What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • Chandler330
    Chandler330 Posts: 378 Member

    - Large women who use the term "skinny b*tches" to refer to anyone more than 2 dress sizes smaller than them. Or call anyone who is below a size 4 "anorexic". I was bullied a LOT for my being XXXL while growing up, so I know how hard it is - why would I want to put that same hurt on someone else and bully someone else for being XXXS?

    I have a friend who gets bullied all the time and is accused of being anorexic. The girl has a wicked hard time keeping weight on and she EATS.

    It bugs the heck out of me when anybody goes out of the way to put another down or makes a point of critiquing another person. Gah
  • KameHameHaaaa
    KameHameHaaaa Posts: 837 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Speaking of wait staff...
    As an ex-cook I say...

    Everything about them.


    I've worked both sides of the restaurant. I always thought the little war between FOH staff and BOH staff was kinda funny. We'd always end up at the same bar after work shootin' **** anyway. Here's one of those annoying bitstrips I made awhile back about my old job >_>


    And so I'm not COMPLETELY thread hijacking, here's another fitness/diet pet peeve...

    People taking my **** food. I don't care much about someone taking a snack or packaged food etc but real food that I've portioned and weighed, counted, cooked and plated. Turn away for one minute and someone has helped themselves. It's just what happens when you have a big family or a lot of room mates that are completely comfortable with you. But seriously... I could chop some fingers off for that. My precious macros. =/

  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    edited December 2014
    i hate when other people see my success as a personal attack on their perceived failures. suddenly people become a broken record... like i cant even hang out anymore because every time we do we have the same conversation "i need to lose weight like you, i should do it with you" "great, let me show you this app and if you want we can work out together too sometimes. " ....... crickets... next time i see them... repeat conversation. repeat again and again until i reply... ok, when you are ready you will. then repeat repeat repeat every time and then never mind. i dont even wanna hang out anymore. there is more to me that my making you feel guilty about your weight... and i might just once want to talk about what is going well for me without you making it about you and your guilt. let me have my good thing! or lets not talk about it at all...

    i also hate when people who look thinnner than me tell me how horrible they look and that they need to lose weight because they are hideous. people dont even think about how thing like that are not only self depricating which is bad enough but also inulting to me, because if you look bad you are pretty much telling me i am even more hideous.
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    edited December 2014
    Unsolicited advice, people who have a 'one size fits all' mentality. Oh, that person lost weight by cutting out [whatever], you can too!

    Also people who think a legit substitute for soda is a lemon or lime in water. Pardon me, but that *kitten* tastes terrible and definitely is not the same as a soda. Thanks for the advice, but no.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    i also hate when people ask me if i have tried this or that pill or shake or miracle mumbo jumbo and then start going on and on about how someone told them it worked on someone else or dr oz liked it or something then finally i get a word in edgewise and say "no, none of that i just eat less, track it and work out" and they are like... um.. so... do you think you might try this or that? my friend aid it worked... and then i say no i dont try things. i just eat less, track my food and work out. and they are like "i need to get some of those pills that so and so tried. and i am like... ok. you do that.
  • chadya07
    chadya07 Posts: 627 Member
    Jennloella wrote: »
    Another one... when women act like they've never had their period before and flip out asking everyone what to do about cravings and water weight.... eye roll.

    but... those women may have never had to decide to not act on those cravings, because they didnt have goals to meet. just because they have had cravings or water weight before doesnt mean they have had to learn to supress them or accept them or whatever.

    most of my life a craving meant i had to go to the grocery store.

  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    "You must feel so much better about yourself!"

    My weight is just a number and a size, not a moral condition. Not punching an idiot in the face makes me feel good about myself. Doing my best to be good to my children makes me feel good about myself. Learning a new skill makes me feel good about myself.

    The self discipline not to say, "Yes, I am much less morally deficient now that you like my body better" comes harder than choosing to stick to a specific calorie goal, by far.

    OMG, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^^ This drives me crazy!

    1--Excuses. I have zero patience with them. It's really okay if you just admit you don't care to lose weight or it's just not high on your priority list. I can respect that. But don't give me the rundown on how little time you have or how little money you have or how little willpower you have or how bad of genetics you have and then complain about your weight and tell me how much you really want to lose weight.

    2--"Calorie Counting is too hard." (see #1)

    3--"Have you lost weight?" (Having lost over 100 pounds…"no, I took some magic shrinking potion!")

