
  • Catlover771
    Catlover771 Posts: 65
    edited November 2014
    Wow, ladies....I am impressed with the number of posts here and the friendly atmosphere. I just joined MyFitnessPal recently...having done the Medifast program to lose my weight and reach goal. Now I've put back about 18 lbs. and am trying to get them back off again! I'm a Health Coach for the program, so it's even MORE important that I get back to goal. Either that, or learn to live with the extra weight. Which I'm NOT willing to do just yet.

    Anyway, I don't mean to solicit anyone; please don't misunderstand me....I just wanted to get to know some more women around my age who have 'been there, done that' and are still hanging in there, trying to eat healthier. I believe in the Medifast program, so please forgive me if I talk about it. That said, I find myself with much in common with some of you just from a brief glance at this forum!

    For instance, MarleyJoe....OMG I am a peanut butter freak, too. It's stored in a bottom drawer in the kitchen....that's a drawer for my husband's 'goodies', because I can't have it. No way, no how. It's OFF LIMITS for me. One Tablespoon leads to another and another, and this is like, the highest caloric food there IS.
    Have you tried PB2? It's from Netrition.com. I swear, it's wonderful. Two tablespoons of the stuff have only 45 calories. REALLY! And it's made from real peanuts. They just took the fat out! It's a POWDER, you have to mix water into it...but you only do it 2 TBLs at a time (if you're smart LOL...) and that way you're controlling the amount. I do this all the time on my MF (Medifast) brownie I eat for my evening snack.

    The only thing is, I would stay away from the PB2 with chocolate. That wound up to be a big trigger food for me, for some reason. I could eat only 2 TBLs -- OK, MAYBE a little more, but not really go 'nuts' (pardon the pun) on the plain PB2, but the one with chocolate? No way....I can't stop. And then I gorge on it and it sits in my stomach like a STONE, and I KNOW I've gained weight. So I had to ban it from my house. I don't buy it anymore.

    And believe me, I'm very careful with the plain PB2 as well LOL...although like I said, I find it an excellent substitute when I just GOTTA have some peanut butter.

    That said, I HAVE been known to 'raid' my hubby's Skippy....it's my downfall.

    Just wanted to share that with you....as a start and an introduction to me!

    I'm 59 years 'young' LOL...started Medifast at age 57 and it took me a year and a half to lose about 71 lbs. I went from 235 to 165. And I'm 5'7" tall, and 'big boned' (really, I have large wrists and size 11 feet!) so that looks GOOD on me. I was as low as 145 when I was in my 20s, but I had to starve to stay there and you know what? I didn't exercise...not like I do now...and I swear I look better now.

    I turned into a 'gym nut' over the course of the program....not because they told me to, in fact they say you can do the entire program without one lick of exercise...but because I had started getting into it myself. I joined Curves back when I was at my highest weight of nearly 300 lbs back in 2008...and one thing just led to another, I started working out more and more. Today I go to a co-ed gym, I see a personal trainer every other week, and I do Spinning, Body Pump (group weight lifting), Pilates, a little Tai Chi and Yoga, the treadmill and the weight circuit. Spinning was a big big deal for me...and I try not to miss it. It burns an ENORMOUS amount of calories. And yes, I eat back some of those calories....in extra lean protein....or else I'd go krazy.

    Anyway I'm happy to 'meet' you ladies, if you would allow me into your group....don't know how well I'll be able to keep up, since as a Health Coach I'm all over the place (Facebook, I have my own blog, and several other websites including the Medifast Community one), but I will try!

    Please let me know what you think....and if you would welcome me to your group! I have about 20 clients who are all female, and I have recommended MFP to them, and will recommend this group as well if I feel it's worth it!

    SUPPORT and SHARING and COMMUNICATION are key. I really truly believe that.

    No man (or woman) is an island!

    PS You can check out my blogs here....I try to keep this up:

    Linda alias Catlover771

    PPSS Sorry this post was so long!

  • MarleyJoe63
    MarleyJoe63 Posts: 9
    edited November 2014
    Hello ladies ~

    Todays goal is to get out and walk. But first I want to thank you for your support and suggestions to the issues I am struggling with right now.

    Vicki from Nebraska ~ I will work on eating only half my exercise calories back, thanks. Today I will also shovel the snow that Nebraska seems to be pushing into Iowa...again thanks for the exercise opportunity.

