Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Thursday truth: My party (book club) is over and I am exhausted! All went well and I don't think I over did the food, though I did have a small piece of the cake and a few nuts.
    Now, I can get back to "me", until next week and the "big event" with the turkey.
    @ Susan Good luck with the move. I hope all goes smoothly.
    @Lori WOW! You are soooo inspiring. I am glad to be able to say I know you!
    @hansea The "Y" challenge sounds good. You go for it.
    To everyone with hurts and colds, get better. None of us has time for such.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Dear Hansea, try and relax, it is just one little conference and you will be fine. Really, laugh at the dream.....
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Thursday truth; being mindful to listen to this mantra when I am anxious and want to eat or in a social siutation and want to eat or am home alone and want to eat. Stop, Evaluate, Wait 15 minutes, Evaluate again, then eat one healthy snack. This way you are deciding to eat, not emotionally being driven to eat to ease anxiety, etc. Dieting is complex!
  • bapcarrier
    bapcarrier Posts: 211 Member
    Thanks for all the suggestions for my cruise. I love to cruise but have never watched my diet on one before.
    @soosun - That idea sounds great, three bites...wonder if I can stop at three! LOL
    -@kah68-lots of good advice, problem is my elderly friend has a very restricted diet and thinks she'll do better at the buffet. (She has to be able to mash or cut food very tiny.) Anyway I hope to walk a lot and watch my intake. Forgot about the scales in fitness center. We are cruising from Tampa to Key West and then on to Cozumel with a couple days at sea, total 6 days. I live in FL and have been to Key West and Cozumel both before but my friend won this trip for two so it's a free cruise - couldn't turn it down!!
    @cblue315 - Way To Go!!!
    @ everyone else, I'm not Irish but I love this saying: "May your troubles be less and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door."
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @barb (bap)—I haven’t been to the Keys, but it’s on my bucket list. Even if you need to eat most meals at the buffet, I bet you can make good choices.

    @soosun—great advice about stopping to think before eating. I’m not an emotional eater, but definitely have had issues in the past eating out of habit or boredom. Over the past few years I’ve been able to break a lot of bad habits by following a similar strategy.

    @barbara—glad the book club went well!

    @lori—awesome NSVs!! Go you!! I love the move from 18W to 18. Funny story—I’ve never been thin, but managed to stay in the regular big sizes for most of my like. Eventually as the weight crept up, I found myself at some outlet (maybe Nordstrom Rack) looking at pants that all had Ws after the sizes. I was actually baffled and turned to the woman next to me and asked, “Is the W for wide?” She chuckled at me and answered, “Well in theory it stands for ‘woman,’ but yes, in reality, it means ‘wide.’” With a 10 inch loss in 4 weeks, you are certainly no longer “wide.”

    @holly—great job getting back to the walking!

    @kelley—Eek! Rats?!?! I hope the exterminator caught them all and you don’t have to deal with any in your unit. I’ve also been bad with my macros, but just staying under 1680 overall seems to be working for me, so I’m not going to worry about it right now.

    @amanda—your dream made me chuckle. Most of my nightmares take place in a HS. However, I’m almost never the teacher—I’m always a student and I’ve done something wrong (like cut class or neglected to do homework) that I now have to face. I guess that’s what I get for being such a terrible student when I was a teen.

    Thursday Truth:
    I feel guilty for not going to the gym again, but I'm just so exhausted. I feel like my body is telling me to rest, so I've been focusing on grading instead. Still haven't finished the vocab b/c the kids are not doing a great job. It takes so much longer to grade when I have to write all of the comments about why they are losing points, but they need the feedback in order to improve. At least next week is only a 2-day work week--really looking forward to the extra time.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 32/60 Scarlet Letter vocab 1
    3. x/60 M1948 in-class essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    edited November 2014
    Wow, does this thread move fast! Missed the past few days due to hubby up nights coughing, subbing at the PT office, and other little schedule torpedoes. Then, in a daze of exhaustion, opportunity and hunger I had a major carb fail. I can no longer cope with my recipe group or have the leftovers in the house. The temptation is too great. I'm going to drop out as soon as I can figure out a diplomatic way to do it.

    November All-In Challenge Up-Date:
    15/30 days under or at goal, 18/30 days cardio, 7/30 days weight training, 16/20 days 10,000 steps. (3 days major, awful, stupid fail, 2 days just slightly over.)

    Kaye: Ooooo, I can imagine your pain and am wincing right now. Hoping you recover quickly and get up to speed again with all your family and holiday responsibilities.

    Laurie: Way back several pages, you asked what I thought about the Galazy vs the iPhone. I had a Galaxy 3 for 2 years, and though it had some nice features, I had problems with it keeping a charge. I sent it back after a year, and Samsung sent me a reconditioned one (not a new one!!!) which quickly developed the same problem. Several battery replacements later my son pressured me to switch to the iPhone. A handy idea because he's my IT person and patiently tutors me in all things computer, et cetera. So I got my iPhone 6+ a week ago (+ because I'm getting old and need the slightly larger screen to navigate) and I think I love it! Somehow it's more user friendly. Can't explain it. I don't like Safari which comes with it, but love the calendar and the way it synchs with Outlook's calendar and contact list and the iCloud. Makes me sad, because now I don't have a use for my new, pretty 2015 wall and pocket calendars. :'( On the other hand, we have a "family calendar" that I share with my kids' households, making it easier to coordinate schedules.

