Give up the sugar!



  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    rita4453 wrote: »
    I can totally relate to this. I determined a few months ago that I am a "sugar addict". I did not eat any sugary food for a month then for some reason I ate a granola bar. Then it was another, a pop tart, chips, etc. I have had a few bad weeks but I get up determined everyday. Please don't tell me to not buy sugary stuff. My husband loves the sugar and his weight, blood sugar, and blood pressure are perfect! Oh, did I mention that I am a "new" type 1 diabetic (since March). I will join you on this mission. Hopefully you will be be a good support for me!

    Would you steal sugar?
  • jessbear84
    jessbear84 Posts: 1 Member
    I've been one guy who has noticed a difference when eating sugary foods: not just in my consumption overall, but also with my aches and pains. Doc told me I had arthritis in my shoulder, suggested taking out excess sugar. Fruit is fine, just not adding refined cane sugars and making sure to check processed and packaged foods. Very noticeable difference for me.
  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    edited November 2014
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    OP--your diary entry for coffee leaves me questioning your entries. No calories for carbs or protein but you have milk listed with coffee. You have 12 grams of sugar but nothing for carbohydrates. Maybe some time reviewing your diary entries and their accuracy can lend assistance to your goals. Best of luck.

    I'm l i m i t i n g sugar, not avoiding it or cutting it out completely. Why is it so hard to understand? :neutral_face:
    I drink coffee with or without stevia or agave syrup. I choose full fat rather than skim or low fat because it has less sugar, but I don't have a large pint of full fat milk or yogurt, just a small cup.

    Last few days have been bad for me in terms of sugar intake because of Christmas parties and the likes. I can't change the past, but I will change the future.

    (we have christmas parties before christmas here in denmark)
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    She is trying to conquer her own food struggles people. We all have foods that we really like and that we need to monitor better. Sugar is hers. No big deal.
  • mizztanjo
    mizztanjo Posts: 153 Member
    FaridPERU wrote: »
    it is adictive like same as cocaine

    Agreed! They actually did a study on rats using cocain and the end the rats went for the sugar.
    Processed sugar actually lights up the same parts of the brain as Cocain does. It's really nasty to think about how much we consume!
  • WatchJoshLift
    WatchJoshLift Posts: 520 Member
    mizztanjo wrote: »
    FaridPERU wrote: »
    it is adictive like same as cocaine

    Agreed! They actually did a study on rats using cocain and the end the rats went for the sugar.
    Processed sugar actually lights up the same parts of the brain as Cocain does. It's really nasty to think about how much we consume!

  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    OP, like a lot of others on the thread, I know that if I have a cookie, I just want another cookie (or 10), but if I eat an apple or orange, I'm quite satisfied. Similarly, I really like to have some wine, but it tends to have the same effect. I just crave more. So, regardless of the "sugar is sugar" arguments, I agree that if this is the effect certain things have on you, it's best to limit those triggers.
    Good luck to you!
  • JoKnowsJo
    JoKnowsJo Posts: 257 Member
    edited November 2014
    I have been reducing my sugar for a month now, and I have to say it's a hard process to follow but entirely worth it, you just feel better. I started with two books that some might consider "not serious" reading "I Quit Sugar" and "Sugar Savvy Solutions". However they got me interested enough in researching into why sugar is such an epidemic in this country, as with anything I take some of the information out there and leave a lot of it out there. I think for me, it all comes down to balance and common sense. I would definitely like to hear how others are fairing on the "no sugar" journey.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    edited November 2014
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lefty421 wrote: »
    time410s wrote: »
    I can resist binging if eating fruit, but any processed, sugary goodies give me crazy cravings. I have given up refined sugars in the past and my cravings subsided. Each time, however, I thought I was cured, ate something refined and the cravings returned followed by binging. For me there is really no moderation -- I have to completely avoid refined sugar. Even if I stopped eating after one brownie, cookie, etc. I continued to think about it and obsess about it all day. I was preoccupied with getting my next fix. I am once again on the wagon (hopefully for good). It is not just about wanting to lose 10 pounds, it is about wanting to stop the obsessing. So, I guess you could say I am giving it up for two reasons: my vanity and my sanity!

    DITTO!!! I could have written this. In order to stay sane, I have to give up sweets, simple carbs, limit how much fruit I eat, and eat sufficient protein. I've been back on the wagon this time since August 8th, almost 4 months. I rarely feel deprived, and when I do, I just remember how horrid my life was when my eating was out of control. For me, giving up sugar is the ticket to a better life. MUCH better!

    you just said you eat fruit aka sugar….

