The dumbest diet you ever tried?



  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    I did this diet a couple years ago called "The 17 Day Diet" - anyone hear of it? It's basically a super restrictive diet for 17 days - no sugar, no grains/carbs (except veggies), lean protein, limited fruit, etc. The idea is at the end of the 17 day period, you can gradually work a couple things back in - like say, a small serving of oatmeal.

    While I did follow it for the initial period and ended up losing weight, I couldn't handle the "gradually introduce" part and basically binged on everything I couldn't have during those 17 days.

    I'm now *hugely* skeptical of any diet that's supposed to be followed for a set number of days and diets that encourage you to gradually reintroduce foods after the introductory phase.

    I'm now close to my goal weight doing what I should have done years ago - at a balanced diet, at a deficit, making room for my favorite treats/foods along the way to avoid feeling deprived.
  • trinatrina1984
    trinatrina1984 Posts: 1,018 Member
    dtroutman wrote: »
    Ive tried HCG awful. But the worst was when I went with a co-worker and we got our ears stapled to lose weight. It hurt and a week later was so infected they had to pry the staple out it was terrible!!!!!

    I know this is an old thread so not sure if this poster is still using MFP but WT actual F!! what even is the logic behind this?
  • For me, the worst was Atkins. But then, I'd rather have a bowl of oatmeal and juts than some bacon. Bacon in no way compensated for not being able to eat carbs. I ate a lot of shrimp. I still do, but I eat Pescatarian.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    justal313 wrote: »
    The MEAEL diet. It stands for Move Extra and Eat Less.

    If that's all it took don't you think everybody would be thin?

    LOL..tongue in cheek?

  • Flora_k
    Flora_k Posts: 72 Member
    Without a doubt, the hCG diet. I developed so many health problems from which I had to heal and since stopping the diet, I've been prone to kidney infections.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited November 2014
    The Beverly Hills Diet, a certain fruit for the day. My tongue was sore on pineapple day.

    I did okay on lower carb but my cholesterol went up. I am going to see a dietician and will ask for good macro goals for me (I have health issues).
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,016 Member
    dtroutman wrote: »
    Ive tried HCG awful. But the worst was when I went with a co-worker and we got our ears stapled to lose weight. It hurt and a week later was so infected they had to pry the staple out it was terrible!!!!!

    I know this is an old thread so not sure if this poster is still using MFP but WT actual F!! what even is the logic behind this?

    I willing to bet there is no real logic involved. Crazy, yes. Lots of crazy. Logic, no.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    When I was a kid, my parents were gung ho about the cabbage soup diet for awhile so we all had to eat it every day. I don't think cabbage soup is bad to eat sometimes but it got old pretty fast. It made the house smell weird too. It didn't really help them lose weight.
    As an adult, I haven't really tried any diet I consider dumb or crazy. I tried low carb for awhile but have steered clear of fad diets really. I just remember the huge pots of cabbage soup and it keeps me from trying fads.
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    When I was a kid, my parents were gung ho about the cabbage soup diet for awhile so we all had to eat it every day. I don't think cabbage soup is bad to eat sometimes but it got old pretty fast. It made the house smell weird too. It didn't really help them lose weight.
    As an adult, I haven't really tried any diet I consider dumb or crazy. I tried low carb for awhile but have steered clear of fad diets really. I just remember the huge pots of cabbage soup and it keeps me from trying fads.

    Not a fad diet, but my dad wanted to try to incorporate soybeans in our meals (not tofu or eamame but hard cooked beans. He would throw them in spaghetti sauce or chili. I never did like them
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    Drinking apple cider vinegar water and eating magical cabbage soup
  • One time, I went on a diet my mom saw online where you eat 100 calories every hour. You do it for 12 substantial meals. Man, things got creative.

    Also tried vegan/gluten free/sugar free/low carb all at the same time. Yeeeep. I'm super smart.

  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I did this really stupid Cheerios diet. I had Cheerios for breakfast and lunch (dry cereal, no milk), then ate a small dinner. I lasted about a week, then went to McDonald's.
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    Gosh, I've done so many of these mentioned in the above posts including Cabbage soup diet, Army diet, 48 hour Hollywood diet, Garcinia Cambogia, Hoodia, Hydroxycut, Body by Vi shakes and probably more I can't remember but the WORST thing I did was have a doctor prescribe me Phenteramine and Bontril at the same time. I dropped 43 lbs in 2 months and was speeding 24/7. I gained all of that back + 13 lbs.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    I've tried a bunch. hcg was the most ridiculous although I lost about 15lbs in 20 days. That first week was torture. I remember calling my mother on the phone and crying because I was so hungry and weak I didn't think I could go on. LOL. I also made up my own low fat diet back in the day. Not sure I would call it dumb because it was pretty painless and worked. I refused to eat ANYTHING that had more than 3 grams of fat. But that meant candy and other sweets were just fine. I don't recall how much weight I lost but I know I was able to fit into a really tiny skirt I had for years and never wore. I don't think I even realized it was working until a coworker called me skinny. But that was back when I thought skinny was the thing to be. Now I know LEAN and muscular is all that!!!! Best "diet" isn't a diet at all. It's understanding how my body reacts to macronutrients, time of day, eating real food and maintaining a caloric deficit. In retrospect, it works better than Atkins, hcg, and any other thing I have ever tried. And it's the easiest. I only eat 1200 calories a day but I OCD about ways to maximize the volume and make my meals taste great. It requires advance planning but I am never hungry, tired or craving.
  • The "Cookie" Diet was by far the worst I've tried. Didn't lose a thing and couldn't stick with it long term, cookies or no! I've also done Weight Watchers, tried Nutri-System for, like, a DAY (AWFUL food!) and pretty much everything in between. Finally found something that worked to lose 150 pounds and keep it off!
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    The Cabbage Diet.

