Weight loss tricks



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    - Find the right calorie deficit for your situation. Trick is to minimise hunger and temptation and also provide your body with the nutrients it needs, while being below your maintenance burn.
    - Make good food choices beyond calories.....it will also make your calories go further. Keep your sugar target low and within that eat natural ones eg. fruit as much as possible. Also pay some attention to the GI index for your carbs.
    - Weigh and measure your food. Do not guess unless you have to, and be honest.
    - Plan your food diary on days where it is possible
    - Drink water through the day
    - Weigh yourself often and learn about your body, while keeping your eye on the trend....
    - Get exercising, and measure it accurately in terms of calories. Gadgets are your friend here if you can afford them.....( I use vivofit and Garmin 620, and HRM for all activities. About to go to 920xt to cover all if Santa listens to my wishes ;-) )
    - Reward yourself with days off or days where you go over your limit, as long as you make up for it on other days. You have to live.

    LOL GI Index
    It's a good think you're here to laugh at the tips. I'm sure everyone would hate to try something you found laughable.

    If you don't like a tip, why not just move on, folks? It's not like anyone's recommending others puke up meals or something.

    And just how are you contributing by policing what other people say?
    By encouraging sharing of tips and discouraging the barbs from the peanut gallery.

    If you don't like GI, don't use it. You don't get to pick The One True Diet.

    Actually, you are equally as distracting.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    adowe wrote: »
    MBoteva wrote: »
    Start with soup

    People who ate a low-calorie vegetable soup before a meal consumed 20% fewer calories at the meal, according to research from Penn State Unniversity. Have a low-calorie broth-based veggie soup before your largest meal of the day to reduce calories and lose weight without feeling hungry.

    —Erin Palinski-Wade

    Not a trick.....this is just a way to get into a deficit.
    and not a good way IMO but i don't care for soups
    Well, that IS important.

    Please, no one else recommend anything that doesn't appeal to or isn't approved by adowe, ok? :D

    I think the point he is trying to make is that "tricks" are personal preference.

    And, also, eating soup before every meal would get really cumbersome after a while.

    Although the suggestion to eat a bowl of soup before your LARGEST meal of the day makes sense. Then again, I love soup and eat it a lot. Homemade of course. None of that sodium-laden canned stuff.

    I love soup too. And, sure, it can make you feel full before a meal for sure. I would just get very tired of it if I ate it before every meal.

    Unless it's ooey gooey french onion soup - because I could eat that every day. LOL.
  • mmabrey6
    stop eating permanently and you'll lose weight.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    mmabrey6 wrote: »
    stop eating permanently and you'll lose weight.

    Ahhh must be the same troller as in the pushup thread. Aren't you bored yet?
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    - Find the right calorie deficit for your situation. Trick is to minimise hunger and temptation and also provide your body with the nutrients it needs, while being below your maintenance burn.
    - Make good food choices beyond calories.....it will also make your calories go further. Keep your sugar target low and within that eat natural ones eg. fruit as much as possible. Also pay some attention to the GI index for your carbs.
    - Weigh and measure your food. Do not guess unless you have to, and be honest.
    - Plan your food diary on days where it is possible
    - Drink water through the day
    - Weigh yourself often and learn about your body, while keeping your eye on the trend....
    - Get exercising, and measure it accurately in terms of calories. Gadgets are your friend here if you can afford them.....( I use vivofit and Garmin 620, and HRM for all activities. About to go to 920xt to cover all if Santa listens to my wishes ;-) )
    - Reward yourself with days off or days where you go over your limit, as long as you make up for it on other days. You have to live.

    LOL GI Index
    It's a good think you're here to laugh at the tips. I'm sure everyone would hate to try something you found laughable.

    If you don't like a tip, why not just move on, folks? It's not like anyone's recommending others puke up meals or something.

    And just how are you contributing by policing what other people say?
    By encouraging sharing of tips and discouraging the barbs from the peanut gallery.

    If you don't like GI, don't use it. You don't get to pick The One True Diet.
    Did I say anything about someone picking a diet? No try again. So maybe instead of trying to police responses, read correctly what was said and contribute or take your own advice and walk away

    I said comments like laughing at some concepts are what helped me to decide what I should look into further because when I started I had no damn clue.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    See, I disagree. I see a lot of detox/diet/cleanse/500 calorie/shakeology/garcinia/keytones/tricks/magical potions...etc. etc. etc. All threads about how to lose weight that don't take calorie deficit into consideration.

    Just because you are lost on it, doesn't make it not valid. I can't help the fact that you missed parts of the thread that made it make sense. But policing everyone? Let it go.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    See, I disagree. I see a lot of detox/diet/cleanse/500 calorie/shakeology/garcinia/keytones/tricks/magical potions...etc. etc. etc. All threads about how to lose weight that don't take calorie deficit into consideration.

    Just because you are lost on it, doesn't make it not valid. I can't help the fact that you missed parts of the thread that made it make sense. But policing everyone? Let it go.

    i read the whole thread, and it made sense but again what you were asking was answered. and policing is fun, what else am i supposed to do at work. Work? nat

    ill agree about the detox and cleanse threads (though i think alot of people realize those are short term implementations that wont have all that much effect on fat loss as a whole) but most others u mentioned do. 500 cal diet does, shakeology is a tool that creates a deficit, garcina and keytones claim to boost metabolism creating a larger deficit (though they dont), tricks to help create a larger deficit (though it isnt explicitly stated as in this case). Id try a magic potion though
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    See, I disagree. I see a lot of detox/diet/cleanse/500 calorie/shakeology/garcinia/keytones/tricks/magical potions...etc. etc. etc. All threads about how to lose weight that don't take calorie deficit into consideration.

    Just because you are lost on it, doesn't make it not valid. I can't help the fact that you missed parts of the thread that made it make sense. But policing everyone? Let it go.

    i read the whole thread, and it made sense but again what you were asking was answered. and policing is fun, what else am i supposed to do at work. Work? nat

    ill agree about the detox and cleanse threads (though i think alot of people realize those are short term implementations that wont have all that much effect on fat loss as a whole) but most others u mentioned do. 500 cal diet does, shakeology is a tool that creates a deficit, garcina and keytones claim to boost metabolism creating a larger deficit (though they dont), tricks to help create a larger deficit (though it isnt explicitly stated as in this case). Id try a magic potion though

    It actually wasn't answered. It was deflected. But, honestly, I'm done having this conversation with you.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    See, I disagree. I see a lot of detox/diet/cleanse/500 calorie/shakeology/garcinia/keytones/tricks/magical potions...etc. etc. etc. All threads about how to lose weight that don't take calorie deficit into consideration.

    Just because you are lost on it, doesn't make it not valid. I can't help the fact that you missed parts of the thread that made it make sense. But policing everyone? Let it go.

    i read the whole thread, and it made sense but again what you were asking was answered. and policing is fun, what else am i supposed to do at work. Work? nat

    ill agree about the detox and cleanse threads (though i think alot of people realize those are short term implementations that wont have all that much effect on fat loss as a whole) but most others u mentioned do. 500 cal diet does, shakeology is a tool that creates a deficit, garcina and keytones claim to boost metabolism creating a larger deficit (though they dont), tricks to help create a larger deficit (though it isnt explicitly stated as in this case). Id try a magic potion though

    It actually wasn't answered. It was deflected. But, honestly, I'm done having this conversation with you.
    "i dont know" is a perfectly acceptable answer
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    See, I disagree. I see a lot of detox/diet/cleanse/500 calorie/shakeology/garcinia/keytones/tricks/magical potions...etc. etc. etc. All threads about how to lose weight that don't take calorie deficit into consideration.

    Just because you are lost on it, doesn't make it not valid. I can't help the fact that you missed parts of the thread that made it make sense. But policing everyone? Let it go.

    i read the whole thread, and it made sense but again what you were asking was answered. and policing is fun, what else am i supposed to do at work. Work? nat

    ill agree about the detox and cleanse threads (though i think alot of people realize those are short term implementations that wont have all that much effect on fat loss as a whole) but most others u mentioned do. 500 cal diet does, shakeology is a tool that creates a deficit, garcina and keytones claim to boost metabolism creating a larger deficit (though they dont), tricks to help create a larger deficit (though it isnt explicitly stated as in this case). Id try a magic potion though

    It actually wasn't answered. It was deflected. But, honestly, I'm done having this conversation with you.
    "i dont know" is a perfectly acceptable answer

    We will agree to disagree.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    about as predictable as the white knights..
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    See, I disagree. I see a lot of detox/diet/cleanse/500 calorie/shakeology/garcinia/keytones/tricks/magical potions...etc. etc. etc. All threads about how to lose weight that don't take calorie deficit into consideration.

    Just because you are lost on it, doesn't make it not valid. I can't help the fact that you missed parts of the thread that made it make sense. But policing everyone? Let it go.

    i read the whole thread, and it made sense but again what you were asking was answered. and policing is fun, what else am i supposed to do at work. Work? nat

    ill agree about the detox and cleanse threads (though i think alot of people realize those are short term implementations that wont have all that much effect on fat loss as a whole) but most others u mentioned do. 500 cal diet does, shakeology is a tool that creates a deficit, garcina and keytones claim to boost metabolism creating a larger deficit (though they dont), tricks to help create a larger deficit (though it isnt explicitly stated as in this case). Id try a magic potion though

    So you are saying instead of helping people to understand these types of magic potions don't work you would rather give people false hope? For some of us, this time was our last attempt after years and years of yo yo dieting, and if it wasn't for people debunking all the crap we would have tried it and failed yet again.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    and if it wasn't for people debunking all the crap we would have tried it and failed yet again.