    Katla ~ Portion control??? Just begin to learn that what I thought was a tablespoon of PB is no way near the actual measured size of a tablespoon; I over estimate actual size a lot. Purchased a scale to being proper measuring. Your quote "The two main strategies are to abstain from trigger foods, or to moderate the calories you take in by using portion control." Makes me want to move towards being a moderator not a abstainer - but at this time I will remove the PB until I have learned a bit more about healthy portions.

    Mollywhippet ~ Thanks for sharing your recipe for breakfast sausage, I am going to give this a try, I have abstained from sausage since I began working towards healthier eating but miss it. :'(

    Heather UK ~ It was I that asked about eating back calories, I do need to add more exercise - just started doing so this month. Measuring everything that goes into my mouth is something that I just started doing; what an eye opener. (*)

    Have a great day ladies ~ between the need for exercise and Mollywhippet's recipe I believe I will walk to the grocery store for the necessary items.

    Marley from the blistering cold state of Iowa

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited November 2014
    I do not use PB2 because if you read the label they add sugar to it. I like my food whole and the less processing the better. I try to avoid the fats in meat and oils like soy and corn not in my peanut butter. What works for me may not work for someone else. I agree with Heather in finding a diet that keeps me healthy and that I can I can sustain.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve,all. Was 16*this morn.No wind tho & that makes a huge difference. Someone mentioned looking on line for boots. Zappos is a good place to deal with,fast service ,free shipping & returns if need be.

    About my cardiology appts being 2 yrs away. Dr said it had been 1 1/2 yrs of regular appts,including the last one,a yr ago. No pains,no symtoms.........so I was happy to get 2 yrs between appts. Less than 3 wks later,I had chest pains. Family Dr did an EKG,all looked ok.So we will see. Actually,I'm of 2 minds about it. My Dad sit up in bed,fell backwards & was gone due to a massive heart attack.Wouldn't mind going the same way,but we don't get a choice. :\

    Meg,great pic with your precious Grandaughter.So tiny & sweet. Our Grdaughter is grown but loves looking thru our albums of her baby pics.They lived beside us till she was 2 1/2 yrs,so we had tons of pics.

    Food plan keeps on keeping on. I have very few foods I can't be trusted with. Potato salad is one.....it calls my name.Peanut brittle (used to make it for Christmas gifts ) & a really good deep dark chocolate fudge cake with wonderful ganache frosting.Otherwise,I make baked goods of things I don't care for.Yesterday it was peanut butter cookies with a lot of chocolate chips stirred in. Don't care for the chips at all,but DH does.

    Saved the turkey sausage recipe to try,thanks for sharing.

    DH is being a bear,saying no shopping for me.Gift cards are not the same :'(

    Have a nice eve. This is my Christmas cactus,ready to bloom. Patqqdt8nz8aa5v.jpg
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good evening everyone! We are all snuggled in at the lake, in front of a nice fire. I have chili simmering on the stove. We've already walked the dogs. At the moment I have one dog in my lap, but earlier there were two!

    This morning we swam laps, then I took my DGD to her basketball game. She had fun. Then I went to the studio, where another potter brought over some pots to put in my gallery. He does really big stuff, so I was glad to have it. Helps fill up the place!

    Then my son and the kids stopped by to show me that somebody broke the windshield on his car. It's still driveable, but needs to be replaced, and of course he has no money. It happened sometime between noon and 1:00 while it was parked outside his apartment building. When he left my place he went to Walmart to get a few things, thinking that when he made the police report they might tell him he couldn't drive it, and who did he run into at Walmart? His ex in-laws! They live about 45 miles away and we've not seen them down here in years. So what are the odds that his windshield was broken and they were in town on the same day?! Within an hour or so of when it happened? He asked them if they did it, and of course they said no. But I do NOT trust those people one bit.

    Well, time to put in the cornbread. Have a great evening!


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    edited November 2014
    Productive Saturday clearing clutter and yule shopping online. It us very cold and Bodi is happy to be inside.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    ready to drop, got home about an hr ago, went to work, worked till noon, my dad met us here, and then dad and I went to our cousins memorial service.. it was very nice and I got to see my cousins that I havent seen in ages... but my dad is a talker, I mean he starts on one story that runs into another story and it takes him about 2 hrs to get to the point...
    his brother my uncle ,I had to explain who was related to who and he still didnt get it.. so I am just sitting having a cup of tea, the first one I had i went to put on the coffee table and missed, and the DH bless his heart mopped it up for me..
    will check in with you all tomorrow
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone
    I have just been out for a bike ride and oh boy! did I feel it, the description said light but my legs were shaking when I got off the bike .

