Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    edited January 2015
    @L2T…love your list – especially the trip. I love the planning of a trip almost as much as the trip itself. We just booked our cabin for vacation at the end of July (Colorado) and now we get to start looking at the fun activities to do!!
    @Niki…glad you are feeling better.
    @Barbara...99 calories on a persimmon…at least it was a healthy 99 calories 
    @ereilly…give yourself time to feel better. The gym will still be there.
    @Karen…congrats on a new low weight! That’s exciting.
    @Melifornia…you didn’t ask me about the protein, but I started taking Premier Protein. It’s 11 oz, 160 calories, 30 g protein, 1 g sugar. My mom started using it because she’s on dialysis and needed to increase her protein but hates the taste of almost everything now. I drink the strawberries & cream and it’s pretty good. Plus it’s handy.
    @Robin…HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS! I’m sure it was a wonderful write up. As far as the shoes go, it’s something I just need to go do. I really only wear 5 pair and I know it. I just need to get back and dig the old ones out. I just didn’t have it in me last night as it was 12:30 by the time I got the bedside table and my 6:45 alarm was coming on fast. I left the house at 3:45 and didn’t even get home again until 9:15. At that point, I just needed to sit down and relax a bit. 
    @bsracer…congrats on 5 pounds.

    AFM…I feel like I got a lot accomplished. The going to the gym twice worked out okay. My daughter’s basketball practice was at the Y so I just got her settled in and hit the treadmill until she was done. Then that night, we did Bench Press night – my arms felt like jello by the time I was done with the bench presses and all the accessory lifts. It was fun to mix it up though as 3 of them were knew lifts for us.

    Tuesday Goals: I want to stay motivated regardless of what the scale says. START AGAIN.

    My goals for today:
    *drink 4 bottles of water (96 oz)
    *gym with sister (it’s dead lift day. I’ll have to hit YouTube for examples on how to do Good Mornings, Straight Leg Dead Lifts and Back Extensions – those are all new to me)
    *go through my shoes
    *organize my sheets
    *declutter my basement side table
    *stay in my calorie goal
    *Final 2014 spreadsheets for work -- goal is 4 out of 8 today.

    Everybody have a great day!!!
  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    Thank you Robin and TLH. it feels good but just a drop in the bucket.
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning everybody.

    Robinsegg- The splendors of Vegas are many. Everyone should visit Vegas at least once in their life. It is not for everyone ( Susan :D ) but should be seen at least.

    Susan we hope everything is going well for you and Cyrus!

    Happy Epiphany or Twelfth Night
    Twelfth Night is a festival, in some branches of Christianity marking the coming of the Epiphany. Different traditions mark the date of Twelfth Night on either 5th January or 6th January; the Church of England, Mother Church of the Anglican Communion, celebrates Twelfth Night on the 5th and "refers to the night before Epiphany, the day when the nativity story tells us that the three wise men visited the infant Jesus". In Western Church traditions the Twelfth Night concludes the Twelve Days of Christmas, although in others the Twelfth Night can precede the Twelfth Day. Bruce Forbes wrote that " "In 567 the Council of Tours proclaimed that the entire period between Christmas and Epiphany should be considered part of the celebration, creating what became known as the twelve days of Christmas, or what the English called Christmastide. On the last of the twelve days, called Twelfth Night, various cultures developed a wide range of additional special festivities. The variation extends even to the issue of how to count the days. If Christmas Day is the first of the twelve days, then Twelfth Night would be on January 5, the eve of Epiphany. If December 26, the day after Christmas, is the first day, then Twelfth Night falls on January 6, the evening of Epiphany itself."
    A belief has arisen in modern times, in some English-speaking countries, that it is unlucky to leave Christmas decorations hanging after Twelfth Night, a tradition originally attached to the festival of Candlemas (2 February) which celebrates the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.

    “Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.” ~Thomas L. Holdcroft

  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    edited January 2015
    @Robin I hate when that happens! It happens to me a lot when I post from my phone which is why you can usually tell when I post from my phone they are shorter and don't address as many people. I'm going to go check that post out now.