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    See, I disagree. I see a lot of detox/diet/cleanse/500 calorie/shakeology/garcinia/keytones/tricks/magical potions...etc. etc. etc. All threads about how to lose weight that don't take calorie deficit into consideration.

    Just because you are lost on it, doesn't make it not valid. I can't help the fact that you missed parts of the thread that made it make sense. But policing everyone? Let it go.

    i read the whole thread, and it made sense but again what you were asking was answered. and policing is fun, what else am i supposed to do at work. Work? nat

    ill agree about the detox and cleanse threads (though i think alot of people realize those are short term implementations that wont have all that much effect on fat loss as a whole) but most others u mentioned do. 500 cal diet does, shakeology is a tool that creates a deficit, garcina and keytones claim to boost metabolism creating a larger deficit (though they dont), tricks to help create a larger deficit (though it isnt explicitly stated as in this case). Id try a magic potion though

    So you are saying instead of helping people to understand these types of magic potions don't work you would rather give people false hope? For some of us, this time was our last attempt after years and years of yo yo dieting, and if it wasn't for people debunking all the crap we would have tried it and failed yet again.
    not sure how you got that out of my post. notice how i said garcina and keytones dont work? im defending the tips that help keep a calorie deficit. the magic potion thing at the end was just a stupid joke
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    - Find the right calorie deficit for your situation. Trick is to minimise hunger and temptation and also provide your body with the nutrients it needs, while being below your maintenance burn.
    - Make good food choices beyond calories.....it will also make your calories go further. Keep your sugar target low and within that eat natural ones eg. fruit as much as possible. Also pay some attention to the GI index for your carbs.
    - Weigh and measure your food. Do not guess unless you have to, and be honest.
    - Plan your food diary on days where it is possible
    - Drink water through the day
    - Weigh yourself often and learn about your body, while keeping your eye on the trend....
    - Get exercising, and measure it accurately in terms of calories. Gadgets are your friend here if you can afford them.....( I use vivofit and Garmin 620, and HRM for all activities. About to go to 920xt to cover all if Santa listens to my wishes ;-) )
    - Reward yourself with days off or days where you go over your limit, as long as you make up for it on other days. You have to live.

    LOL GI Index
    It's a good think you're here to laugh at the tips. I'm sure everyone would hate to try something you found laughable.

    If you don't like a tip, why not just move on, folks? It's not like anyone's recommending others puke up meals or something.

    And just how are you contributing by policing what other people say?
    By encouraging sharing of tips and discouraging the barbs from the peanut gallery.

    If you don't like GI, don't use it. You don't get to pick The One True Diet.

    Actually, you are equally as distracting.
    You've posted 20 times in this thread. You go.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    - Find the right calorie deficit for your situation. Trick is to minimise hunger and temptation and also provide your body with the nutrients it needs, while being below your maintenance burn.
    - Make good food choices beyond calories.....it will also make your calories go further. Keep your sugar target low and within that eat natural ones eg. fruit as much as possible. Also pay some attention to the GI index for your carbs.
    - Weigh and measure your food. Do not guess unless you have to, and be honest.
    - Plan your food diary on days where it is possible
    - Drink water through the day
    - Weigh yourself often and learn about your body, while keeping your eye on the trend....
    - Get exercising, and measure it accurately in terms of calories. Gadgets are your friend here if you can afford them.....( I use vivofit and Garmin 620, and HRM for all activities. About to go to 920xt to cover all if Santa listens to my wishes ;-) )
    - Reward yourself with days off or days where you go over your limit, as long as you make up for it on other days. You have to live.

    LOL GI Index
    It's a good think you're here to laugh at the tips. I'm sure everyone would hate to try something you found laughable.

    If you don't like a tip, why not just move on, folks? It's not like anyone's recommending others puke up meals or something.

    And just how are you contributing by policing what other people say?
    By encouraging sharing of tips and discouraging the barbs from the peanut gallery.

    If you don't like GI, don't use it. You don't get to pick The One True Diet.

    Actually, you are equally as distracting.
    You've posted 20 times in this thread. You go.

    Yes, but I've actually posted helpful comments.
  • chimebird
    chimebird Posts: 57 Member
    Wow, things are getting alarmingly pedantic in here. It sounds like you have a pretty solid grasp on the fact that you need to eat at a calorie deficit to lose weight. I definitely have some tips, tricks, whatever you want to call them for how I achieve this, and they work really well for me, so feel free to give them a try and see if they work for you, too!