    What is it that about YOU that needs to tell everyone that their relationship with food (that differs from yours) is wrong? Perhaps, just perhaps? they aren't YOU? yowsa.

    I never said it was wrong, I questioned the fallacy of saying one is addicted to sugar, but still eats sugar.

    that is like saying I am a crack head, but I can still snort cocaine, because the cocaine is "natural"…

    and why do YOU care? Are you following me?
    You replied to MY post.

    no, I did not. I replied to Lefty's post….

    and then you jumped in and decided to white knight...

    Apologies. you replied to another person who thinks like me, not like you. My bad. I lost track.

    back to reality: What is it that about YOU that needs to tell everyone that their relationship with food (that differs from yours) is wrong? Perhaps, just perhaps? they aren't YOU?

    see my previous answer…

    but here is the cliff notes..

    I never said there was anything wrong with it.
    I questioned the fallacy of saying that sugar is bad and then in the next sentence saying that one still eats sugar.

    And I've repeatedly questioned why fruit and twinkles MUST be the same in ALL INDIVIDUALS.

    I don't understand your point/question ..but I am on flu meds right and slightly delirious...
    Enjoy the flu meds, as best one can to survive the flu.
    Feel better.
    All I'm suggesting is: consider that not everyone responds to any given food/exercise just as you do today, as you are... heck even YOU won't... over time.

    feel better.


    I never said that everyone responds the same way original point was that it is kind of ludicrous to say that you are addicted to sugar and then turn around and say that you still eat sugar, but it is OK because it comes from fruit..

    If an alcoholic told you that they drink beer everyday but it is only whiskey that they have a problem with, I think that you would find that statement a little crazy….

    my argument has always been that sugar is sugar …

    if someone has a medical condition then they do need to avoid/limit sugar consumption, I agree….
    So she should say she's choosing to avoid added refined sugars. Or saying she's still eating unrefined fructose. I dunno. I get what your argument is.
    All I'm saying is that I *DON'T* believe the body necessarily reacts to fruit and the foods with added refined sugars the same. And I DON'T believe every one's body reacts the same to any given foods. Sans a "medical condition".
    To me, it's perfectly logical for someone to limit refined sugars (that are added to foods) but not give up fruit.
  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    Run_Fit wrote: »
    mizztanjo wrote: »
    FaridPERU wrote: »
    it is adictive like same as cocaine

    Agreed! They actually did a study on rats using cocain and the end the rats went for the sugar.
    Processed sugar actually lights up the same parts of the brain as Cocain does. It's really nasty to think about how much we consume!

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    AJ_G wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lefty421 wrote: »
    time410s wrote: »
    I can resist binging if eating fruit, but any processed, sugary goodies give me crazy cravings. I have given up refined sugars in the past and my cravings subsided. Each time, however, I thought I was cured, ate something refined and the cravings returned followed by binging. For me there is really no moderation -- I have to completely avoid refined sugar. Even if I stopped eating after one brownie, cookie, etc. I continued to think about it and obsess about it all day. I was preoccupied with getting my next fix. I am once again on the wagon (hopefully for good). It is not just about wanting to lose 10 pounds, it is about wanting to stop the obsessing. So, I guess you could say I am giving it up for two reasons: my vanity and my sanity!

    DITTO!!! I could have written this. In order to stay sane, I have to give up sweets, simple carbs, limit how much fruit I eat, and eat sufficient protein. I've been back on the wagon this time since August 8th, almost 4 months. I rarely feel deprived, and when I do, I just remember how horrid my life was when my eating was out of control. For me, giving up sugar is the ticket to a better life. MUCH better!

    you just said you eat fruit aka sugar….

    What is it that about YOU that needs to tell everyone that their relationship with food (that differs from yours) is wrong? Perhaps, just perhaps? they aren't YOU? yowsa.

    I never said it was wrong, I questioned the fallacy of saying one is addicted to sugar, but still eats sugar.

    that is like saying I am a crack head, but I can still snort cocaine, because the cocaine is "natural"…

    and why do YOU care? Are you following me?
    You replied to MY post.

    no, I did not. I replied to Lefty's post….

    and then you jumped in and decided to white knight...

    Apologies. you replied to another person who thinks like me, not like you. My bad. I lost track.

    back to reality: What is it that about YOU that needs to tell everyone that their relationship with food (that differs from yours) is wrong? Perhaps, just perhaps? they aren't YOU?

    see my previous answer…

    but here is the cliff notes..