    To everyone who is sick or recovering from illness or injury, please take good care of yourself. Rest and pampering is in order if you can manage it. Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. o:)

    A little good news: Hubby's PIC line is out! Hoping to finish up the skin grafts soon and his visits to the wound clinic. We will miss his medical team however. They are so upbeat and helpful--our heroes!

    Till next time,
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Grammy-Thanks for the info about the phone. Good News about your hubby.

    Karen- I hope you start to feel better. Good luck with grading the vocab papers.

    Truth- I have been lax in my food choices the past week but I am now getting back on track and making the effort to healthy. I also need to be faithful about posting my workout plans on her while I follow it. Needless to say, if I don't post my goals- my week lacks an exercise focus which translates to no gym or workout. This week I have taken 3 days off- 1 was for a meeting and planned, 2 met a friend for dinner instead of gym, tonight dinner with co-worker then the funeral home but no gym. So plan plan is to work my butt off this weekend.
    Friday- Climb
    Sunday bike
    Tuesday- gym
    Wednesday- 5K or swim

    Have a great Friday.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Grammy, glad your husband is improving. I can't handle cooking for my family. I can't imagine having a recipe group!
    Tonight I tried my pedaler and it wasn't too bad on the knee. There are still a lot of positions that are painful, and I think the bike thing worked because there was no weight on it. My Thursday truth is that my eating and calories are all out of whack since I got hurt. I hope I don't do too much damage before I can get back to normal activity.
    I made a couple of knit hats for my missionary granddaughter. She will need them in Utah. Then I pulled out my odds and ends of yarn and am working on making mittens and caps for a local Christmas charity project. A few years ago my sister found the pattern for the mittens Mother crocheted for us when we were little. They are fun to make and go really fast. The caps will just be basic ribbed caps with some stripes to use up smaller pieces. I also made a knit hat for one of my gds for Christmas. I'm glad I have these projects to keep my hands busy.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everybody.

    Happy Alascattalo Day

    Once upon a time, a mild-mannered moose named Morris met a wickedly witty walrus named Wanabelle.
    Morris thought right off that Wannabelle had a wonderful way with words and that her whiskers, while wacky and wiry, were wistfully welcoming as well. Wannabelle was moved by Morris' manners and his marvelous, magnetic charm, not to mention the massive mantlepiece he masqueraded upon his head.
    It was love at first sight, and soon the mild-mannered moose and the witty walrus named Wannabelle were wed in the church down the way. Within sixty weeks, Morris and Wannabelle welcomed into the world a wee little weeble who made their love complete, and hence ~ the first Alascattalo was born.
    ~Alascattalo Day is celebrated on November 21st every year. It is a day to honor humor in general and Alaskan humor in particular. The day is named after it's mascot, the Alascattalo, a genetic cross between a walrus and a moose.
    Steven C. Levi, a commercial writer who works in Anchorage Alaska is the originator of the Alascattalo Day Parade. He describes it as "the longest running shortest parade in American history." The parade runs one block in an alley behind Club Paris. It has been held every year for the past 25 years with an award being given for the smallest and ugliest float (must be both to win). Mr. Levi even went as far as to have an asteroid named after the Alascattalo.
    So, on any other given day of the year, you may not be too thrilled about running into a moose/walrus creature in the middle of a dark alley, but on Alascattalo Day it would be wrong and weirdly worrisome it you didn't. Have a wonderful Alascattalo Day.

    “You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it.” ~Margaret Thatcher

  • legowrangler
    legowrangler Posts: 229 Member
    Hi guys! I'm new to this thread
  • christif2014
    christif2014 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm new also. Been using myfitnesspal for 145 days now and I've lost 56 lbs. Looking for tips on how to continue losing to get to goal. I'm kind of stalled and it looks like I need to reduce my calories, bleh. I'm a hungry girl :wink: Does anyone have any hints on a 1200 calorie diet for someone who travels 80% of the time for work? Ideas that won't leave me so hungry I want to eat my arm off?
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Dear Bap, you will be great and you can taste anything at all. Just three bites; you can either put the three bites on a clean plate, because they give you everything your heart desires on a crusie, right? hahaha or you can pour table salt on the remaining portion and stir it in. You can and will stop at three bites, normal bites of course. Have a great time. Oh and we found on our cruise that there was so much liquer in and on the desserts that they were not a temptation. Have fun! And pack your cute work out clothes just so you will be stylin'.
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Dear Grammy,
    I send any and all leftovers home with the guests or I just dump it down the garbage disposal. Better there than on MY waist. Satan, get behind me! haha
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    Thanks for info about i phone. My phone slip off my night stand last week and chipped the top flip screen, my phone is 12 years old I think, and since then it has been slowly deteriorating. Today the screen came completely off when I went to answer a call. Fortunately Hubs and I need new phones, and we went and looked at the I Phone 6. We too love the larger style. Best Buy showed us a Sprint Lease Plan ( we are sprint users) and we loved all the features. Great to hear some positive feed back about the larger style. They also told us about a glass screen feature that sits on the screen and gives it some support and protection. So we are doing that and also a carrier to protect it. After two years the phone can be exchanged for a new phone every two years. It is a lease plan and you do not have to buy the phone. We love that idea too. no charge for new phone every two years. Great marketing. But thanks for your input. Very reassuring. This posts has nothing to do with dieting but everything to do with making yourself happy. hahaha
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    @soosun--I got my first cell phone in 1991 and am only on my 5th--so I also keep my pones a long time. I finally switched to my 1st smartphone this summer and so far no regrets. However, I have the Galaxy mini which I absolutely love. No experience with an iPhone, so I can't compare.

