Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant!



  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Nikster- Girl EVERYONE told me to stop running while pregnant. I even put up a blog about it because I wanted to avoid slapping them. I have gotten "you will give your baby shaken baby syndrome" - HUHHH??? lol okay. So while they can gain 70 lbs while pregnant, I will stick to my 25 lbs, thank you very much. My healthy snacks are my little mini yocrunch m&m yogurt (140 cals and sooo good!!), I eat a lot of bananas, oranges... that's about it so far, mostly the yogurt. I LOVEEEE yogurt and chocolate, it replaces my constant desire to get an M&M mcflurry

    Melissa- I have been doing the same thing!!! I mean I am moving soon too but I am definitely going through closets, books, extra paper, old schoolwork that is useless to me, I even got a shredder finally, since I never throw mail with my name (with the intent of getting a shredder) I finally got it a year and a half later. It took me almost 3 hours to sort and shred, but I feel a lot better LOL

    Heather- You still continue to amaze me, with your gazillion calorie burns. You are WAY better than me so I try to keep up with YOU!!! LOL :) Had to stop and edit this post cause I just saw yours, so CONGRATS!! I know it is just the best feeling when you sit there in the room and your baby acts up for you :) I can't wait till my next one :)

    So anyways this past final I made a 93 (without them reviewing to see if they will throw questions out) and I made an 85 on the standardized Kaplan exam (which they convert anyways, I am pretty sure I got one of the highest grades on that one) but either way, the unconverted grades put me at a 93 average!! WOO HOO so I get a fat A in my Obstetrics class. My next final/Kaplan exam is on tuesday for pediatrics, and I have to make a 95/90 to keep my A in that class, so..... I don't know if I can pull off a 95 but either way, a 3.5 is still honor roll or deans list or something.. I don't know, some type of award lol. (cough cough more scholarships lol)

    I ate horribly yesterday and today. I ate a full plate of breakfast when I woke up at 3am, ate again at 11 (biscuts and gravy at school) then at 2 (EEEEEeeekk....) burger... ew. Okay it was good but I never used to like it!! What I am trying to say is, my eating schedule is messed up and I want a do over LOL :) I put a roast in the slow cooker so tomorrow should be less stressful :)

    I FINALLY FEEL THE BABY KICKING FROM OUTSIDE!!! He kicked the laptop just now actually LOL :)
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Hi! Just a bump so I can lurk...LOL
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Smilegirl I love your attitude and I totally agree that exercise is one important element to an easier delivery.

    Kim you can lurk whenever you want! I can't wait for you to join as well. Hope all is well and that you doing well. :)

    Nichole I think you are doing awesome with your workouts! I hope your nausea doesn't deter you away from being able to workout, but if it does the nausea won't last too long and you can get right back into shaking it at Zumba! :) Oh and some of my snacks are organic apple with 1oz of cheddar, almonds, pb and apple, fruit, I made my own yummy trailmix (but watch out cause it is addictive and dangerous in large quantities) with dried pineapple, dried cranberries, dark chocolate chips, and pecans, and then at night I love my small bowl of cereal with my almond milk (gets that sugar/sweet craving).

    Lexi I so wish I was a runner....I admire runners but quite frankly I just don't enjoy it and I truly believe that in order to stick to something you need to love what you are doing! So that is why I can't bring myself to run. It takes me back to my high school days and having to run the mile in P.E....ugh! lol! But like I said I admire people who run and always wished that I had that passion. Congrats on the awesome job in your classes! You are going to be an awesome nurse! Do you know what kind of nursing you'd like to get into (and I hope I haven't asked this before)? And that is the time I can't wait for when I can feel the baby move from the outside! Ohhh be still my heart! lol! Btw I'm so excited that your hubby is out of country and safe and sound. Bet you will feel like a million pounds have fallen off your chest when you see him for the first time in person!

    Melissa .4lbs is awesome! You can fluctuate more than that in a minute so awesome job! The great thing about toning exercises is you really don't need any specific equipment to do it! I used to use canned vegetables when I didn't have weights to do curls and stuff with my arms, but you can do pushups (modified on a wall or on your knees), you can get a coffee table or an ottoman and do tricep dips, you can do lunges with curls...the possibilities are endless! Oh and I wish the cleaning bug would hit me (I know it will cause I'm a "cleaning" kinda gal)...but it takes everything I have most days to do the normal housework (laundry, floors, toilets, etc)...maybe cause my hubby is not here and it is just me. We don't have a lot of "stuff" anyways. We only moved into our home 2 years ago and we moved out of a small apartment into a large house and neither of us are packrats. So needless to say we are needing stuff as opposed to going through and getting rid of stuff at this point in our lives. I hear kiddos change that! lol!

    Well as for me I've been sick the past couple of days. Just sinus headache/pressure, stuffy nose, coughing, body aches...that kinda thing. I took some Tylenol Sinus finally (cause I was miserable at night and wasn't sleeping) didn't help a whole lot. I'm hoping taking it easy today helps. I've been nonstop with my workouts and my daily activities so a day of staying in my pj's and relaxing is much needed. I also injured my foot. I think it is my shoes and when I go hiking it rubs on the top of my foot along the tendon of my big toe and leaves a knot there. It hurts like heck when I put shoes on and puts pressure there. I went hiking yesterday and had to wear my aerobic dance shoes cause they don't have a lot of stability on the top and so I just kept the laces loose....but I got my hike it! :)
    11 more days until I get to see my hubby! I'm super excited! Well I'm 99% excited and 1% disappointed...he has been working out like a mad man doing P90X, hiking mountains, and doing double exercises and lifting as well as being out in the AZ sunshine so I know he is going to look absolutely incredible! Every time we've ever been a part for a long amount of time I bump up my workouts and eat super great and when we see each other I look pretty fantastic. Well this time I'm super white (lost my tan), I am in that stage where I feel down right chunky and am not fitting in any of my cute little clothes... I told him this and he said I will still be the most beautiful woman in the world to him. He always knows what to say.

    Well I hope you all have had a wonderful weekend!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    heathercrist1- I hope you feel better. I think I'm coming down with a cold or something too. Rest when you can so you can feel like yourself again.

    I had a good weekend but not a very good one in the food department because we had a birthday party to go to and I wasn't watching too closely...oops! I'm looking at it like this: Tomorrow is a new day and week and I WILL start fresh. I am even going to workout on my treadmill again. I really miss it and I think my nausea has gone away enough to the point I can start getting back to it. I think I will feel much better about myself too! My hubby has left for the week already so it's just me and the kiddos for dinner tonight and I'm not sure what to make yet. I hope everyone had a great weekend!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Quick question...why do some places say the second trimester starts at week 12 and some say it starts at week 14? I'm a nurse so I should know this, but I just don't understand why there is conflicting information depending on where you get your information.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Because some count it by gestational age, and some count it from date of conception, so give or take two weeks. If you count it from gestational age, it will be 14 weeks, but if you count it from conception, it will be 12 weeks

    And this is why I don't like that what to expect when you're expecting book/app. That book is soooo off by two weeks, giving info for weeks by conception and placing it on gestational age. Some info is correct and some is off.. Like how they say your fetal period starts in 8 weeks? It does, if you count it by date of conception, but if you are counting from gestational age, it doesn't start till 10 weeks. App wise, I like to use the "I'm expecting" app as opposed to WTEWYE app.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Thanks Lexi for clearing that up. I figured it was something like that. I don't care for the what to expect book either and prefer the Your baby week by week. :)
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi all,

    I have been out of commission since Friday. I had a really busy day at work on Friday and I think I literally exhausted myself. I pretty much slept from Friday night until this morning. I have never slept so much in my life. If I wasn't sleeping then I felt nauseous. It was awful. My hubby kept saying wow growing a baby is hard work huh. He also could not believe how much I slept and then was still able to sleep through the night. Thank goodness I feel better today for work. I'm going to switch my step workout for a long walk with my pup tonight. I just don't want to over do it. I'll consider it a victory if I don't go home and go right to sleep -- haha.

    Heather glad to hear you are feeling better! Your hubby sounds so sweet. I know how you feel. My hubby's been going to the gym a lot lately and he is started to get really toned. At least you have still been able to workout. Wednesday was my last workout so I really feel like a blob. I just want to feel more like myself. This part sucks.

    As for everyone else thanks for the healthy snack suggestions. Last week I ate so much cottage cheese it was ridiculous. It was the only thing that sounded good to me.

    Have a great day!

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Nichole be kind to is totally normally to be so very tired. It amazes me still that I can sleep 12 hours and then be sleepy by 1pm that day! This is why I had to stop doing cardio kickboxing because it is at 5pm (mon/wed/fri) and 7pm (tues/thurs) and if I don't workout before 1pm, it doesn't happen! I'm so tired in the afternoons still! I know you work and it is hard to schedule in your workouts but is it possible to do a workout before you go to work? If not I'd just do the best you can and within a few weeks you will have more energy. And if cottage cheese is as bad as it gets then you are doing good! lol! Between wk5-7 all I craved was fast food. I hadn't eaten fast food in years...literally! But I craved the junk. I didn't eat a lot, but the stuff I did eat makes me cringe just to think about it now. Thank goodness that only lasted for 2 weeks! Lately I've been able to eat more my normal diet like my strawberry/banana/spinach smoothie that made me wanna vomit even thinking about it before! lol! And my hubby is so very sweet. Even when I have my crazy moments he assures me he doesn't think I'm crazy. :)

    Well I'm still sick today, but feeling better than yesterday for sure! My sickness has moved from my head/sinuses to the back of my throat and chest. But at least I can breathe! I was pretty worried that if I couldn't breathe, how was my baby breathing?! I had taken Tylenol PM the other night and that was the worst idea! I felt drugged and had almost fell when I woke up in the middle of the night when I got up to use the bathroom! Never again will I take that. I've been living off of Tylenol sinus and Hall's. I don't like taking any kind of medication, but I was absolutely miserable! Hopefully tomorrow I will be a lot better. I got my workout in this morning. It almost didn't happen cause I just felt crappy, but I pushed through and got it done. I felt better after so I'm glad I did it.

    Hope you ladies had a great day!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hello fit mamas to be! 13 , almost 14 weeks now for me. Have a question for all of you. Over here in Canada, our health care covers obgyn as well as midwives, and I have decided to go with a midwife and hospital birth . However, I want to try to do a natural birth, as they say if you are in good shape you can handle it. However, I'm still scared, and will have the drugs on standby in case I change my mind. So my question is for you who have done the natural birth, in good shape, how was it for you? What things made it easier (yoga?)

    Any tips can help
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Hi ladies! Heather and Lexi, love the chat about gestational age vs. conception age. I just call it pregnancy math...everything you read seems to say something just a little differently. I know for several of us here, we probably know exactly when we conceived due to the time spent planning, wishing and hoping for the day. So happy we are all here :-)

    Nichole, I was exhausted until about week 13 or so. I would come home from work and pass out. My husband said the same thing, "it's hard work growing a baby!" I have to say, it does get better and the energy does come back.

    atynk - this is my first pregnancy so I don't have much feedback for you. I applaud you on wanting to have a natural birth! Until I was actually pregnant I always thought I would definitely be needing drugs, but ever since I found out I was pregnant, I am thinking I may try natural too. I am still on the fence and my doctor is very open to either method. I have been doing a prenatal yoga class and the instructor is excellent at giving lots of tools to assist with the birth process. She focuses a lot on strengthening the pelvic floor and also on breathing and how to focus. I think it is going to be very helpful during the birth experience.

    I am still running at 22 weeks and 5 days! Wholly cow! Some days it is easy, others I feel like I am dragging. I'll be curious to see how much longer I can keep this up.
  • blessdmomof4
    blessdmomof4 Posts: 125
    Hi Ladies,

    Heather I hope you are feeling better. My allergies have been acting up a bit and my normal allergy nasal spray isn't approved for pregnancy. I can't take any of the otc pills like claritin as they make me feel drugged so I've been loving my neti pot. Oh so natural lol. Working pretty well.

    atynk- I went natural with my 1st child. I wasn't in great shape but I also wasn't totally out of shape. I had a midwife and although I had to be induced with pitocin, she helped me through the process and I managed to labor and deliver with no drugs (besides the pitocin to induce labor) and no epidural. It was an 11 hour labor and not easy. Breathing, focusing and having my husband and mom there to pray, comfort and encourage was essential.

