Starting Insanity Max 30 December 15th



  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    edited December 2014
    Sweat Intervals today I think, if I want a short workout a bit later, I like doing the warm up in Insanity (like Pure Cardio) It's about 80 calories I think and short enough to get me going but not tire. I always skipped the stretch in Insanity and would do the warmup twice sometimes, I think it's a good "mini" as a review I read said.
    I had a huge lunch at work yesterday, potluck, delicious Greek food, Italian, mac and cheese, award winning cupcakes, (and some veggies/fruit) So far no weight changes, kept portions small,just dropped a few ounces, I am hoping a few cheat days with Shaun will even out if I'm careful.
  • Aarthurdc
    Aarthurdc Posts: 21 Member
    debraran1 wrote: »
    Sweat Intervals today I think, if I want a short workout a bit later, I like doing the warm up in Insanity (like Pure Cardio) It's about 80 calories I think and short enough to get me going but not tire. I always skipped the stretch in Insanity and would do the warmup twice sometimes, I think it's a good "mini" as a review I read said.
    I had a huge lunch at work yesterday, potluck, delicious Greek food, Italian, mac and cheese, award winning cupcakes, (and some veggies/fruit) So far no weight changes, kept portions small,just dropped a few ounces, I am hoping a few cheat days with Shaun will even out if I'm careful.

    Good for you! Love the idea of Insanity warm up..I did that on t25. I do feel like with Max 30 I need more of a cool knees still hurt!

    I feel like a fatty today because I ate lots of sweets while cooking them... Lol! Today I did the Sweat Intervals, and Body pump. However, I am sure I ate too much! I plan to completely change my diet in the New Year...though admittedly, I am in decent shape...just gained a few lbs that I want to shed...and all the sugar and food is not helping me right now!

    I will be running on Friday, and then my next max 30 on Saturday before our ski trip!

    I keep having to "dig deeper" in this...what is his motto on Max 30?? Same?
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Oh for crying out loud!!! Video coming tomorrow for Day 3 Left the video on the other computer (no video for 4, it's Christmas I don't want to do the work).

    Don't remember my max out for Sweat Intervals, but I was determined to hit 10:00 on the 2nd round of Tabata Power today.....9:41 -- 19 effing seconds! I tried to push through everything I had to get myself up to finish the push-ups, but my face hit the mat about half way up.....ugh!!
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Did Cardio Challenge today for week 2, I maxed out at 7:40. nearly a minute longer than I did the last time :D So proud!~
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Good for you, you should be proud!! I did a mixed bag this morning , little Insanity, little T25, burned off one dessert. : )
    Hope everyone had a great an Orb fit bug from someone...have to try it out this week.
  • ColePens
    ColePens Posts: 194 Member
    lingo10 wrote: »
    Did Cardio Challenge today for week 2, I maxed out at 7:40. nearly a minute longer than I did the last time :D So proud!~

    Awesome work. THAT is what it is all about. Way to push your mind out of the way for a whole minute. That's a killer result and only week 2!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I threw in T25 Speed 2.0 yesterday. Needed the cardio after the big Xmas lunch. Back on schedule today will double up Friday Fight and Tabata.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Jesus that sounds like a good way to torture yourself lol. Good luck doubling those up!!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I'm sure I will struggle with the second vid. Luckily with this program Sat and Sun are off days. Although I end up using Sat as an upper body arms/weights day. Sunday I do the pulse during halftime of the football game. :)
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Did Tabata Power today, on week 2, day 2. added on 31 seconds to my time from the first week I did it for the first time (which was 10:10), I maxed out at 10:41 today. But its less than my 19 minutes I managed the 2nd session of tabata power in week 1. Nonetheless, I keep improving :) Very proud, Plyo pushups/ push up rows around that section killed me this time.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    MAX at 7:09 in Friday Fight.....was so busy today that I almost didn't do it. I pushed play and did it though....just very late....looking forward to Pulse or rest, not sure which I'm doing tomorrow (well, later today I guess). Friday Fight just kicks my *kitten*, those Switch Kick punches destroy me...every damn time. Those are worse than Burpee Lunges to me
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    It's funny what we hate, I like standing up moves, punching, kicking, but the planks bother my wrist/shoulders sometimes. I still will do standing mountain climbers sometimes.
    I'm going to do max cardio today and see how it goes. I was soooo tired yesterday after the carb load the day before. I didn't use HRM, just muddled through tabata.
    I want to try the ab attack first next time, after the workout, I'm sure it's much harder. I love the Pilates moves doing them for years, but he does them faster and it's harder, especially the "drum roll" at the end...kills me every time. ; )
  • ColePens
    ColePens Posts: 194 Member
    Made it to 11:40 on Sweat Intervals today. I almost maxed out on the segment before on the push-up punches but I dug frickin' deep man.

    Squat punches kill me. That whole segment from 10:30 - 15:00 is murder. My main goal is to break through and nail that segment but wow... that's going to take some deep mental preparation. I honestly don't know if I ever could.
  • ekg0328
    ekg0328 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm definitely interested in trying this, but I don't want to have to buy a DVD player or work from my laptop. Is there a download code or something to put them on iTunes? Being picky, I know ...
  • lauradb76
    lauradb76 Posts: 4 Member
    I've done t25 and 21dayfix. I found it easier to have a accountability group. I have friends on Facebook that keep each other motivated. ekg0328 you can get a few friends to help with the cost and do it together.
    If anyone wants to friend me on Facebook we can keep each other on task this next year!
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    ekg0328 wrote: »
    I'm definitely interested in trying this, but I don't want to have to buy a DVD player or work from my laptop. Is there a download code or something to put them on iTunes? Being picky, I know ...

    No. DVD only. Unless you go the illegal route
  • I plan on starting tomorrow. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I've done Insanity and Asylum v.1 in the past, still get the same pre workout nerves.

    I've lingered on the forums a while, had an old account I used last year but started a fresh this time.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I'm going to take a Shaun break today and to Amy Dixon's HIIT it Big. It's a bit longer and a change in tabata moves. Then a workout with weights tonight and back to Max tomorrow. I'll do some of the Max strength workouts but don't like mostly pushups and looking ahead (MaxOut Strength) it mostly variations of them.
    Hope everyone has a great day...keep pushing. ; )
  • Aarthurdc
    Aarthurdc Posts: 21 Member
    lingo10 wrote: »
    Did Tabata Power today, on week 2, day 2. added on 31 seconds to my time from the first week I did it for the first time (which was 10:10), I maxed out at 10:41 today. But its less than my 19 minutes I managed the 2nd session of tabata power in week 1. Nonetheless, I keep improving :) Very proud, Plyo pushups/ push up rows around that section killed me this time.

    Nice work!
  • Aarthurdc
    Aarthurdc Posts: 21 Member
    ColePens wrote: »
    Made it to 11:40 on Sweat Intervals today. I almost maxed out on the segment before on the push-up punches but I dug frickin' deep man.

    Squat punches kill me. That whole segment from 10:30 - 15:00 is murder. My main goal is to break through and nail that segment but wow... that's going to take some deep mental preparation. I honestly don't know if I ever could.

    It is all about improving! I ran and did Body Pump these last few on to the next Max 30 workout....whatever is after sweat intervals....I forget:)....I hope I survive! Lol. My legs are sore from running and pump.