Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    November All-in:
    3/3 on under calorie goal
    0/3 on get started with exercise goal
    0/3 on office work goal
    Guess I had better get going on some of these things.
  • sonjabowler
    Don't know what I need to do--want to be a part of the group needing to lose over 100 lbs. Please help :)
  • ShivaAaliyah
    ShivaAaliyah Posts: 7 Member


    Today wasn't the best day for me. Started off the morning with a really big sugar craving and found some left over cheesecake in my fridge, that I succumbed to. Then it was downhill from there.

    On the bright side, I have been thinking a lot about my weight loss goals but just haven't started on the best foot.

    I need to start planning my meals so I won't get stuck just eating whatever I see first.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    My ALL IN check-in

    Calories -- goal 27/30
    -- current 3/3

    Workout -- goal 4 per week
    -- currently 2 this week

    Water -- goal 25/30
    -- current 1/3
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Hello everyone, sorry I haven't been present for a while. Still been feeling a bit deflated, but I'm getting there. We also have an audit at work next week, so it’s all panic and double/triple checking things, and dad is flapping over forms and accreditation's so I’m helping him with those as well. Thank you so much for your encouraging words, I didn’t realise how far behind I fell. I was reading the most up to date posts but lost track of the last one I did. :confounded:
    He does support me… ish. We will talk about it, I’ll get upset, he’ll make promises and then after a week or so it will fizzle out because of a late day, or nothing in the cupboards. That kinda thing. I would just feel a bit guilty leaving him behind, eating takeaway foods and ultimately killing himself while I eat healthy. I think he needs an ‘oh s**t’ moment to kick him into gear.

    Sooo this new challenge. I decided to up the exercise and go swimming three times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) and I have to take myself for a walk at least once at the weekend. I had a little walk to the shops the weekend just gone and my Achilles held up! It has been a lot better since the last time I spoke about it I have the odd day where it feels tight, but I haven’t had a limping around day and I can climb the stairs normally again. I’m not going to attempt running yet, not even climbing the stairs at a fast pace. But I want to get moving more, I just got to remember ‘slow and steady’ bit tricky avoiding hills though, considering I’m in a suburb of London it is surprisingly hilly. That also ties in nicely with Tuesdays Goals. :smiley:

    But I will add to it that I want to drink more water. I have a 800ml bottle at work and I haven’t managed to finish it in ages, I normally end up giving the plants some. So even if I have to down it at the end of the day I will finish the bottle!

    Hope you all have a good week! :heart:
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    November All-in
    Calories 3/3
    checkpoints 14/18
    Tuesday Goals ... getting in the missing element in my checkmarks on my attendance sheet. Tpday's a busy day so it won't be as easy as it was yesterday to do but doable if I put myself to the task. There is a huge amount of laundry starting to pile up and it's got to GO.

    Here is something I want to add to my exercise routine without putting it on the attendance sheet because it'll be a soradic thing to do. I read about it in Harvard Medical School's 'Focus on Fitness' newsletter titled "Simple, everyday activities can strengthn balance"
    ... (excerpt)...
    Researchers in Australia tested a program called Lifestyle Integrated Functional Exercise (LiFE) on a group of 317 people, ages 70 and older, who had fallen in the previous year. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: the LiFE program, a structured exercise and strengthening program, or a control “sham” program of gentle exercises.

    Those in the LiFE program incorporated balance and strength movements throughout their day — for example, squatting instead of bending over to close a drawer, or walking sideways while carrying groceries from the car to the house. At the end of one year, the LiFE group had experienced 31% fewer falls than the two other groups – a total of 172 falls, compared with 193 in the structured exercise group and 224 in the control group. People were also more likely to stick with the LiFE program than with the other two programs. To incorporate balance exercises into your daily routine, try standing on one leg while talking on the phone or sitting down in a chair without using your hands. ...(end excerpt)

    My own excerside goals have already improved my balance ... the exercise routine I have in my schedule has me walking in place, doing toe touches, and standing planks. All three have helped my balance because I have noticed that I can now stand on one foot for many more seconds than I could a month ago.

    Nice day to all ... on this Election Day Tuesday ...... Now to go out and VOTE.
  • Sherryisgettingfit
    All In update:
    3/30 under calories goal
    2/30 exercise goal
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited November 2014
    Top of the morning to everyone.

    Welcome sonjabowler! You just have to keep coming back and posting. No group to join just bookmark this thread so you can find it easily and keep coming back.