    I never said there was anything wrong with it.
    I questioned the fallacy of saying that sugar is bad and then in the next sentence saying that one still eats sugar.

    And I've repeatedly questioned why fruit and twinkles MUST be the same in ALL INDIVIDUALS.

    I don't understand your point/question ..but I am on flu meds right and slightly delirious...
    Enjoy the flu meds, as best one can to survive the flu.
    Feel better.
    All I'm suggesting is: consider that not everyone responds to any given food/exercise just as you do today, as you are... heck even YOU won't... over time.

    feel better.

    You're really not getting it huh? He never questioned anyone's decision to eat or not eat sugar. He never said that people don't respond differently to sugar. You keep trying to say that he said that. All he did was point out that someone said that they have given up sugar, and in the same post said that they eat fruit. Those two things cannot both be true. That's all he said. Please calm down...

    Calm down from what? Seems you're a bit up in arms but I'm not.
    I understand what he's saying. Thanks.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    I have a bit of info here...
    To the person who has cut out sugar because it bothers arthritis... you are so right!!

    It takes 9 months of NO sugar to clean the sugar from your body.. been there done that..

    My Naturopath Dr. said I could have fruits that end in "berry" and apples - they are low in sugar. They do not bother my arthritis.

    Same Naturopath Dr. also said - if you must bake use coconut sugar.

    Good luck to all who wish to cut back or cut out sugar.... On December 27th I will be two years "clean"
    diaowl wrote: »
    diaowl wrote: »
    Sugar is dangerous.

    According to who?

    According to my body. Diabetes runs in the family and last time I was at a nutritionist, I was quite close to the limit towards diabetes. I am overweight by 3 pounds for my height, which I am working on shedding. I've never been overweight for more than 8 pounds in my life, so I am trying my best to have a healthy weight. The problem is that if I eat a lot of sugar but don't gain weight, I will get other symptoms like sugar cravings, acne and other stuff. And, as I said, I just want to eat more naturally and less processed food. This is a personal decision. If you can eat lots of sugar, have enough will-power to stop after 2 cookies and don't get any health or weight problems, good for you! I'm incredibly jealous of you, but also happy for you that you're a very healthy person!

    The thing is that we aren't all the same. Think about it - we're 7 billion+ people so it's kind of impossible to fit everyone in the same category.
    It's important to find whatever works best for you. :smile:

    7 billion little snowflakes
    Pretty much, yes.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,140 Member
    diaowl wrote: »
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »
    OP--your diary entry for coffee leaves me questioning your entries. No calories for carbs or protein but you have milk listed with coffee. You have 12 grams of sugar but nothing for carbohydrates. Maybe some time reviewing your diary entries and their accuracy can lend assistance to your goals. Best of luck.

    I'm l i m i t i n g sugar, not avoiding it or cutting it out completely. Why is it so hard to understand? :neutral_face:
    I drink coffee with or without stevia or agave syrup. I choose full fat rather than skim or low fat because it has less sugar, but I don't have a large pint of full fat milk or yogurt, just a small cup.

    Last few days have been bad for me in terms of sugar intake because of Christmas parties and the likes. I can't change the past, but I will change the future.

    (we have christmas parties before christmas here in denmark)

    It doesn't matter if you drink a teaspoon or a pint of milk. Milk has carbs and protein in it and you have none of those listed. That's the point _Terrapin_ is making. I know many people don't track every macro/micro and plenty of times the food entries only list the calories. If you're not going to bother adding carbs and protein listings on your milk, why bother tracking those at all? Just have calories, sugar, and fibre?
  • DeWoSa
    DeWoSa Posts: 496 Member
    Run_Fit wrote: »

    The key is finding what works for you and not making excuses, which is what you're doing by reaching for the carrots and not the sweets. :smile:

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    edited November 2014
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Lilymay2 wrote: »
    I have a bit of info here...
    To the person who has cut out sugar because it bothers arthritis... you are so right!!

    It takes 9 months of NO sugar to clean the sugar from your body.. been there done that..

    My Naturopath Dr. said I could have fruits that end in "berry" and apples - they are low in sugar. They do not bother my arthritis.

    Same Naturopath Dr. also said - if you must bake use coconut sugar.

