Starting Insanity Max 30 December 15th



  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    Just ordered this a few minutes ago direct from BB. Can't wait to get started!!
  • adrerock
    adrerock Posts: 21 Member
    I got for Christmas this year. I am starting tomorrow.
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Did Sweat Intervals today, maxed out at 12:18, last week was 12:14. 4 secs more LOL Burned 488 cal, so thats always awesome. I felt I worked harder today even after I maxed out, the switch kick and punches I did not stop on those, I continued them straight through!
  • Aarthurdc
    Aarthurdc Posts: 21 Member
    Did Tabata strength...maxed out at 23 minutes. Followed it with LesMills Combat kick start. Yikes...I overdid it In my opinion, but I ordered both Les Mills Combat and Les Mills Pump because they were 40% off on I want to try it!!

    Going to yoga tomorrow....and then family is off skiing for the next few days with kids!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I plan on starting tomorrow. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I've done Insanity and Asylum v.1 in the past, still get the same pre workout nerves.

    I've lingered on the forums a while, had an old account I used last year but started a fresh this time.

    If you've done Insanity and Asylum you will be fine. Only difference is the warm ups are condensed and the stretching periods have been omitted to fit it into 30 mins. Also the water breaks are shorter. Alot of new moves but all on the same level of Insanity. Nothing to be nervous about. My best advice... stretch the hell out of your calfs before you start. The warmup is all jumping and my calfs are like rocks when it's done.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Made it 13 minutes tonight before the Max Out. The second or third round of those in out abs got me. I was trying so hard to get through that circuit but my arms just gave out :s
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Just finished Cardio Challenge Day 1 Week 2 and improved by 31 seconds to are my thoughts on the program through week one as well as my times and results:
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Tabata Power done for the day....guess what??? 10:10 baby!!!! I screamed all the way through those last bits of Plyo Pushups but FINALLY hit my goal for this!! Now it's time to hit 10 minutes on the cardio ones!

    On a side note I watched my buddy's wife go through Cardio Challenge like it was nothing....but then again, that girl is an elite endurance buddy maxed at 10:14
  • A few years back my husband and I completed Insanity (which had been my favorite so far). He ordered Max 30 for me for Christmas and we both started Monday. I have a new favorite program!! This is awesome. I am blown away at the calorie burn for such a short amount of time compared to Insaniy!! Also, I can't believe how sore I am just after two days. lol I'll take it! :smile:
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Swapped out Sweat Intervals with the Sweat Fest bonus vid. Very good video. Has the old school Insanity format with the warmup then stretching in the beginning. Then the circuits. Burned 387 cals in the 30 minutes.
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    Did Tabata Power today, it was amazing. Maxed out at 10:48. lasted 8 more seconds than earlier this week. LOL Got the big boy tomorrow, Friday Fight Round 1. Im anxious but ready to get a better time than last week!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    Did the ab attack tonight after another tabata workout, back to Max cardio tomorrow. I got a massage today, felt so good, used a Xmas GC. It was a combo of deep tissue, hot rocks and pressure point. Felt like a rag doll, now ready to attack those muscles again. ; )
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Wasn't feeling the Tabata today so did two videos from P90X3. CVX and my always favorite MMX. No matter how many times I do that MMX video it still kicks my butt. I will be sore tomorrow for sure.
  • lingo10
    lingo10 Posts: 305 Member
    edited January 2015
    Did Friday Fight (FRIGHT) Rd 1 today, maxed out 30 seconds slower than I did last week. 8:16 Thats fine, it means Im still around the same pace and gotta push it. Proud I pressed play today. :) Week 3 is in the midst!
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I just did Friday Fight but was very tired, shopping with my daughter all afternoon. Didn't use HRM but glad I muddled through. I did get a good workout this morning with No More Trouble Zones with Jillian, a 40 minute weight workout you can do in chapters.
    Everyone should be pleased with "Pressed play" everyday. :)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Did the same as you today!! I'm a bigger fan of this than I am of any of the MAX 30 workouts. It's funny about how he stresses the importance of the stretching in this video, but then doesn't have any in the MAX 30.