    Happy Election Day (United States)
    Election Day in the United States is the day set by law for the general elections of public officials. It occurs on the Tuesday right after the first Monday in November (this does not necessarily mean the "first Tuesday" in a month because the first day of a month can be a Tuesday). The earliest possible date is November 2 and the latest possible date is November 8. The 2012 election was held on November 6, 2012.
    For federal offices (President, Vice President, and United States Congress), Election Day occurs only in even-numbered years. Presidential elections are held every four years, in years divisible by four, in which electors for President and Vice President are chosen according to the method determined by each state. Elections to the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate are held every two years; all Representatives serve two-year terms and are up for election every two years, while Senators serve six-year terms, staggered so that one-third of Senators are elected in any given general election. General elections in which presidential candidates are not on the ballot are referred to as midterm elections. Terms for those elected begin in January the following year; the President and Vice President are inaugurated ("sworn in") on Inauguration Day, usually January 20.
    Many state and local government offices are also elected on Election Day as a matter of convenience and cost saving, although a handful of states hold elections for state offices (such as governor) during odd-numbered "off years", or during other even-numbered "midterm years".
    Congress has mandated a uniform date for presidential (3 U.S.C. § 1) and congressional (2 U.S.C. § 1 and 2 U.S.C. § 7) elections, though early voting is nonetheless authorized in many states.
    Election Day is a civic holiday in some states, including Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, West Virginia, and the territory of Puerto Rico. Some other states require that workers be permitted to take time off from employment without loss of pay. California Elections Code Section 14000 provides that employees otherwise unable to vote must be allowed two hours off with pay, at the beginning or end of a shift.

    “It is not only what we do, but what we do not do, that we are held responsible.” ~Moliere

  • beckah35
    beckah35 Posts: 26 Member
    Well, I have to admit I still am not completely on the wagon but I have been doing better than I was. I am slowly upping my water intake again and eating less sweets. Sweets are my downfall! Especially in the Fall when I love to bake because it is finally cool enough to not bake myself with the oven on.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Just met Lori/cblue for lunch. What a delightful motivating bundle of energy. She is a lovely person....but you all knew that. It is neat to have one of you at least so close.

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited November 2014
    I read a really interesting article on sugar cravings this morning which can be attributed to the absence of protein or even low stomach acid, which inhibits your ability to absorb proteins. At the other end of the spectrum, if your stomach acid is too high it can mimic hunger which can lead to sugar cravings. There was a recipe within the article for a lemon-aid that contains lemons (or limes), water, glutamine and a tiny bit of sweetener—the glutamine is an amino acid which helps to synthesize protein and alleviate sugar cravings. Here is the recipe if you’re interested:

    Juice and zest of one lemon (or lime)
    1/2 thinly sliced lemon
    32 ounces water
    1 teaspoon glutamine (an amino acid) powder
    Stevia, monk fruit, xylitol, or erythritol as needed (use as little as possible)

    I frequently make spa waters or add lemon/lime to my water—all aid in digestion, this is taking it a step further. I also add glutamine to protein powder shakes, in addition to the digestive properties listed above it aids in preventing muscle breakdown—it, along with magnesium, can alleviate sore muscles.

    AFM~Under calories yesterday (probably too far under). Had first appointment for the therapy on my Achilles, while painful it went well. He did some myofascial release and showed me some foam roller exercises/stretches to do at home (plus instructions to ice it 2-3 times a day)—afterwards he taped me all up with kinesio tape. I do have better flexibility today; I should see marked improvement in the next few sessions (fingers crossed). Next appointment is Friday. Trainer tonight, start Pilates tomorrow.

    Busy with month-end close, will try to stop by for personals later.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hello everyone! I had a good day off from work. Got caught up on laundry and dusting. My assistant manager's son broke his hand and had surgery today. :\ She is taking off tomorrow, so I get to work open to close. Looking on the positive that maybe I will get a good sale or two and my boss is letting me have Saturday off, which is great because the ladies at the church are having a brunch and now I can attend! :D

    My check in today is:

    Good Days: 2/30
    Bad Days: 1/30
    Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Days: 1/30

    Steps (8000 on working days, 5000 on off days):
    Goal Completed: 2/30
    Goal Failed: 2/30

    @kah68, the water sounds interesting. Where do you buy the glutamine? And does it have any taste?
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    Well, we will be having a guest staying with us for a few days. So far, though, I'm not planning to cook differently. My husband needs soft food for now, and for both of our sakes, I need to make it as healthy as possible. I would usually make something special when we have guests, but Al understands the situation and even said the hodgepodge (my word for throwing anything in that we have that seems appropriate) was good.

