

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Not sure what's up this week but not feeling it. Allergies or coming down with something making me feel 'blah'. Had a stomach thing Monday night into Tuesday. Better now, just low levels of 'gumption'.

    Had my PT measure me so I can see any changes. She is also on MFP and I have given her access to my diary. She says my nutrition is pretty good.

    My boss just walked in. Gotta go back to work. Catch up later....

    Rita from CT
  • henseybrown
    henseybrown Posts: 7 Member
    Good morning all,
    First~ Happy Birthday to TriciannT, may your day be wonderful!

    I'm chiming in about the salmon also... love salmon... I use the filets, usually the butcher will remove the bones, but if not, there's no problem for me to take them out with needle nose pliers.
    terri_mom, I too like maple syrup, I use equal parts of maple syrup and soy sauce, leave to marinade for a couple hours, then I put fresh cracked pepper on top and bake at 350 until done... delish :D

    I did okay yesterday and last night... since I felt good I kept on track... boy does that confirm how much of an emotional eater I am !!!
    I hope to continue on that same road today.

    I'm still trying to read about you all and get to know you a bit... I hope to be able to contribute more to each of you eventually ;)

    Have a good day
    stay warm
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Triciann smiley-greet006.gif

    Happy birthday to you!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! :flowerforyou:

    We have your snow on our main BBC news. Wow!

    I've just woken up from a nap, which was sooooooooo nice. DH went out to pick up a prescription and buy bread from the artisan baker. :bigsmile:

    Kim - I know what you mean about the Internet Dating, but I think I kind of treated it as a job hunt and thought of it as a numbers game. The trick is to meet the person as soon as possible, just for a coffee and not get involved in any on line correspondence. I was meeting people twice a week. It is easy to rule them out immediately if you are eyeball to eyeball. I used to say, "I don't think this is going to be a great romance, do you." Occasionally one was worth having a meal with, sometimes a date. DH and I hit it off straight away, but I found my fair share of inadequates and neurotics along the way. I am so glad I persevered though! I am the kind of person who loves to be in a couple, but not everyone is like that.
    - When I said I sometimes feel as if I am living a life sentence it is becsuse, as I get older, there are so many things I have to do just to stay in the same place. Exercising like a demon only being one of them. :tongue: There is healthy food, of course. Then there are pelvic floor exercises, foot and ankle exercises, knee exercises, face exercises, face moisturising, hair dyeing, teeth maintaining, feet maintenance etc. etc. No wonder the young have time on their hands! :laugh:

    Going to do my nails in a minute so I look glam for our anniversary trip to Oxford tomorrow. Going to wear my new LBD in the evening. I will exercise first thing, must set the alarm. I hope I can post from the hotel. The weather forecast isn't too bad - cloudy but dry.

    Love to all. Cynthia - I hope things calm down for you soon. Good news on your mum and the laptop! :flowerforyou:

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • suemcmurry
    suemcmurry Posts: 188 Member
    bump so I can find this later...

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day and good luck with all your goals! :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2014
    Cynthia: Please share the name of the computer tracking software that enabled your brother to get his computer back. Many of us could use this! :flowerforyou: Good luck with your mom’s eating issue. Some people don’t eat if they are lonely or depressed. Could this be her problem? :heart: :flowerforyou:

    TriciannT: Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Terri in Milwaukee: What is the horseshoe cut for salmon? We either filet ours or cut them into steaks. Maybe that is what you mean. With steaks there is a hollow where the insides used to be, backbone, and meat in a shape that could compare to a horseshoe. I love it either way. It sounds as though your son is off to a good start in high school. :flowerforyou:

    Rita from CT: I hope you’re not coming down with anything nasty. I have a chronically runny nose in cold weather that is weather related and not a real illness. I carry a hanky. Not too crazy about tissue because it seems to hide in the laundry and then I have to pick it out of everything in the load and rewash. Ugh! If I'm actually sick, it is altogether a different thing. :flowerforyou:

    We have a gorgeous morning today. The sun is up and we’re likely between storms. The weather forecast for today is ‘fair” with clouds and sun breaks. My sympathy goes to those who are buried in deep snow and have to get to work or elsewhere. A snow day or two is rare and welcome around here. I’m sure the lake effect folks have a different point of view. I’m planning to drag DH out into the sunshine for a dose of natural Vitamin D if I get the chance. :sunglasses: :

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    November Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :) Triciann T. 679775z29uksi0yq.gif

    :\ Katla, I carry pocket packs of tissues in all my coats and jackets and have developed a routine of cleaning out pockets when I get home from my walks.....I can go through a lot of them on a two hour walk in the morning.

    :D Jake is going to drive me to my dance class, then go pick up the treadmill he bought at the second hand store and have a friend help him bring it in the house.....then he'll meet me after class to go to lunch at a great Chinese restaurant with the line dance class :D I watch my sodium except for the occasional restaurant meal....I can expect my weight to be up two pounds tomorrow and take four days to get back to normal.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington where the temps are now above freezing and rain will probably show up soon.
  • salubrioussteff4ever
    salubrioussteff4ever Posts: 14 Member
    edited November 2014
    Ok, here goes…I'm just starting this journey and so far I "feel" a hundred times better, but my mind is not so convinced. I have learned that walking and working out help me as much or more mentally as physically and so I am working on being consistent. I saw this 50+ group and thought maybe that's a group I can relate to. My metabolism is at about a zero and I am quickly realizing that weight doesn't come off the same at 50 that it did at 35. (imagine that lol) I also know that writing down what you eat helps to be accountable and keeps me focused on why I am here. I am an emotional eater, with boredom being the worst for me. The harder I work physically, the happier I am. This desk job is for the birds…haha. Feel free to chime in with tips and tricks that work for us "Golden Girls" anytime...

    A few of my goals this month are as follows.
    1. 30 minutes of aerobic exersize 6 days a week
    2. Faithfully fill out my daily food intake
    3. No fast food and Soda's only for date night and then only 1 and only if I have had my 100 oz of water for the day first. 64 oz is the usual but 100 oz on a soda day. (advice from a trainer)
    4. Stay within my calorie range daily
    5. Sign up at the gym for a personal trainer
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    TriciannT wrote: »
    Today is my birthday!! I consider each birthday as the start of my personal new year. It is a time to reflect on how I have grown over the last year and also to set goals for the next year of my life. I use this time to get organized and focus which is hard for me to do. My goals for November are to stop drinking alcohol for happy hour and log my exercise and food religiously.

    Happy, happy birthday to you. I also use my birthday as a time of reflection. I think it is a marvelous idea.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    It is a glorious but cold day here in North Georgia. I way overdressed for the walk in 30 degree weather and had to shed my coat and one pair of gloves after a mile. My fitbit battery is low, so I am resting in the recliner, playing on the computer while it recharges. I don't want to waste any steps that don't get counted. LOL!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Oh, its above freezing this morning, but not much. Still too cold if you ask me.

    I can't think very well this morning. Hubby and I had a little discussion yesterday about my "intern" at the studio. She told me she could get college credit if we made it an official internship, and she thought all I'd have to do is sign something saying she was working here. Well, yesterday she dumped a boatload of papers in my lap, describing the internship program and telling what all is expected of ME! Suddenly it turned into a really big deal. Well, I was overwhelmed! This is not a good time to get mired in all this, as I have less than two weeks to get ready for my two biggest shows of the year and I'm not even close to ready, and the due date for the paperwork is Tuesday of next week. It looks so involved that it would take an attorney to figure it out. And we are NOT paying for an attorney.

    Well, Hubby told me I was NOT doing it and that was all there was to it. He said that he is half owner in this pottery fiasco and he was not willing to use our resources to help get her college credit. He's tired of people working here for free and he winds up paying the bills, because I'm not making any money. (true) He said that my health is not good and I should not be putting myself under this kind of stress. (true) He said I let people take advantage of me. (true) That people say they are going to help me but never do. (true) I have had another lady using my studio for about 7 years and she never helps out or pays anything for glazes or firing or anything, and now my friend who had pancreatic cancer has set up a table and shelves. Neither of them are ever here when I am, so it's not like they keep me company or anything. He says I'm always hoping people will be my friend if I let them take advantage of me, but they never do. (true) He's also afraid that there are legal liabilities that I could be setting myself up for. (probably true)

    Of course all that is true, but I had already sort of agreed to it before I knew what was involved, so I really felt stuck. I emailed her this morning telling her why I couldn't do it, and feel terrible about it. There is no way to get in touch with her directly till she actually comes here, as she is always in class or at one of her two jobs, or home dying her hair green. So, now I'm eating myself up inside instead of accomplishing anything. More time wasted.

    I just want to give up on everything, go home and crawl under the covers.

    Boo hiss! End of pity party!

    I hope you are all having a better day. I'm watching the news about the snow in the Buffalo area. It's mind boggling! If you are in a snow area, please take care.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is today's joke of the day:


    Two buddies are fishing, but they haven’t caught anything all day. Then, another fisherman walks by with a huge load of fish. They ask him "excuse me, but where did you get all those fish?"

    The other fisherman replies,” If you just go down the stream until the water isn't salty, there are a ton of hungry fish."

    They thank him and go on their way. 15 minutes later, one fisherman says to the other "fill the bucket up with water and see if the water is salty."

    He dips the bucket in the stream and drinks some. "Nope. Still salty." 30 minutes later, he asks him to check again.

    "Nope, still salty." One our later they check again. "Nope. Still salty."

    "This isn't good," the fisherman finally says. "We have been walking for almost two hours and the water is still salty!"

    "I know," says the other. "And the bucket is almost empty!"

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited November 2014

    There is a saying what part of NO do you not understand. No sets a boundary. If we fail to set boundaries we unfortunately become easy for others to take advantage of us. It sounds like she was not totally honest with you when she asked you to take her on as an intern. She also might not have realized all the paper work that was to be involved. I am proud of you for saying NO because it show you respect your limits and what you are and not willing to do. In the meantime she is gaining wonderful experience just with working with you. That sounds like that needs to be enough for now. I work in education so I have an inkling how much unreasonable paper work they are asking you to fill out.

    I am having to set some difficult boundaries right now with one of my sons, so I know how hard NO can be to say.

