20 year old girl wanting to gain muscle, need advice!



  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    You do realize that there is a limit to how much muscle you can gain in a workout. More does not always mean more and often means less.

    Again, show some evidence that a reduction in volume consistently results in increased hypertrophy.

    Missed this one.

    Please try to read what I am actually typing and apply context.

    What I am saying is that more volume can mean no actual muscle gain as you have maxed out and then the more volume = more fatigue which can = less effective workouts.

    More is not always more.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    edited November 2014
    Let me put this in simple terms and then I am done as I am kind of bored of repeating myself and the point being overlooked or ignored entirely.

    - Muscle gains are limited and there is a diminishing return on providing more stimuli than the body can utilize for gaining muscle. Adding more and more volume and/or frequency does not automatically equate into more and more muscle gain. [And I am not referring to recovery here, even though recovery is an important factor to consider]

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    don't forget to increase weight.
  • ScottJTyler
    ScottJTyler Posts: 72 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Let me put this in simple terms and then I am done as I am kind of bored of repeating myself and the point being overlooked or ignored entirely.

    - Muscle gains are limited and there is a diminishing return on providing more stimuli than the body can utilize for gaining muscle. Adding more and more volume and/or frequency does not automatically equate into more and more muscle gain. [And I am not referring to recovery here, even though recovery is an important factor to consider]

    So you think someone lifting 4 days a week (one of them just arms) and each bodypart once per week is at their peak of the maximum volume they can ever get benefit from and should drop down to 5x5. OK I see now.

    The question was 'I am doing this amount of volume and can't progress what should I do?'
    and your response is 'Do less volume, less work=more gains!'. If only.
  • ScottJTyler
    ScottJTyler Posts: 72 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    More is not always more.

    Not always, but in this case it is. :)

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Let me put this in simple terms and then I am done as I am kind of bored of repeating myself and the point being overlooked or ignored entirely.

    - Muscle gains are limited and there is a diminishing return on providing more stimuli than the body can utilize for gaining muscle. Adding more and more volume and/or frequency does not automatically equate into more and more muscle gain. [And I am not referring to recovery here, even though recovery is an important factor to consider]

    So you think someone lifting 4 days a week (one of them just arms) and each bodypart once per week is at their peak of the maximum volume they can ever get benefit from and should drop down to 5x5. OK I see now.

    The question was 'I am doing this amount of volume and can't progress what should I do?'
    and your response is 'Do less volume, less work=more gains!'. If only.


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    More is not always more.

    Not always, but in this case it is. :)

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    <experiences flashbacks of a certain coach>
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I love it that the new fish isn't getting it, even when explained in small terms. >_<
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Let me put this in simple terms and then I am done as I am kind of bored of repeating myself and the point being overlooked or ignored entirely.

    - Muscle gains are limited and there is a diminishing return on providing more stimuli than the body can utilize for gaining muscle. Adding more and more volume and/or frequency does not automatically equate into more and more muscle gain. [And I am not referring to recovery here, even though recovery is an important factor to consider]

    So you think someone lifting 4 days a week (one of them just arms) and each bodypart once per week is at their peak of the maximum volume they can ever get benefit from and should drop down to 5x5. OK I see now.

    The question was 'I am doing this amount of volume and can't progress what should I do?'
    and your response is 'Do less volume, less work=more gains!'. If only.

    It's a good thing yer pretty.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    <experiences flashbacks of a certain coach>

    I'm ready, are you ready?

  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    <experiences flashbacks of a certain coach>

    I'm ready, are you ready?

    Ok I even had to lol at that one..... B)
  • ScottJTyler
    ScottJTyler Posts: 72 Member
    Starting to see a trend in MFP forums.

    Q. I've got a question about hypertrophy training
    A1. Do Stronglifts 5x5
    A2. Yeah I agree with that guy or maybe do Wendler
    A3. Why not do something other than strength training?

    Any other suggestion or criticism of beginner programs gets shot down by regulars.

    You're all very, very established on these forums and have spouted the same stuff for so long you don't want someone coming in and telling you that something else could be better. Fine, good luck to you. You've chased me out.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    edited November 2014
    Starting to see a trend in MFP forums.

