughters. Watched Mickey Mouse with them because "relaxating is good for you, Grandma". I had the pleasure of helping Princess Anna from Frozen and a magical Unicorn get ready to go out.
    The little ones are good for my soul.
    -Sharon in sunny southern Alberta
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    I weighed myself this morning and I'm at my lifetime high: 182. I'm 5'2". As today is November 1st, I am recommitting myself to Move More, Eat Less. I hadn't been trying all that hard before, and look where it got me.

    For breakfast today I had one hardboiled egg, 1 1/2 oz lowfat cottage cheese, and 1/2 C. blueberries. Now I'm going out for a walk before this storm we're expecting hits. Right now it's quite windy with blue skies and puffy white clouds - a good time for walking.

    Wasatch Front in Utah
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    Here is the link to the new thread for November....I hope I'll see you there.
