Weight loss tricks



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    - Find the right calorie deficit for your situation. Trick is to minimise hunger and temptation and also provide your body with the nutrients it needs, while being below your maintenance burn.
    - Make good food choices beyond calories.....it will also make your calories go further. Keep your sugar target low and within that eat natural ones eg. fruit as much as possible. Also pay some attention to the GI index for your carbs.
    - Weigh and measure your food. Do not guess unless you have to, and be honest.
    - Plan your food diary on days where it is possible
    - Drink water through the day
    - Weigh yourself often and learn about your body, while keeping your eye on the trend....
    - Get exercising, and measure it accurately in terms of calories. Gadgets are your friend here if you can afford them.....( I use vivofit and Garmin 620, and HRM for all activities. About to go to 920xt to cover all if Santa listens to my wishes ;-) )
    - Reward yourself with days off or days where you go over your limit, as long as you make up for it on other days. You have to live.

    LOL GI Index
    It's a good think you're here to laugh at the tips. I'm sure everyone would hate to try something you found laughable.

    If you don't like a tip, why not just move on, folks? It's not like anyone's recommending others puke up meals or something.

    And just how are you contributing by policing what other people say?
    By encouraging sharing of tips and discouraging the barbs from the peanut gallery.

    If you don't like GI, don't use it. You don't get to pick The One True Diet.

    Actually, you are equally as distracting.
    You've posted 20 times in this thread. You go.

    how about you listen to your screen name and walk right out of this thread?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    adowe wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    - Find the right calorie deficit for your situation. Trick is to minimise hunger and temptation and also provide your body with the nutrients it needs, while being below your maintenance burn.
    - Make good food choices beyond calories.....it will also make your calories go further. Keep your sugar target low and within that eat natural ones eg. fruit as much as possible. Also pay some attention to the GI index for your carbs.
    - Weigh and measure your food. Do not guess unless you have to, and be honest.
    - Plan your food diary on days where it is possible
    - Drink water through the day
    - Weigh yourself often and learn about your body, while keeping your eye on the trend....
    - Get exercising, and measure it accurately in terms of calories. Gadgets are your friend here if you can afford them.....( I use vivofit and Garmin 620, and HRM for all activities. About to go to 920xt to cover all if Santa listens to my wishes ;-) )
    - Reward yourself with days off or days where you go over your limit, as long as you make up for it on other days. You have to live.

    LOL GI Index
    It's a good think you're here to laugh at the tips. I'm sure everyone would hate to try something you found laughable.

    If you don't like a tip, why not just move on, folks? It's not like anyone's recommending others puke up meals or something.

    And just how are you contributing by policing what other people say?
    By encouraging sharing of tips and discouraging the barbs from the peanut gallery.

    If you don't like GI, don't use it. You don't get to pick The One True Diet.

    Sure do....It's called a claoric deficit.....the one true diet.

    one diet to rule them all!
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    Why are some people getting so caught up on the word "trick"?

    What if we substitute tip instead?

    Here are some "tips" for losing weight/being healthier:
    -weigh/measure your food to ensure accurate logging
    -log daily if possible
    -Work to be more active/exercise more (which can include taking the stairs, parking further away, a walk after dinner, etc)
    -find exercise you enjoy (if you hate running you don't have to force yourself to do it, you can swim, bike, play sports, dance, etc)
    -look for ways to substitute low calorie foods for high calorie foods (low fat cheese/milk for whole, cooking spray instead of butter, etc)
    -develop a support network of friends who will help you if you start to feel discouraged
    -understand that there will be ups and downs but you shouldn't give up (some days you will go way over calories some days you will stick to your calories, some weeks you will lose weight some you may gain)
    -understand that your body's needs will change over time (as you lose weight your calorie needs will change & as your body gets used to certain exercises or as you lose weight you will burn less calories doing them)
    -staying hydrated and getting enough sleep usually helps you feel better and aids your body in this journey
    -losing weight doesn't have to be expensive or time consuming (there are lots of free workout videos on YouTube you can do at home)
  • Laoch_Cailin
    Laoch_Cailin Posts: 414 Member
    Even though this thread has a kinda bad feeling now I'll give an answer to the question you asked.

    For me the number 1 'trick' (other than the obvious of a calorie deficit) is....prelogging. It allows me to know exactly what I'll be eating that day, around what amount I need to eat to fill my day and get my macros right. It stops me hoarding my calories incase I don't have enough for dinner and stops me thinking about food all day long.

    Hope this helps x
  • mrsmalloryevers
    mrsmalloryevers Posts: 34
    edited December 2014
    My trick is to turn to God instead of food when I want to emotionally eat! :)
  • sseqwnp
    sseqwnp Posts: 327 Member
    edited December 2014
    BigT555 wrote: »

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    What are you? Some kind of crusader?
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    sseqwnp wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    BigT555 wrote: »
    in for people not realizing shes asking for tricks to help with a calorie deficit

    yep, way too predictable on here.