    Good luck to all who wish to cut back or cut out sugar.... On December 27th I will be two years "clean"
    Being that the body runs on glucose for energy (regardless if one is sugar free or not), I wouldn't put much faith in what your Naturopath Dr. states as rigid truth.
    I don't discourage people to reduce their sugar intake, but let's make sure to give them correct information.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Remember she said I could have berries.... Everyday I have 1 cup of blueberries and 1 cup of Kirkland 3 berry mix for breakfast with my oatmeal.... I have an apple in the afternoon. I do not eat sweets - baking, chocolate bars etc...
    Hate to inform you that there is also sugar in vegetables. Point is that there is no such thing as "cleansing from sugar" in the body. As I mentioned the body's main energy source is glucose and is formed by the body whether one is on a low sugar diet or not.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    edited November 2014
    Sorry, guys... I don't mean to be rude, but you're all so far off this topic. This is a PERSONAL decision, so why are you all up my business with so many theories and so on?

    I'm limiting sugar, not giving it up. By sugar I mean added sugar. I don't think it's good for me, so I'm gonna try to eat less of it. ADDED SUGAR, WHICH IS REFINED SUGAR NOT FRUCTOSE FOUND IN FRUITS.

    That is ALL I am doing and it's really tough for someone like me. This topic was created for MYSELF, NOT TO INFLUENCE PEOPLE BUT TO KEEP MYSELF ON TRACK WITH MY DECISION.

    If you want to eat sugar, go ahead and eat sugar.
    If you don't want to eat sugar, then don't eat sugar.
    If you want to join in my quest to limit sugar, you're welcomed to do it.
    If you think this decision is trash and you don't want to join me, then simply DON'T.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    diaowl wrote: »
    Sorry, guys... I don't mean to be rude, but you're all so far off this topic. This is a PERSONAL decision, so why are you all up my business with so many theories and so on?

    I'm limiting sugar, not giving it up. By sugar I mean added sugar. I don't think it's good for me, so I'm gonna try to eat less of it. ADDED SUGAR, WHICH IS REFINED SUGAR NOT FRUCTOSE FOUND IN FRUITS.

    That is ALL I am doing and it's really tough for someone like me. This topic was created for MYSELF, NOT TO INFLUENCE PEOPLE BUT TO KEEP MYSELF ON TRACK WITH MY DECISION.

    If you want to eat sugar, go ahead and eat sugar.
    If you don't want to eat sugar, then don't eat sugar.
    If you want to join in my quest to limit sugar, you're welcomed to do it.
    If you think this decision is trash and you don't want to join me, then simply DON'T.
    Again: good for you. I think it's a reasonable, and probably smart decision. One I made a long time ago, and believe has helped me be successful in maintaining my weight.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    diaowl wrote: »
    Sorry, guys... I don't mean to be rude, but you're all so far off this topic. This is a PERSONAL decision, so why are you all up my business with so many theories and so on?

    I'm limiting sugar, not giving it up. By sugar I mean added sugar. I don't think it's good for me, so I'm gonna try to eat less of it. ADDED SUGAR, WHICH IS REFINED SUGAR NOT FRUCTOSE FOUND IN FRUITS.

    That is ALL I am doing and it's really tough for someone like me. This topic was created for MYSELF, NOT TO INFLUENCE PEOPLE BUT TO KEEP MYSELF ON TRACK WITH MY DECISION.

    If you want to eat sugar, go ahead and eat sugar.
    If you don't want to eat sugar, then don't eat sugar.
    If you want to join in my quest to limit sugar, you're welcomed to do it.
    If you think this decision is trash and you don't want to join me, then simply DON'T.
    With a history of diabetes in your family, I believe you're on the right track. Reduction of risk is always a good step.
    Most of the debating is about some of the fallacies made about sugar as a whole (as with the "sugar cleansing" from the body).
    Again, it's not wrong at all to reduce the amount of added sugar in the food you eat.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    lefty421 wrote: »
    time410s wrote: »
    I can resist binging if eating fruit, but any processed, sugary goodies give me crazy cravings. I have given up refined sugars in the past and my cravings subsided. Each time, however, I thought I was cured, ate something refined and the cravings returned followed by binging. For me there is really no moderation -- I have to completely avoid refined sugar. Even if I stopped eating after one brownie, cookie, etc. I continued to think about it and obsess about it all day. I was preoccupied with getting my next fix. I am once again on the wagon (hopefully for good). It is not just about wanting to lose 10 pounds, it is about wanting to stop the obsessing. So, I guess you could say I am giving it up for two reasons: my vanity and my sanity!

    DITTO!!! I could have written this. In order to stay sane, I have to give up sweets, simple carbs, limit how much fruit I eat, and eat sufficient protein. I've been back on the wagon this time since August 8th, almost 4 months. I rarely feel deprived, and when I do, I just remember how horrid my life was when my eating was out of control. For me, giving up sugar is the ticket to a better life. MUCH better!

    you just said you eat fruit aka sugar….

