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Midsummer Meltdown - 4/25 thru 6/21



  • alacarte
    alacarte Posts: 122 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Well it's Saturday morning, and I'm getting ready to mow my neighbors yard (little old lady), and then I'm going to clean my moms house so exercise is going to get done. Water is a whole other story, going to give it my best shot.

    @catniss don't give up. I have to treat dieting like I'm some kind of addict I can't throw caution to the wind or else all heck will break loose. I always feel like I am on a slippery slope. My motivation is what I feel like when I am at a heavier weight. I hate being fat more than I want those treats so I just keep going, and sometimes it really hard. Around the site I have seen people say it's "Just one meal at a time, and one day at a time." Maybe that will help get you over the hump. Good luck and hang in there!!
  • bspells
    bspells Posts: 10
    Good Morning everyone,

    Yesterday was not a good day. I know I went over my calorie intake because I was in my kids' easter baskets more than once:( Didn't get my morning workout in like I normally do because I was watching the wedding before I went to work and didn't feel like doing it when I got off. I keep telling myself not to let one bad day ruin what I'm working towards.

    Today, however, is starting out to be a much better day. I've already did my Turbofire 55 workout and added in 20 minutes of Bob Harper's Pure Strength workout to kind of help for yesterday's binge. Oh, and I already have in 6 cups of water:) Hopefully, I can stick to it throughout the entire weekend since weekends are usually harder for me to stick within my calorie limits. I hope everyone has a nice weekend.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    phew, another busy couple of days, but I made it through. Had a couple of little treats at the work potluck yesterday (samosas and handful of chips and literally one bite of carrot cake) but ate mostly salad. And I had a really light dinner, so I evened out.

    Haven't exercised the last 2 days, but I'm planning on putting in an hour or more today and tomorrow to make up for it.

    I did a training all day yesterday for my staff, which meant I was walking around the room all day as we brainstormed, talked together, shared, ect. I train not only do I stand, but I walk and walk and walk at about a 3 lb pace. For some reason I have to keep moving. Didn't even think about counting that as exercise until now, but probably should.

    Also b/c of the training I drank a TON of water. Filled up my 38 oz water bottle 4 times = an epic 152 oz of water!! Which lead to happy new fr me today of another .5 lb loss. If I can hold tight over the weekend (which is always a struggle for me) then I will have lost 2 lbs this week, which many of you know hasn't happened to me in many months. Feels good and makes me want to be extra good today, tomorrow and Monday so I can have big contributions to our weigh-in on Tuesday am.
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    Well I got in a 40 minute workout yesterday and all the water. Today I've gone for 45 minute run/walk, so the exercise is done. I've had a super stressful week and I'm just feeling mentally and physically exhausted. I really had to force myself out the door this morning which I was surprised by since I usually really enjoy going for a runs on the weekends and I usually go for at least an hour. Going to try and relax today and hope I feel more motivated tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    What an encouraging group! I have been doing well with my calorie counting and my water drinking, although my diet could use a little more balance. I am just very discouraged because I rely on exercise to stay sane, esp when I have to make good judgement calls and convince myself I want the mixed fruit instead of the chocolate fudge. If I know I have a good workout coming up, my good food choices are easier because those heavy foods never sit well during a workout and I like feeling good while pushing myself. The discouragement comes from having had a knee injury that I have been trying to heal that the doctor is telling me he thinks is a torn meniscus. I have an MRI sometime next week but it is so disheartening that I may have to reach my goals primarily through diet, with a significantly limited workout regime. I enjoy running and spinning and p90x and crossfit and I can not work out to the level I want to right now and its so frustrating and all I can think is this never would have happened if I wasn't so heavy. I probably would not have hurt my knee in such a way if I wasn't 30 pounds overweight. At the same time, that thought is pretty motivating. I need to get it off now to decrease the demands on all my joints so I can maintain my high activity lifestyle and not end up sedentary and unable to explore my world by the time I am 50 as I have seen with so many obese family members. Taking care of your body young really does pay off in quality of life when you are older in most cases and I never want to be that person stuck in the gift shop at a national part because I am unable to make a light hike. So I guess it is motivating in that way. I just have always used exercise to make up for food choices and I am now afraid I may not be able to do that quite as effectively. Any advice?


    This has always been an issue for me too. jess (jessicamarie81)and angela (kylakesgal) helped me break this patter with my first ever challenge that they ran. They really helped me understand that eating high protein and complex carb snacks between meals is a key to curbing this feeling of starvation at night.

    The other thing I do it keep myself busy at night so that snacking is not an option. If I'm feeling snacky when watching tv (which I really don't do very often, maybe only 2 nights a week), then I workout while I watch TV: push ups, sit ups, bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc). I don't go hog wild, but I just make my body work and move so that I'm not just sitting there thinking, "ooooh, there's peanut butter and bread and jelly and milk, and I could have the world's awesomest, high calorie snack while watching this show". Sometimes I even just march/walk in place while I watch.

    You are certainly not alone and I hope this helps just a little. Keep your chin up, this is a process not an instant magical transformation
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Today has turned into a GREAT day....I completed the C25K 9-week training program!!! I'm now running 3.2miles in 35minutes and I feel AWESOME!!! I'm so proud that I completed this! :love: :heart: :love:

    WAY TO GO AILENE!!!!!!!!!! Huge accomplishment! Now it's time to sign up to run a 5k. I love those short little races. Haven't done one since I got pregnant nearly 2 years ago, but I'm hoping to get back to it in the next year (if I can get myself on a consistent training schedule). Next thing you know you'll be like forrest gump and just keep right on running and running and running
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Yesterday I turned in my last assignment, and I am officially DONE with medical school!! :bigsmile:

    YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY Catie!!!!!!!!!! So proud of you. WTG! Now on to residency! cheers to you! :drinker:
  • ravenclawseekergirl
    ravenclawseekergirl Posts: 342 Member
    Yesterday was a day of two halves for me. As i said i went out for my walk to avoid the wedding. Walked 8-9 miles in the freezing rain. Lets just say i'm stubborn and dont really know the meaning of the word common sense. :bigsmile: When i eventually got home, dripping wet and actually shaking, my mother practically force fed me pizza. She'd cooked it and god forbid you should refuse food she put effort into. (even if that effort is taking it out of the packet and putting it in the oven) It just really annoys me no one eats the food i make from scratch...:explode:

    I don't even want to know what the salt content of that was.
    Sorry for the ranting, today has been a better day though, i'm more in control.
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    Yesterday was a day of two halves for me. As i said i went out for my walk to avoid the wedding. Walked 8-9 miles in the freezing rain. Lets just say i'm stubborn and dont really know the meaning of the word common sense. :bigsmile: When i eventually got home, dripping wet and actually shaking, my mother practically force fed me pizza. She'd cooked it and god forbid you should refuse food she put effort into. (even if that effort is taking it out of the packet and putting it in the oven) It just really annoys me no one eats the food i make from scratch...:explode:

    I don't even want to know what the salt content of that was.
    Sorry for the ranting, today has been a better day though, i'm more in control.

    you think maybe you can have a heart-to-heart with your mom about your need to take care of yourself, body and needs? Maybe if she hears you say what she CAN do to support you, her daughter who she loves more than anything in the whole wide world, she'll get it. Another option is to get your Dr involved. I'm assuming here that your Dr believes it's healthy for you to lose weight, and maybe your Dr can talk with your mom about why it's medically important for you to get healthy and what your mama can do to be a help to you?

    Good luck, sometimes our families who just want the best for us, don't quite know how to be the most help as opposed to hinderance
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Happy Saturday, All!
    I've been missing the last two days, I'm sorry.
    I had a HORRIBLE day at work on Thursday. So bad that I just almost didn't eat anything. Emotionally drained...And yesterday I was really busy at work, and then I got to spend much needed quality time with the boy last night. I didn't even log the last two days, but I didn't binge, either, so I'm pretty happy with the control I've had lately with emotional eating. It's probably the biggest change in me, this time around.
    But today is another brand new day, and I'm determined to make the most of it!! Grocery shopping is a MUST! I have nothing in the house except frozen veggies, which is good, but I would like some protein to go along with them!
    @ Ailene and Catie...AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! Big huge congratulations to both of you!! I'm so proud :heart:
    @ Olivia...you got this, girl!! I know you've broken through your plateau...keep it going through the weekend!
    I think this is a great group, lots of chatter every day and encouragement...I :heart: it!! It's what keeps everyone going!

    Time to get to working on ME...be back later :bigsmile:
  • chelsiburnett
    chelsiburnett Posts: 317
    Wow!!! Cardio workout tonight did me in!!! 86 minutes of it!!!!! But I burned 684 calories!!!!!! This week has been great thanks to great challenges like this one!!! Good luck everyone!!!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am getting my water in and doing good being under my calories .
    I am going to have to take another week off from the exercise though my back feels some better but it still hurts and i dont want to do anything like zumba until i am ready !
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I had a very productive Saturday doing about 3 hours of house and yard chores--and it all counts as exercise! I'm going to splurge tonight and have some of my Dove Easter bunny. I'll have my water done by bedtime.

    Tomorrow, I'm invited out to Red Robin to celebrate my twin nephews' 21st birthdays. Nearly everything there is high calorie, high carb, and high sodium. However, I checked online and found the "Lettuce-wrap your burger" entree, which is basically the yummy burger and all the goodies except the bun, wrapped (I'm not sure how) in lettuce. It's almost the only thing to order that isn't over 1000 calories (it's about 450 cal, decently lower carb, and <400mg sodium). We'll see how many sideways looks I get from my family members, but I'll just be a good role model for healthy choices.
  • slackeyj
    slackeyj Posts: 68
    I had a very productive Saturday doing about 3 hours of house and yard chores--and it all counts as exercise! I'm going to splurge tonight and have some of my Dove Easter bunny. I'll have my water done by bedtime.

    Tomorrow, I'm invited out to Red Robin to celebrate my twin nephews' 21st birthdays. Nearly everything there is high calorie, high carb, and high sodium. However, I checked online and found the "Lettuce-wrap your burger" entree, which is basically the yummy burger and all the goodies except the bun, wrapped (I'm not sure how) in lettuce. It's almost the only thing to order that isn't over 1000 calories (it's about 450 cal, decently lower carb, and <400mg sodium). We'll see how many sideways looks I get from my family members, but I'll just be a good role model for healthy choices.

    When I go to someplace like red robin I order it cut in half and only eat half the burger. They are huge so its still plenty and then just stay away from the fries, tough I know but not impossible. I have to remind myself constantly that there will always be more delicious food. Always. I can eat only two oreos and not six because tomorrow oreos will still exist in this world, and the next day, and next week, and next year, and ten years from now...it helps remind me to stay moderate with both my restrictions and my indulgences.
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member

    When I go to someplace like red robin I order it cut in half and only eat half the burger. They are huge so its still plenty and then just stay away from the fries, tough I know but not impossible.

    I thought about that, but all the burgers with special goodies are so darn high in sodium and carbs that even half of one would blow my limits right out of the water. I no longer eat potatoes anyway, so not having fries is easy if they don't come with the meal (like the fish and chips I caved to on vacation). I may cadge an onion ring, though, if someone else orders them.
  • rentrikin
    rentrikin Posts: 104 Member
    Still not doing great with water!!! Doing fine with my calorie intake but could do much better nutrition wise.. So many times I want to indulge but I have a great partner, co-motivator and friend in my daughter who is also here. (Jaxsmummy) When I want to order a hamburger, she orders a salad..so I feel guilty and forget the hamburger lol. Getting plenty of exercise in.. if I could just conquer my aversion to water!!
  • oliviawink
    oliviawink Posts: 713 Member
    have to remind myself constantly that there will always be more delicious food. Always. I can eat only two oreos and not six because tomorrow oreos will still exist in this world, and the next day, and next week, and next year, and ten years from now...it helps remind me to stay moderate with both my restrictions and my indulgences.

