Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Hello everyone. I don't know quit how to work this yet but I will get it.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy New Year's Eve Eve.
    @Robin/Ellen: Thanks for sharing about the connections to our youth. There are things that you can't unlearn easily. For me, it is a clean plate. So, now, I just put less on the plate! Makes it work for me rather than against me. :)
    @LaurieK: I cut and copied your commandments as well. I will read them on 'those days.' Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
    @MKknits, @Kai and @JDPNotler: Welcome aboard! Feel free to friend me. We can support each other....
    @Kai: Motivation is definitely the nut to crack! Log in here whenever you need a gem to hold on to when your own motivation is lacking.
    @Loosaedna: Keep on rocking! You only fail if you stop. Brush yourself off and keep on going!
    @Softblondchick: Working toward healthy is a win....sounds like a mantra! Thanks for sharing.

    Going out to lunch with friends today. Will be bringing my own salad dressing and hope that I can make it work. Going out to restaurants is the biggest challenge for me. Can't wait to see my friends, though. :)
    Have other friends coming over this weekend...and they are on board with my healthy that should go well. It is great to catch up with people on holidays!!

    Perfect effort and balance. (My mantra for 2015).
  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    @mara29, great synopsis... So restaurants allow patrons to bring on their own food? I'm going to do this because it relives the stress of finding my restricted diet.. Thanks for that tip. And as always i'm extremely new to this site and haven't learned how to friend anyone. Tips on that would be delightful. I have vertigo/Meniere's disorder, basically dizziness from fluid/pressure build up in the ear canal. So while i'm getting a handle on food options/ portion control, exercise is a tricky business as stimuli perpetuates the issues.... Any tips? Gotta reclaim what God says is mine, my life! Enjoy Xmm, keep moving and never give up... Thanks
  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    @RobinsEggs, thanks for the above and I've found the Sit and be fit channel here in Chicago. Good to feel like I'm doing something. Looking forward to working my way to the gym. Also with needing to losing 100lbs I'd like to build some muscle underneath but until then lll build up my stamina! Yes! Thanks great advice.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    National Bicarbonate of Soda Day or Baking Soda day is observed annually each year on December 30th.
    According to, here are a few of the many uses for baking soda:
    • Add baking soda to your bath water to relieve sunburned or itchy skin.
    • Make a paste of baking soda and water, and apply to a burn or an insect bite for relief.
    • Clean your refrigerator with a solution of one-teaspoon baking soda to one quart of warm water.
    • Pour a cup of baking soda into the opening of your clogged drain and then add a cup of hot vinegar. After a few minutes, flush the drain with a quart of boiling water.
    • To remove perspiration stains, make a thick paste of baking soda and water. Rub paste into the stain, let it sit for an hour, and then launder as usual.
    • If you crave sweets, rinse your mouth with one-teaspoon baking soda dissolved in a glass of warm water. Don’t swallow the mixture; spit it out. Your craving should disappear instantly.
    • Add a pinch of baking soda to boiled syrup to prevent it from crystallizing.
    • To remove pesticides, dirt, and wax from fresh fruits and vegetables, wash them in a large bowl of cool water to which you’ve added two to three tablespoons of baking soda.
    • Soak toothbrushes in baking soda and warm water overnight to clean bristles.
    • Gasoline and oil odors can be removed by putting clothes in a trash bag with baking soda for a few days before washing them.
    • Lay down barrier of baking soda under sink-pipe openings and along basement windows to keep carpenter ants, silverfish, and roaches from invading. Roaches eat the baking soda, dehydrate, and die.
    • A light baking soda paste on a damp cloth will remove bugs and tar from cars without damaging the paint. Let paste sit for a few minutes before wiping and rinsing clean.
    • To remove stains from your coffee and tea cups, wipe them with a damp sponge dipped in baking soda paste.
    • Keep your rubber gloves dry and smelling good by sprinkling baking soda inside them. They’ll slip on more easily too!
    • Sprinkling baking soda on your front steps will provide traction and melt the ice. Unlike rock salt, kitty litter, or sand, it won’t damage outdoor or indoor surfaces or shoes.
    • Boil two inches of water in a pan with a burned bottom, turn off the heat, then add half a cup of baking soda. Let it sit overnight. In the morning it will be easy to clean.
    • Sprinkle a teaspoon of baking soda on the bottom of your toaster oven to eliminate the burned smell from drippings and crumbs.
    • A paste of baking soda removes red sauce stains from plastic.


    “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~Zig Ziglar

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @kayo--I'm also from Chicago though I live in the northern suburbs now. Welcome!

    @robin--no, I'm not re-thinking the while bag as most are clothes that are too big or that I just don't like much.

    AFM--last night I had a bout of insomnia so used the time to look over my MFP reports for the past 90 days. I've been pretty consistent with eating below my TDEE, but notice my exercise has lagged. As much as I love the gym, I think I really need the added motivation of getting to eat back exercise calories. I also know I've struggled eating the consistent 1680 calories per day on days when I burn a lot doing longer runs. So going forward I'm going back to following MFP's recommendation to lose 1 lb/week. That equals 1610 cal/day + eating back exercise calories. This will force a natural zig-zagging (eating more on days I hit the gym, less on days I don't) which has worked well for me in the past. I think it will also fuel my body better now that I'm trying to run slightly longer distances (3-5 miles vs. the 1-3 I was running in the past).

    Tuesday Goals:
    Not going to make much progress on the lists today, so my goal is to stick to my new calorie allowance and to take my measurements. :smile:

    Cleaning Goals:
    1. file paperwork/bills
    2. drop off bag of clothes to GW
    3. clean fish tank

    December All-In:
    Under calorie goal: 25/29 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    Workout: 9/29 (goal is as much as possible)
    8k over Winter Break (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k was 56:49)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/50 AP essays
    2. x/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner
    Wed--8k at gym
    Thurs--walk gunner
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @Morgori ... isn't this a picture of you?1u7rqw4c2lek.jpg

    Hello everyone ... I'm not going to report anything today ... will see you all after the New Year and will update then. AFM, I am low, low in the dumps after saying a final good-bye to my 17 year old Kitcat yesterday. He was a good cat. He will be missed. His ashes will come home to me to join the other pets I've said a final farewell to over the years.

  • Hello Everyone. I joined Fitness Pal well over a year ago, but did not stick to participating in it. How has that worked out for me? Not so well. I started out at 237 and did get down to 193, but the I started gaining again. I am back up to 213. I am determined to make 2015 my year to succeed in gaining control over my weight, and fitness. I cannot do this on my own-I found this community and have read several of the posts. I feel that the people in this board are the support group that I need. I am looking forward to seeing the new goals, and challenges, for January (and the rest of 2015).

    Niki- I am so sorry for your loss.
  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    @NK1112‌ , my heart goes out to you, it's so frigging hard to lose a piece of yourself, they're out babies. They imprint themselves effortlessly upon our hearts. My pooch Faith passed on this year in March from cancer. Her smile and greetings and personality were infectious; I still miss her, cry and talk to her offen. She was my little angel on earth. You are going to be ok, allow yourself to grieve, then make this stumbling block into a strong stone to show another deserving soul into your home and heart.
    Here, here for Niki and for you!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Big hugs for @NK1112‌ .

    Look at all of you making progress on your goals! I'm so inspired by you!