    I am at zero fat grams left over today, so I haven't gone over, but it is time to close my diary for the day and not eat anything else. That's okay, since hodgepodge was rather filling.
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm wondering how many of you are in the same boat I'm in. I live alone 8 months a year and my sister is here for four months. I dislike (hate!) planning meals and cooking so it became very easy to do fast food, or pizza, etc. rather than plan ahead and then have to cook. Over the years I've looked at several diet meal plans, but most all of them either included foods I dislike, had never heard of, had to be bought at a health food store or took hours to prepare! But this week I downloaded a 1200 calorie diet meal plan-7 day lose 20 pound plan from Good They don't mean you're going to lose 20 pounds in a week, just that it's a 7 day menu and if you follow it you should lose weight. (I've forgotten the time period - a few weeks I think) Anyway, what I started to say is that the meals are quite easy and I think very tasty. There's only one day with food I don't care for and I'm going to substitute one of the other meals in place of it. I am finding this a very easy way to know I'm eating healthy and within my calorie range without a lot of drama on my part! I've managed to lose quite a bit of weight since I am logging my food and then three days after starting my diet I found this menu which has helped a lot. I'm right at the beginning of my "lifestyle change" (diet) so it's very exciting to see the pounds disappearing!

    I got out of work late tonight and then had a errand to run. By then I was very hungry and not looking forward to going home and having to prepare my dinner. I was sooooo tempted to pull into Mickey D's or Sonic or any fast food, I kept thinking maybe I could find something low calorie (yea, right) and it would be so much easier. Instead I used my Bluetooth (hand free) and called one of my best friends. She lives 900 miles away but she is a great help. She kept me on the phone and we talked my way past all the fast food joints and right into my driveway! Use any resource you have available, be creative!
    All In:
    4/4 Calories
    3/4 Exercise
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 128
    I am almost in a panic at myself and a bit blue today!
    I have been posting quite a bit and thinking thinking thinking about weight loss. I am uber impressed with all that are losing weight, really really impressed thinking, How great you are! and then I look at my scale that is not budging at all; up down a lb or two but not going below only up down a lb. or two. I have finally admitted to seeing a pattern when I compare what the weight loss losers are doing to what I am not doing; I am not exercising this week when I could easily have walked every day for an hour while kitty sitting, but no, I keep finding excuses. I have been legal with my food for 6 days running, but then on the day before I have set up my weigh in, I go off the deep end and then am up when I weigh in, then give myself permission to feel sorry for myself and eat the next day. I have been doing this for 25 years. I tell myself I need to lose 15 lbs, but refuse to do it but rather sabotage. All day long I think about food, food, food. Even legal food adds up. I need to find a way to break this addiction because I think I am addicted. My bff decided five years ago to start going to the gym, she goes three days a week, runs or walks the other four days a week and has dropped her 25 lbs. She is so devoted to eating the correct food in the correct amounts but I seem unable to desire to want to do that. Still thinking about this, but I just wanted to talk about it and think about it and not feel so ashamed about it. Activity is the best solution, but I am resisting it. Thanks for listening. Aargh! Being a drama queen.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Teresa~I buy glutamine powder at my gym, but it can be found at any vitamin or health food store. Not sure about taste, I haven't noticed a specific taste when I add it to stuff--I think it's tasteless for most part & with such a small amount and other stuff in the water I don't think it would be noticeable.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    bapcarrier- welcome. The new recipes look like great idea. Have you considered using one day on the weekend to cook your meals and just put them in the freezer to use throughout the week. This makes avoiding the fast food places easier to avoid. Some fast food places also sell salads, which tend to be healthier (grilled chicken instead of fried or breaded). Wendy's you can do a side salad instead of the fries, Boston Market has great choices, Potbellies sandwich shop etc if you feel the need to stop for fast food.

    NK-those exercises sound great for improving balance. It is amazing how your balance improves as you practice a specific skill such as balancing on one foot.

    Kah-thanks for the recipe. Great that you started PT and I hope it goes well.

    I have been working on Isokinetic exercises- repetitive motions and at the same speed. My trainer has introduced this training technique. Basically, I run at the same speed on the treadmill use the random setting for 10-15 minutes or 1-1.5 miles could go longer. Then after that I run for a short distance. The feeling in the run is amazing, it feels easier and I go faster than normal without getting out of breath. The rest of the workout is focused on strength and core work.

    Goal-Keep up the level of physical activity. Today, I ended up raking leaves for 1 hour along with removing 3 window unit AC's. It was beautiful outside today and I had it off due to election day. I had hoped to go for a hike but I settled for raking leaves. At least I finished grading the unit test so I am caught up for now. Just need to finalize grades for first marking period.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!
    @laurie—when I was growing up in Chicago, we always had election day off b/c they used the schools as polling places. However, in the suburbs where I work they use libraries and park district buildings instead, so we still had school today. Glad you wew able to enjoy some nice weather on your holiday.

