100 + pounds to lose anyone?



  • Rexakate
    Rexakate Posts: 6 Member
    I have a goal of 80, but I need to lose closer to 130. Wow. Please add me, I've tried MFP before but never with others. Maybe that is what I'm missing.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have the mimimum of 100lbs to lose in total. Managed to lose 60lb and then put 20 back on and now back down to 45lb gone.
  • marygirl05
    marygirl05 Posts: 254 Member
    Feel free to add me I have about 100 or a little more to lose. Good luck with your journey.
  • Please add me!! I have over 100 to lose. thank you ;)
  • MeltingCandlewax
    MeltingCandlewax Posts: 42 Member
    I am also on the 100 pound journey. I lost 50 three years ago and now I am starting from day 1 again. if you want to add me go ahead. Thanks
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    I started at 415 a year ago. By using this app to record everything I am eating and then using that knowledge to make better choices I am now just below 350. My end goal is 200. My 12/31/15 goal is 300. My goal for 4/15/15 is 335. I'm just taking it a pound a week. 200 lbs is too big for me to wrap my head around. Plus I knew I needed wins every so often - so I've set 15 pound goals every 3 to 4 months.
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    nightglo wrote: »
    I have over 100 to lose and I've gotten off to a bumpy start. For those who have already lost a good chunk - what has helped you the most?

    recording everything I eat - without worrying about a bit of ketchup and stuff like that. I set the goal calories in the app for 1.5 lb loss per month and have been paying attention to keeping close to that total. When I go over I'm not beating myself up - just making a better decision the next day. As I have lost weight the calorie goal is going down. So I have been slowly changing my habits and diet - not trying to make a radical change that I cannot sustain.

    I've been moving around more too - but mainly I've been eating less. Now I'm eating around 500-600 calories per day less than I was a year ago.
  • JustGiaD
    JustGiaD Posts: 21 Member

    Hey guys I created a Facebook group so that we could communicate easier! Just send a request and I can accept you so that we could communicate better.
    Especially for people from our 100lbs to lose thread and whoever else wants to join!
  • I have 100 to lose please add me if you choose.
  • I've been on here since October,but this is a new account I just made yesterday.

    I have 110 pounds to lose, so far I've lost 33, but gained some holiday weight, so I'm at -29..

    Everyone feel free to add me, I log daily, and I'm looking for friends that also are looking to lose a large amount of weight, and log daily!

    :# (*)
  • jvbaldyga
    jvbaldyga Posts: 4 Member
    Hey guys I created a Facebook group so that we could communicate easier! Just send a request and I can accept you so that we could communicate better.
    Especially for people from our 100lbs to lose thread and whoever else wants to join!

    that's a fantastic idea!

  • I would like to join too. I have 100 to loose myself :)
  • the most i weighted was 278 now i am at 214 I lost 12 pounds during Christmas thanks to the flu and have not gained it back, i am drinking a lot of water, eating low carb, I eat with chop sticks to slow me down and not gulp my food, i quit bing stress eating, i have a food log and a exercise log New Dr in March Diabetes must have a honest food log, i am eating a lot of raw veggies in place of crackers, salty crackers and chips are my weakness not deserts,,, i did a lot of mindless munching, now i do mindful eating, i love my tai chi dvd and yoga dvd for seniors..i fell a lot so my walking is with a walker,,will let knees heal and go back to my trek poles...good luck everyone lots of raw veggies for those munchies and lots of fresh water..
  • LynneWalt
    LynneWalt Posts: 1 Member
    I am also at my heaviest ever, despite being on WW most of last year! I've just cancelled my membership, ordered a Jawbone Up24, and am aiming for increased health and fitness this year. Having said that, I wouldn't mind losing at least 100 pounds from the 249 I currently weigh! I'll pop over to the fb page too, when I'm not on hubby's computer.
  • the_nerdgasm
    the_nerdgasm Posts: 86 Member
    I started a couple weeks ago at 252 and have lost ten pounds, but still have a ways to go with my goal being 130. Trying to eat better and keep processed foods to a minimum, but I'm horrible at tracking. I have a tendency to track really well throughout the day, and then not track my evening meal and snacks (especially if I know I've overate). Also working on getting in some exercise. Saving up for a yoga membership and doing some kettlebell workouts at home. When the weather's warmer, it'll be walking the dog everyday.

    I'm always looking for new friends. If you want extra support, add me!
  • please add me:O)
  • tmlq
    tmlq Posts: 10 Member
    I have about 100 lbs to lose, today is day 1. I'm already craving sugar!!! Lets support each other:)
  • ZenSakura
    ZenSakura Posts: 33 Member
    I have roughly 170 lbs to lose. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • I am looking to lose at least 100 pounds. I'd love to have the support of others in the same boat.
  • kourtneysullivan
    kourtneysullivan Posts: 6 Member
    Add me too!! I have atleast 100 pounds that I want to lose! Started 1/1/15 and I weighed myself today and I'm down 3.6 pounds!! YAY ME! I am doing this so I can try to have a baby. I also have PCOS and have been trying for 1 year and 3 months to get pregnant and so luck yet! I dont have a BIG support group other than my husband and my family. So please add me also. Thanks