    My next two pregnancies were also induced (way overdue :ohwell: )and the midwives were not so easy on the pitocin. I went with the epidural both times. I would like to go natural again this time. I am really really hoping to go into labor naturally this time with no need for pitocin. I'm not optimistic but I'm hoping and praying.

    My victory for the week so far is that I was able to enjoy a salad for the first time in weeks! My goal for the week is to get down 64 or more oz of water. That has been soooo hard for me. I usually drink between 90 and 120 oz a day but some days these past few weeks I was lucky to get 30. I've got 32 oz down so far and its only 11 am so I'm optimistic I can get in a full 64! My other goal is to get in at least 3 workouts. I got in one last week and then between cleaning and hiking with the family on other days, I burned a decent amount of calories. I have to keep it up!!
  • addicted2lattes
    addicted2lattes Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys....I just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant with blessing #3, I have lost 15 pounds following MFP but was wondering if there is any guidelines to take into consideration while how many calories do I add if any. I do want to stay on it just wondering if any preggos have stayed on it while pregnant. Thanks ladies!!!!!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    atynk_ I had an epidural with my first one but with my second one I went in at 7:00am and had him at 10:30am with no drugs. That was a totally different experience. I liked going natural so i wanted to do the same thing for my third one but things didn't work out that way. My water broke at home so i went in and was in labor for about 10hrs or so when they finally told me I needed to have some pitocin to get things moving along. I reluctantly agreed. I also decided to take some pain relief in my IV. With this one I am hoping to have another natural birth. I was also a week late with all three so I am also hoping this one comes on time. Never had to be induced though.

    As for me: Today was the first time in about a month I felt up to working out and now I feel like I have tons of energy .I wish the sun would come out here and it would get warm so i can do things outside! I'm sick of cold and dark days! I need the sun!! Monday I have another ultrasound and my daughter gets to come with me. I'm excited for her to be able to see her new sibling.
  • __flexylexi
    __flexylexi Posts: 154 Member
    Hi guys....I just found out I am 6 weeks pregnant with blessing #3, I have lost 15 pounds following MFP but was wondering if there is any guidelines to take into consideration while how many calories do I add if any. I do want to stay on it just wondering if any preggos have stayed on it while pregnant. Thanks ladies!!!!!

    I didn't add any my first trimester-just put it on maintain weight.
    Second - I put it on gain 1/2 lb a week to add approx 200 cals
    third- I will prob add 1lb a week or something, since I will need about 300 more calories
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Darn, anyone remember how to change their ticker? Trying to add that baby one lol'

    Oops nevermind figured it out!
  • kaymd
    kaymd Posts: 470 Member
    Darn, anyone remember how to change their ticker? Trying to add that baby one lol'

    Oops nevermind figured it out!

    I love your ticker!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Melissa I love your victory (I am just now starting to crave salad again too!) and your goals! In the beginning it is hard because your body is basically telling YOU what to do, instead of the other way around.

    Lexi when is your hubby getting in??? I'm super excited for you! :)

    Smilegirl you go girl! Keep up running as long as you can! I know a lady who ran 6 miles the day before she gave birth. She went natural with both of her girls. I plan on working out until either I'm told to stop or I'm laying on that hospital bed having my baby! lol!

    atynk first baby for me, but I plan on going natural (following the Bradley Method). I believe that education, true determination to go natural, a supportive doctor/midwife, nurses, and partner are all key as well as a strong body. Sometimes though even with the best laid out plans a planned natural birth can go array. My plan is to have a plan but know that if I have to deter from that plan it isn't the end of the world. As long as we have a healthy baby that is the goal!

    kaymd isn't it awesome that the more we workout, the more energy we seem to have! Even when I wake up dragging I make myself workout and I feel 110% better afterwards! Keep up the good work! Oh and I am like you, when the sun isn't shining my body is in the depressed state, but when the weather is nice I am ready and rearing to go!

    addicted I am with Lexi on this subject. For the first trimester I just figured up my maintenance calories and would eat my exercise calories as well (you don't want to be in a deficit, just balanced calories in vs. calories you are burning). For the second trimester I haven't switched it over yet, but if I start getting hungry I will. But maybe in a week or 2 I will have it add like Lexi and then for the third trimester I will do the same. Quite frankly after gaining 10lbs in the first trimester (due to medication I was taking not my diet/exercise) I am focusing more on eating when I'm hungry (I do eat healthy, whole foods) and staying active. I don't want to let myself go, but I also don't want this time to be all about my weight. Some days I stress about it more than others...but really I exercise and I eat well...I know how to lose weight after the shouldn't this be a time of focusing on the blessing inside of me then the weight gain? But this is just my strategy...I say do what works for you! :) Oh and congrats on your pregnancy!