    @kelley—I hope the treatments give you relief and that you enjoy pilates.

    @soosun—recognizing your patterns is the first step to changing them. At my heaviest weight, I was eating pretty healthy foods—just too much of it. Lately, my problem has been the opposite—I sabotage my day of good choices with one or two bad ones. For me, this month is all about being accountable to those bad choices. If I make them, I still need to adjust the rest of my day to fit my calories. Today was a perfect example. Instead of remembering your “delay” method, I tasted a sliver of some coffee cake early in the day. Later I ate a dunkin munchkin and realized I would need to eat light for dinner to meet my goal. Proud to report I ate a piece of fish and salad for dinner and am well within my calorie allowance. Now I just need to repeat that tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day.

    @bap—great plan to call your friend to talk you past the fast food stops! Good for you!

    @helen—I love your term—hodgepodge. Too funny.

    @teresa—hope you have some sales tomorrow!

    @barbara—it’s nice that you and lori got to meet in person. I have an MFP friend who lives about an hour south and we meet a couple of times a year to do 5ks. Also, Helenatrandom and I live near each other, but have yet to meet up in person. One of these days for sure.

    @beckah—put down the mixing bowl and step away from the oven! Lol

    @tom—I did my civic duty—thanks for the info about election day.

    @niki—loved your post about the LIFE program. I was a gymnast as a kid—even fairly skilled at the balance beam—but I have terrible balance now. I do some moves I learned from my PT when rehabbing a knee injury and they really help a lot.

    I know I didn’t get to everyone, but will catch up with the rest of your next time.

    Tuesday Goals:
    My goal this week is to get caught up on all of my grading now that I’ve finished those AP essays. I’ve listed everything below—it’s not pretty, and I’m collecting more Montana 1948 vocab tomorrow and journals on Friday. However, all of that goes so much more quickly than the AP essays. Also, Monday is an institute day and Tuesday is a holiday, so my overall goal is to catch up by next Wed. Wish me luck!

    November All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 4/4 days (goal is 27/30 days)
    Workout: 1/3 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k on Thanksgiving Day

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/66 AP journals
    2. x/18 Analysis activities
    3. x/60 Thoreau essays
    4. x/60 M1948 character journals

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE (barely)
    Mon--walk gunner ? meeting, but not sure how late NOT DONE
    Tues--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--rest day P/T conferences
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @tih - a free full weekend ahead alone - thats fun to plan - your excitement will be boundless by Friday (and you can't show it to them, can you >:) ....btw, I wish I could hear you sing sometime. I love live choir. Don't hear it enough!

    @LosingMay - great that you have a dedicated space. Mine has a little desk in the corner and its become a favorite space in the whole house. I hope you learn to love your space as much as I do!

    @hotapplepie - Welcome - you can do it! Look at these weeks ahead and start simple and do the steps we all wish we'd done right away. (I'm chuckling at myself here -it took me some time...) Get your measurements written on your home page, take a photo in some snug clothes or swim suit (don't have to post it anywhere) (thats for yourself, to see before and during and after) and take some time to learn all the tabs on your pages so you can record your exercises and foods. Don't worry about falling off the wagon and such - cuz we've all done that. We'll pick you up and show you how to re-group, OK? :) thanks for coming aboard!

    @Kah - Glad the Airrosti therapy for your Achilles heel helped -Is it covered by insurance? And thanks for the curative Lemon Aide recipe - I copied it.

    @Morgori - Tom - yeah, the "one income family" that is in the "way back past" for most families these days. - sigh - I do miss mom's being around when kids could play freely from house to house in the daytime when they were so young.

    CBlue - how nice you had a lovely cleansing talk and a real date - mmm, yummy salmon and so low in bad fats and good for you! Hope your can set up another date soon!

    @Lois - I love a lot of Brit stuff - the TV shows that migrate over to us in America, and the great literature of course, Sherlock Holmes and I'm a royals follower. The other day I ran across the word "bolt-hole" and it drew memories of reading Sherlock Holmes and that was one grand idea I always wanted to imitate from Holmes' that he had all over London!!! I envied him that ability!
    Well, now I own my place, so I guess its my "bolt-hole" B)

    @soosun - ooo - you sound like the "flu" might have flown right past you - you sound lucky that you came around quickly. Maybe that protein was the save AND the water.
    You'll get the weight off - you have impressive determination! Don't get frustrated. You are so close to your end weight. That's part of the issue. The last 20 lbs. are a total BI#TCH. Ask anyone. I dare anyone to tell you different.
    We have 3 weights: Our highest weight:
    Our ideal weight: (goal weight)
    Final weight: what we settle for

    @Helen - I can sympathize with your husband not being able to eat veggies esp. when they are not cooked to the well-done stage because I have mouth tenderness. I find that veggies are, for me, more enjoyable when they are more overcooked. So maybe try that?
    Frustration - can be found at the top of a bag of chips and also at the very bottom.