    4--Q: How much have you lost?
    A: 109 pounds.
    Q: Was it hard?
    (Seriously… how do you answer that!? I've made myself wake up 2 hours earlier than I used to and I've put in a lot of work at the gym and I've learned to eat A LOT less than I used to… of course it's hard… I didn't just lose it in my sleep! But has it been a miserable, deprived existence where I drag my *kitten* to the gym out of sheer duty and hated every minute of it? And where I've never been able to eat anything yummy? NO!)
  • cranden
    cranden Posts: 54 Member
    sheepotato wrote: »
    earlnabby wrote: »
    amcook4 wrote: »
    stealthq wrote: »
    amcook4 wrote: »
    People who don't know lane ettiquette in a lap swimming situation.

    YES! I once had 3 college kids jump in my lane, and then they all started swimming at me, and then goofing off, etc. There were no other lanes open so I ended up using the kick board the whole time, since it was the only way I could avoid a collision. The lifeguard didn't handle it well and apologized afterward since they basically went against all lap swimming rules (in a lap pool during open lap swimming)

    This is part of the reason I haven't added swimming in to my exercise yet - I know there's etiquette rules to using my gym's pool, but they're not posted anywhere and I'd hate to be the *kitten* getting in everyone's way. One of these days I'll remember to ask.

    For the most part, lap swimming rules are "do your own thing & don't get in the way of others" If there is an open lane, great, take it. Once the lanes are filled with singles, start partnering up, it is good etiquette to ask someone before jumping into their lane, mainly so they know you are there. At that point the two people sharing a lane basically split the lane in half, I get my side, you get your side (unless you really want to circle swim). If all lanes are doubled up, then circle swimming starts, thankfully I've never had to do this (I'm way to slow for it) but think of each lane with a really oblong circle in it, and you just keep swimming that circle. At least this is what my pool is like, which is in a University rec center.

    It works like that at my pool too (we never have had to go to circle swimming). Generally the slow swimmers/kickboard users try to partner up in the same lanes and let the faster swimmers partner up so people in the same lanes are likely to be going at a similar speed.

    I wish people would do things that make sense like that at my gym's pool, but they don't. There are a few older men that come at night and usually just sit in the hot tub. Sometimes they will get in a lane and slowly walk up and down, or kids will play with the basketball hoop in one of the lanes. I don't care if people use the lap pool for other things if it's not busy but it's frustrating when they take the last available lane for things like that. I wish they would use the warm pool for water walking when the lap pool is busy. I am a slower swimming because I'm mostly swimming breaststroke so I don't like to share a lane with the really fit people who tend to swim mostly freestyle. I don't mind sharing my lane with other slower swimmers. I gave up and started only going to the gym 1.5 hours before the pool closes and I always go on weekends because it's pretty dead then. Just before they close is the only time of the day they don't have lanes reserved for classes. I have to skip Tuesdays and Thursdays too because they have several lanes for kayaking. I've noticed that more people have been swimming lately since it's getting colder, I wonder what the pool will be like during Christmas break/New Year's rush.

    I would really like to find a time during the day I could go so I didn't have to eat dinner so late at night.

    I once had a dude just FLOATING in the last available lane. Seriously dude can you not float in the regular pool 5 feet to the right? I try to pick a double up lane with someone slower like me and always ask its just polite!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    I've lost over 70 lbs but I still have about 40(+) to go. Comments like this really bother me:
    "Wow, your belly used to really stick out," or "Your *kitten* used to be so big you waddled!" HelLO...I'm still the same person, just smaller! I still have all the feelings! :'(

    This - Ive had someone go on and on about how HUGE I was. As if its ok to talk about me like that just because I am "slim" now. Its still hurtful.

    Also the making fun of fat people. I hate that in general.. and I used to be one.. so its not ok!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    A pet peeve of mine is when an instructors of a group class act like you're going to die in their class because you're overweight. Little comments in front of everyone like "you'll need to do the modification", "you can sit this one out", "don't exert yourself too much". How about you let ME decide if I need to modify an exercise or if I need to take a break. I'm in your class weekly; stop embarrassing me in front of everyone.

    Thats terrible!

    like you said - YOU should make that decision!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    There are these 2 guys at my gym who wear woolly beanie hats when lifting and I just want to know why........
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited December 2014
    - 'clean' eating
    - People telling me I'm not losing weight because I eat too much sugar (I know exactly why I'm not losing weight, thank you very much, and it's not the sugar)
    - People telling me I'm thin enough and I need to stop depriving myself (which I'm not. I'm just not stuffing my face like a pig anymore, except on rare occasions)
    - People telling me I'm skinny and need to stop losing weight, clearly they haven't seen me naked
    - People telling me I look thinner every time they see me. I've lost maybe one pound in the last 4 months...
    - People guilt tripping me because I hate lifting weights and I don't lift 'heavy', even though I still force myself to lift 20 minutes 3x a week and it's heavy enough that I can't even finish 3 sets of 8 reps most of the time...
    - The whole 'you have to lift heavy or you'll look like crap' mentality of a lot of people on MFP
    - 'you can prevent loose skin with strength training'. LIES.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member

    "I also hate when people who look thinnner than me tell me how horrible they look and that they need to lose weight because they are hideous. people dont even think about how thing like that are not only self depricating which is bad enough but also inulting to me, because if you look bad you are pretty much telling me i am even more hideous."

