Inches for Independence and 15 by Fireworks! JOIN US!!



  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Checking in for the week: Weight: 154 - down 2.5 pounds!! My measurements, though, have not changed. *thumbs down* :laugh: Have a great week, ladies!!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    Weight for today ~~ 166.8 lbs. Down 3.2 from last week :-)
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Very rough week this week and I'm up. So here is to a better week :drinker:

    SW: 239.6
    CW: 241.8

    Neck 15.5
    Waist 39.5
    Hips 50.0
    Chest 45.5
    R Thigh 28.0
    L Thigh 28.0
  • KateHumphrey
    My weigh in this week is... 225.2! Down 1.8 pounds after having not lost anything for quite a while :) I plan on doing my measurements bi-weekly, hope that's ok. Hope everyone had and has a great week!
  • KateHumphrey
    Thanks for these challenges ! I am taking another week off from exercising my back does feel better but im going to be getting my water in and being under my calories !
    My week this week is 199.5 Finally in Onederland !

    That's a huge accomplishment!! Congrats :)
  • Mgrady00
    Mgrady00 Posts: 11 Member
    166.2! Down two pounds since last week! When I reach my goal i think i will go on a shopping spree. All of my clothes are way to big now and when I get there i will be about five lbs off from my ultimate goal!
  • mfkfoster
    mfkfoster Posts: 331 Member
    Good morning Everyone! How did everyone do!
    I started this challenge at 244
    Today I weigh 242.6!
    that's down 1.6 pounds!
    Not great but I'll take it.
    Didn't measure because of TOM. I know I'm bloated!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    CHALLENGES FOR April 2nd through April 8th....

    Monday April 2nd:

    Weigh in DAY!! Post your new weights and measurements!

    Today focus on smaller portions... report any successes or challenges..


    Under Calories.
    15 minutes strength training
    40 Minutes Cardio
    10 Cups water...


    Try to exceed your fiber intake goals today by adding more veggies and whole grains... (All bran cereal is an amazing source!)

    8 Cups Water

    45 Minutes Cardio


    60 Minutes what you did
    10 Cups Water
    Eat 4 Servings of Fruit/Veggies


    Under Calories
    8 Cups Water
    45 Minutes Exercise


    Tell us your mini-reward for yourself when you reach your 15 pound goal by July 4th~ !! What are you going to do to reward your hard work?

    50 Minutes Exercise ---- (get outside if weather permits!)


    Rest and relax day... take some "me" time. Read something, etc...

    Still watch calories and water today!

    Just wanted to post these again as people are coming to post weigh ins and measurements.

    As for me, I'm pretty pleased to say I lost 2 pounds this week, down from 222.5 to 220.5... ALMOST out of the 220's again.

    Waist: 42.75"
    Neck: 15"
    R Thigh:
    L Thigh:
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    CHALLENGES FOR April 2nd through April 8th....

    Monday April 2nd:

    Weigh in DAY!! Post your new weights and measurements!

    Today focus on smaller portions... report any successes or challenges..


    Under Calories.
    15 minutes strength training
    40 Minutes Cardio
    10 Cups water...


    Try to exceed your fiber intake goals today by adding more veggies and whole grains... (All bran cereal is an amazing source!)

    8 Cups Water

    45 Minutes Cardio


    60 Minutes what you did
    10 Cups Water
    Eat 4 Servings of Fruit/Veggies


    Under Calories
    8 Cups Water
    45 Minutes Exercise


    Tell us your mini-reward for yourself when you reach your 15 pound goal by July 4th~ !! What are you going to do to reward your hard work?

    50 Minutes Exercise ---- (get outside if weather permits!)


    Rest and relax day... take some "me" time. Read something, etc...

    Still watch calories and water today!

    Just wanted to post these again as people are coming to post weigh ins and measurements.

    As for me, I'm pretty pleased to say I lost 2 pounds this week, down from 222.5 to 220.5... ALMOST out of the 220's again.

    Waist: 42.75"
    Neck: Same
    Hips: Same
    R Thigh: Same
    L Thigh:Same
  • kristygay
    kristygay Posts: 68 Member
    Monday 5/2/11
    Weight: 222.8 (Down 1.6 lbs!)
    Neck: 15 (same)
    Waist: 40.5 (Down1.5 inches, but I think I was bloated last week!)
    Hip: 46 (Down .5 inch)
    Rt.Thigh: 24.25(down 1/4 inch)
    Left thigh: 24 (down 1/2 inch)

    Overall, a good week!:smile:
  • toramo
    toramo Posts: 15 Member
    Weigh-In #2
    Neck: 13.25
    Waist: 33
    Hips: 39
    R. Thigh: 24
    L. Thigh: 24
  • rlittle2
    rlittle2 Posts: 79 Member
    SW: 135.0
    Week 1: 135.0
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    SW: 135.0
    Week 1: 135.0

    Sorry everyone, i have just got bk from camping & i will have to weigh-in tomorrow. What a great weekend we done loads of walking.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Hey you guys! I've updated the sheet up to this point.
    I'm only going to be tracking weight for the length of the challenge and then looking at the measurements again during the last week. If you want to keep measuring yourself, keep it up, but that loss isn't going to be as drastic weekly so it'll make more sense to compare only the start and end numbers for those.

    I look forward to more weights coming in today!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    SW: 135.0
    Week 1: 135.0

    Sorry everyone, i have just got bk from camping & i will have to weigh-in tomorrow. What a great weekend we done loads of walking.
    I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend.
  • stenochick
    stenochick Posts: 142 Member
    Hi, I weighed in at 168.5 lbs -- a 1.5 lb loss! Yea!!! :drinker:
    And also just FYI, I lost a quarter inch off my neck -- that one is a bugger to measure.
    I lost a half inch off my waist.
    I lost a quarter inch off my hips.
    I woke up at 5:15 this morning to exercise :yawn: I did a 30-minute run this morning with some sprints thrown in, just for fun :tongue:
    My goal this week is to work on my sugar intake. I :heart: sugar. We need to break up :brokenheart:
    Well, I'd better go before I go Smiley-crazy.
  • BuckeyeGirl1
    BuckeyeGirl1 Posts: 23 Member
    Ok I'll post it even though I'm probably the only one...gained 3.3 pounds this week. It was a bad week. Started out good but then my son became sick and I was grabbing things that were quick and easy.

    I'm back on track this week!
  • kbcakes
    kbcakes Posts: 84
    Monday Check-In:

    Weight: 173.5 down .5 for the week. :smile:

    I can't find the tape measure, but if I do, I'll post measurements later. I'm pleased that I lost a bit last week as it was a hectic week and weekend. Hope to get some of the challenges done this week, do better on water (I'm only averaging 4 cups/day), and eat healthier.

    Good Luck everybody!
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    I lost too! My new weight is 182lbs. .... lovin' it.... apparently I've been missing out on posting my challanges throughout the week.. I'll work on that... Now for my measurements.

    Neck: 13
    Waist 37.5
    Hips 43.3
    Bust 44.5
    Thigh Need to take that one.
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member
    SW: 186
    CW: 184.6

    a 1.4 loss this week. I'll take it :)