    @Mountmary - cool - so your meeting Lori from this thread - OOPS just read about it - nice that you are close!!!
    You're doing great for the All IN Challenge! You only need to decide what to do for an exercise - what do you say to 10 minutes of bed exercises 5 days a week, do you need to work on your back strengthening or legs, or do you need work on your arms perchance?

    @dCharnice - Hi - haven't met yet -welcome! Glad your joining the Challenge. See ya soon!

    @GWhammy - watch over your knees there ! And darn those KitKats - are they all gone now? Did you get your storms?

    @Teresa - wow what a story about work ! I love such things beyond us! You will do great now focusing on your goals this month here and in the kitchen - your "appestat" will start working better -

    @Skinny - OK - PROUD of you to have that scale at 185! You ROCK! Now, no more bull-*kitten*. Me either. Let have the scale move this month!

    @bapcarrier - you are doing GREAT with the ALL-IN Challenge for November. I'm impressed. With 2 weeks of company coming your goals are admirable that you only plan to have 3 days off this month. Way to go calling your far-off friend to help you by-pass the fast-food traps! ;) Also, Glad to see you're keeping up with us.

    @GKaye - good point. We are all in this together. If we support each other we can do it!!!
    Drink that water, grape is a great flavoring and its cheap now!

    @sonjabowler -welcome - and I'll send you a message!

    @ShivaAaliyah - welcome also! You're off to an OK start! You started honestly and thats what counts - good for you! Now just record that cheesecake and so if you go over today so you can maybe be under a little tomorrow, huh?

    @Laurie - I didn't understand the running exactly but it sounds great for you so I'm happy that its a good feeling and makes you run faster easier!

    AFM - I do OK eating during the day and evening but as the sleep hour approaches I want ice cream for my sore mouth and nothing stops me at all. And I go back too often - my downfall. To much weight got put on while I was lazing about when grounded and off my feet so I now need to start at the slow pace I'm at and start building up. Gonna do the big list too, like Skinny does and hold my other delinquent chores to pubic accountability here - rather than scraps of paper that are becoming a chore unto themselves!

    Visited my 94 y/o stepmom today and tried to get her to the shower but she was too tired. Its so sad to see the steep decline she's in - such a rapid change from 2 months ago. Time is now so precious. But I think she'll come around - she's eager to do her exercises and thats a good sign. So, I'm hopeful! But, I did lose a pair of slippers to her. I took mine down, as her feet had swollen, and she needed a pair. Well, long story short, mine fit and she loved them, so I left them.

    Voted by mail - ballot this time and I recommend it highly. So much easier to take your time and have candidates information at hand - esp. the lesser known positions that are also running. Sure, I had my mind made up for Senate and Governor, but there were 2 pages, 2 sides for our ballot, and I needed to catch up on some issues and so this helped a lot! I felt better informed than ever before.

    Days Under Calories: 0/4
    Exercise Goals:
    Swim 3 days week will start when last cut is healed anticipate 5 days from now: 11/9/14
    Bed Exercises 3: 6 days week 2/4

    Other Goals:
    Keep tidying house 4/4
    Pay Escrow - not done
    Contest Avast Internet Security Bill with Visa - not done
    Check on best Electronics Service suite - not done
    Deposit check - not done
    Set up oil change - not done
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Remember, remember the 5th November
    Gunpowder, treason and plot
    I know of no reason, why the gunpowder treason
    should ever be forgot!

    Happy Bonfire night! Looking forward to having a little bonfire tonight. :smiley:
    Also managed to drop 1lb this week so I'm back on track from my little slip up two weeks ago, its just a shame it took me two weeks to lose 1lb, I have a feeling this is going to be a long slow journey. But I think I have the patience.

    Wednesday Wishes: I have sat for about 5 minutes try to think of one and I can't, so I wish you all a happy and successful week!

    @Robin - I know, we do have some funny sayings, I have a little book at home with the origins of sayings purely because I'll say one and think "where/why/how did we come up with that saying??" I love cockney rhyme slang as well. My partners grandparents came from East London and always speak it, you sometimes need some sort of guide book to know what they are saying. And yes, I am a huge fan of Sherlock, the books and the television series. I even named my last hamster after him. :smile: