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Pregnancy 2011- May



  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Please excuse me while I vent. We found a stroller we like today... but it is $449. Not including the car seat, which is $209.00.

    So, I start searching online... and I realize that the exact same stroller can be purchased at babiesrus.com or in store for $299. (vs. at Babies R Us in Canada) A difference of like $150. I just don't get ! $299 US right now is less than that in CAD. Are wages that much lower in the states guys? Help me out here cause I just don't understand!

    So then I am thinking, ok we can just take a Sunday drive and pop down into Idaho or Montana and buy it.... would cost us les than $150 in fuel. (I hope!). But on the store locator they are saying that there are no stores there!

    Urghh vent over.

    Actually not quite. I found some plus maternity clothes I like on Old Navy.com. I have really been struggling with finding decent clothes at decent prices that i like, that will actually fit me. When I got to the point though when I had to check out, because I had a canadian shipping address my $30 order turned into a $90 order because of "shipping and handling".

    I am so sad because the canadian site does not sell maternity wear.

    Anyways... now this vent is officially over but I am sad!

    Talk about really frustrating for you...

    I would look online and see how others are purchasing things from U.S. sites/stores and having them shipped without paying $60 in shipping etc. I'm sure you could find something- there isn't much you can't find online these days. I wish I could be of more help. You could also try posting a forum on MFP as well.
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    This thread does move fast!

    Julie- beautiful nursery!!! I can't wait to start working on ours :)

    I failed the exercise challenge this week...I blame it on the weather and the nausea! I only walked one day for 30 minutes...but I suppose that is better than nothing! I really just cannot wait until I'm not sick all day, everyday. My Zofran ran out and my insurance company won't refill it until the 8th :grumble: My Dr gave me another kind but I can only take it at night because it makes me exhausted and I don't think it really helps me much. Oh well! I still have hope that the second trimester will bring better days without nausea!
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Welcome to all the new people!!! Wow! Abunch of people found this thread all at once!

    Little Spy - Yea for the weight loss!!! Even if it is only water weight it's SO exciting to see the scales go down instead of up. My DH just doesn't seem to understand the excitement of dropping even a pound or two. Your nursery is lovely. I like the stars behind the curtains... The walls look to be almost the same color as our bedroom walls - very pretty.

    Courtney - Welcome to another previous WW lady. I lost 75 pounds with WW before I got prego with my first. Take my advice and DO NOT eat 'for two' like everyone tells you! You actually don't need that many extra calories!!! I failed to be careful during my pregnancy and gained back all the weight that I'd lost and then some. I didn't get any of it off before this pregnancy, but so far I'm down four pounds from my weight at the begining of this pregnancy and I'm a little over halfway through.

    Rachel - So sorry about all your discouraging finds while trying to shop. I hope you are able to find something that works for you... Hey take a good look at my pic... I don't think that I look pregnate at all - just fat still. And I am so with you on hating how I look. I'm gonna have about the same amount to lose after baby is born so we really need to hook up and work on it together. You're only about a month ahead of me... It'd be great to have someone with very similiar weight to lose and stuff... And YES 18 month olds are very, very busy!!! But it is so true that they get that way a little at a time and not all at once. That certainly makes it a little more managable.

    AFM : I totally failed the exercise challange this week! I worked in the garden for two hours one day and helped my DH with building the chicken house a little another day. Mel - I want one of those calorie tracker things SO bad!!! Could you please post exactly what you have? I won't be getting one anytime soon, But I'm trying to talk DH into letting me buy one after the baby is born with some of the money we'd save if the baby is born at home instead of the hospital. Also, could someone refresh my memory on what brand of bras you were finding at Target that were nursing bras but not advertised as such. Target has some of their bras 15% to 30% off this week so I'd like to get some. I am determined to do better with my exercise and eating this week! You all hold me accountable!!! Have a great week everyone!!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Brittony – I’ve never even though to Burlington Coat Factory for baby stuff, I’ll have to check it out.

    History – I’ve noticed some people look to see if I’m wearing a wedding ring. It’s really no one’s business if I’m married or not, especially considering being a single mom is so much more common now than it was before.

    Mel – awesome burn!

    Sthorp – yea!!! Baby dust to you!!!

    Julie – can you send your cravings for healthy food my way please? 3 pounds is great, way to go! And I LOVE the nursery!!!!!!

    Meokk – you’re due on my birthday!

    Rachel – I’m also having a hard time with the way I look. After working so hard to lose weight it’s really difficult to be going the opposite way. But remember that we’re all going to be here to support each other after our LO’s are here.

    AnneElise – yea for a puke free day! I hope it lasts.

    Danielle – oh I’m so sorry! I hope you feel better soon.

