What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • InCHarmsWay
    InCHarmsWay Posts: 103 Member
    Two things:

    1. I've had multiple people tell me I'm "weak" for needing to eat every few hours. Um, great if you can subsist on one meal a day, but if I tried that I'd be horrifically hangry and then would pass out (for real). We're all different!

    2. When waitstaff comment on a clean plate "Wow, guess you didn't like that at all" or some other obnoxious comment. First of all, I enjoy good food. Second, it's only MY decision what and how much I eat (and I've probably worked it into my macros to boot!)

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    ". Do you know what a plain baked potato and plain baked chicken tastes like? Poverty. Salt and pepper really don't help that much.

    Yep. Ours was venison growing up, at least five nights a week... but our potatoes were boiled.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Biggest pet peeves...

    - Rude people on the boards. The question may be really stupid to your way of thinking, but some people just don't know the answer. They may not have done all the research you have done, and it may be obvious, but still no reason to be mean!!

    People who demand we all have a persona, sense of humor and method of speaking to strangers that is identical to their own personality, etc and not true to our own.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    A pet peeve of mine is when an instructors of a group class act like you're going to die in their class because you're overweight. Little comments in front of everyone like "you'll need to do the modification", "you can sit this one out", "don't exert yourself too much". How about you let ME decide if I need to modify an exercise or if I need to take a break. I'm in your class weekly; stop embarrassing me in front of everyone.

    Whoa. I would either be having exactly that conversation after class or I would not be in that class.

    Yes, I was appalled by this post, too! That is so incredibly unprofessional of the instructor! Terrible.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    . Do you know what a plain baked potato and plain baked chicken tastes like? Poverty. Salt and pepper really don't help that much.

    That made me lol, as I ran out of my favorite seasoning.only had enough for one side:(


    Me, too! That was hilarious. I used to love me a plain baked potato, though, before I went low carb. Still have one occasionally. If it is baked properly it tastes really good plain.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Two things:

    1. I've had multiple people tell me I'm "weak" for needing to eat every few hours. Um, great if you can subsist on one meal a day, but if I tried that I'd be horrifically hangry and then would pass out (for real). We're all different!

    I used to be like that too. I have passed out a few times from not eating on schedule but I'm slowing working it out of me. I used to have to eat as soon as I woke up but I started pushing back breakfast little at a time and now I can fast about 12-13 hours (counting sleeping at night) before I start feeling hungry. Just saying if you wanted to you could train your body to last longer without food. Obviously whatever works for you is the way to go!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    edited December 2014
    'Wheat is bad for you' 'Sugar is bad for you' 'Red meat is bad for you' 'Being a vegetarian is healthier and you'll lose weight quicker!'
    Uh, no. I've lost 38lbs eating mostly meat still drinking sugary tea, thanks.
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Speaking of wait staff...

    What always bugged me when I used to bartend was if I was taking a lunch or dinner break and guests would pass by or approach me and make a comment about how "where's their food" because "they'd like to be able to eat too". Helllooo ask your server/bartender not someone who is obviously on break. I even had one really rude b*tch say I could "afford" to wait to eat dinner a little later which I'm guessing was a jab at my weight. I told her straight up "yeah see where that attitude gets you" so she complained to the manager and he reprimanded her for her rudeness HA!
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    Another thing that bugs me is the LCHF spectrum. Not everyone doing LCHF does keto. My sister invited me to a few Facebook groups for them because that's what she does and I've just been ghosting/creepin on the posts. Anyone who posts anything about eating more than 20 carbs a day gets jumped ugly on like crazy. I pointed out that you could do a low carb diet without doing keto specifically and even diabetes.org suggests 45-60 carbs per meal... Everyone does "you'll never lose weight eating more than 20 carbs!!!!!!!" then I get banned haha
  • ShrinkingMuslimah
    ShrinkingMuslimah Posts: 99 Member
    When I get really frustrated about something for like 10 minutes and post about it (on a board or on my status here) and people start acting as if I started MFP last week. Giving me advice like "try logging every day" or "it's always tough for the first while" etc.
    I lost about 120 lbs 5 years ago, gained some of it back, true, but it's not because I didn't know how to maintain or keep loosing, I just made poor choices fully knowing what I was doing. Now I've been at it (again) since August and lost just over 50 lbs this time around. But it *really* bothers me when people talk down to me as if I'm a 14 year old who has only just signed up for this.

    I do understand the intentions are in the right place - well, most of the time - so I try not to let it get to me too much. But sometimes it's more about *let me get this frustration out of my system so I can move on!*... not necessarily *hey, remind me how to lose weight again?*.

    ^^ not sure if I described that one properly. Brain to fingers connection is a bit iffy right now.
  • RHPSgirl1984
    RHPSgirl1984 Posts: 436 Member
    "I can't afford healthy food." We are a family of 5 on one budget and we make it work.
  • RHPSgirl1984
    RHPSgirl1984 Posts: 436 Member
    edited December 2014

    LOL. Yep. Priorities.
  • AshleyAnn9
    When people tell me that I eat too much, when what I'm eating is healthy and I'm very active. Also those stupid wraps and "diets". I saw one the other day that some girl was eating 5 bites of every meal and drinking lots of ice water. *Insert biggest eye roll*.
  • RebelDiamond
    RebelDiamond Posts: 188 Member
    when people ask for advice/help and either point out how it's wrong/ how they can't do that/ or just don't do it...
    and then complain...
  • DrWhoIsYerDad
    DrWhoIsYerDad Posts: 263 Member
    Forum post title "HELP"

    Question : How do I lose weight from my stomach?
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Whenever someone says, "Oh that's too hard, I could never do that."

    Truth because you're a @#$%^.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Speaking of wait staff...
    As an ex-cook I say...

    Everything about them.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Another one... when women act like they've never had their period before and flip out asking everyone what to do about cravings and water weight.... eye roll.
  • fattymcrunnerpants
    fattymcrunnerpants Posts: 311 Member
    A pet peeve of mine is when an instructors of a group class act like you're going to die in their class because you're overweight. Little comments in front of everyone like "you'll need to do the modification", "you can sit this one out", "don't exert yourself too much". How about you let ME decide if I need to modify an exercise or if I need to take a break. I'm in your class weekly; stop embarrassing me in front of everyone.

    On that note, I hate when an instructor berates you for modifying or sitting out. One particular instructor I had to explain to him that getting in my face and being a butt does not help.