    What is it that about YOU that needs to tell everyone that their relationship with food (that differs from yours) is wrong? Perhaps, just perhaps? they aren't YOU? yowsa.

    I never said it was wrong, I questioned the fallacy of saying one is addicted to sugar, but still eats sugar.

    that is like saying I am a crack head, but I can still snort cocaine, because the cocaine is "natural"…

    and why do YOU care? Are you following me?
    You replied to MY post.

    no, I did not. I replied to Lefty's post….

    and then you jumped in and decided to white knight...

    Apologies. you replied to another person who thinks like me, not like you. My bad. I lost track.

    back to reality: What is it that about YOU that needs to tell everyone that their relationship with food (that differs from yours) is wrong? Perhaps, just perhaps? they aren't YOU?

    see my previous answer…

    but here is the cliff notes..

    I never said there was anything wrong with it.
    I questioned the fallacy of saying that sugar is bad and then in the next sentence saying that one still eats sugar.

    And I've repeatedly questioned why fruit and twinkles MUST be the same in ALL INDIVIDUALS.

    I don't understand your point/question ..but I am on flu meds right and slightly delirious...
    Enjoy the flu meds, as best one can to survive the flu.
    Feel better.
    All I'm suggesting is: consider that not everyone responds to any given food/exercise just as you do today, as you are... heck even YOU won't... over time.

    feel better.


    I never said that everyone responds the same way original point was that it is kind of ludicrous to say that you are addicted to sugar and then turn around and say that you still eat sugar, but it is OK because it comes from fruit..

    If an alcoholic told you that they drink beer everyday but it is only whiskey that they have a problem with, I think that you would find that statement a little crazy….

    my argument has always been that sugar is sugar …

    if someone has a medical condition then they do need to avoid/limit sugar consumption, I agree….
    So she should say she's choosing to avoid added refined sugars. Or saying she's still eating unrefined fructose. I dunno. I get what your argument is.
    All I'm saying is that I *DON'T* believe the body necessarily reacts to fruit and the foods with added refined sugars the same. And I DON'T believe every one's body reacts the same to any given foods. Sans a "medical condition".
    To me, it's perfectly logical for someone to limit refined sugars (that are added to foods) but not give up fruit.

    Not that it really matters, but I note the inconsistency ndj talks about too, and I see no evidence that it's about different kinds of sugars. People like to complain about a few grams in ketchup or supermarket bread, but I seriously doubt those cause "sugar" binges any more than fruit. (I don't eat either, so have no vested interest here.) What people seem to react to are combinations of sugar and fat that generally are considered palatable and, especially, those they find extra palatable to their own taste.

    For example, I have been tempted all weekend by my leftover cranberry apple crisp, I'm sure in part because it has butter, brown sugar, and fruit and is just generally super tasty. If I eat some I'll probably want to eat more than I should, which wouldn't happen if I just ate an apple, but it also wouldn't happen if I ate a couple of spoonfuls of sugar (which seems revolting) or a sweet and fat combo that is unappealing to my personal taste (like a Twinkie). Given this, isn't it obvious that it isn't really some reaction to sugar itself?

    Of course, reducing ones sugar intake may still be a wise thing to do for personal health or as a nutrition strategy, but I think this is why people push back against the common tenor of the discussion here, which so commonly seems to turn into nonsense about cocaine.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    diaowl wrote: »
    diaowl wrote: »
    Sugar is dangerous.

    According to who?

    According to my body. Diabetes runs in the family and last time I was at a nutritionist, I was quite close to the limit towards diabetes. I am overweight by 3 pounds for my height, which I am working on shedding. I've never been overweight for more than 8 pounds in my life, so I am trying my best to have a healthy weight. The problem is that if I eat a lot of sugar but don't gain weight, I will get other symptoms like sugar cravings, acne and other stuff. And, as I said, I just want to eat more naturally and less processed food. This is a personal decision. If you can eat lots of sugar, have enough will-power to stop after 2 cookies and don't get any health or weight problems, good for you! I'm incredibly jealous of you, but also happy for you that you're a very healthy person!

    The thing is that we aren't all the same. Think about it - we're 7 billion+ people so it's kind of impossible to fit everyone in the same category.
    It's important to find whatever works best for you. :smile:

    You should've included that in your original post then I would've agreed with you. And no, I don't eat lots of sugar. I have insulin resistance and hypoglycemia. Sugar is not good for me.

    My point is that sugar may be dangerous for YOU, however, it's not dangerous for everyone.