Move it To Lose for May: CHALLENGE



  • themarketco
    themarketco Posts: 12 Member
    Hello there. Lauranne (pron.: laur-ann) here. Thank you D for setting this challenge up it's the perfect way yo start off the warm weather and Spring. I joined this challenge because I started noticing how laaaaazzzyyy I was getting. This is the exact motivation I was looking for. I live on a ranch in East TX., and have found some great new ways to be active. For example, today I ranch biked instead of mountain biking. The weather was great and I saw beautiful country, plus burned 600+ calories in the process.

    Although I don't go to town everyday (25 miles away) one little activity trick I like to do is park as far away from my destination. I feel better knowing I had to take a little trek to get to the door. *Make sure your still in a safe area**
  • l3xii
    l3xii Posts: 160
    Hi Im lex and I NEED THIS TO HELP MOTIVATE ME INTO GETTING INTO SHAPE. Been on the road all day so dont have the best of choices in food and very little time to work out but i ll make it some way some how even if i have to do double tomorrow!
  • JessesGirl05
    JessesGirl05 Posts: 253
    Happy May everyone!
    It's been a cold and rainy day here since about 3am this morning!

    Today I burned 642 calories!
  • dcberg00
    dcberg00 Posts: 33 Member
    Getting back on the ice at the right time.... BIG time cal burn!! Thanks for setting this up. Great motivation!!
  • JessesGirl05
    JessesGirl05 Posts: 253
    Oh, if anyone wants to add me on facebook to kind of keep up with me more, youre more then welcome (Just let me know you are from MFP). I tend to be more socially active on there!
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi, I'm Gaby!!...I think I discovered this challenge kinda too late but I hope I have a chance to be in!!...I would like it!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hi, Gaby! The challenge is officially closed, but feel free to follow along with us!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Good evening, everyone! Day one of challenge down!! Some have already posted how they did, and I'm hoping it went well for everyone. Don't forget, your goal for the week is 1800 calories torched... so even if you didn't get it in today, you have time to make it up. In addition, our mini-challenge for tomorrow is to exercise for at least 60 minutes.

    I did well today - got in 307 calories and 40 minutes... so, ahead for the week so far if we average 258 calories burned a day.

    Tomorrow promises to be a bear of a day. Up early to walk my two pups, then a full day at the office, then I'm hoping for a strength training hour in the evening. Should make for a restful night sleep.

    And a few personal comments:
    - dcberg - YAY for getting on the ice! Awesome! You're going to blow us all away!
    - Jessesgirl - GREAT burn today, especially with the crummy weather!
    - l3xii - you got this!!! You can get a jump tomorrow!
    -RedMax - as always, you put us to shame! Keep it up!!!!
    - And to my collective SAHMs: You all make me laugh, thank you!!

    Bring it tomorrow!! 60 minutes bonus challenge is optional, but make sure to start your burn!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    My grandkids are the greatest! No way they'll let me NOT meet the challenge...685 today just having fun! How great is that!!
  • ptillison
    ptillison Posts: 15 Member
    Just completed Level 1 of the 30 day shred. That workout is no joke. I am making through the 30 days though. I got this!!!
  • gnutrifitness
    gnutrifitness Posts: 169 Member
    Thanks for let me be in!!! Today I will be doing 30 min in my bike + Push Circuit 1& Extreme Abs (Chalean Extreme) + some workout (I hope you guys know about these workout, if not go to and you will see that)!...That's about 400-500 calories burned, I'm a short girl so I don't burn so much :(:(:ohwell: ....See you later guys! and Happy Monday!:flowerforyou:
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    I had too much going on yesterday to work out but I will make up for it today!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Happy Monday! I like the mini challenge! 60 minutes will equal an even greater calorie burn! My goal for this week is to meet the 1800 calorie burn goal, complete any and all mini challenges, and drink my recommended water every single day this week. I slacked last week with my water intake and can definitely tell the difference. I feel sluggish. Good luck to every one!
  • FitMomma0722
    FitMomma0722 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone...just wanted to drop in and say hello. About to go get my cardio in. Have a great day!
  • fergac
    fergac Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in! I have been strugggliinngg to lose weight. I'm ready for the challenge!
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    :ohwell: i would love to join this challenge or have you already got your 12?
  • FitMomma0722
    FitMomma0722 Posts: 50 Member
    663 Calories burned of 1, 111 between yesterday and today. yay!

    Not sure how i'm feeling about having to eat the extra calories ...
  • Mrz_Rich
    Mrz_Rich Posts: 90
    Happy Monday everyone!! I met the mini challenge...60 minutes and 654 calories burned!! Whoo hoo! Off to a great start!!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    663 Calories burned of 1, 111 between yesterday and today. yay!

    Not sure how i'm feeling about having to eat the extra calories ...

    Have to eat the extra calories?? I thought the whole point was to get rid of more!!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    663 Calories burned of 1, 111 between yesterday and today. yay!

    Not sure how i'm feeling about having to eat the extra calories ...

    Have to eat the extra calories?? I thought the whole point was to get rid of more!!

    Noooo... you don't have to!! You *could*, but you definitely don't have to!
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