    It was all fine and dandy until the last day or so where I had to eat 8 bananas and 4 pints of milk. Turns out I am lactose intolerant and that was the day I found out.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    The Cabbage Diet.

    It was all fine and dandy until the last day or so where I had to eat 8 bananas and 4 pints of milk. Turns out I am lactose intolerant and that was the day I found out.

    bahahahahahaha!!! Too funny!
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel Posts: 10,891 Member
    edited November 2014
    Many years ago, I lost 35lb in a short space of time by only eating 500-800 calories a day. (Stupid, but I didn't know any better at the time).Then I started eating again and gained back 45lb in the same amount of time. I've lost the 45lb slowly and surely, after discovering MFP, and have kept it off! :)
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    I've never tried a diet. And the ones where you take pills, I'd never try, I don't want my heart weakened or anything. From the start, I've always known in the long run they do not work.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Back in 09 i took Metabolife 365 and lost 80lbs in a 4 months but was suffering major side effects so stopped it. Gained it all back and more.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I think it's great that so many of you shared your embarrassing moments. Makes me feel better that I could never be "strong" enough to make it through a day or two of these types of restrictive diets.

    The "best" I did was about one week at 1200 and less (I think it was 6 days, caved on Sunday). Nope. No way. No, thank you. I just NEED to EAT. All. the. food.
  • Mediocrates55
    Mediocrates55 Posts: 326 Member
    OMG, I did the ear-staple thing too. How stupid! I really thought it would work, too. Glad I've learned a little since my stupid late teen years.
  • ceilidhachaos
    ceilidhachaos Posts: 4 Member
    Dexatrim, a loooong time ago (before they reformulated it). I got very sick on that.

    More recently, I tried the cabbage soup diet. I lost some weight, but couldn't stand to do it for more than 3 days. I still think it's a decent kickoff to a more healthy lifestyle, but not something one could live on.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    kaseyr1505 wrote: »
    I did this really stupid Cheerios diet. I had Cheerios for breakfast and lunch (dry cereal, no milk), then ate a small dinner. I lasted about a week, then went to McDonald's.

    I might actually be okay with this one. I *kitten* love cheerios

  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    A home made 1 that I made for myself when I was a yolo and didn't know what I was doing, but thought I did.... Guestimated how many calories I needed for my body, guestimated my food intake amounts, ate THE SAME boring crap each and every day (yummy, dry chicken breast, grilled), started off @ 71kg, ended off with 91kg... in say, 2 or 3 so months?

    That's when I discovered flexible dieting, and praise the lord it's done me wonders. I'm now 80kg again (after I went on a cut to lose 9-10kg) and I'm looking leaner, more healthy, and not like a husky. Love it.
  • aprilricks86
    aprilricks86 Posts: 67 Member
    wow this is a great thread . . . cracks me up how many crazy things we do to lose weight!!

    I did some weird things with food in high school--I tried a vegetarian diet for a week once and probably lost a good amount in that week, but it def wasn't sustainable. When I was going through my "anorexic phase" I tried eating only every other day. Gah I don't know why I ever tortured myself like that. It was awful. I also tried atkins in high school and absolutely hated it. I ate eggs, cheese and meat for one day and felt terrible without the carbs. I could only manage that for one day.

    This isn't really a diet, but I had high anxiety when I started college and would rarely eat outside of my dorm. I usually ate giant cups of hot cocoa / powdered cappuccino mixes, carb-rich trail mixes, nutrigrain bars and peanut butter & jelly (until I ventured to the dining hall not far from my dorm). Blegh. I think I nearly made myself get diabetes during that phase and still can't eat too much sugar at once.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    missdibs1 wrote: »
    Drinking apple cider vinegar water and eating magical cabbage soup

    I saw this too! Was looking for a short quick cutting remedy, thank goodness I persuaded myself otherwise!

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    When I was a kid, my parents were gung ho about the cabbage soup diet for awhile so we all had to eat it every day. I don't think cabbage soup is bad to eat sometimes but it got old pretty fast. It made the house smell weird too. It didn't really help them lose weight.
    I did that from time to time when I had to make weight for a karate tournament. Was effective when paired with living on an exercise bike and sparring.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Oh oh oh, and another 1! (I haven't trieid it but it's extremely popular these days)


    The tim noakes diet! lol
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member

    The tim noakes diet! lol

    I love how people dont realize that as soon as you go out of ketosis you pack on the weight and then some in preperation for the next calculated starvation