    What a good point. I'm goign to tell myself exactly that the next time I'm feeling strong urge toward over-indulging on temptations. Such a good mantra!
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    We have been away over the weekend, but did my weights and cardio before we went yesterday. Today climbed a mile straight up the side of a hill (mountain!!) Legs were fine but thought my lungs were going to burst.

    Got 11 glasses of water yesterday and will make it to 10 before bed!
  • emariec78
    emariec78 Posts: 530 Member
    What an encouraging group! I have been doing well with my calorie counting and my water drinking, although my diet could use a little more balance. I am just very discouraged because I rely on exercise to stay sane, esp when I have to make good judgement calls and convince myself I want the mixed fruit instead of the chocolate fudge. If I know I have a good workout coming up, my good food choices are easier because those heavy foods never sit well during a workout and I like feeling good while pushing myself. The discouragement comes from having had a knee injury that I have been trying to heal that the doctor is telling me he thinks is a torn meniscus. I have an MRI sometime next week but it is so disheartening that I may have to reach my goals primarily through diet, with a significantly limited workout regime. I enjoy running and spinning and p90x and crossfit and I can not work out to the level I want to right now and its so frustrating and all I can think is this never would have happened if I wasn't so heavy. I probably would not have hurt my knee in such a way if I wasn't 30 pounds overweight. At the same time, that thought is pretty motivating. I need to get it off now to decrease the demands on all my joints so I can maintain my high activity lifestyle and not end up sedentary and unable to explore my world by the time I am 50 as I have seen with so many obese family members. Taking care of your body young really does pay off in quality of life when you are older in most cases and I never want to be that person stuck in the gift shop at a national part because I am unable to make a light hike. So I guess it is motivating in that way. I just have always used exercise to make up for food choices and I am now afraid I may not be able to do that quite as effectively. Any advice?


    This has always been an issue for me too. jess (jessicamarie81)and angela (kylakesgal) helped me break this patter with my first ever challenge that they ran. They really helped me understand that eating high protein and complex carb snacks between meals is a key to curbing this feeling of starvation at night.

    The other thing I do it keep myself busy at night so that snacking is not an option. If I'm feeling snacky when watching tv (which I really don't do very often, maybe only 2 nights a week), then I workout while I watch TV: push ups, sit ups, bicep curls, tricep extensions, etc). I don't go hog wild, but I just make my body work and move so that I'm not just sitting there thinking, "ooooh, there's peanut butter and bread and jelly and milk, and I could have the world's awesomest, high calorie snack while watching this show". Sometimes I even just march/walk in place while I watch.

    You are certainly not alone and I hope this helps just a little. Keep your chin up, this is a process not an instant magical transformation

    I hurt my knee a few years ago and I chose to do physical therapy over surgery-my doctor said we could try that first as I also did not want to pay for the MRI that my insurance didn't cover and she couldn't tell if my miniscus was torn or just degenerated from the xray. Of course during whatever treatment course you take you will need to confine yourself to what the doctor says is appropriate, but after about 4 weeks of therapy I was able to use the eliptical machine at a low incline and could walk on the treadmill. The hand bikes they have at the gym would probably be a great option while you recover since that just uses your arms. I do still have problems with my knee today and I have to wear a brace when I run, but that's the treatment choice I made. Hope it goes well and don't think of it as something that's going to hold you back, just think of it as a new direction you're going in to get yourself healthy.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Happy Sunday, everyone!!

    Exercise & Water complete for the day. I LOVE starting my weekends with my exercise!
    So many times I want to indulge but I have a great partner, co-motivator and friend in my daughter who is also here. (Jaxsmummy)

    You are our 2nd Mother/Daughter in this challenge; and we have cousins. That's too cool that family is supporting each other during your weight loss. I wish I could convince my sisters to join....