    @WalkingQueen I had long hair almost halfway down my back until about 2 months ago when I cut and donated 12" and went to shoulder length. I have really thick hair that lays pretty flat, but my grays are all kinky curly odd so long or short I have to blow dry to keep those puppies from standing straight up on me. I love having my hair this length I can still get it out of my face when needed but it doesn't take as long to wash/dry and I still have enough length that if I'm feeling fancy I can curl it (but trust me I rarely feel fancy enough to spend the time to curl my hair). I teach as well so quick hair is a necessity (because not only am I getting ready but I have 3 girls under 10 to get ready as well - thankfully DH sticks around in the morning and does breakfast with them which gives me time to get us all ready).

    Almost all of my food for the day is packed with me today. I have a meeting from 3-4:30 and another at 5:30 tonight and I live just far enough away from home that it doesn't make sense to drive home and then back (about 20 minutes out) so DH will come grab the kids from me between meetings and I'll eat my supper in my classroom before heading to meeting 2. Another day fully pre-planned so it helps me stay on track. I need to remember a few weeks from now that even though it is a pain in the booty to come down and pack my lunch/snacks for the day after I get the kids to bed I NEED to do it for ME!

    Daily Calorie Challenge: 5/6 (with all the food I packed I still have 300 calories left when I get home so I feel good counting today)!

    All In:
    -Get in a quick walk (probably inside the building as it is negative bajillion degrees out) between my meetings
    - Walk for 10 minutes during lunch
    -Clean kitchen counter when I get home
    - One load of laundry wash/dried/put away when I get home
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Ah yes Tom. I am de-Christmasing today, though I am not concerned about bad luck.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    edited January 2015
    I am not sure if the picture popped up but I am thinking about a cut like this for tomorrow.
    Tuesday's goal is to get some food shopping done. Trying to not spend so much money on food at work. I will write more later. Also was thinking of doing this nice thing for my co-worker who lost a baby at 37 weeks. They actually got permission to take the baby home and take professional pics with him in their house for 3hrs, with that being said I was thinking of writing them a poem in remembrance of their son. Does the poem thing seem weird?
    I have done a lunch walk 2/20
    3/31 for under calories
  • klp555
    klp555 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone... I'm new here. Just starting out and hoping to just be with others doing the same thing! I have over 100#s to lose and getting started has just been the hardest thing to do! I have two young kinds, 2 & 4 and was just recently put on a CPAP to help me breathe at night. Ugh. I want to get rid of this machine so bad.

    Anyway I look forward to getting to know you all. :)
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited January 2015
    I think the poem would be lovely Holly. What a tough thing to lose a baby like that.
    As for the haircut: go for it. Looks to me like you have enough hair to pull it off.
  • Watraders
    Hey Every one! Waqas here from Lahore Pakistan. I am also intending to loose 100 lbs. I have gained over 100 lbs in past 6 years because of the bad choices i made! Have tried to loose weight earlier too but ended up loosing. I feel i am still struggling but i want to loose it for good this time! seeking motivation and assistance of friends here who may have been in a similar situation like I am.

  • loosaedna
    loosaedna Posts: 20 Member
    hello everyone I haven't been on in a couple of days I really haven't been feeling well. I am so frustrated. I have been keeping up with my calories I'm at 5/30 days under calories called my old doctor today they did a test for diabetes and because they no longer are my doctor decided not to call me back and tell me I do have it. Of course called all around and couldn't find a doctor to take me but finally found one I can go to on Monday but was told he is going to take his own test so I will have to weight on starting to get treated for it. I don't know what to do I am so scared and have been crying all day because my dad got diabetes and 3 years after he died of cancer. Now I am just freaking out. Sorry guys I haven't read anyone's posts but I promise to try and get on later today if feeling better and read everyone's. i hope everyone has a blessed day.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen‌ - That haircut is sassy! I like it! And I think a poem for the parents would be lovely.

    @RobinsEgg‌ - It sucks that you lost all your responses, but what you did write was hilarious. :smiley:

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - I get called Michelle/Martha/Matilda on a regular basis. No worries.

    AFM (<-- look! I'm figuring out the lingo!) this was Day 2 of my Miracle Morning routine. I set the alarm for 5:30 today, because why not? Woke up before the alarm but figured it was 5-ish, so started the "wake up" routine. As I was making the bed, I looked at the clock 2:56AM!!!!! Nope. No way. Not happening. I went back to bed until the alarm went off, then did my routine. Still had to take a nap this morning, but other than that, I'm feeling good!

    MFP Weekly Goals: January 4-10

    Diet Goals

    * Make a meal plan and stick with it! - working on it!
    * At/Under calorie limit 5/7 days - 1/7
    * No fast food 4/7 days - 0/7
    * Create meal plan for Sissy Night (my night with nieces & nephews) with healthy options for me - DONE

    Excercise Goals

    * Gym for at least 30 minutes of cardio at least 3/7 days - 1/7
    * Find short yoga routine to do at home as part of Miracle Morning - DONE 2/7

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 1/7
    * Refill pill box when empty

    Personal Goals

    * Finish reading The Miracle Morning - I have a few chapters left to read
    * Create Miracle Morning routine and implement 5/7 days - DONE 2/7

    Cleaning Goals

    * Declutter kitchen - decluttered one set of cupboards and the pantry on Sunday night

    Work Goals

    * Edit PR pitch and sent to partner for review - DONE
    * Write mag profile #1 and send out for review
    * Write mag profile #2 and send out for review
    * Write mag profile #3 and send out for review
    * Invoice magazines
    * Set up interviews for profile #4 and feature article
    * Figure out shopping cart issue for e-commerce site
    * Sub at high school on Thursday

    January All-In Goals

    * Login to MFP daily - 6/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 1/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 3/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • robinrmcfal
    robinrmcfal Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm here for the long haul & need encouragement & hope to give some as well. Please add me because I can't seem to figure out how to add friends. Lol. I turned down donuts this morning! He asked me 3 stinking times!!!
  • Rozie1019
    **WHEW** I thought I lost all I typed. I closed my other browser page and started scrolling around and forgot I was posting when I realized I hit the back button a few times. Thank goodness for that.

    Good morning. I am officially back as of today. I have been having a stressful time, between work, my car, and my house. Just a lot of things going on. But I realized I really need to focus on me and my health. I Currently have no immediate access to weight lifting equipment and no money to join a gym. So I think, depending on how I am feeling later due to TOM, I am going to start 30 day shred when I get home. I have read good things about it. Anyone here do it and like it?

    I am starting the all in challenge today. My personal challenge is to exercise at least 4 times a week. I still have time to do my 4 times this week. I am excited, I am pumped, I WILL do this! I am trying to phase back into more of the paleo/clean eating diet. I guess it would be more primal since I will be adding some dairy back in. I'm not labeling it though. I am just going to avoid junk, gluten, and soy really. Gluten and soy mess me up. Another personal all-in challenge start caring more about my appearance. I used to do my hair and make-up every single day in HS and most of college. I Love to do my hair and make-up but I never give myself time any more. I give myself about 15 minutes to use the restroom, brush my teeth and hair, throw my hair into a ponytail or bun, get dressed, grab my stuff and go. I get everything ready the night before. I'm not a morning person and I am totally unable to shower in the morning, even in the summer it's just too cold for me. My office is super chill. We wear jeans and a t-shirt most days, well I don't wear jeans my current body shape doesn't fit jeans well, even though my DH says different. I wear leggings, yoga pants, etc.

    mnwalkingqueen- I think that cut would look good with your face shape! I would love to chop my hair real short again but I have worked for a long time to get my hair to the length it is now.

    Robin- thanks for the welcome back. I appreciate it.

    Have a great day!

    Under calories- /26
    Exercise- /7
    Appearance- /26

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @robin - I'm in Charlotte NC so we get to fly across the country to get to CA. Napa vacation planning is well under way. 3 most important things are done: flights booked, rental house booked and dog sitter scheduled. We don't go until June so I'm (for once) feeling way ahead of schedule!

    @skinnyjeanz - Glad I'm not the only one who has better intentions than follow through. I suggested to DH that we spend 30 minutes on both Saturday and Sunday working on the attic. At least it would be a start. I had to laugh when you said Gunner holds the weather against you personally. My nickname on days when it's raining is "First Penguin". I have to go outside first and if I survive the rain, my dog will then come out. No sense taking chances.... at least in his mind.