    Tuesday Goals:
    * Meet with PR partner to discuss pitch for client - DONE
    * Talk to niece about LOTR marathon plans - DONE
    * Talk to friends about getting together this weekend - working on it
    * Clean bathroom and floors, take out trash

    Health Goals:
    * Take meds daily - DONE Sunday
    * Refill pill sorter thing - DONE

    Diet Goals:
    * At or under calorie goal 5/7 days - 1/7
    * Healthy breakfast 5/7 days - 2/7
    * No fast food 3/7 days (trying to set a realistic but still challenging goal here) - 1/7
    * Create and prep healthier food options for New Year's Eve/Day LOTR marathon with nieces

    Exercise Goals:
    * Elliptical and/or treadmill at the gym minimum of 30 mins/3x
    * Find 15-20 min yoga routine to do at home and do at least 2x
    * Collaborate with oldest niece to create "exercising game" for New Year's Eve/Day LOTR marathon (like a drinking game, but instead of drinking, we do some sort of exercise; for example, every time someone refers to a Hobbit as "a Halfling", we do 25 jumping jacks) - DONE

    Cleaning Goals:
    * Declutter kitchen
    * List items to sell on local buy/sell/trade FB group
    * Take other items to GW or trash
    * Clean sink 7/7 nights - 2/7
    * REMEMBER: trash collection is Wednesday this week! (usually it's Thursday; holidays are throwing schedule off)
    * Put away Christmas decor (Fri/Sat after New Year's)

    Work Goals:
    * File new biz profile piece with newspaper (SUNDAY) - DONE
    * File police reports from weekend with newspaper (SUNDAY) - DONE
    * File event precede with newspaper
    * Write mag piece #1 and send out for review
    * Write mag piece #2 and schedule to send out for review 1/5
    * Write press release and send schedule to send out to 5 publications for consideration on 1/5
    * Figure out issue with client's website shopping cart
  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    @RobinsEgg‌ , thanks for the advice. Basically most stimulation throws me of balances when my disorder flares up. Crazy how I care for patients daily but this one thing in my life is so inopportunitively disruptive. Some days great then suddenly, bam!! Banished from walking without assistance let alone driving to work. I got a great handle on wear bit to eat and what exercises not to do. There's only so much I can do sitting on my couch depending on others. I got a lot of things I'm developing due to this. Thanks for the encouragement
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited December 2014
    @kayokarma~I have problems with vertigo too, for the most part mine is BPPV but can really wreak havoc if my blood pressure falls too low. It comes and goes and for the most part is livable. I have occasional bouts when weight lifting (mostly kettle bell swings or overhead movements. I’m resolved to the fact it’s going to happen, so I’m used to just sitting for a moment while it passes and then moving on. It’s really the only time while exercising I have episodes; it usually isn’t a problem during cardio. Your situation is different though, I wish I had some advice.

    @Karen~Hooray for finding pants in the GW pile! Yuck on insomnia, but sounds like you were productive. :wink: I hope the new calorie goals work for you, I remember you having good progress before.

    @Niki~I’m so sorry for your loss of KitKat, I know it’s hard—you did the best thing for him. I still miss the cats I’ve lost, I don’t think it every completely goes away but it does get easier. I love this poem that I first learned about when my vet sent it to me in a card after losing Pebbles a couple of years ago, I still tear up every time I read it but it brings solace too.

    The Rainbow Bridge

    By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
    Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
    Where the friends of man and woman do run,
    When their time on earth is over and done.

    For here, between this world and the next,
    Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
    On this golden land, they wait and they play,
    Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.

    No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
    For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
    Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
    Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.

    They romp through the grass, without even a care,
    Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
    All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
    Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.

    For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
    Together again, both person and pet.
    So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
    The time of their parting is over at last.

    The sadness they felt while they were apart,
    Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
    They embrace with a love that will last forever,
    And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.