    Katrina – during my first trimester I couldn’t even look at fruits and veggies (which I normally love). All I could handle was crap and fast food. It finally stopped around 12 weeks; I say for right now just eat what you can keep down.

    Welcome to all the newcomers, this is a great group of ladies.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Welcome all the newcomers and congratulations on your pregnancy!

    Julie, I love your nursery! It is super cute!

    I didn't get my 4 exercise days in this past week. Wed. I walked for 50 minutes and Saturday I did the elliptical for an hour. Ouch, I need to step it up this week. Hopefully I'll have time. In the next 2 weeks I have 2 weddings, 1 bridal shower, 1 baby shower, a birthday party, my dr. apt. and a lamaze class. Phew, I am going to be busy.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Danielle- I am sorry your MS is back. Mine came back right around 19 weeks too. It’s the worst.

    Brittony- I saw the movie because it was filmed right by where I live. I am glad you enjoyed it. I didn’t love it but I didn’t read the book. It was different than I expected but I don’t want to ruin it for people :D

    Julie- My at school computer won’t show your pictures. Sad. I can’t wait till I can see them!

    Katrina- I have periods where fruits and veggies sound awful to me too and periods where they sound the best. It’s weird.

    Mel- I am impressed you could keep y our 3 year old busy during the movie! I have a hard time for 3 hours.

    Rachel- I am sorry :C I don’t know why the price difference is so much! That is frustrating.

    History- I really am hoping for less MS for you this time!

    Sthorp- baby dust!

    Jenna- It is hard to exercising feeling sick all day. I had a hard time my first trimester.

    Regina- You can do it! Get started on the right foot with exercise today!

    Racheal- Wow you are going to be busy but it sounds fun!

    AFM: Well I am at work today so I can take a little time and use their internet :D (for useful things like MFP of course). We still have no power at home… day 6…. It’s getting old. Dh painted the chalk wall so we are much closer to being done in the nursery, once power comes back I will post pictures.

    I got the exercise challenge in last week. With no power there isn’t a lot to do… I walked Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday for 3 miles each time.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Exercise challenge:
    Wednesday – walked for 25 minutes
    Thursday – walked for 35 minutes
    Friday – walked for 20 minutes
    Saturday – walked for 65 minutes

    I finally started to try on the maternity clothes my friend gave me a few weeks ago. I was a pretty sure they weren’t going to fit since pre-pregnancy I was wearing a size 12 and she was an 8, but I discovered the beauty of maternity clothes is that they grow with you! I’m sure they won’t get me through my whole pregnancy, but I think I’m good for at least another month or so – which makes my bank account very happy! :laugh:

    Racheal - I love your new pic! You look great!!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,206 Member
    Exercise challenge:
    Wednesday – walked for 25 minutes
    Thursday – walked for 35 minutes
    Friday – walked for 20 minutes
    Saturday – walked for 65 minutes

    I finally started to try on the maternity clothes my friend gave me a few weeks ago. I was a pretty sure they weren’t going to fit since pre-pregnancy I was wearing a size 12 and she was an 8, but I discovered the beauty of maternity clothes is that they grow with you! I’m sure they won’t get me through my whole pregnancy, but I think I’m good for at least another month or so – which makes my bank account very happy! :laugh:

    Racheal - I love your new pic! You look great!!

    great job on the exercise challenge! and good news on the maternity clothes!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I am back from my ultrasound. I wont know about the stuff that relates to me until my apt on Friday but hopefully its nothing. But baby is doing good. She weighs in at 3lbs 1oz. and measuring right on track. She was laying across my body and keeping her legs closed for a good part of her ultrasound. So it took awhile for the tech to be able to reassure me it was still a baby girl!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Welcome and congratulations to all of the newcomers!! :flowerforyou:

    We had a super busy weekend so I apologize for getting behind on posts and not commenting on everything.

    Stacy - Congrats on your healthy baby, glad your ultasound went well.

    Julie - Love your nursery!!! Thank you for sharing pics. And great job on the weight loss!!

    Danielle - I'm sorry you're not feeling well, hopefully it doesn't last long.

    Rachael - I can't believe there is that big of a difference in shipping! Hope you find a better option.

    Ron - Great job on the challenge and yay for second hand maternity clothes! I had some handed down to me but I wasn't as fortunate in having them fit me, so I passed them onto a friend.

    Hello to everyone else and I hope you're doing well and have a great week!
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    I did ok for the challenge this week. I walked for 30 mins 2 days and we cleaned the house for 2 hours on Saturday. The weather here is starting to get really nice so we're planning on taking the dogs for a walk this afternoon.

    Had a really busy weekend! We went to see my brother in law's high school orchestra do the Titanic. They did a really good job but after sitting for 3 hours without being able to put my feet up, my poor ankles were as big around as my neck.

