How do you deal with someone else's very wrong concepts of weightloss?



  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    We had a pretty open an non-volatile conversation about it before work last night. They actually appologized and said they didn't realize they were annoying me lol. I casually mentioned CICO and they said they were going to give the advice they were getting another month, and if no change, try CICO. I simply said okay and if they need an app to track that, I know of a good one.

    Seems like the issue got put to rest. Although they were curious if I had enough of the brownie I brought to work to share LOL (which I always bring a few servings of if I bake so a) they are out of the house and b) I can brag tha GF brownies Re just as awesome).

    Awesome - very well done. Honesty is usually the best policy in situations like this - it's just a struggle sometimes to phrase things in a non confrontational way. you obviously nailed that one if they apologised to you!

  • Whiskeytub
    Whiskeytub Posts: 96 Member
    Personal anecdotes - instead of saying "cuz urdoinitrong" I will say "Well, what worked for me is..." or "I've noticed that when I don't lose weight it's because..." and they can take that as advice or choose not to listen.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Yeah, the whole "you're doing it wrong" attitude is offensive to people. It's why this place is so volatile. You may as well be telling someone they picked a mate wrong or a religion wrong. Diet's a personal thing, for some reason. It's kind of funny how sensitive we are about it.
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    Smile, nod, then complain about how you have to buy new pants again and you're glad you saved money on a trainer.

    This is my favorite response! It is honestly them missing out, not you. If that person wants to spend tons of money on a trainer and yet ruin it all with too many calories, then they won't see results and will fail in the end.. and you win. I understand it may be annoying, but in the long run, if you are losing weight and this person is not, who cares? Tune it out and laugh it off in your head!