    Well I went and got my hair done yesterday. I'm a natural blonde and have had dark hair for a couple years now. I've decided to go back blonde. It looks pretty good. My husband will be surprised and excited. He kept asking me "when are you going to go back blonde" now for about a year. When I met him I was platinum blonde. Maybe he thinks we will have more fun or something. lol! I'm feeling better. I'm on the back end of this sickness I've been fighting. Just a little coughing/draining, but nothing too bad. I'm getting excited about seeing my husband...only 8 more days!

    Hope you all are having a great day and making healthy choices!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Hump Day everyone!

    Yesterday and today I have felt more like myself. I think going on a nice walk with my dog yesterday really helped because today I woke up feeling great. I went to my Zumba class this morning and I felt pretty good. The only problem is that the teacher was awful. She was making things up as we went along which was really annoying me. Plus I barley broke a sweat because it was so low impact. I guess in some ways it was good because I need to buy myself some better sports bras. I think I have gone up a cup size already! I"m normally only a B so I may not know what real boobs feel like, haha. They were bouncing and hurt today.. I barley fit in my own today and even had cleavage. That most certainty does not normally happen to me. It is insane to see and feel the difference.

    I think tomorrow I'm going to go to my kickboxing class. My doctor told me not to but I think she has the wrong idea of what the class is. Plus I can easily modify most of the moves if I need to. I really miss it and want to do it while I still can. My friend at the gym said she played racquet ball until she was 8 months pregnant. They actually kicked her out, haha. She rocks! All her kids are in college now.

    Heather: That is so exciting that your hubby will be home soon... You gotta post new pics of your new hair:0) I have the itch to cut mine. I do it about every 2 years. I usually just cut it to my shoulders. Right now it is about an inch below my bra strap. Did you purposely wait until your 2nd trimester to color your hair?

    Lexi: I like your calorie plan per trimester. I think I will be doing the same thing. I am trying really hard to get back to journal-ing all I eat. I was doing so well until the fatigue and sickness hit. I feel a renewed sense of motivation today so I am going to go with it:0) You ladies motivate me!

    kaymd: That's great that you feel better. That's also exciting about your ultrasound:0)

    Well I better get back to work. This time of day is so hard for me at work. I just want a quick nap, hehe.

    Have a great day all you Fit, Fabulous and Pregnant Ladies!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Nichole I say go for it with the Kickboxing! It is aerobics not combat! lol! I would just suggest being aware of your body and positioning...our muscles and ligaments are much more pliable and therefore we are at risk for injury. With all the twisting and kicking just make sure you aren't going balls to the wall! (Just looking out for you! :) But I'm totally all for doing what you've been doing before you got pregnant! I think you will be fine!) As far as the sore bb's...I'm right there with you! I was a 34D before pregnancy and not I'm smooshing into DD...ugh! I have been wearing sleep bras since week 4! Even doing low impact zumba I have to literally hold my boobs during some moves! I know I look ridiculous but the pain is no joke! I've had to get a couple XL sports bras. I got some cheapie Champion ones though to get me through this XL "phase". Oh and I DESPISE bad classes and when the instructors are pulling stuff out of their butts! It is so annoying. It wastes my time and that frustrates me beyond belief!

    Hubby actually won't be home until June 21st! I am going to see him on Thursday in Arizona for 6 days. I will have a pic on Tues for my 14 wk pic. I'm actually starting to get a little bump....well I call it a bump but it looks more like the beer gut that all the college girls around here are I actually colored my hair 6 weeks ago so no I didn't wait. The color doesn't do anything to the baby. The only concern would be the fumes if that bothers you but it never bothered me. With the hormones your hair might process a little slower or faster but besides that I didn't have any worries coloring while pregnant. I do foils anyways so it doesn't even touch my scalp.

    I'm glad you are feeling like yourself and having good days! :)
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