Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • RobinB0812
    RobinB0812 Posts: 236 Member
    edited January 2015
    Here I go again!!! Time to start all over! I have missed you all and the biggest mistake I've made (besides falling off the wagon and gaining 18.2 pounds) was not checking in here!! I was so very afraid that once football season started and my traveling ensued, I would stumble and fall. It happens every year. At least this time my back slide didn't include ALL my progress plus some extra like every other year!! I am still down 17 pounds from New Year's day 2014.

    I have a tremendous amount of catching up to do with everyone, but in the meantime I'm glad to be back and I wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year!!!
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    Happy New Year!

    We're up celebrating with my parents, waiting for our good luck dinner and then we'll be heading home. My kids are loving all of the card games were playing. Once we head home though it feels like vacation is over, I need to go into my classroom tomorrow and get work done.

    I think my saying for this year will be "love yourself" I forget to do that often. I'm thinking of buying myself this to help me remember that I'm important too.

    My resolution for this year is to use all of the various fitness items I've bought as part of resolutions in the past. So no more buying a workout video or minor bit of equipment until I've outgrown the ones I have. So slim in 6 will be cconquered this year! Although I bought a shine last summer and have used that consistently (love it in fact).
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone, happy 2015!

    Happy New Year's Day is observed on January 1, the first day of the year on the modern Gregorian calendar as well as the Julian calendar. As a date in the Gregorian calendar of Christendom, New Year's Day liturgically marked the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ, and is still observed as such in the Anglican Church and Lutheran Church.[1][2] In present day, with most countries now using the Gregorian calendar as their de facto calendar, New Year's Day is probably the world's most celebrated public holiday, often observed with fireworks at the stroke of midnight as the new year starts in each time zone.'s_Day

    “The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small amount of fire makes a small amount of heat.” ~Napoleon Hill

  • MrsMorgori
    MrsMorgori Posts: 51 Member
    Happy New Year Everybody! Some highlights from 2014 :)iidy8zaya9li.jpg
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @MKknits - what a great idea for remembering your saying for the year. I checked it out and its remarkable - and to think of who the quote is from just blows me away. What a great thinker! Loving yourself is SO important. Another good idea of conquering your current fitness items before you get any more.
    @RobinB - so nice to have your back - <3 - you were missed, you know! Are most of the placed you travel to now wi-fi capable? Maybe you could get something afforable to carry with you, so you could stay in touch - we could support you much better that way. But either way, we are here for you always, you're always our friend and buddy.
    And a 17 pound loss is something to be VERY proud of!
    @OH_MaryPoppins - you gave me a good laugh with yur last sentence. I was all pumped about you considering a membership in Planet Fitness..... and then you dropped the bomb -I feel bad for, is a compromise available? Is there room for weights in the house? Could baby be your spotter? :p
    @Kaye - yes, I believe you can "Do It" you can break out of that maintenance paralysis!
    @Laurie "Determination to try new things and confidence in my self to do anything I want." what a great phrase. I'm wondering where people will keep their phrases. In a book, on a wall, of what? Mine currently is on a post-it, with tape too, above the coffee pot, since that is an area that I go to without fail, every day, at least 3 times at day. B)
    Another rest day sounds good for yah.
    @Barbara/Montmary - you guys you! when did you last clean your headlights, huh? All that venison gone to waste, thats what triggered your appetite, I'll bet! Just kiddin - thats so scary at the moment of collision. Happened to me and my roomate in early 80's and hit 2 - a mom followed by a younger one. My roommate was a young, tenderhearted, gal from Philly and she'd never seen loose deer before, so she wanted to follow them into the deep woods, as twilight faded, and see if we could administer aide to them....all the while my hood was bent up skyward and steam was coming out of someplace... it took a long time to convince her those deer would be long gone and not receptive to her loving hugs and attempts to wrap them in her own coat. Sigh. It is still a good memory. thanks for bringing it back... :p
    @BootyGroove - welcome. I'm glad you've joined this discussion. Having all these friends to talk to daily IS really a big help! I couldn't do it alone. I like your starting plan, to wean yourself off sugar in 2 weeks. Thats very sensible and won't be so hard on your body. And after that you could if you wanted to, introduce your self to veggies if you don't currently like them. They taste so much better when you're off the sweets.
    @Mrs.Hunt - I like your plan and your determination. That's what it will take you to get through this year. You will need the ability to fight off tempation. You'll need to pause when something tempts you, and maybe even struggle with your decision, but you must make a decision that is a healthier one (at least 90% of the time !)
    I'm 63 also. I've gained back a lot of weight this year, much to my consternaton. I've not easily won that battle with temptation, but starting today I WILL. Working together, all of us, we can boost each others moral.
    @Ly49 - well hello there! It is amazing how the weight piles on! I can't believe it either - sometimes I see myself in the mirror and I'm stunned. But I know what happened with me. I kept putting food in my mouth. I should have thrown it over my shoulder and prayed for good luck instead! Glad you found this community too.
    @jdpn... - you are so right - this is Day 1. Are you as excited as I am?