    @christi--welcome and great job losing 56 lbs over the past 6 months or so! As far as sticking to a 1200 calorie allowance--I can't help you there. Although I had my goal set at 1200 at the outset, I ate back all of my exercise calories s most days that was well over 1200 overall. As I've gotten closer to my goal weight, I've slowly upped my calorie allowance so when I finally lose the rest of the weight I can transition smoothly to maintenance. Right now, I eat at about 1680 calories per day which is my TDEE -15%. Generally, hi protein foods will help keep you fuller longer.


    @tom--I enjoyed reading the fairy tale lovd story. :smile:

    @kaye--glad you can get some use out of your pedaler without too much pain. Those projects sound like a great way to keep busy while your semi-laid up.

    @laurie--I also need to get back at it in the gym.

    @marsha--glad to hear the hubs is healing.

    Friday Fitness:
    Not much this week. Between the weather and my sniffly nose, I just had no motivation. That will change this coming week!

    Tomorrow morning I'm judging a speech competition for our HS speech team. I used to coach the team years ago, so this is an easy way to make a bit of extra money. It makes for an early morning, but the bonus is that I will get some grading done between rounds leaving my afternoon free for the gym. Sunday I'm meeting garetie to go shoe shopping and perhaps a cocktail.

    Vocab is done! yay!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 60/60 Scarlet Letter vocab 1 DONE
    3. x/60 M1948 in-class essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @soosun What a great idea to pour salt on food you don't want to be tempted to eat. I have trouble stopping if it is on my plate....something about hearing all about the starving children in poor countries during my childhood. LOL. I am definitely going to remember that. Also, I knew a thin cook who took cooking lessons all over the world and that was her technique. One bite to taste, one to evaluate, and one to enjoy was how she put it!

    Welcome to the newbies. This is a great, very supportive thread.

    @Kaye Good for you keeping your hands profitably busy while you recover from your fall. I hope you are feeling lots better soon.

    @Karen As an English minor, I love all the assignments you talk about. Hadn't thought of the Scarlet Letter in a long time. I need a book to read, maybe I should dig it out and give it a new spin.

    Hopefully, I will do better with my exercise this next week. All the party preps kept me pretty busy this week, but it isn't quite the same. Pulled a hamstring (just like a football player I guess) this week somehow, but had it worked on today; it feels much better.

    Thanks everyone for being there. This thread is what keeps me going. It is slow, maybe a pound a week and I am still not back on my ticker, but I will get there.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @barbara--I've taught The Scarlet Letter for 11 of the 13 years I've been a classroom teacher. It's one of my absolute favorites. The kids really like it too--despite the difficulty level. We try to have fun with it and examine all of the soap opera-ish elements along with the literary devices.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    The Scarlet Letter is one of my all-time faves!

    @Soosun~Congrats on the new phone, especially after having your old one for so long. :wink: I hold onto phones for a while, too. When it came to smartphones I've only ever had an iPhone but I usually hold onto them for a while. I just upgraded from a 4 to the new 6 and :heart: it. As an accountant I can't bring myself to do those installment plans, over the two years you end up paying more for the phone in the long run--I know several people that buy their phones that way, I prefer to buy my phones under contract.

    @Marsha~So glad DH is healing!

    Welcome Lego and Chris!

    Today was a really busy day and I had to leave work early to meet a repairman for my ice maker--$250 later I have a new motor. :grimacing:

    I'm headed to bed shortly, have my resting metabolic assessment at the gym bright and early tomorrow then a session with my trainer at 10. It will be interesting to see how much my BMR has changed. See you on the flip side!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Karen I dug it out and am started. I remember loving it, but I forgot about the long convoluted sentences. I am speculating on vocabulary words. So far haven't found one I don't know, but I am sure I will. I would love to sit in on a class like has been ages. Reading keeps my hands out of the snacks....can't get the books dirty.

  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Skinny and Barbara-I loved reading the Scarlet Letter in high school and have read it a few times since then.

    Christi- I don't have many suggestions for 1200 calories a day, except protein. Are you eating back your exercise calories?

    Have a great weekend.