    Finally got to do my fasting blood tests for RA. Now we wait for the results . After that we will see.

    We have a nice sunny day expecting around 85 degrees far, not sure what is on the agenda - waiting for DH to come home from agility with our Border Collie and of course for GD to wake up - age is 13 years old snd likes to sleep.

    Yesterday was a good day back to work tomorrow

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did an hour of Tony Little's Body Sculpting DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Richard Simmon's Dancing to the Oldies DVD

    Rori - big congrats on not gaining on your trip. Have a good time in Panama. Do you ever take business trips to NC? Yesterday was a pretty sad day -- I had to take my coat out of the closet. OK, I'm ready for it to go back to summer now.

    Marley - I never eat back my exercise calories. but I know in my heart that if I go over, I have a "buffer". I was just watching a segment of Dr. Oz (I know, I know...not the greatest source) and he was saying (I don't think this is real true) that you should have white tea with lemon to help not gain the weight. I honestly don't think that's the total answer. he also said to have something high in fiber before eating. And he said to have some apple cider vinegar before eating. To me, even if you do all these things, if you have too many calories, these things won't cause you not to gain. You still need to be careful of your intake. Anyway, I found that if I add in my exercise calories, I wound up eating "junk" just to get my calories up and that wasn't good. It's a mind thing...I know it. But seeing the larger number just gave me a false sense of security. I always felt that I had to eat near that number. So I just don't add them in and if I go over, at least I know that I'm in all probablility safe as long as it doesn't happen routinely. I wouldn't call calories from peanut butter "worthless". they can be good -- in moderation

    Now that the colder weather is getting here, does anyone know of or have a recipe for a lower calorie hot chocolate mix that doesn't include any artificial sweetener? I wonder if you can heat up (in the microwave) the tofu? I'd have my tofu/cocoa mixture, but don't know how heated tofu would be?

    Joyce - I wish I can get Vince to get moving on the christmas list, too. Get to church! You know you'll feel so much better if you do and if you don't, you'll be kicking yourself

    claudknow - welcome!

    Heather - I'm lucky in that the WalMart by me carries the noodles. I never thought of having them in soup! Thanks for the idea. To be honest, I usually have two packets at a time along with some veges. I agree, I've kept my weight off for a few years now. Oh, sometimes I go a bit high (like around the holidays last year) but I totally agree with you that logging is essential. I don't think I'll ever be able to get by with not logging, unless I don't care what I look like

    hoff - what a sweet gd you have there

    njitalia - congrats on the loss. Never heard of dry needling. Interesting..... How did you find your physiatrist?

    Sylvia - that recipe sounds intersting. How many patties do you make from one package of ground turkey? Cook in the oven at what temp for how long?

    Beth - woo hoo on that NSV

    Linda - welcome! LOVE your name. We have 4 cats. My one daughter bought me a magnet for my car that says "one cat away from being the crazy cat lady". A friend saw it and said to me "honey, that ship has sailed". Your workout routine sounds great. I look forward to hearing more about it

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Quick note. Went to the mall today to start some shopping. Goals, start christmas shopping and get some long sleeve winter wear for me, particularly a red sweater. Went to Marshalls thinking I could find sweaters for me and didn't find anything. They are all those modern styles that are skin tight. But saw the perfect riding boots for oldest DGD. What she had before was pink leather fringed ankle. But these look just like the young fashionista that she is. I looked for rain boots for her sister but I am finding no one has any. Then ventured to the mall and went to Christopher Banks. I am addicted to that store. I had seen their new winter line in the emails they send me so I got several, well more than several, tops. So I have my nice red sweater to wear for our Christmas cantata. Then to Sams to pick up prescriptions.

    We have a huge soccer complex here in town that sponsors several tournaments. We have one this weekend that has several thousand kids from about 5 states. I think all of them were going to the mall while I was there. The driving and the mall were all packed. So I didn't get as much as I wanted done. Getting ready to head out to Walmart now. Got $2.60 from my Walmart savings catcher!!!!! I think I will accumulate a bit more before I ask for an E gift card.