    AFM - I've been up since 5am, no small achievement since I went to bed at 2:30, and by bed, I mean slept in my chair... and then the tv started blaring morning news, so I started the coffee routine, read the newspaper, then watered all the houseplants, cut back the poinsettias, re-arranged one corner of the kitchen. Moved the toaster out and put my food scale right there-much better use of space, and I'll remember to use the scale more often!
    Then, I decided I'd get out of the house , I'd see a huge Door-Buster Sale Ad at a reputable HUGE store we have here called Nebraska Furniture Mart. They were selling tablets for $49.99 (android) and Portable blue-tooth wifi speakers for 6.99. I saw the ad at 10, and sometimes its limited quantity, so I called and a salesman checked, he said there were 100's left of each, hardly anyone had come so far. (must be NY's hangovers :-) So, I got ready and was about to head out, but I could not find my car keys. Looked everywhere. Tore my purse apart. Coat, sofa, chairs, clothes, dryer, washer. front door, in case I left them there. Cant be in car as I need them after to get into condo. Sigh I sat down. Back hurt so I thought I'd take a break. During which, I decided to forgo these purchases. Told myself, my laptop is small enough to go on trips, why do I need a tablet? and the other, is just an indulgence. And I needed to pay off my Christmas Bills, so I still needed to find those keys however. So I walked past the dining table to get some more to drink, and darn it, those keys were right there on the table!!!! I think the Universe was working in my FAVOR to stop me from spending money idly.
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Happy New Year to all!

    @RobinsEgg‌ I work in the Professional Compliance Office of the PA Dept. Of State. We are part of the legal system that involves the 29 licensed professions in Pennsylvania. My job is the initial stage of the complaint process so I am on of 5 people that reviews incoming consumer complaints, referrals from the 29 licensing boards and commissions, other governmental agencies and news articles that involve or licensees. If you have a complaint against your doctor or nail stylist in PA, I'm the person you want. In 2014 the 5 of us opened just shy of 15000 complaint files on licensed professionals. We also reviewed about another 3000 complaints that did not fall under our jurisdiction, there was no clear violation in the complaint (a common example would be a dog being kept in a beauty salon. This is not a violation of the Cosmetology Act, but a lot of people complain about it. ) or in rare cases a situation in which our Dept. Declines to take action.

    An MCARE is the reported paper work when a doctor is suited in civil court for some type of malpractice. Part of my job is to review and summarize the civil case and then open an MCARE file for in house experts or prosecutors to look at and detente if disciplinary action is appropriate. The Dept asks that each of the 3 of us trained to do this process at least 12 a week. It always seems that if I'm going to let something on my desk slide is MCARE. They are veer emotionally draining.

    An MMPR is a report of payment on an MCARE. This can be a judgment after a civil trial or when the insurance company settles without a trial. Again the 3 of us search history to find the appropriate MCARE case and match them up or we use them to identify doctors that didn't report their MCARE.

    The resource account is any type of complaint or attorney file request that comes in electronically. Again, the 3 of us take turns having the account for a day.

    PHMP is the Professional Health Monitoring Program. They identify/monitor health care professionals that have mental or physical impairments. This includes drug and alcohol impairments. the days I have the resource account I also have the PHMP documentation, which is always a priority. And the powers that be like us to have it all processed on the day we get it, but PHMP doesn't deliver until at least 3:30 pm. If there is a large amount of paperwork, or they deliver late there is no way I can get it done before 5:00 and it has to go to the next day.