  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    @Kah68, thanks, yes I truly understand and wish for the days if bppv again, Lol 4 years ago, bit as time progresses along with surgeries so did my diagnosis. The alternative to giving up is dying and I'm not going that route till the Lord himself says it's time. So I push forward, with great support system and the tenacity to understand my condition. I know it's there, just got to have patience and Faith in God. But thanks for teaching it and I pray your bppv is eliminated or stays at the barest minimum. Keep up the good work with pumping iron! I'm sure I'll find myself there at some point in the near future.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Tuesday Goals – I’m saying the same thing as last week. My parents left this morning. Now it’s just me and Cyrus to get ourselves acclimated to being together without Sister Sharon. I think it will be really good for us. I’m very thankful for my parents and that they are still alive, but it was time for them to go. My Dad really hurt my feelings and I blew up at him. He doesn’t know when to stop sometimes. Could my house be cleaner? Of course. Should I have pushed the landlord before I moved in? Of course. He just thinks everything should be pristine and perfect. You’re not going to get that in a rental property. I was glad for new carpet and paint. So some blinds, ceiling fans, etc. . . were not spotless. It happens!! , I’m a single mom who just relocated 2,000 miles with her 12-year old son and a dog. I’ve started a new job and just trying to keep my head above water. I’m sorry my ceiling fan is not clean to your liking. I’m done ranting. Sigh.

    @ Skinnyjean(Karen) – It’s funny you mentioned WY. When I was considering a move, I actually was called by a recruiter for a job in Cheyenne, WY. Seriously. I’ve never even been there and they thought I could just move there. I’m sure it’s beautiful, but also very cold winters. No thanks!! Plus, WY was never on my radar that’s for sure. No worries about 2015. We’ll find a time though for sure. It sounds like you had a great Christmas. I haven’t seen American Hustle yet either, but hopefully soon. I had seen pictures of Matthew M. and was shocked with his weight loss, but to portray the role he really accomplished it that’s for sure. He deserved all the awards he won that’s for sure. They both well deserved for sure. Your students comment cracked me up! Smartypants!!

    @ Morgori & Mrs Morgori (Tom & Amy) – Loved the pictures with the kiddos!! You’re a dead ringer for Santa that’s for sure. I bet the kids were so happy that day!!

    @ GrandmaKaye – I can only imagine what your holidays are like. Your year in general is so full of your family I can’t even imagine holiday celebrations. I bet love just abounds. I love it!!

    @ RobinsEgg (Ellen) – Wow! I hadn’t heard about the Nebraska AG doing that. How crazy! I’ve never been a user myself, but if it’s legal to each their own in my opinion. I cringe whenever I hear our government stepping in on personal choices like large drinks in NY. Give me a break! If I want a 32 oz Diet Coke, I’m going to order one. Still thankful for this beautiful country, but some of the local politicians not so much. Also, love your snowman throwing snowballs figurine. Cute!! Plus, thanks for posting the January Challenge. I hadn’t seen it so this was perfect. Just read your post about Christmas. It’s post like this and from other friends across the country that I wish we could scoop you all up. While our Christmas was pretty quiet, I still had my parents and Cyrus so not solitary.

    @ Cblue315 (Lori) – What a wonderful post on Christmas. I’m glad work is still going busy, but your finding that balance too. Marriage is not easy that’s for sure. I tried for 10 years, but we were not on the same page and it would never work. He’s proven that over the past 10 years and is a total dead beat Dad. His loss that’s for sure. I’m still so impressed with your dedication, motivation in changing your lifestyle. I need to get just as focused. Keep pushing on. You’ve got this!!!

    @ Debfoley – Welcome! Your weight loss is AWESOME! Good for you and keeping pushing through. The plateau will move eventually, but keep going. NEVER quit!!!

    @ Lauriek70 (Laurie) – Thanks for sharing your Christmas gardens. I know they take work to set-up, but what a joy to share. Did you see on CNN or one of the news channel about the women who for 25 years has decorated her whole entire house? She starts like in August or September to get it all ready. It was insane!!!! A bit too festive for me, but what a display!! It sounds like you’ve been having a nice holiday break. I’m so glad!! Teachers need to totally recharge and use those 2 weeks wisely. Good for you! I just saw your 4 years ago today post and again I’m so proud of you!! Like Karen, you’ve always given such sound advice and I’ve learned so much from you. I’m copying and pasting your experiences too as they could easily be daily reminders for me too. Keep pushing yourself to new limits. You’re unstoppable!!!!

    @ MountMary (Barbara) – I’m sorry I missed it, but where are you from? I was thinking the same thing that finally there’s some sunshine. We’ve had gloomy, foggy, rainy weather for days it seems. What a beautiful gift from your granddaughter. Love surprises like that! Plus, it doesn’t surprise me the cookbook was such a hit either. What a wonderful memory to share.

    @ Urn_Ash, @ Kayokarm, @ MKknits, @ Kaihunter45, @ Mummsy, @ Jdpnotler, @ Wizdom70, @ Sharablue9185, @ CRMillsap, @ beabea02 – Welcome!!!!

    @ MNwalkingqueen (Holly) – I agree with Karen. I remember how bad he hurt you too and was so glad when you finally let him go. Keep focusing on YOU!!! You’re so much stronger and deserve better!! Plus, what a wonderful gift for you from your son. How special!!!

    @ Kah68 (Kelley) – I love sage green in any room. I had that in my last bedroom with black and white accessories, which was really nice. I lean towards Pottery Barn type of style, but on my budget. I could never afford their prices. Crazy!!! Hopefully, you can post some pictures. Would love to see your final rooms!!

    @ Texasmom2013 – Thanks for the website. I’ll have to tell my sister whose battling it something awful. They’re even telling her possible surgery, which she really doesn’t want to do.

    @ Slimbuehen (Linda) – Skinny Karen has sound advice. She always gave me things to ponder. I watch my skinny friends too and see what they’re doing differently. It’s just the skinny ones with crazy metabolisms I try to ignore. LOL!!!

    @ Kjeffries (Katrena) – Great seeing you again!!! The divorce year is brutal. I can’t believe mine was 10 years ago. Time just seems to fly by, but like you said in 3# knowing you have friends and relatives who love you is crucial. Surround yourself with those positive people. This group is so supportive too and hopefully you know you have your friends here for support too!! You’re not alone that’s for sure.

    @ NK1112 (Niki) – I’m so sorry!!! I know how hard it is when our four legged family members move on. He’s lived such a beautiful life and I know as a responsible pet owner you’re going to make him as comfortable as possible. Hugs to you!!!!

    @ Melifornia – I’m always intriqued by writers just because I love to read so much and read so many different types from books, magazines, newspapers, etc. . . We’ve got quite a few single ladies on here with no kids, single with kids (me), no kids, married, widowed, divorced, a few guys, etc. . . We’re a hodgepodge, but we love our group of friends. Welcome and thanks for sharing a little bit more about you!

    @ Fortwilderness – Welcome! 108 lbs is AWESOME!!! Congratulations and thank you for sharing your journey with us. It’s amazing to watch peoples life’s changing and you’re doing it. Please post often and this group will definitely keep supporting you with those remaining 62#’s. You’ve got this!!!!

    @ Jtconst – LOVE!!!! You’re post made me smile. I hope to meet someone again someday. I know it’s not easy, but when I read post like yours and Lori’s I know through those hills and valleys there is still love that pulls you through. Your hubby did good!!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Tuesday..... It is very very cold in MN making me miss New Orleans a lot ;)
    @Skinny- the 3 day challenge is the 3 day walk for breast cancer. As for your road trip idea southern MN has lots of nice bluff areas. Great find in trying your jeans on again.
    @Kah68- Sage is a great color and yes painting is exercise for the upper body and back :)
    @Monachris- sorry for your family loss.
    @Toots-I have trouble not eating left over cookies I made.
    @KJeffries2- I like the silver linings you listed.
    @Robin- I agree the highs count more. The math classes are actually 2 semesters. Yes, my son is very sweet and kind. You are right life is pretty darn good :D
    @cblue315-You will reach your Jan goals
    @Meliformia- I am a fast food junkie and I also find it hard to cook for 1 or 2 people.
    @Niki- sorry for your loss
    @LaurieK-Thanks for sharing the list of things you learned. I may steal some ideas
    @softblondechick- hope your knees feel better
    @jtconst- what a wonderful gift you got.
    @loosaenda- Congrats on the weight loss