    - Lots of coffee and tea. If you feel like eating out of boredom, emotion, something to do with your hands (ie not hunger), have a beverage instead. In the mornings I have green tea, followed by coffee with flavored coconut milk from So Delicious. It's lighter than creamer but thicker than milk. I add about 1/3 of a cup to my coffee and voila, flavored coffee for like 30 calories. I also drink decaf earl grey with milk and stevia every damn night. I've had a big issue with comfort eating my whole life, especially at night, so I've been working on channeling those emotions into "well at least I've got my cozy and delicious cup of tea to look forward to!" It's been working pretty well and I rarely binge at night anymore.

    - On the same note, lots of flavored soda water. I really hate the taste of the aspartame in the stuff you buy from the store, so I buy plain soda water and add a splash of juice, usually apple or orange. Or maybe a squirt of Crystal Light blueberry lemonade. None of that stuff is great for you but it's all substantially less than a full serving size, so I don't worry about it.

    - Eggs. Erry day. Low calorie, high protein, filling, delicious.

    - Mug cakes. These are pure wizardry. Basic recipe is here, from that you can customize the flavor however you like. I usually add protein powder and some fruit. I just had some peanut butter chocolate mug cakes topped with honey for lunch and I'm still blissing out over it.

    - Quest bars. Also pure wizardry. They make me super full and help me meet my macros every day.

    - PB2 instead of peanut butter. More wizardry. See a theme?

    - Chipotle bowls. Use their website to plan your order in advance so you can keep an eye on the calories and macros.

    - Eat basically the same stuff most of the time. I even keep this written down, lists of my usual dishes for each meal, so I can look at it if I'm feeling uninspired. It's totally fine to introduce new or random stuff, but knowing what works for you is empowering. I think we also tend to overestimate how much variety we really need to be happy with our diet.

    - Binge deterrents. I have a problem with binging, so I use these mental tricks to keep myself on track. Try these out of that's a problem for you, too. Firstly, meditate or do yoga. It's given me the mindfulness to, when I'm about to go on a binge, sort of objectively observe my thoughts and see that my head is trying to get me to binge, but in reality that's not something I need. We are not our thoughts, we HAVE our thoughts. Yeah, mindfulness! Another one I do when I'm really struggling is to set alarms to go off on my phone every 1.5 hours during the day. When it goes off, I'm allowed to decide if I need something to eat. That helps so much when I'm having a lot of anxiety around eating. I don't think about it as much if I know my chance to eat again is coming up soon. 1.5 hours is arbitrary, it just works for me. Again I don't do this every day by any means, just if I'm coming off a period of depression or anxiety.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Well OP, I am sorry you got a thread full of people arguing but I can tell you what has helped me.

    Seeing my doc. I was exercising with a trainer twice a week, eating at a calorie deficit according to MFP, IIFYM, and other macros calculators, but I was not losing weight or it would yo yo and not really come off.

    So I saw my doc and found out I have some medical issues (PCOS and Hypothyroid) that made my metabolism almost non existent, and found out how I need to eat along with the calorie deficit for me to actually lose the weight.

    I HAVE to do low carb or I will not lose. As my doc put it- my body is in fat storage mode as soon as I wake up in the morning. So now with the medications and doing low carb I have lost a significant amount of weight without exercising. I plan to add exercise but not to create more of a deficit but more for building muscle and toning.

    I hope you get some good "tricks", strategies, tips, or whatever else you would like to call them but this is what helped me! :smile:
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    - Find the right calorie deficit for your situation. Trick is to minimise hunger and temptation and also provide your body with the nutrients it needs, while being below your maintenance burn.
    - Make good food choices beyond calories.....it will also make your calories go further. Keep your sugar target low and within that eat natural ones eg. fruit as much as possible. Also pay some attention to the GI index for your carbs.
    - Weigh and measure your food. Do not guess unless you have to, and be honest.
    - Plan your food diary on days where it is possible
    - Drink water through the day
    - Weigh yourself often and learn about your body, while keeping your eye on the trend....
    - Get exercising, and measure it accurately in terms of calories. Gadgets are your friend here if you can afford them.....( I use vivofit and Garmin 620, and HRM for all activities. About to go to 920xt to cover all if Santa listens to my wishes ;-) )
    - Reward yourself with days off or days where you go over your limit, as long as you make up for it on other days. You have to live.

    LOL GI Index
    It's a good think you're here to laugh at the tips. I'm sure everyone would hate to try something you found laughable.

    If you don't like a tip, why not just move on, folks? It's not like anyone's recommending others puke up meals or something.

    And just how are you contributing by policing what other people say?
    By encouraging sharing of tips and discouraging the barbs from the peanut gallery.

    If you don't like GI, don't use it. You don't get to pick The One True Diet.

    Sure do....It's called a claoric deficit.....the one true diet.