People on here need to stick to feedback the user asks for?!?!



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    levitateme wrote: »
    Yes, please flag my totally innocuous posts as abuse.

    Pretty sure half the people in here use flags as the MFP version of a like button

    I like you.
  • thcguy123
    LEVITATEME's post above is a good example of what I mean. Not the positive feedback most people need.

    It's great it takes you 45 seconds to make a shake - I don't have that time so I am looking for something I can grab from fridge and walk out door. But I didn't ask that anyway so don't comment unless you know of a good pre-made shake suggestion.

    Eat less - move more - really?!?! Yes it's true but it's about the least helpful thing I have ever heard. What people on here need is something in depth - links to a website you use, a book that really turned things around, some tales from your journey that might inspire them. Eat less and move more doesn't help lay out any specific plans which is what people here need.

    And "you don't need a grocery list". Do you realize people who go the store without a grocery list tend to overeat and buy fattening items they don't need. Your always better shopping with a list. Yes - many of us DO need a grocery list and don't know how to make a healthy one ourselves.

    POSITIVE FEEDBACK IS WHAT WE NEED! Not just you telling us it's all so simple and acting like why can't we all just figure this out.

  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    levitateme wrote: »
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    Here are a few example of what I mean from my posts:

    *I asked for a book with grocery lists and meal planner.
    Reply: There's nothing you can't eat, you just need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    *Asked about a quick workout routine to tone up fast.
    Reply: Buy a time machine. Should have started months ago.

    *Asked about diseases that can cause weight gain.
    Reply: You're looking for the easy way out.

    *Asked for pre-made breakfast shake ideas (not something I had to make myself)
    Reply: Couple thoughts. First, don't have time or don't want to make time?

    These aren't the really mean ones calling me lazy and worthless. Jeez.

    Not that bad but stay negative and on topic please!!!

    So basically, you want people to do all the work for you and lie to you?

    Until the terms of service state that you may not have an opinion, there really is no reason for these threads. I am not mean because I will tell you what is actually required to lose weight. Eat less, move more. Do it every day for a long time. It's not easy, but it's simple.

    You don't need a grocery list, literally any food that fits your calories works. You can't "tone up" fast, you can lose fat through a calorie deficit and when the fat drops off you will be "toned" underneath. It takes me about 45 seconds to make my shake in the morning (protein powder, water, ice, instant coffee).

    Honestly what I'm tired of on MFP are threads with people arguing about off-topic BS. Like "hey guys how do I paleo?" turns into 2 people arguing about how bad planet fitness is.

    Nice example. At least I hope you were simply trying to provide an example of what the OP was talking about.

    Hey guys, please make up a list of food I should eat, and also tell me how to work out, and where to buy my smoothies BUT DON'T TELL ME I SHOULD JUST FIGURE IT OUT MYSELF BECAUSE YOU DID. THAT'S MEAN AND RUDE AND ABUSIVE.

    So tired of the crybabies on these forums dude. If you can't handle the internet, don't use public forums.
  • KristyMayhem331
    KristyMayhem331 Posts: 189 Member
    JennyToy wrote: »
    i have had great experiences with groups-but the main boards suck.

    I agree with this... I have had GREAT success with the groups. I met a lot of very supportive people who are actually willing to answer your questions and give helpful advice. I try to stay away from the main forums but will pop on from time to time (obviously LOL)

    Best of luck to all on their journey!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    levitateme wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    Here are a few example of what I mean from my posts:

    *I asked for a book with grocery lists and meal planner.
    Reply: There's nothing you can't eat, you just need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    *Asked about a quick workout routine to tone up fast.
    Reply: Buy a time machine. Should have started months ago.

    *Asked about diseases that can cause weight gain.
    Reply: You're looking for the easy way out.

    *Asked for pre-made breakfast shake ideas (not something I had to make myself)
    Reply: Couple thoughts. First, don't have time or don't want to make time?

    These aren't the really mean ones calling me lazy and worthless. Jeez.

    Not that bad but stay negative and on topic please!!!

    So basically, you want people to do all the work for you and lie to you?

    Until the terms of service state that you may not have an opinion, there really is no reason for these threads. I am not mean because I will tell you what is actually required to lose weight. Eat less, move more. Do it every day for a long time. It's not easy, but it's simple.

    You don't need a grocery list, literally any food that fits your calories works. You can't "tone up" fast, you can lose fat through a calorie deficit and when the fat drops off you will be "toned" underneath. It takes me about 45 seconds to make my shake in the morning (protein powder, water, ice, instant coffee).