    Other than that is just all the complaints and referrals we get in the mail. It is date stamped and we process it in date order. Right now it's November 7th on my desk,and I'd really like to be on December by mid January.

    IssoAre you horribly bored yet?

    Your phrase is great! (((Hugs)))

    @Lauriek70‌ - Hello! Both are good words, - great informal triathlon and I hope you're feeling better soon.

    @MKknits‌ - your afternoon snack attack is probably both habit and hunger. Try to stick with healthier choices and I think that "I am awesome" would be a great phrase for you,

    @MaryPoppinsIAint‌ - Congrats on your baby girl!

    @melifornia‌ - great analysis! I had to quit sweets cold turkey. I can't eat just one or even a few.

    @KJEFFRIES2‌ - I hit a plateau around 50lbs down and I have absolutely zero patience. I think that is my downfall and why I start sabotaging myself.

    @jeheer‌ - I'm learning that my taking control of my emotions is so much more satisfying than binging. Great phrase!

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - Hi!

    @jdpnotler‌ - yes we can!

    @ly49‌ - Welcome!

    @mrshunt3‌ - is time to let go of the embarrassment and do the things you want to do.

    @bootygroove‌ - good plan.

    @mountmary84‌ - thank goodness neither of you were hurt!

    @grandmakaye44‌ - you can do it!


    Doing the Thing
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Merry New Year! I love that line from the Eddie Murphy movie Coming to America!

    Not new to MFP but looking for some active support that doesn't involve whether or not you would date the person above you or if you would bungee jump. Some of these boards are crazy! :)

    I am currently at my all time highest weight and it is seriously impacting my health. I am an emotional, stress eater and I need to find a way to work on that. My goal for the month of December was to log in every day - and I did it! I will say (since it is Thursday - Truth Day) that some days all I did was log in so I wouldn't lose my streak - but I logged in every day.

    January my goal is to continue logging in every day and adding 30 mins of intentional movement every day. I will happily sit on the sofa and watch tv from the minute I walk in the door until it is time to go to bed. I have to break that up!

    I love how active this board is and look forward to getting to know you!

  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    edited January 2015
    Happy New Year, all! Let's kick 2015's butt!

    I actually went to a (small) party last night. Had so much fun, made some new friends, and still got up at 7:30 this morning to go pick up my nieces for our LOTR marathon. Of course they were all still asleep when I got to their house. Teenagers. :wink: We're about an hour behind schedule, but it's all good. Had baked oatmeal, turkey sausage and clementines for breakfast. Snacking on popcorn now, then once this movie is over, we're heading out for a walk before we start the second movie. I have more healthy snacks on tap for that, although Nana is contributing some not-so-healthy options.

    @countscalories‌ - congratulations on your success this year!
  • jdpnotler
    Robinsegg, just wondering how do you keep up with all the posts? You are amazing.
    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member

    My sweetheart proposed to me last night, Caught me by surprised and I think it is too early to accept. He and his family are all foodies and losing weight would be an uphill battle. I had brunch with him today after a talk about my goals he prepared poached egg on English muffin, turkey bacon and Stuffed nectarines from a recipe on Clean Eating I gave him for xmas,. It was still over 300 calories but I really appreciated the effort. The last brunch was Eggs Benedict w country ham, and lots of other things,

    We are going for a walk around 3:15. Nice start for the new year. My Thursday truth is that I and I ALONE are responsible for what I put in my mouth,.

    I had a lot of posts to reply to but I lost the document I typed them into so will have to re do that later. Sorryt

    Can anyone tell me how I can save this group to come back to it automatically?


  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @toots--I also have some holiday treats around the house. Was almost done with them, then my neighbor just stopped by with cookies. :neutral_face:

    Curse you, neighbors! Curse youuuuu!