    AFM - Working hard at getting my eating under control. I'm also working on changing my mind set as far as what I'm trying to accomplish. I have to stop thinking that I need to lose 130 pounds. I did, but now I need to lose 32. I have to focus on that and forget what's done and gone.

    Hope everyone has a good day!

    Woops ... I caught that comment on better intentions than follow through ... and I wondered what your 'mantra' was?

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    @L2T~Napa sounds like a great vacay! I’m flying to San Francisco to catch a cruise ship in August—we’re talking about going a few days early to get in some sights.

    @Karen~Hooray for being below your ticker weight!

    @Holly~That’s a cute hairstyle, I think it will look great with your glasses. I’m doing the opposite, trying to grow my hair out (tons of kinky curls, so it takes longer :wink:). It is so hard to lose a baby; late term makes it even harder. Best wishes for your co-worker. I think a poem is a great sentiment.

    @loosedna~I’m very sorry for the diabetes diagnosis, it scary to receive that diagnosis at first but with the right support its a manageable condition. It is a treatable (even reversible) condition provided you follow a doctor’s advice to a “T.” I highly recommend taking diabetes education classes, they will help you create and follow a plan to keep your blood sugar under control. Did your old doctor say what your fasting blood sugar or A1C level was?

    AFM~Ten hour day yesterday, so no cardio--I think (fingers crossed) I'll be able to keep the session with my trainer today.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member

    IF YOU RECEIVE A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM a person named Brain...:stating something like this: "Hi there! I am a wellness and motivation coach! I have lost 100 lbs myself in this journey and offer my services for free to help motivate others. I'd love to work with you on your goals!"

    I don't mind single messages like this. But, if he is writing everyone or lots of us with the same message, that's "spamming" and its against the rules, and I need to report him. So, please let me know. His name again is Brain...with 3 numbers or so after the name.
    Thanks everyone!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    @Morgori - ah jeepers, Tom, I was confused. I always thought Twelveth (sp) night was the actual 12th and I am waiting til then to take down my tree, see what being a non-church goer does to ya? (I'm sure my papa would say the Gates of Hell are awaiting me for slipping up) o:):#>:) I'm really caught between the two forces, aren't I? LOL!

    @WalkingQueen - I think the poem would be appreciated very much, and would be saved by them. That personal touch means so much when a person has sustained such a loss. Many people turn their backs because they don't know what to say, or think, because it was a not fully developed infant, that there was not that much of a loss. Bless you for understanding their grief. It is just as deep as any one else's.
    As for the pic of the proposed haircut - I like it! Go for it! You would look darling that way!
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Anyone else having a hard time getting back into the swing of things? With the move, holidays, etc. . . I was trying to give myself a “little” leeway, but I know it’s time to get right back on track. I know when I was doing the boot camp and eating high protein the weight was coming off. I may not go so hard core this time, but need to go back in that direction. I’m just not very motivated and just want to sleep. I’ve been going non-stop since the move, holidays, etc. . . and I think I need a weekend to just do nothing. I’ll get back on track. At least I’m not gaining and just maintaining, which is a good thing.

    I’m going to use the rest of this week to clean out the pantry, fridge, etc. . . and plan my meals to cook this weekend then shop for the protein and veggies I’ll need. One day at a time. Right??!! I’m going to post later with my mantra and goals for myself. I took a while with personals to catch up from the past week. Sorry if I missed some folks.

    Welcome to all the new faces!! I know it’s tough joining a thread or discussion group with so much activity. Some folks have been on here for 4+ years and our fearless leader RobinsEgg aka Ellen started this wonderful group. I’ve been on here 2 ½ years. These folks are my friends and we support each other through life whether that’s eating, exercising, family, kids, pets, death, etc. . . You’ll find everyone to be supportive and no negativity, but some gentle butt kicking when we need it. LOL!! A lot of folks come and go, but you’ll find the same 10-15 people who always post almost daily or at least a few times a week. Jump in and get to know us. Post when you can, but this is the group. Like us or dump us!!!