    Honestly what I'm tired of on MFP are threads with people arguing about off-topic BS. Like "hey guys how do I paleo?" turns into 2 people arguing about how bad planet fitness is.

    Nice example. At least I hope you were simply trying to provide an example of what the OP was talking about.

    Hey guys, please make up a list of food I should eat, and also tell me how to work out, and where to buy my smoothies BUT DON'T TELL ME I SHOULD JUST FIGURE IT OUT MYSELF BECAUSE YOU DID. THAT'S MEAN AND RUDE AND ABUSIVE.

    So tired of the crybabies on these forums dude. If you can't handle the internet, don't use public forums.

    ^This x2. Are we babies or adults?
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Having thick skin helps. You're more likely to attempt to digest the information regardless of how it's presented.

    If you're thin skinned and run screaming from the room every time someone offers blunt advice then you're probably not ready for a change.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    levitateme wrote: »
    Yes, please flag my totally innocuous posts as abuse.

    Don't worry. It's becoming the symbol of saying something "right" on these boards.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    Here are a few example of what I mean from my posts:

    *I asked for a book with grocery lists and meal planner.
    Reply: There's nothing you can't eat, you just need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    *Asked about a quick workout routine to tone up fast.
    Reply: Buy a time machine. Should have started months ago.

    *Asked about diseases that can cause weight gain.
    Reply: You're looking for the easy way out.

    *Asked for pre-made breakfast shake ideas (not something I had to make myself)
    Reply: Couple thoughts. First, don't have time or don't want to make time?

    These aren't the really mean ones calling me lazy and worthless. Jeez.

    Not that bad but stay negative and on topic please!!!

    But, those are truthful answers.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    It takes some people a lot of POSITIVE motivation to keep going - let's spread that around the board!!!

    As far as this line goes, well, those people just aren't ready if they rely on other people for pep talks to get the job done.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    Here are a few example of what I mean from my posts:

    *I asked for a book with grocery lists and meal planner.
    Reply: There's nothing you can't eat, you just need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    *Asked about a quick workout routine to tone up fast.
    Reply: Buy a time machine. Should have started months ago.

    *Asked about diseases that can cause weight gain.
    Reply: You're looking for the easy way out.

    *Asked for pre-made breakfast shake ideas (not something I had to make myself)
    Reply: Couple thoughts. First, don't have time or don't want to make time?

    These aren't the really mean ones calling me lazy and worthless. Jeez.

    Not that bad but stay negative and on topic please!!!

    But, those are truthful answers.

    Yes, but they weren't what the OP wanted to hear.

  • moremuffins
    moremuffins Posts: 46 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    Yes, please flag my totally innocuous posts as abuse.
    That's how the kids do it here. Just use the flag system like I do. As a like system.

    For example. You got a like!

    Hot damn! You beat me to it!
  • ZBuffBod
    ZBuffBod Posts: 297 Member
    edited November 2014


    So basically, you want people to do all the work for you and lie to you?

    Until the terms of service state that you may not have an opinion, there really is no reason for these threads. I am not mean because I will tell you what is actually required to lose weight. Eat less, move more. Do it every day for a long time. It's not easy, but it's simple.

    You don't need a grocery list, literally any food that fits your calories works. You can't "tone up" fast, you can lose fat through a calorie deficit and when the fat drops off you will be "toned" underneath. It takes me about 45 seconds to make my shake in the morning (protein powder, water, ice, instant coffee).

    Honestly what I'm tired of on MFP are threads with people arguing about off-topic BS. Like "hey guys how do I paleo?" turns into 2 people arguing about how bad planet fitness is. [/quote]

    BUT, the question wasn't directed at soliciting opinions on what is required to lose weight OR how long it takes to make YOUR shakes in the morning. It is his post and he can ask whatever he wants, really. Do you think your answer could be, "I don't know of a shake like that, but it takes me 45 seconds to make my shake with protein powder, water, ice, instant coffee". He would have gotten the same information without the "you are lazy" undertone.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    levitateme wrote: »
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    Here are a few example of what I mean from my posts:

    *I asked for a book with grocery lists and meal planner.
    Reply: There's nothing you can't eat, you just need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    *Asked about a quick workout routine to tone up fast.
    Reply: Buy a time machine. Should have started months ago.

    *Asked about diseases that can cause weight gain.
    Reply: You're looking for the easy way out.

    *Asked for pre-made breakfast shake ideas (not something I had to make myself)
    Reply: Couple thoughts. First, don't have time or don't want to make time?