    Welcome new ones!!! Seems like we have quite a motivator among you. I an a moderator. Don't have the self control to be an abstinator and my husband would insist on having some of that food in the house. As far as eating back calories, my doctor wants to make sure I get about 1300 calories in. I rarely eat them back. But my scales must have some kind of super glue on them because they are not moving.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, everyone! My name is Toni from Nashville, TN. I'm new to the group. In June I retired from 30+ years of teaching, and in Oct. I got my Medicare Card. In between then and now I've been concentrating on ME. I do water aerobics and jog in the water 6 days a week. My doctor is pleased with my lab work, but my weight loss has been so SLOW. Guess when we get older our bodies don't like to let go of the "fluffiness". I am hanging in there and continuing to log my food and keep my spirits up. I've been reading your posts from time to time and look forward to being one of the group. A saying I like from the book MADE TO CRAVE is "Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial."
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    njitaliana wrote: »

    Tell me about being mindful and how you are doing that. And how do you get in those 18,000 steps a day? I am in awe! How is your strength training going? Do you do it at a gym?



    Maryann, I have become so organized and routinized that I do so much on auto pilot.....being mindful to me is about paying attention and staying in the moment. It has taken me a long time to reach my current step count....I have gradually gone to bed earlier so I don't fritter away time in the evening, and then get up really early so I have about two hours in the morning to walk my dogs even on days when I have an early class. I seek every opportunity to walk....I meet my friends for a walk rather than a meal. I do my strength training at home. I have hand weights (3, 5, 10, and 15 pounds) and ankle weights that can be adjusted to weights between 1 and 15 pounds per ankle and I have some books that helped me create a program that I can do. Going to a gym is neither affordable nor convenient for me.

    Katla, I have been wearing my cold weather boots the last few days when the temperature was below freezing in the morning. They made a huge different in keeping me warm as I walked for almost two hours.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    I'm still catching up and am on page 16 at the moment so thought I'd answer the bits I've read so far.
    Kim I make mostly bobbin lace. I'm working on intermediate and advanced levels of Torchon lace at the moment, still working on all the compulsory bits before I start on the main design items.
    Cynthia. Good news about the dvd. I also do genealogy and am part of a one name study. The other day I got a newsletter with those who had died in the first World War. One of my ancestors was shown as the son of a couple, but he was in fact their grandson. Not sure who his mother was, guess I'll have to order the birth certificate.
    Alison. My ex also used to give me the silent treatment, which was preferable to the abuse and violence. Hang in there, take care of your self.
    Michelle. I have been on Prolia for about 3 years and my bone density tests have been good, so much so that I have 2 years between my last test and the next one. I don't know the one you are taking now, I was on Fosamax before and they don't like you on it for more than 4 or 5 years. Prolia is easy because it is only an injection every 6 months. If you get on it, join the study if you have the chance because they phone to remind you and you can get support if you need it. I have mild osteoporosis but do have a genetic bone disorder osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bone disorder.

    Now back to reading
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, I got 15 small patties from it last time, and I cook mine in the skillet, so the oven thing was just a theory, but I'm pretty sure you could do it. I'd guess about 30 minutes at 350? Maybe start checking them at 20 minutes. Depends on how thick they are, I would guess.

    I got my coat out of the closet too. Last year I got a really nice black wool pea coat (3x) at a garage sale for $5 and it still had the tags, but it was too tight through the arms and shoulders, and it wouldn't quite button in front, so I didn't get to wear it. This year I was so excited that I could finally wear my new coat, but now it's way too big! I'm wearing it anyway, because it's the best of the lot, but it looks like a tent on me. My other coat was new last year too, and it's a 5x, so it won't fit either. It's nice though, reversible with black on one side and wild animal fake fur on the other. I plan to donate that one. I saw a nice coat I liked at Target in an XL, but spent so much on shoes that I didn't dare get the coat. Maybe later.

    I'm an abstainer on certain things. Fried foods, bread (unless I make my own with no salt), chips, salty nuts, white rice. Probably some I can't remember at the moment. I don't care if hubby has them, but it decided not to eat them myself. Just because they are there doesn't tempt me. I do have ice cream once in a while, or a pudding cup. I don't have to worry about blood sugar (yet), so a little real sugar doesn't bother me. I don't use any kind of articifial sweetener though. My chemist hubby doesn't like what's in them. I don't use anything with caffeine, except occasional chocolate. Sometimes I kind of miss salty foods, but for the most part I'm used to my low salt diet. I haven't had peanut butter in so long I'm not sure I remember what it tastes like.

    Well, now I'm really going to bed. Goodnight!