  • kayokarma
    kayokarma Posts: 30 Member
    Morgori wrote: »
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy World Healing Day

    World Healing Day is a time in which people of all religions and ethnicities come to practice harmony and wholeness. John and Jan Price spiritual leaders and founders of the Quartus Foundation named the first World Healing Day on December 31, 1986. Then and now, spiritual communities around the globe have come together in the name of world peace through the calmness and serenity of meditation and prayer. The day was created in order to unite people under the common bond of love.
    At noon, Eastern Time, people all over the world still come together in hopes of spreading their own thoughts and feelings towards world peace. No matter your religion, or lack there of, a moment of silence to reflect, think, or pray is encouraged wherever you are. This event can be completed individually but, it is highly encouraged to participate with others of all different races, ethnicities, and religious types.

    “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” ~Leo Tolstoy


    Thanks Morgori!
    Well said, speaks to give motivation Anna's inspiration throughout the year. We never know what will resonate with the next person but I hope this message speaks volumes, , best thing of luck to us all !
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    KJEFFRIES2 wrote: »

    My sweetheart proposed to me last night, Caught me by surprised and I think it is too early to accept. He and his family are all foodies and losing weight would be an uphill battle. I had brunch with him today after a talk about my goals he prepared poached egg on English muffin, turkey bacon and Stuffed nectarines from a recipe on Clean Eating I gave him for xmas,. It was still over 300 calories but I really appreciated the effort. The last brunch was Eggs Benedict w country ham, and lots of other things,


    Congratulations! What a wonderful way to start the New Year. He is trying to meet you on your journey. Whatever you decide it is great to know that someone loves you for who you are!
  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    Well its here I go again lol. I guess my problem is just sticking with it! I also need to excersize, but being 325 lbs and my work schedule make me not want to. I know those are excuses but thats what I've been telling myself. I feel if I had the support and advise from others that have gone through or are going through this process I can make the changes in my lifestyle I need to. I think accountability would be a big help too. so feel free to add and msg me and let me know what you think!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Wow this board is moving so fast!! Welcome to all of the newlings--keep coming back so we can get to know you all better.

    I'm not even going to attempt "robin-level" personals, but just going on memory to respond to a few folks:

    @katrena (kjeffries) --wow, how exciting!

    @toots-yes, yesterday I threw those cookies in the garbage having not eaten a single one. I felt kind of bad, but they are sugar cookies which neither the DH nor I really like--I would have just eaten them to eat them, and I would rather save my calories for treats I really love.

    @melifornia--have fun with the LOTR marathon. I'm also a fan. A couple of years ago I did a couple of virtual LOTR walks. I would keep track of my calories each day and then check to see where I was on the journey. It made tracking the mileage a bit more fun. I think I did "Hobbiton to Rivendell" from LOTR and "Bag End to Rvendell" from The Hobbit. Here is the link, if you're interested:

    @tom and amy (morgori and mrs)--love the holiday card!

    @robin--I think you are right about the universe working to save you some money. Too funny that the keys were right there all along!

    @robinb--welcome back!! Congrats on maintaining that 17 lb weight loss!!

    @marypoppins--could you and your husband work out a schedule to go to the gym separately? When you go, he watches the kiddos and vice versa?

    @barb (mountmary)--so glad you weren't hurt!

    Thursday Truth:
    I didn't make my time goal of 56 minutes for my 8k yesterday. :( I started out strong, but by the 3rd mile I was already feeling tired. Then I ran out of water at 4 miles, but I was determined to finish. I ended up finishing the 5 miles in 57:47. Not terrible considering I haven't been sleeping well the past couple of nights and I clearly didn't hydrate well beforehand. I think I'm going to plan to run an 8k at the gym each month--it's served as a good motivator for me to work on my pace and endurance. I've also decided to sign up for the Cinco de Miler which is a 5 mile run in the city the first weekend in May. I did it 2 years ago, but skipped last year.

    December All-In RESULTS:
    Under calorie goal: 27/31 days (goal is 28/31 days) NOT QUITE BUT BETTER THAN NOV
    Workout: 10/31 (goal is as much as possible) MUCH BETTER THAN NOV
    8k over Winter Break (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k was 56:49) DONE IN 57:47

    Cleaning Goals:
    1. file paperwork/bills
    2. drop off bag of clothes to GW
    3. clean fish tank

    Grading Goals:
    1. 10/50 AP essays
    2. x/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--8k at gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner + gym
    Sat--walk gunner

  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    Ok I have some boneless skinless chicken thighs thawed out. I was going to make chicken and noodles but not thinking that is a good choice because of the sodium and carbs. any alternative ideas?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @MKknits - why do you refer to it at a "good luck" dinner? Is that a family term or a heritage term? You've got me curious .....