    Yep, kind of like the one poster who always comes in scolding everyone because it makes him feel superior. Happens every thread!

    I assume your talking about moi. i just hate it when people nitpick things just so they can point out someone is wrong, when they are creating a perfectly good discussion, which has actually appeared on this forum many times with no problem before

    Not everyone understands the deficit concept when they are new. It can be rather shocking for people to hear that they can eat what they want, just less of it.

    And, pot please meet kettle. Because you nitpick everything.

    sorry for the late reply, had some stuff to do

    anywho, if you've been on this site for more than a day you know the key to weight loss is a calorie deficit. just look at this one post that got jumped all over by 10 different users on the first page because it didnt say "calorie deficit tricks"

    wanna give me an example of how i nitpick everything?

    And you've been around here long enough to know that's not always the case.

    You jump on people all the time based on your perception or opinion about what you think is important. You did it to me yesterday when I was actually trying to make a valid point.

    Feel free to do that - but don't think that doesn't make you a hypocrite.

    it almost always is. what i believe your referring to is people not realizing that they arent in a deficit. and im still lost on that point you were trying to make yesterday, all i saw was multiple posts asking the same question that had been answered already, thats why i stepped in

    What are you? Some kind of crusader?

    yea. why?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Even though this thread has a kinda bad feeling now I'll give an answer to the question you asked.

    For me the number 1 'trick' (other than the obvious of a calorie deficit) is....prelogging. It allows me to know exactly what I'll be eating that day, around what amount I need to eat to fill my day and get my macros right. It stops me hoarding my calories incase I don't have enough for dinner and stops me thinking about food all day long.

    Hope this helps x

    I would go this as well ..

  • CBoone5036
    CBoone5036 Posts: 2 Member
    ok, so to all of the people that act like its common sense to lower your cal intake that is great but to the people like me that did that and nothing was happening keep this in mind...your body needs at least 1200 calories per day or it stores what you are giving it thinking that you need to be in survival mode. I eat 5 200-230 cal meals some ideas are a yogurt and banana, a healthy choice meal, a meal replacement shake ( I buy generic and use as a supplement not replacement) and a package of tuna with 2 pieces of marble rye bread, then for dinner every night i eat the rest of my calories. If I go over the 1200 I exercise to get it back down to 1200. Usually walking for 15 -20 min will eat up 100 calories. Doing this has helped me to lose a total of 28 lbs and still losing. Hope this helps someone.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    One trick is to change the way you think and talk. Tell yourself "I don't eat that" rather than "I can't eat that"

  • mrsmalloryevers
    Even though this thread has a kinda bad feeling now I'll give an answer to the question you asked.

    For me the number 1 'trick' (other than the obvious of a calorie deficit) is....prelogging. It allows me to know exactly what I'll be eating that day, around what amount I need to eat to fill my day and get my macros right. It stops me hoarding my calories incase I don't have enough for dinner and stops me thinking about food all day long.

    Hope this helps x

    I do the same thing. Plan int he morning your food for the whole day. sometimes I'll leave a couple hundred calories just in case there is some sort of temptation or incase what I planned doesn't feel like enough!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    CBoone5036 wrote: »
    ok, so to all of the people that act like its common sense to lower your cal intake that is great but to the people like me that did that and nothing was happening keep this in mind...your body needs at least 1200 calories per day or it stores what you are giving it thinking that you need to be in survival mode. I eat 5 200-230 cal meals some ideas are a yogurt and banana, a healthy choice meal, a meal replacement shake ( I buy generic and use as a supplement not replacement) and a package of tuna with 2 pieces of marble rye bread, then for dinner every night i eat the rest of my calories. If I go over the 1200 I exercise to get it back down to 1200. Usually walking for 15 -20 min will eat up 100 calories. Doing this has helped me to lose a total of 28 lbs and still losing. Hope this helps someone.

    Nobody has ever failed to lose weight by eating too little.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    In addition to my seeing my doc answer, I also

    Drink lots of water- more than I ever though I possibly could in a day- lol
    I have made it my goal to drink 3- 34 oz cups of water everyday at work and then more when I get home- I reach this goal almost everyday

    If I am having a craving - sweets for example- I pre-log what I want- it helps me to see how many carbs (HAVE to track this-see previous post) or calories is in something before I eat it and most often will change my mind when I see how much of my macros it will use.
    For example- this morning when grabbing breakfast I saw a special on Toffee Hot Chocolate at the coffee kiosk- yum right!! So of course when I got back to my desk it was all I could think about, but logged it and it has 44 carbs- more than my doc gave me for my daily allowance so that helped me say never mind!

    Eggs every day for breakfast- there is a cafeteria at work so I can get my eggs however I want them and they have lots of healthy mix ins for omelets and scrambles if I want

  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    What no diet pills ?
  • JenniferIsLosingIt
    JenniferIsLosingIt Posts: 595 Member
    I start by realizing that food is fuel and just like your car if you put better fuel in it things improve. Also, drink lots of water (half your body weight in ounces to be precise) and Walk, eat more fresh foods, plan ahead, cook more eat out less, take care of yourself! Strive to make each day better than the last!
  • hiker_chick
    hiker_chick Posts: 16 Member
    Here are some "tips" that I use to stay on track and eat healthy most days:
    1) water first-if I feel hungry, I drink a glass of water. Sometimes hunger we feel is really just thirst! This also insures I get enough water everyday, and makes me more mindful of my eating.