    Q. I've got a question about hypertrophy training
    A1. Do Stronglifts 5x5
    A2. Yeah I agree with that guy or maybe do Wendler
    A3. Why not do something other than strength training?

    Any other suggestion or criticism of beginner programs gets shot down by regulars.

    You're all very, very established on these forums and have spouted the same stuff for so long you don't want someone coming in and telling you that something else could be better. Fine, good luck to you. You've chased me out.

    lmfao...I actually never recommended it. Try again - and maybe try applying some reading comprehension and context this time.

    You also did not actually recommend a program...just spreading what she is doing...no note or suggestions re progression of specificity ..just..coz volume apparently trumps errything, and muscle gains are only limited to the volume you can get in...errr..but frequency too.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Starting to see a trend in MFP forums.

    Q. I've got a question about hypertrophy training
    A1. Do Stronglifts 5x5
    A2. Yeah I agree with that guy or maybe do Wendler
    A3. Why not do something other than strength training?

    Any other suggestion or criticism of beginner programs gets shot down by regulars.

    You're all very, very established on these forums and have spouted the same stuff for so long you don't want someone coming in and telling you that something else could be better. Fine, good luck to you. You've chased me out.

    Please point out where other program suggestions were "shot down". If anyone was doing any "shooting down" it was you.

    And honestly, I don't even think you know what you were saying. Everything you started in on and tried to provide evidence for ended up actually working against you.

    It's not that no one is open to ideas, but they for sure will question it and research into it.

    If anyone is being close-minded, it really is you. You refuse to accept that maybe, just maybe, you have it completely wrong or/and don't actually understand what you are trying to pass off.
  • ScottJTyler
    ScottJTyler Posts: 72 Member
    Wait...is that... a regular shooting something down?
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »

    You also did not actually recommend a program...just spreading what she is doing...no note or suggestions re progression of specificity ..just..coz volume apparently trumps errything, and muscle gains are only limited to the volume you can get in...errr..but frequency too.

    True I should have thought up and written down a whole progression plan. Mesocycles, deloads, the lot. Then I could go round and help her re rack the weights, cook her meals, etc.
    I'm giving simple advice on a forum. That advice is: more frequency.
    Waiting for stock reply "LOL, you're wrong!"
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    edited November 2014
    Wait...is that... a regular shooting something down?
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »

    You also did not actually recommend a program...just spreading what she is doing...no note or suggestions re progression of specificity ..just..coz volume apparently trumps errything, and muscle gains are only limited to the volume you can get in...errr..but frequency too.

    True I should have thought up and written down a whole progression plan. Mesocycles, deloads, the lot. Then I could go round and help her re rack the weights, cook her meals, etc.
    I'm giving simple advice on a forum. That advice is: more frequency.
    Waiting for stock reply "LOL, you're wrong!"

    lol - you are funny.

    Also...not sure you are using that term in the right context. Not applying something in the correct context...I sense a theme...

    So, you gave her a fantastic advice of ignore a well established beginner program that has progressive overload built in (there's your increase in volume) that has you lifting 3 x a week (there's your frequency) and had recommendations re deload etc, and gave her the stellar advice of 'do it more frequently'.

    You see...there is a reason these programs are recommended. Because people do not want/have time to write them for them. You should get that - as you do not want to and are rather bitchy about the fact you do not want to. Even if you do not want to - there are a bunch of split routines that could be recommended if you were bothered.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Oh, and hugs and kisses for the flag. Muuuuuuuaaaahhhh!!!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    edited November 2014
    Wait...is that... a regular shooting something down?
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »

    You also did not actually recommend a program...just spreading what she is doing...no note or suggestions re progression of specificity ..just..coz volume apparently trumps errything, and muscle gains are only limited to the volume you can get in...errr..but frequency too.

    True I should have thought up and written down a whole progression plan. Mesocycles, deloads, the lot. Then I could go round and help her re rack the weights, cook her meals, etc.
    I'm giving simple advice on a forum. That advice is: more frequency.
    Waiting for stock reply "LOL, you're wrong!"

    From this discussion, it's become obvious that you really don't understand what you are advising.


  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    More flags in here than an Independence Day parade...