    These aren't the really mean ones calling me lazy and worthless. Jeez.

    Not that bad but stay negative and on topic please!!!

    So basically, you want people to do all the work for you and lie to you?

    Until the terms of service state that you may not have an opinion, there really is no reason for these threads. I am not mean because I will tell you what is actually required to lose weight. Eat less, move more. Do it every day for a long time. It's not easy, but it's simple.

    You don't need a grocery list, literally any food that fits your calories works. You can't "tone up" fast, you can lose fat through a calorie deficit and when the fat drops off you will be "toned" underneath. It takes me about 45 seconds to make my shake in the morning (protein powder, water, ice, instant coffee).

    Honestly what I'm tired of on MFP are threads with people arguing about off-topic BS. Like "hey guys how do I paleo?" turns into 2 people arguing about how bad planet fitness is.

    Nice example. At least I hope you were simply trying to provide an example of what the OP was talking about.

    Hey guys, please make up a list of food I should eat, and also tell me how to work out, and where to buy my smoothies BUT DON'T TELL ME I SHOULD JUST FIGURE IT OUT MYSELF BECAUSE YOU DID. THAT'S MEAN AND RUDE AND ABUSIVE.

    So tired of the crybabies on these forums dude. If you can't handle the internet, don't use public forums.

    ^This x2. Are we babies or adults?

  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    This is by far, the meanest group of forum users i have ever seen.

    Too many people get a bug up their bum.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    It takes some people a lot of POSITIVE motivation to keep going - let's spread that around the board!!!

    As far as this line goes, well, those people just aren't ready if they rely on other people for pep talks to get the job done.


    If you need to rely on external sources for motivation, what you're looking for is a reason to create an excuse to fail.

  • itsMcKay
    itsMcKay Posts: 131 Member
    I agree with you but this is a battle you cannot win. It's a forum on a free, public site with, what, millions? of subscribers now.

    I've been here a long time (this account is new), since wayyyy before the APP days when it was just a website. Nothing is going to change. Just ignore the stupids.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Those aren't your begonias.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Part of the problem are the questions being asked just don't have easy answers.

    "How do I motivate myself?", "I just can't stick with a plan, can you help?" and questions like that are nearly impossible to answer. No one can motivate you but you. True story. Think about it. Before you decided for yourself that you needed to lose weight would anyone else have been able to convince you to do it? Would my telling you to "step away from the cookie" really convince you to not eat it if you really wanted it? Not likely. It really is a case of "Just do it, and don't let you talk yourself out of it."

    The problem I have is that when people come in here asking questions and then don't like the answers even if they are the right answers. The girl who wants to drop 20 pounds in 2 weeks so she can fit into her bridesmaid dress may not like "You should have started months ago" or "there's no quick fix" but those answers are the truth. No one (no one sane, anyway) in here is going to tell her to go buy X pill, vomit after every meal and workout 12 hours a day to get to the goal she wants. She may believe there's a quick fix out there but most of us have learned that it's just not true and doing those types of things are not going to give her the results she wants even if she tried. I can't tell you how many times a poster has thrown a virtual tantrum because he or she got reasonable answers that weren't welcome and went against what they wanted to believe is true.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    LEVITATEME's post above is a good example of what I mean. Not the positive feedback most people need.

    It's great it takes you 45 seconds to make a shake - I don't have that time so I am looking for something I can grab from fridge and walk out door. But I didn't ask that anyway so don't comment unless you know of a good pre-made shake suggestion.

    Eat less - move more - really?!?! Yes it's true but it's about the least helpful thing I have ever heard. What people on here need is something in depth - links to a website you use, a book that really turned things around, some tales from your journey that might inspire them. Eat less and move more doesn't help lay out any specific plans which is what people here need.

    And "you don't need a grocery list". Do you realize people who go the store without a grocery list tend to overeat and buy fattening items they don't need. Your always better shopping with a list. Yes - many of us DO need a grocery list and don't know how to make a healthy one ourselves.

    POSITIVE FEEDBACK IS WHAT WE NEED! Not just you telling us it's all so simple and acting like why can't we all just figure this out.

    Why is it my job to tell you how to make a grocery list? and why is it rude of me to say you should be able to figure that out yourself? This is a website that tells you the calorie content of every single food on earth. Pick out foods you like that fit the calories provided to you and go to the store and buy them.

    From now on, my canned answer to every thread will be "you are doing everything exactly right. Good job."

    And then people will be like "but wait you didn't answer any of my questions" and I will be like "You're so smart and strong."