    2) fruit bowl on my desk at work-when I get the munchies, or feel hungry mid-morning or mid-afternoon, I reach for a tangerine/apple/kiwi/pear, eat it and track it. This helps me get in some good, wholesome food, and makes it easier to avoid the junk that floats around the office.

    3) Pre-tracking!! I sit down most nights and plan out what I am going to eat that next day. I also try to plan out the week for meals out, etc on Mondays, so I have an idea of what I am going to do for dinner each night and don't default to ordering pizza or snacking for dinner. I also evaluate my plans for the weekend and make mindful choices when I go out. When I understand that grabbing that beer at the pub runs me anywhere from 200-250 calories and makes me reach for junk food.....I make the decision ahead of time to order a tea, and stay on plan.

    4) Walks at lunch after I eat. Gets me out of the cafeteria (away from food I don't need!)and gets me some exercise/fresh air.

    5) I discovered a form of exercise I love, and have stuck to it. Take a bunch of fitness classes, do group activities, sign up for "that random kickboxing class that your friend told you about"...etc, until you find something that you enjoy doing and that fits in your schedule. If you don't find exercise that makes you happy or makes you feel good, you are not really going to stick with it (Lifestyle change!!!). For me personally, I now run quite religiously, and participate in group runs every week to stay on track. I also try to get in a hike every weekend. Fitness classes were too regimented for me, and I did not like having to stick to such a schedule when I get busy.

    6) Low cal drinks-tea, coffee, flavored water...whatever blows your dress up...drink them! A lot! As someone previously said-it keeps your hands busy, and at least for me I've found it suppresses my appetite, and warms me when it is cold out. In the summer I tend to drink more diet soda (a habit I am working on breaking...) and hope to get into unsweetened iced tea this next summer.

    Best of luck :)
  • yourpalsoap
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Amitysk wrote: »
    The "tricks" I use are:
    Meal planning (usually plan and shop on Saturday and then prep and cook on Sunday)
    Small plates
    Lots of water
    If I am serving my fiance, I make sure that I don't have a portion equal in size to him
    If I do have a snack, I will portion it out.

    So, this...I get why it happens, but people should be very careful about comparing their consumption to others. We had lady on here a little while back who thought a viable strategy was following skinny people around at parties and eating what they ate. Not good.

    It's better to just focus on you and your calories....and to weigh your own food to meet those needs.

    oh, I figured this meant like when using the recipe builder. for example, I have a recipe for mushroom risotto that I make for me and my partner a lot and I make it all in the same pot, so when I'm dishing it out I give them slightly more so I know I'm eating <half the recipe. I don't think it meant like... just not eating as much as their fiance.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    CBoone5036 wrote: »
    ok, so to all of the people that act like its common sense to lower your cal intake that is great but to the people like me that did that and nothing was happening keep this in mind...your body needs at least 1200 calories per day or it stores what you are giving it thinking that you need to be in survival mode. I eat 5 200-230 cal meals some ideas are a yogurt and banana, a healthy choice meal, a meal replacement shake ( I buy generic and use as a supplement not replacement) and a package of tuna with 2 pieces of marble rye bread, then for dinner every night i eat the rest of my calories. If I go over the 1200 I exercise to get it back down to 1200. Usually walking for 15 -20 min will eat up 100 calories. Doing this has helped me to lose a total of 28 lbs and still losing. Hope this helps someone.

    survival mode or starvation mode from eating under 1200 calories is a myth.
  • jenifer7teen
    jenifer7teen Posts: 205 Member
    fun thread- ruined sifting through the snark. Here are some tricks I use that work for me:

    - change into gym clothes before leaving work. go to gym before getting home (and inevitably relaxing, cooking dinner, etc)

    - drink seltzer water/ la Croix. Fill up, but not all the chemicals and artivicial sweeteners over other diet drinks

    - load protein (plain greek yogurt is best for me), especially early in the day, to decrease cravings

    - spend some money on things that support your goals (new shoes or workout equipment, a gym pass, special health snacks). It shows you are invested and value your health

    - no temptation binge foods in the house

    - shop at Sprouts/ Whole Foods/ Farmer's market where there is less junk and often more tasty looking produce

    - focus on body measurements and athletic goals/improvement (don't be a psychological slave to the scale alone)

    -enter all food/drink every day (knowing you have to write it down makes eating crap less appealing)
  • jltaylor121
    jltaylor121 Posts: 3
    edited December 2014
    Don't go for a fad diet or restrict yourself from foods you love.

    Set yourself up to succeed by exercising and taking in calories a few at a time.

    Log everything and check through your log to look for ways to improve.