    How someone feels about their own body has absolutely nothing to do with you...
    Anybody at any size can have body issues and being thinner doesn't make their feelings less important. You being bigger doesn't make your feelings more important.
  • scrittrice
    scrittrice Posts: 345 Member
    amwoidyla wrote: »
    *Ask-holes: People who see your results and ask your secret and advice repeatedly, but don't actually use your advice.

    Have never heard this expression before and I am stealing it immediately. I used to recommend MFP, but I've stopped. I just say I move more and eat less, which is completely true.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited December 2014
    KnM0107 wrote: »

    "I also hate when people who look thinnner than me tell me how horrible they look and that they need to lose weight because they are hideous. people dont even think about how thing like that are not only self depricating which is bad enough but also inulting to me, because if you look bad you are pretty much telling me i am even more hideous."

    How someone feels about their own body has absolutely nothing to do with you...
    Anybody at any size can have body issues and being thinner doesn't make their feelings less important. You being bigger doesn't make your feelings more important.

    I agree with this, but I also know that it's natural to assume that someone who thinks she's disgusting at 110 probably thinks it's more disgusting to be 200, even if she's way more judgmental of herself than she would be of anyone else. I've learned not to be bothered by people's expressions of body insecurity, but the real takeaway for me is to realize that others could be hurt by me going on negatively about my own body, so it's probably rude and a good thing to avoid.

    It's also a good reminder not to do something that I think is unhelpful and negative, and to remind myself that I don't think that way about other people's bodies, so should not about mine. IMO, there often is a connection between how judgmental you are of yourself and the standards you apply to others, though.
  • rachylouise87
    rachylouise87 Posts: 367 Member
    1. when they get the tins of choccies out at work and someone says "have one it wont hurt" or its christmas why are you dieting?

    or the food police. ooh should you eat or drink that
    or the interfering ones where even though you dont ask for help they make sure that if your not doing what they do to lose weight then they make you sure as hell feel like your doing it all wrong.
  • AbbieBeckett
    AbbieBeckett Posts: 70 Member
    1. when they get the tins of choccies out at work and someone says "have one it wont hurt" or its christmas why are you dieting?

    or the food police. ooh should you eat or drink that
    or the interfering ones where even though you dont ask for help they make sure that if your not doing what they do to lose weight then they make you sure as hell feel like your doing it all wrong.

    YES! The people who think it's okay to let yourself go at december because "it's christmas". I'm soo not okay with throwing all my hard work out of the window for the festivities haha
  • miketoryan
    miketoryan Posts: 41 Member
    my biggest weight loss pet peeve is when it is "negative" weight loss
    RHPS84 wrote: »
    "I can't afford healthy food." We are a family of 5 on one budget and we make it work.

    i have a family of 4 on one budget but the "one budget" is 6 figures so I don't think the "one budget" thing really tells us anything.

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    1. when they get the tins of choccies out at work and someone says "have one it wont hurt" or its christmas why are you dieting?

    I recommend that you say "just doing my part in the war against Christmas!"

    Always goes over well.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »

    I agree with this, but I also know that it's natural to assume that someone who thinks she's disgusting at 110 probably thinks it's more disgusting to be 200, even if she's way more judgmental of herself than she would be of anyone else.
    ...IMO, there often is a connection between how judgmental you are of yourself and the standards you apply to others, though.

    Not how that works, though. I did think I was disgusting at 110, but I also thought people a lot heavier than I was were honestly really beautiful. I didn't think it was objectively weight/fat that was the problem, it was fat on MY body. I have a friend who's almost exactly my height, and she was about 20 pounds heavier at that point, and later more than 40 as I kept losing weight. And she's one of the prettiest people I know, and I still thought that. I didn't want her to be upset about her body or try to lose weight because she was lovely already.
    So I understand that people complaining about their own bodies can make others uncomfortable, more aware of your size, etc. and negativity is never good--of self or others-- but it's really, really, REALLY not about you. Period. I think sometimes there's even a negative correlation between self-criticism and criticism of others-- i.e., people with low self-esteem tend not to judge others as much. I don't know.