    AFM- My ex is removing everything that is still in my house that belongs to him. I have blocked all texts and phone calls from him. 2015 is all about ME!!!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Susan- I am sorry your dad made you feel that way....My mom is the same she never knows when to stop...I am more like my dad kind, laid-back and sensitive. Hope everything with you and Cyrus goes well.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Boy, do I have the “hungrys” today! I want to eat anything and everything that doesn’t move in the house. So far so good, but it is not easy as you all know. Don’t know why I should be so hungry as I ate all my calories and half of my exercise calories yesterday. A little while ago I ate a can of green beans (70 calories) as they tend to fill me up without too much harm and had a pot of tea to warm up. OH well, I am sure I will make it to supper in a while and I have enough calories left to satisfy me...I hope.

    @Susan Good to see you here today. You have been super busy with the move and then company. Now it is time for you and Cyrus to settle in and get comfortable in your new home. (Incidentally, I live in NE Wisconsin just south of Appleton. We went to the beach in Two Rivers just a bit east of here)

    @Mara Lovely mantra. It is calming and peaceful. I am sure you will pull it off with aplomb, already are in fact!

    @Kah Kelley, it would be great to have freshly painted rooms. Sage green is so lovely. Can’t wait to see/hear what you put with it. Maybe someday I will have the energy to do such a task again!

    @Walkingqueen Holly, I believe you sent the cold our way. BRRR!! I love the sunshine, but~~~and they are talking about snow too. What is this? Winter?

    December Challenge:

    Calories under goal: 25/29
    Salad a day: I have lost track…got one made for tonight.
    Cardio Exercise: 2/29
    Core fitness DVD 1/29
    Word for 2015 “Tenacity”

    Thanks every one of you for being here. Today if I hadn’t had you all sitting on my shoulder I am certain I would have gotten into something bad. YOU all really are a big help to me….I am sure that works for all of us.

  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Sorry about Kitkat.

    I am cleaning very slowly, going thru things. Maybe just enjoying the process. Can't wait until Friday, I plan something special to Celebrate.

    Once I get this house straight it will be a goal to keep it up each week. It is so easy to just let it go. Cleaning house is really exercise, and I have a daily schedule posted on the fridge to keep me going.

    Bought exercise pants online at Old Navy, I am surprised I like the ones that go to the ankle. They are on sale now.
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Hope this evening finds you well. Had a good loss this week (with the Toll House cookie event on Christmas Eve and assorted restaurants....). Sometimes figuring out what works and what doesn't is mystifying. Will have friends over for the next few days, so may be absent for a bit.
    - @Kayokarma - Yes, I bring things to restaurants. Usually, it is dressing or salsa, etc. so that eating at the restaurant doesn't mess my day up totally. I always order something at the restaurant, but add on my own things rather than have the sodium and fat laden sauces that they usually have. My friends go out a lot and I had to figure out a way to manage restaurant food better. It was my compromise. For the record, I do think restaurants would mind if you ordered nothing of theirs...
    - @skinnyjeans - Your plan sounds good, to up your cals to eating back half of them from exercise. That will be particularly motivating when you want to go out somewhere and order something special. I look forward to seeing you burn, burn, burn your calories away!
    - @Niki - I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope you find comfort in the fact that you gave your love an amazing life.
    - @kah68 - Lovely, lovely poem. Thanks for sharing.