    Every week the Sweat Intervals will be swapped with this, it will also break up the monotony of the MAX 30 format. So far I think my favorite workout is the Tabata Power, with this a very close second.

    So far I'm not all that impressed with MAX 30, it's a tough program, sure, but I'm not a fan of having a maxed out hr for 30 minutes....and it's not exactly safe either. I feel though if I slow down I'm not doing the program properly though.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    edited January 2015
    Fast isn't always best and without someone watching you, form can be off an you can get hurt if you aren't careful. You have to go at a pace you find safe and aerobic.
    Shaun was never good at stretching after workouts and he never explains moves before he does them very well, sometimes I find myself stopping to see how he is moving, sometimes I realize I was doing it a little different for a month, but no harm there. :)
    T25 moves were pretty easy, other DVD's not as much.

    Like with T25, there are DVD's I wont do again after a few times, I like strength that is not only pushups but he has a few really motivating ones also. I am looking forward to Amy Dixon's new tabata workout, I am hoping her fourth is with weights. She is super at instruction and form and cool downs are the best I've had with any fitness instructor.
    I also like that she will have people over 35, Shaun had a guy over 40 on occasion, but most are young and flexible, dancers, etc. I KNOW many women and men my age can do his workout and I wish he'd show them sometimes, it would motivate some to know they can do it! :D

    Today Cardio Challenge and maybe on old Tony ab workout for a change.
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    edited January 2015
    Yea the lack of stretching in this program is dangerous. When I first started T25 I was jumping into the videos cold and within the first week I tweaked my achilles and ended up hobbling around for a couple of weeks. After that I made it a habit to stretch before, during, and after. Even the original Insanity jumping right into that brutal warmup completely cold without stretching is dangerous. I ended up lightly stretching before the video and then getting in the deep stretched after the warm up with Shaun. I know they wanted to market a version of Insanity as 30 minutes to attract the T25 crowd but I can't imagine jumping into those videos cold. And I can totally see some beginners or resolutioneers doing it cold and hurting themselves. All of Shauns programs are just a brutal assault on the legs. Dude is like an energizer bunny with all the hoping, jacks, lunges, switch kicks. I know Tony Horton hates cardio but whenever I do one of his programs I feel like the abuse is spread all over my body. My poor legs ache everyday with Shaun. :'(

    As far as my opinion on it I am starting the second phase on Monday so I will hold off until I see what those videos are like. But I am leaning towards disappointed. One thing I can say is I absolutely don't like the Tabata videos. Which I can see I am in the minority here with that opinion. So far I'd rank them:

    1- Sweat Fest (Bonus Disc)
    2- Friday Fight
    3- Sweat Intervals
    4- Cardio Challenge
    5- Tabata Power
    6- Tabata Strength

  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    edited January 2015
    I hate tabata strength, no real variety there. Tabata power next. To me, tabata is what I do with Breathless Body dvd's, 20, 30 or 40 seconds of activity and a rest. His is okay but just doesn't click with me.
    I love mixing up dvd;s so not loving the whole series is fine. I will on occasion go back to 2.0 Speed on T25 and Rip T , my old favorites and Pyramid with Gamma series, don't feel bad at all about tailoring things to my body and time frame.
    I skipped ahead to month 2 early with Max and like some them and switch around. I can't do high diamond jumps, but I can do more than step in place with the modifier, so I do low jumps. He doesn't seem very good at the in between moves and again, showing a 20 something dancer as motivation is fine, if you are 20 something, but we can all benefit from exercise. I like my abs but I exercise for health and well being first.
    I liked Tony's Power 90 series years ago and his master series for before P90x. He was funny but my DVD had a mute feature so you can just get cues when you didn't want the all the talk. (once in a while that helped) : )
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    My workout finally arrived today. I'll be starting on 1/4 or 1/5. We need a Insanity Max 30 support group here on MFP. :)