    @ MNWalkingQueen (Holly) – Thanks for the encouragement. Why is it so often our loved ones and people who should care the most can hurt us the most? I’ll never understand. Also, I had to chuckle at your Trivial Pursuit comment. I’m in the same boat. I know what I know, but have some serious short term memory and can’t remember a thing. I’m lucky to get myself out the door every day. LOL!! Also, nice step count yesterday. Good for you!

    @ MountMary – NE Wisconsin? Brrrr!! I’ve only been to Wisconsin twice business (cheese plants – surprise, surprise) and always try to go during the summer. Also, I read your post about the two deer. Holy cow!! It’s so scary and can cause some serious injury. I’m glad you guys were OK!!! I would have eaten a whole barrel of French Onion Dip with my bag of chips. Stress eating would have happened to me too. Hugs my friend!

    @ LaurieK – You’ve had some busy holidays and it sounds like you’ve been having a little fun too. Good for you! Good luck getting back to school this week. I know it’s going to be a long week for all the teachers. Also, regarding your Mom and Dad, you're an AMAZING daughter. I know you've been so focused on them, but it's time for YOU! Yes, you have your trainer, rock climbing, and those things you've made part of your everyday life. But, you are missing the social aspect and unfortunately girlfriend we're not getting any younger. You need this independence and not to feel guilty one bit. If you want a girls night, party or even have a guy friend over for movie night, you don't have that independence of your own place. You're still in the same hometown or will be close enough to get there if need be. It's not like you're moving out of state or hours away. They will be just fine. You need to do this for YOU!!!!

    @ MKknits – When you mentioned organization, I’m not sure if you’re on Facebook, but I found this really cool group called A Bowl Full of Lemons. It’s a woman’s blog too, but it’s basically a page for home organization. It’s a huge mix of people from singles to houses full of 10+ people. There’s everyone from big houses to little shacks (as one woman wrote), but the whole goal is helping each other be better organized no matter how big or small the task. Baby steps!

    @ RobinsEgg (Ellen) – WOW! What a phone call with Kevin. I’m sure everything was just a blur for him. I hope things are OK for him. Many of us have been there and know that pain. Congrats on the new MFP role! I know the impact you've made on me and keeping this group going. They're lucky to have you!!

    @ Skinny (Karen) – You’re advice to MKknits last week was right on target. I’ve used that excuse for years. I’ve been so focused on Cyrus and making sure he’s on target that I totally neglected myself and didn’t think I was worth it. I’m slowly learning I need to break that habit. Now I just use it as an excuse. Thanks for the reminder!! As far as my sister, for now she’s staying in Vegas. I wouldn’t be surprised if she moves back to the south by summer though. She may go stay with my parents for a while. With being debt free and basically no bills, she can do and go wherever. She still has her condo in ATL that she gets rent money from so she has some money coming in on a monthly basis. It’s paid off, which is good. I guess I’ll know once she decides. Also, LOVED your students posts and you’ve touched so many students. This was just one of them, but I know you’ve impacted a TON. Good for you!!! Also, yikes on the neighbor’s house – very scary and once again the MIL strikes. Hate that for you!!!

    @ GrandmaKaye – Yes, black eyed peas and you can’t forget your collard greens. Very southern tradition on New Years.

    @ MaryPoppins- My best friend lives in OH. She’s in the Columbus area and another friend lives in Dayton. I’ve got friends really all throughout OH since I grew up in western PA near Erie. I love Columbus and it has some great places for kids like COSI, which is a huge interactive Children’s Museum. Plus, they have one of the best zoo’s, which is actually run by Jack Hanna. It’s an awesome place!

    @ NK1112 – You posted from my favorite musical of all time. I could watch it over and over again. Love me some Julie Andrews frolicking through the mountainside. LOL!!

    @ Kjeffries (Katrena) – 2014 was good with another major life change moving from Las Vegas back to Atlanta. It’s like coming home though so I was good with the move. I’m really looking forward to getting settled back in the south and starting to focus on ME and my health again.

    @ Cblue315 – Loved the Gloria Steinhem quote. So true! You’ve had a great year. While there were some hurdles, you have made some HUGE strides. So proud of you and keep pushing hard!!!

    @ RobinB – Welcome back!!! It’s so good to see you again and I can’t wait to catch up. 18 lbs? No biggie!! You’ll have that off before you know it.

