Starting April 25th "T.E.A.M. Zumba"- Let's Go!!!!



  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Woohoo Kay!!!

    Workout # 7 Zumba Gold 45 min, 266 cals burned. Love my Gold ladies :love:

    Tonight, I'm doing a special Cinco De Mayo class...should burn some serious calories!
  • cinca
    cinca Posts: 25
    Is it too late to join? I've been going to zumba classes for three weeks already, at least five times per week. :)
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Is it too late to join? I've been going to zumba classes for three weeks already, at least five times per week. :)

    Nope, never too late to join!!! Welcome :flowerforyou:

    Workout #8 54 min Zumba - 417 cals burned...since I've lowerd my weight on my heart rate monitor, I'm not burninmg as many calories :grumble:

    Also did 45 min of weightlifting, burned 302 cals.

    Go onandshake it ladies!!
  • anjelt
    anjelt Posts: 21
    Oh I think I am on workout # 3

    durartion 1 hour
    calories burned 522.
  • pinktink88
    pinktink88 Posts: 29
    id love to join T.E.A.M zumba. i have it on the wii and i started doing it on 2/05.
    i do intermediate level at 45mins, omg it is such a workout. i would love to go to one of the classes, when my little boy is a bit older.
    i will add stats later.
  • cinca
    cinca Posts: 25
    Here are my stats as of Monday:

    weight: 217
    height: 5'0"

    chest: 43.75
    neck: 16
    waist: 40.5
    arm: 14
    hips: 47.75
    thighs: 26

    workout #3, 45 min class, burned 610 cal. (per my HRM)
  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    had a weigh-in last night and i'm down .4lbs WOO HOO lol ;)
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    I wanna join!!!!!!!!! I love zumba for it to late? this would be the perfect motivation!
  • samii3489
    samii3489 Posts: 1
    Hi! I would like to join please!! My FI bought me the Zumba on Kinect for Valentines day and I've been really getting into it this past week. I gained about 20 pounds in the last year or so .. just tried on the wedding dress I bough a year and a half ago - doesn't f***ing fit me! So now I'm panicing, because I get married June 26th and the fitting is June 11th! If this board isn't enough motivation, that wake up call was. Basically, I need to lose 10-15 pounds in the next month and a half. COUNT ME IN. Did Work out #1 Intermediate 45 minutes (#1). I don't remember my points. 455ish. :) That was last night and this morning I did Intermediate #2 for 45 minutes. Are you guys eating more calories because you are burning so much? I really just want to stick to my 1200...
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Welcome to the TEAM new Zumba gals!!!

    Mustangurl - congrats on your success so far, woohoo!!! :drinker:

    Samii - sorry to hear about the wedding dress :frown: But exercising and eating right will get you on your way!!! There is a lot of controversy about eating your exercise calories back. I try to eat mine back, but sometimes I can't get all of them. That's something that everyone has to figure out for themselves. I know MFP does not recommend going lower than 1200 net.

    Good luck!

    And gooooo TEAM!!!:flowerforyou:
  • kswietek
    kswietek Posts: 80
    60 min zumba class tonight!!! Great work out!!! Wish I would start to see some results, ugh!!!
  • erniemj
    erniemj Posts: 187 Member
    HI - new to this thread! I have been doing zumba 2x a week since the end of January - I actually had three classes this week - burned 621, 587, and 585 (I estimated this one, forgot to turn on the HRM until 10min into the class) calories for each one. I really like my instructor, very high impact, focus on the aerobic portion vs. the more dance skills, keeps my heart rate up!! Love it!!
  • lovezumba
    lovezumba Posts: 26
    Is it too late to join this? I just got my ZUMBA last friday and I have been doing it everyday!!! I absolutely love it!!!
  • anjelt
    anjelt Posts: 21
    workout #4 20 minute beginner!

    workout #5 20 mintue beginner!

    down .2. That makes me happy!!!
  • Raven00
    Raven00 Posts: 67
    I have been doing zumba all this week so far :-)
    I do the DVDS beginner workout 20mins
    and the sculpt and tone with toning sticks 50mins I LOVE IT!!!!
    I have lost 2pounds already and I am Excited yay!
    Also why?! Is zumba not added to the dance choices?
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Okay, I am officially entering my stats and starting T.E.A.M. Zumba!

    Workout #1 & #2 - Started yesterday afternoon with the step by step dvd, then did the Activate dvd last night. Total cals burned both workouts = 1095! Wowzers! And it was SO much fun!

    Workout #3 - Did Activate dvd this morning = 577 cals burned and I can't wait to do it again!

    Stats as of this morning:

    Weight: 209 lbs
    chest: 43"
    waist: 36 1/2"
    hips: 48 1/2"
    thighs: 29"
    arm: 14"

    GO T.E.A.M Zumba!!!!!!!!
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi! I would like to join please!! My FI bought me the Zumba on Kinect for Valentines day and I've been really getting into it this past week. I gained about 20 pounds in the last year or so .. just tried on the wedding dress I bough a year and a half ago - doesn't f***ing fit me! So now I'm panicing, because I get married June 26th and the fitting is June 11th! If this board isn't enough motivation, that wake up call was. Basically, I need to lose 10-15 pounds in the next month and a half. COUNT ME IN. Did Work out #1 Intermediate 45 minutes (#1). I don't remember my points. 455ish. :) That was last night and this morning I did Intermediate #2 for 45 minutes. Are you guys eating more calories because you are burning so much? I really just want to stick to my 1200...

    I eat back my calories, or as much as I can without them being empty just for the sake of eating them back. I'm not always successful at eating them all back though.

    Congrats on the marriage! I know that you will rock it out so hard and that dress will totally fit when you need it too!

    Best of luck and let's rock this thing!
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    Congrats to all the ladies reporting weight loss already!!! You go girls!! Isn't it fantastic you can lose weight doing something so fun!?!?! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I am down another pound this week after being at a plateau for 2 weeks. I'm just trying to get to the lower end of my goal range and it is tough!!

    Workout # 8 -60 min Zumba Toning, burned 386calories. I have a 2 hour Zumbathon to go to tonight, I'm hoping to burn at least 500 cals, I don't ususally dance the whole time at those things.

    Keep shaking it ladies!!!
  • cinca
    cinca Posts: 25
    workout #4, 45 min class, burned 845 cal

    workout #5, wii beginner 30 mins, burned 466 cal.

    I also did 15 min walk on treadmill. :happy:
  • jenomaha
    jenomaha Posts: 631 Member
    workout #9 - 2 hr Zumbathon!!! Oh what fun, burned 896 calories...I'm pooped, lol!!
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