    We cleaned all morning Saturday, then went to a cookout at a friend's house and stayed there til pretty late. Yesterday I had my baby shower thrown by my satellite office. It was really nice! They gave us a really nice Jeep stroller, diaper genie, changing pad, pail, and a bunch of cute stuff!

    Came home and hubby was finishing up washing the tractor after mowing the lawn so I watched him :laugh: Had a few friends over and cooked out on the grill, and didn't get to bed til after 11. That is a late one for me!

    This week starts my shortened schedule, so I'm off on Mondays now. Hubby and I are gonna do a few things around the house and run some errands, and definitely spend some more time outside, it is soooo nice out!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
  • pmaria10
    pmaria10 Posts: 784 Member
    Happy Monday!

    Sthorp: Sending sticky baby dust your way!

    Stacy - Happy to hear your u/s went well!

    Julie - I absolutely LOVE your nursery!!! I wish I were that prepared hopefully within these last two months.

    Danielle - I hope you feel better soon!

    Rachael - I'm sorry you're having problems with shipping. I hope you find a solution.

    Ron - You rocked the exercise challenge keep it up mama!!

    Lynn - Glad to hear your weekend went well! I really want one of those jeep strollers I found one at a decent price at baby depot the tires look really durable which i'm going to need since there isn't much pavement/sidewalks where i live.

    AFM: The weekend went by too fast Saturday went to a concert and I was so tired by the end which was like midnight and it was a two hr drive from home so by the time we got home i was exhausted and Sunday was a lazy day for me.....it snowed 3inches in May!!!! :noway: but melted by the evening went to dinner w hubby and finally called it a night.

    I have absolutely no exercise to report for this past week :( I really need to work on that and stop using the weather as an excuse. :noway:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Cute pic Rachael!

    Exercise challenge: Walked for 70ish minutes Friday, 50 minutes Saturday, and 43 minutes on Sunday (plus house cleaning). One day short of the four day goal, but at least I caught myself and forced some exercise at the end of the week. We're going on another walk today after my doctor's appointment. Must keep it up!

    My weight this morning was 0.2 less than last week's weigh-in. I'm not happy about it, though. I was up something like 5lbs last week after Easter weekend with the families. I am 2lbs short of my pre MFP weight, which makes me really anxious. I didn't want to ever see that weight again... in my entire life... even in pregnancy. I'm just really nervous I'll be one of those people who comes home with the baby and weighs the same as I did before delivery. I worked so hard to get all that weight off. It's going to stink to start from scratch. And even with all of this worry, I still cram my face with bad foods. Where has my motivation gone? But yeah. As of this morning I am up 32lbs with 9.5 weeks to go. I really hope I can control myself and not surpass 40lbs gained. That is my goal.

    hkystar- I'm glad your ultrasound went well. I really want another ultrasound. I wonder if that is something I can expect before the end of this pregnancy. I guess I will ask my doctor today. I need to make a list of questions for today.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    Bump for later - today's my first day home alone with Annabelle...DH went back to work today, so my hands are full! :smile:
    JMAMA Posts: 298 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!
    What is the exercise challenge? It sounds like exercising 4 times per week from what I have read, count me in. I need to stay moving. I know that this will help keep my weight in check and make the baby weight come off a little faster too. I finally feel good enough to start moving more, and we are finally getting a little sunshine here which helps too!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    For the exercise challenge our goal is to exercise in some way 4 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time. We check in on Mondays. Yay for another participant!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I just noticed my baby moved up a box!!!!! :smile: :happy:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Mel- What is it you use to track your calories burned? I am thinking I should get one of those... it sounds so neat the way it tracks your sleep and and stuff too... do you have to wear it all the time?

    It's a body media fit, the new bodybuggs are also exactly the same thing. I don't like that it has a subscription required so I won't probably use it for more than 3-5 more months. you do wear it all the time. The downside is it is really inaccurate for things like spin or elliptical where you aren't moving like if you are walking. I'm mostly hanging on to it for some more time so I can see how I actually sleep once critter 2 gets here and also so I can try it for a while while trying to lose weight since the whole time I have had it i've been preg.

    PS - I got mine on Ebay, the strap and the watch for $100 shipped. I probably could have bid better / later and gotten it for less, but I was impatient and it probably drove the price higher than if I waited until the last 10 mins to bid instead of putting a bid in an hour before close. I got the watch (not needed) because I want to know what i burned that dya or the day before w/out hooking up the band to the computer to data transfer. the watch shows that day and the day before (cals / activity / steps - the rest shows online when you sync). I dont wear the watch, I just keep it on my nightstand and check in once or twice a day. If you buy it new it comes with a subscription in the price, but it was still more than I got it on ebay. Plus you get a free 3 month trial of the subscription whether you buy new or used. I think I am going to resign up with a new email address next month and see if I can get another 3 months free instead of paying.