    @ Mr. & Mrs. Morgori – Loved the 2014 Highlights!!! You guys are an awesome couple and so glad I got to meet you both. I just wish we could have gotten together more often.

    @ Kah68 (Kelley) – Love the mantra! I need to remember that every day. It’s so true and I could post your exact same paragraph. SPIN, yoga and kickboxing? You’re living on the edge this year. LOL!!!

    @ Tlh0407 – Great seeing you again! I was in and out the past 4 months plus had a major changed and moved back to GA. Lots going on, but I look forward to supporting you again!! Congrats to your sister and for her future family. I know it was tough, but I did have to chuckle at the “I hate you”. I think it’s inevitable our precious children will say something along the line. I’m waiting for the “I’m going to live with Dad”. It hasn’t happened yet (thank goodness), but I’ve heard some others like I’m the worst mom ever. I just kill him with kindness.

    @ Tanya – Great seeing you again and I’m reading back a few pages too. I believe your mantra too I need to hear daily – One day at a time. I have to stop focusing so much on the future and handle the present day. Great advice!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    @Susan... Me! It took me 6 months to get back in the swing of things! I started again yesterday with eating. I was able to maintain my weight for the 6 months due to being very active. Now I'm less active because of the cold weather so I'm focusing on my diet. Pick one if you can't get yourself back in full gear, at least you are doing something that will move you in the right direction.

    @Melifornia... I used to really struggle with protein because I rarely eat meat. My snacks are greek yogurt, cheese strings, almonds and/or sunflower seeds with raisins, homemade protein bars... for breakfast I add protein to my smoothies and have one egg and 3 egg whites. For dinner I usually have something made with quinoa, beans or lentils, I add chick peas to my salad, and cheese to casseroles, soups and salads... usually feta or parmesan.

    @Karen... congrats on your new low weight! I haven't seen a new low for 6 months, still a few lbs shy and waiting for Onderland...but it's coming this year, I just know it!!

    @Laurie... I am so impressed by your fitness and exercise, and how you've kept at it so long and varied your activities. I was there several months ago, but the strength training has dropped off, though I was still very active with hiking and kayaking. I need to get back to physio and get back with the program.

    @mnwalkingqueen... Love that style, I think it would look great on you!

    AFM... I have a fitbit force, the one that was recalled due to the band material causing skin rashes. I've had it since last February... and guess what... I just got a rash. I noticed it this morning, so I took it off. So now I'm looking at returning it for a refund and getting the new fitbit Charge with HR monitor. That would be cool I think, I hate putting the HR monitor chest strap and watch on before every workout. I will have to see what else is out there as the new Apple healthkit app does not support fitbit.

    I have been staring at a bag of ingredients left over from Christmas... marshmallows, peanut butter, rice krispies. My mom made me bring it all home after making a batch there for Christmas and today I decided I would make the last batch. Then I got to thinking about how I could possibly make it healthier. Add protein powder! I omitted some of the cereal and added some protein powder after melting the butter and marshmallows and knew right away it was not going to work LOL. The powder takes a lot of moisture to mix, which this certainly did not have. So I stirred like a mad woman to try to get it all mixed up. I had to ditch that idea and make them into balls instead, which actually worked except for the last cup or so of cereal that just didn't mix. I came away with 26 balls, which are 117 calories and 5g of protein each. Tons of fat and carbs but I concentrate on calories and protein :p Two of them will fit easily into my calorie allotment as an evening snack. Now normally I would just eat a bunch for dinner, but I have quinoa casserole and lentil soup all ready in individual containers for me to heat up and eat... that food prep and planning is really paying off.

    One day at a time.
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    Oh, and someone was asking what to bring to work if there was not a microwave... I have a microwave at work, but I found it such a hassle to bring food like salad, soup, casserole etc. because the fridge is 1. disgusting and 2. full of disgusting things that have been there forever and 3. the microwave is equally disgusting. So I bring a cooler bag with a frozen water bottle that keeps food chilled, and bring a sandwich and lots of snacks. I leave my main course for dinner. If it were the other way around, I'd eat my main course at home and eat my sandwich for dinner at work.