    Take care,

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    just wondering - does everyone know what their resting heart rate is? this way you can determine what range you should be in when you work out and what your max heart rate is? obviously, it's easier to figure it out if you own a heart rate monitor if you do, but if you don't, it can be figured out. if you're interested, let me know and I can post how to figure it out.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!It got up to 20 today,not as windy.
    Have a good hump day!!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited November 2014
    Sylvia - Your hubby is spot on. One of the most important things we can do for our mental health is to know how to set boundaries. Listen to him. Saying NO is vital to our health and happiness.
    - With love and best wishes, Heather UK :flowerforyou:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    My DS#1 's new sword I made a contribution to for his birthday and Christmas present. :ohwell:9nb328r06fdn.jpg
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Happy Thursday. Weigh in yesterday morning was not good, up almost a pound, and no one to blame but myself. Looking back at my log I am back where I was in March so have to get back on track. Made me realize I have not done very well since then as only about 10 pounds, but that is 10 pounds to much. So new day, new start. I found out last evening a friend I have known since 7th grade passed away. What I feel the worst about is we only conected at Christmas and last year her husband sent the card and said how sick she was with cancer. So yesterday I am starting to get things lined up to do my cards and thought I wounder, so I checked the obits for Kearney and there she was from Dec 28th of last year. What kind of friend was I that I did not make a better effort to keep in touch. Thanks for listening and being here for me.
    MarleyJoe63--I have been doing the mindless eating alot lately. Seems I have it eaten before I think about what I am doing. Am going to work on that.
    Linda alias Catlover771--Welcome you have come to the best place for support and friendship. Come as often as you can.
    Pat--Your Christmas cactus is beautiful. My DH used to get so moody about Christmas. I told him it is my favorite time of year so get over it. He has gotten betterand he knows I buy gifts not give money. This year money is really tight so doing more family gifts and only getting for the younger ones. With 28 grandchildren and 3 greats it adds up fast. And it helps that they live here and acouple in Iowa so we plan to go out to Iowa the last part of Januaray so that gives me more time. I just love Christmas cards. So I do send out around 100, but alot of them are family and freinds that we only conacted acouple times or less a year. I love reading the letters and catching up with them.
    Sylvia--Does sound fishy to me that it is broke and they are in town. I have a DGD that loves duct tape and makes all kinds of things. DH checks out different ones and we send to her. I also found a book on different things to make with duct tape. Seems funny, but a good deal as they learn to use their hands and minds and not on Ipads or cell phones. It sure is nice of you to give the girls rides to school, I would not feel the need to drive the grandma anywhere. I understand, sometimes my mind gets to running all over and I find it hard to get much done. I find myself doing something "like" stuffing my face and not even realize it until I am done and feel sick. It is like I am outside myself watching me do these dumb things and think of well. So glad it was not Spot. It is so easy to get sucker in, I have areal hard time telling poeple no and then am mad at myself for agreeing to something that is not the way I was first told or expected. I guess we have to learn to take care of ourselves and know the world will not end if we say no or change our minds.I so don't want anyone mad. So much easier said then done I know.
    Welcome Toni and IZ and Jen!!
    Sue--glad you were not hurt. Sunday during the night I caught my big toe on something and tore part of the nail off. Not sure what happened just know it hurt and woke me up and had blood all over. Is sore today.
    Diana--I agree life sometimes has to be lived. Long as it is not everyday.
    Michele--Sorry to hear Lance is not doing well. Saw in the paper this morning that HyVee has butter on sale for $1.98 a pound, I will have to get over there and stock up.
    Trish--Hope you and DH ajust to the shift changes every couple days. I have found if I end up working a night shift it takes me several days to catch up.Hope you are enjoying your nice weather, the high today is to be 30 with wind.
    Cynthia--Keep us posted on the rash, how long have you had the fitbit? Prayer sent for you and your mom, hope things are ok. Thanks for the update on your mom, that is scary. Glad to hear they made an arrest. Bet that guy was surprised.
    Carol wet NC--Hope you are feeling better, not sure if it is the time of year or what but I have been stuggling with down moods and over eating. The important thing is we do not give up.
    Allison--I sure hope you are feeling better. Please take care of you!! Have you tried drinking canberry juice?
    Carol--Great news about DS feeling better and to finding out part of what the problem is.
    Just got a call at lunch that my daughter in law was attacked at work this morning. She works in a group home, been there several years. Guess this guy has a history of assult and no one told the caregivers. Anyway she is at the hospital in Cedar Rapids, Iowa getting checked out. Update-she has a concession and lots of buises and cuts. She loves that job as she works two 16 hours shifts a week and is full time benfits. Gives her the rest of the week home with the kids.
    Heather--Happy Anniversary a day early. Hope you have a nice evening.
    Well I am caught up again. DH is starting to feel better, he went back to work this week. Take care ladies and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • girlbean
    Hi! I'm a groupie newbie. I've been doing MFP for two years but recently feel the need to reach out. Not many of my friends have stuck with it and I would like to have some friends to share the journey with!
    I've lost 58 pounds and would like to lose a few more, but am most interested in maintaining the loss and keeping up with my exercise! I'm from Missouri and I'm 51, almost 52 years old. My husband and I have 2 kids who are in middle school and high school.
  • QuikDogs
    QuikDogs Posts: 194 Member
    edited November 2014

    I admit I'm coming at this from a different perspective after a long lifetime in the business world, but here goes.

    It sounds to me like you need a business plan. A written one. When someone asks you for a favor (and taking on interns and perennial non-paying customers are definitely favors) you can go back to that plan and see if the proposal matches your business needs. Then you'll know how to respond...we all tend to agree to anything when we are unsure. And don't be worried about changing the rules...who's business is it anyway? With the long-time freeloader, you might offer that she can continue to visit and pay "in-kind", perhaps the floors need sweeping and the toilets cleaned. That meets your plan and takes some load off your shoulders - so although there's no income there, it provides you an advantage.

    I found help with writing a plan for my small web development business I will start up when I retire using materials I found at the library. And I joined Toastmasters, as I needed help stepping up and speaking up. (lol this post is the direct result of that!). Do check out SCORE (score.org) they provide free mentoring, SBO to SBO.

    I also will admit I really bristled at your husband telling you what to do. Unless it's his business, in that case you are the employee and why is he asking you to do this stuff, it's his job. :)

    Okay well, just my opinion and thoughts. Your mileage will definitely vary.