  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Had a wonderful Sunday drive and doggy walks.
    Stan says it it just us 2 and dog from now on. NO helping family.
    We are going to buy a small tent and go camping, with dog, on East coast of Tasmania.
    I bit the bullet and ordered a Kogan HRM, Mine died.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    So Yannie, are you saying that the closer to the hosue that the tree is the more expensive it will be to have removed? Iyrs is very close. That's why we want to have it taken out. We can have some pretty bad ice storms here, not much snow sometimes, but bad ice. Last one took a lot of limbs off. We have one that if it falls will take a big chunk out of our kitchen ceiling!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Wow! 89 messages to read! My life has been very busy, and it seems that I catch up and then I fall behind again! Snow and real cold from all of you :disappointed_relieved: and I was feeling cold here in CA but it is nothing compared to you all - well got a lot done today and caught up reading about my on-line friends (you) so tomorrow I will write more ---

    Diana – great gifts for your family

    HenseyBrown- not eating enough calories is something I never have happen; but either way is an issue!

    Terri – is there anywhere in your area that has milk on sale? We get coupons occasionally and discovered that it can be frozen!

    Lesley – glad you let the possum and baby go… are your possums and our opssums the same? They are a light grey colored Marsupial – * Later* So glad you were ok with the walk home, but what a surprise to have hubby leave!

    Sylvia – I hate paying that much for shoes, but when I do they seem to be worth it.

    Barbie – I have trouble with figuring out my layers….the thermometer in the bathroom is brilliant.

    Michele – hope Lance is doing better!

    Robin – my heart breaks for you and Bodie

    Carol – congrats on the 2.4 lb loss!!!!! How nice for your son to spend time with his grandparents.

    Rita – great job on the gym and logging!

    All the new gals – welcome!!!

    November Goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday

    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Maryann: I’m so happy that your treatments have helped you feel better and regain function. I hope you continue to improve. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Thanks for the sausage recipe. I may try it. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: I’m so glad you didn’t hit a deer. It would be awful to unintentionally kill an animal and damage your car, too. We have deer inside our town, and they wander onto streets often enough that it isn’t unusual. Evening is the worst time, but I saw one walking down a main street in the middle of the day just a few days ago. It was a pronghorn. I hope it lives long enough to become an adult. :flowerforyou:

    Marley from blistering cold Iowa: Welcome. Stick with us, because among us we’ve pretty much “been there and done that.” There is a lot of wisdom among the women here, along with good-hearted conversation. :flowerforyou:

    Toni from Nashville: I love your quotation, “Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.” Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I bought the rain boots today and am keeping an open mind about cold weather boots. I have some, but they aren’t as good as the ones you use. Bonus for me, the rain boots are not only made in the USA, they’re made right here in Oregon! :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: It sounds like you’re reaching a decision about tree removal. From what you say, I won’t be surprised to hear that you’ve decided to have it taken down. It sounds like a significant risk to your home. :flowerforyou:

    Yikes! It is past time for me to head to bed. I’m finding that extra sleep is really helping me and I need to be consistent. Have a great evening.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Hi, all! Hope you're doing well and having success with your weight loss. I enjoyed reading many of the comments on this forum. You're all so inspiring! For me, the November goals are part of a bigger picture: My goal was to lose 100 lbs. this year. So far, I have lost 94 lbs. (since January 1, 2014). I have until New Year's Day to lose 6 more. If I do it, great. If not, that's OK. I'll still be proud of what I've accomplished. Once I achieve this goal, my next step is to drop another 20 or 25, but I will give myself more time. My health has improved, and I've gone from a size 28W jean to a Misses size 6 super skinny (and not the "curvy" fit, either!). I give 1000 tons of credit to all of the people on MFP who've encouraged me with their stories.

    Mollywhippet: You and I share some similarities-- however, ice cream is not one of them. (Fortunately?) I have a milk allergy, which has side effects so unpleasant, I'm never tempted! I also have done the "clothes that were too small are now too big to wear" thing. It's been a baaad experience for my wallet, but the ladies at the local church thrift store just loves me!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Linda: welcome to the group; I hope you find what you need here. I’ll start with a tough question: if Medifast works, wouldn’t that be the solution to the few pounds you’ve gained? ;)

    Sylvia: sorry about your son’s problems (again).

    Allison: glad to hear your DH did something for you. ;) Hope you got some rest.

    Kim: good to see you!

    I'm working a bit today, but first I have to go put two horses out in the pasture and do the chores for one. Will be ready for coffee after that.

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