    @Morgoris - Amy and Tom - your pictures of Christmas are lovely. What a beautiful couple you are. Tom - did you use the smoker Amy gave you? Did you play Santa for any one elses kids? . My ex used to play santa for our friends kids when they were young and I'd drive him over to the house and stay in the car and keep it hidden. It was so much fun just to drive Santa around the city because people would wave and call out to him "Hi SANTA" as if he were the real one!

    !Kai - thanks for the job explanation -it helps me to picture a person more fully when i understand their job. Oh my,you have a rough one! that one certainly comes with a large dose of pressure, doesn't it. OMG! Glad I am retired. I can sympathize with you not being happy when you do a medicalmalpractice claim. That always involves something terribly sad or something gone terribly wrong. And you have to be kind of a King Soloman, don't you? How often do they get on you about the backlog situation or do they understand that's the way it is.?

    @Sassymama66 - welcome! You succeeded at a great goal in December, no matter what your motivation was. And your 2 goals for January are great as well. Regarding your 30 min of movement every day. You can break that down into 5 minute segments and do them while watching TV - just get up and get moving during commercials or - oh the delight of the PAUSE button - using it! Best of luck, and please come back every day!

    @Melifornia - you're having a TERRRRIFIC day so far!

    @jdp - well, I'm retired, and that gives me time, plus I don't sleep much. But I don't work on it as much as I am currently. This is a big moment the start of a New Year. We all need psyching up - its a time we need to pull together and not drop out, so I put some extra effort in - it helps me so much, as I am probably the worst recidivist on the planet. I've been here 4 years. I've lost weight and gained it back in front of everyone. I was so sure I wold lose it and keep it off. Boy was I wrong. I have to bear that shame to be able to help others not make that mistake!

    @KJeffries - see page 1 and the very first post I did. It now contains the directions for how to get back to this Discussion by making it a Favorite on your Home Page. Its a bit of a hassle at first but once you get the hang of it , its quite easy.
    So lots of changes in your life. I am impressed that your turned the proposal down and said it was too early - that took strength and courage. You obviously want to work on yourself. I salute you!

    @BSRacer - can I ask - what level of exercise are you at? At your weight level and working full time, it sounds like you would be exhausted trying to exercise for 20 straight minutes - as I said to someone else above - why not just get up out of your evening chair once every 20 minutes or 1/2 hour and do 5 minutes of exercise until you've completed 20 minutes a nite. Or, at work, can you get in 10 minutes of exercise, even if its just 3 minutes at a time?

    @Skinny - sorry your race went south - as you said, your body wasn't prepared, but you did pretty darn well anyway. And, you convinced yourself to run an 8K once a month! That's great! Loving that.

    AFM - gosh, I've been on here all day sending out messages and friend requests. This time of year is busy by gosh but I wouldn't trade it with Kai's job for ANYTHING! I like being a cheerleader - that's my kinda job!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @bsracer - that's not a bad recipe or meal at all - what will make it better is a big side of vegetables - and then only eat a portion of the chicken and noodles, and 2-3 portions of veggies. Have you ever used the Recipe Builder on MFP that tells you - after you enter your ingredients into it - how many calories are in each serving? BTW - carbs aren't all that bad.. and you can keep the sodium down by substituting spices, like garlc for salt.
    - Best of luck - it does sound yummy. Are you cooking for a family?
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    I'm folding up my tent for the night. Hope someone else can give bsracer some advice on his dinner question posted bottom of page 632.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @bsracer‌ --I love to cut up onions, red bell peppers, and mushrooms to eat with my boneless skinless chicken breasts. You don't even need oil or butter, just use a non stick pan and brown the breasts on both sides, then add the veggies and let them soften while the chicken cooks through. I usually wait to add the mushrooms at the end b/c they cook so much faster. I usually add some minced garlic and salt/black pepper as well. I love to eat this without any carbs, but as robin suggested you could just eat a half portion of the noodles with it. Or if you're looking for alternatives to noodles, the healthiest option is probably quinoa, but brown rice and buckwheat (soba) noodles are also healthier than plain noodles.