    Need to get back on the horse and shake it off, shake it off.
    Perfect effort and balance,
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    MKknits- Your post about the lab reports made me laugh since I see the same type of sentences in the reports that I get from 8th graders. I remind them to use the evidence but they just brush by it or generalize it without explaining it. I should email you the cheat sheet we use to get our kids to write a good conclusion complete with sentence starters. Eating after a certain time is troublesome. Do you allow yourself an after school snack? I find that I tend to eat once classes are done so I will eat greek yogurt or some type of snack bar: Chocolate Crunch or Apple Cobbler. It really helps unless I bring sweet stuff to work then all bets are off. LOL- In conclusion, this is my response to you. Sorry, I just had too☺

    JTconst- What a lovely Christmas gift from your husband, enjoy making the new memories.

    Jdpnotler- Welcome to our thread, hope you come back and post often.

    Mrligotnia- Roller skating is great exercise, congrats on making it through the session.

    Loosaedna- Congratulations on your lost, that is huge. Good luck with the leg and I hope it is nothing.

    Kayokarma- Sorry to hear about the Vertigo, it is a problem. I am not sure about exercises you can do except ask your doctor about your options.

    MountMary (Barb)- Great job with the walk and the core fitness DVD, you are off to a good start.

    Bapcarrier- Love the sayings about the New Year and it is so true. Great word “believe”, we all need to learn believe in ourselves.

    Wizdom- Welcome. Come back and post often.

    Sharablue- Welcome back and great job on losing the 36 pounds.

    CRMillsap- The thread works by posting and you respond to other. That is how we learn and gain support form each other.

    Mara- Enjoy eating out with your friends today, it is always fun to spend time with friends.

    Tom- Thank you for posting about Baking Soda- I learned some new uses for that material.


    Bea-Bea- Welcome, come back and post often

    Kah-That poem always makes be cry. Thanks for sharing.

    Skinny- I also could not sleep last night so I feel your frustration. I also need to take my measurements again, it has been too long as well.

    Mara- You will get back on the horse this time

    Robin- Thank you for the compliment but I am just one of a core group of people on this thread. You are right in that I do have a diverse set of interests.

    Susan- Great to see pop in again. Now, that the company is gone you will have a little more time to get your house in order and cleaned to your satisfaction.

    I miss one day of checking in and a couple of pages go by, this just shows how active our thread it. To all the new people, please come back and check in with often.

    I had a couple of busy days. Yesterday, I worked out in the morning with biking (11 miles) and running (1 mile) and so I started my triathlon. Then I met a friend for lunch and some shopping. Found a pair of boots to go with the new outfit I brought last week. Then came home, rested and ate dinner but did not stop there. I also had swim practice last night so I went and finished my triathlon. I swam over 2000 yds and was the lane leader for most of the night. All that means is that I swim faster than the other people in my lane, the worst part is that I need to keep track of how many laps we did to cover each distance. After practice, I went out for drinks with another teacher just because we could stay up late. Practice was from 8-9:30, we went out about 10pm. I managed to get home by 11:30pm and of course, I was wired from the swim and the drink. I had very little sleep last night so I was tired today.

    Today, I spent meeting friends for lunch, running errands and working out then tonight I have crashed. The nice thing about today’s workout was doing exercises that I have not done in a while. Tomorrow, I will be going to party so that will be fun. I will make it to the gym in the morning for a cardio workout.

    I completed a triathlon- granted an informal triathlon but still a triathlon.
    I would like to run 3 miles and bike 16 before Jan. 4. This is indoors right now, to cold outside to bike ride.

    Exercise goals for this week
    Sunday- gym- walk and row DONE
    Monday- gym and swim DONE and DONE
    Tuesday- Trainer workout DONE
    Wednesday- GYM
    Thursday- walk around the neighborhood
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday- Swimming

    Concerning a word- I am looking at confidence or determination. Since I need to have confidence in my abilities and the determination to move my journey to the next level.

    Have a great New Year’s Eve.