Would anyone like to join me for a "Just for Today" goals for the month of January



  • loujen1
    loujen1 Posts: 36 Member
    RachelSD7 wrote: »
    I love this method. Thank you for starting a thread!
    Just for today, I took it easy on myself. I worked hard to keep my chin up, questioned my cravings (turned out I was cold, not hungry) and went to a fitness class I didn't want to go to. Had so much fun, and found my motivation to come home and eat a salad. I even squeezed in 20 push ups (with some motivation from my boyfriend). Tomorrow I'll squeeze in a little more exercise too!

    Great job, be proud of yourself and do it again tomorrow!
  • loopeeta
    loopeeta Posts: 4 Member
    Just for today - up my water intake, walk at lunch (did that!), buy healthier snacks
  • Canuckgirl77
    Canuckgirl77 Posts: 123 Member
    What a fantastic idea!

    Jan 7/15
    Just for today:

    1. I will make sure to log any item that goes in my mouth, no matter how small - :)
    2. I will be positive about the changes that I am making - :)
    3. I will do 60 mins of Zumba and love how hard it is - :)

    Jan 8/15
    Just for today:

    1. I will say "NO" to having something sweet late in the afternoon
    2. I will buy some extra fruits/veggies to take to work for snacks
  • kln92
    kln92 Posts: 1 Member
    this is a great idea! just for today I will do yoga before I go to bed.
  • I am new to mfp and today I am over my calories by 35, I am finding it hard to maintain satisfaction. I am NOT a water drinker nor do I drink much of anything - tomorrow is a new day and I hope to stay under the calories, just for today, i forgive myself
  • Kdrules
    Kdrules Posts: 49 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Yesterday ---

    1. DO not get discouraged. One day at a time. :'( Did not do this. I get so discouraged when the weight does not come off faster. Need to change the mindset.
    2. Look for a low - calorie item on the menu when eating out tonite with my friend. We are eating at a Mexican Restaurant - so choose something healthy. :):\ KInda - had a appetizer, chicken quesidella, which I guessed as low in calories. But gave in and had a margarita! Good, but later, wondering if it was worth the calories.
    3. Drink water :):)
    4. Walk around the mall to get in my walking after eating out tonite. :):) 45 minutes of walking after dinner!

    Just for today, 1/8

    1. I am really struggling with keeping my sugar low, so need to concentratate on NO Sugar.
    2. Do not become obsessed with what the scale says. Just concentrate on eating healthy.
    3. Drink more water

    I love so much reading everyone's posts. And yes Jackie -- so excited about your new little granddaughter to come soon!!!

  • chitchatcatt
    chitchatcatt Posts: 19 Member
    Just for today, I will NOT eat that whole pan of homemade rice krispie treats. I only ate two today, I will eat the rest tomorrow. (Just kidding)
  • Kdrules
    Kdrules Posts: 49 Member
    Today was great as far as my new life style change. I meditated i ate every 3 hours or do i stuck to plan i am following the 100 by jorge cruise. No more than 100 sugar calories. I walked for 10 minutes.. now i am laying here full and happy. Oh yeah most important i took time for myself today by writing goals showing with my good smelling shower gel and bought me some pj's. Thank God for good days
    I have 100 pounds to go. Hopefully by next week i will report i lossed some weight. I am hoping for a 5 pound first week lost
  • Kdrules
    Kdrules Posts: 49 Member
    loujen1 wrote: »
    RachelSD7 wrote: »
    I love this method. Thank you for starting a thread!
    Just for today, I took it easy on myself. I worked hard to keep my chin up, questioned my cravings (turned out I was cold, not hungry) and went to a fitness class I didn't want to go to. Had so much fun, and found my motivation to come home and eat a salad. I even squeezed in 20 push ups (with some motivation from my boyfriend). Tomorrow I'll squeeze in a little more exercise too!

    Great job, be proud of yourself and do it again tomorrow!
    Just for today, I will NOT eat that whole pan of homemade rice krispie treats. I only ate two today, I will eat the rest tomorrow. (Just kidding)

  • Kdrules
    Kdrules Posts: 49 Member
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    I love this. I posted once in your last thread. I think I need the support of everyone else here.

    My just for today for January 9 2015:

    Wake up early for an at home workout
    Drink at least 2 litres of water

    The only junk I will eat tomorrow is my pizza (Tomorrow is our weekly pizza movie night)
  • shubhajp
    shubhajp Posts: 41 Member
    Just for today: January 9 2015:

    1) eat healthy, smaller portions.. less carbs and more protein,fibers.
    2) drink 10 to 12 glass of water
    3) stay active and avoid staying on the couch
    4) walk for an hour
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,747 Member
    Just for today 1/8
    1. Morning run :):D:)
    2. Start heavy cleaning :'(:'(
    3. Hot tea for voice :D:D
    4. Crochet or book (time for myself) ;);)

    Just for today 1/9
    1. Morning run
    2. Healthy food choices for lunch (going out to lunch with friends)
    3. Water water water
    4. Remember consistency with diet & workouts is THE KEY to a successful journey!
    5. Take hubby on walk!

    Sorry my eyes are tired so posting really quickly! Love love all the new posts! JUST FOR TODAY!

  • welshpoppy
    welshpoppy Posts: 114 Member
    I missed a few days but stuck to my goals . For today
    Stick to calories
    Log all food
    Drink lots of water
    No. Chocolate

    Hope we all stick to our goals today.
  • floatfitness
    floatfitness Posts: 8 Member
    Just for today I will drink my 1 gallon of water!
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    January 8 Just for Today I will
    1. Log everything I eat and stay in my goals :\ Well I did log everything but had a few cookies while I helped my daughter pack. Ah Well, today is another day
    2. Take a walk :)
    3. Enjoy these last couple of days with my daughter before she goes back to college.
    4. Treat her as the adult she is now. Suggestions are OK, but do not tell her what to do. :D Well, mostly anyway. I think I went back into Mom mode when trying to get her things packed up. ;)

    January 9 Just for today I will
    1. Log everything I eat and stay in my goals
    2. Take a Walk
    3. Stay positive. Work will be crazy and we have a lot of packing to do, but getting upset will not make any of it better.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,270 Member
    Yesterday, 1/8

    1. I am really struggling with keeping my sugar low, so need to concentratate on NO Sugar. :)
    2. Do not become obsessed with what the scale says. Just concentrate on eating healthy. :)
    3. Drink more water :'( Did not get in nearly enough water yesterday

    Just for today, 1/9

    1. PLAN things to do in the evenings to keep from eating. Tonite's plan - clean my office.
    2. Log everything that I eat
    3. Get out for a walk - just bundle up, and do it!

    Good luck everyone. I can't believe its already january 9th!! Summer will be here before we know it -- wishful thinking!
  • Oops, I seem to have caught this a bit late. Never mind. Just for today I will go for a walk
  • JDownie91
    JDownie91 Posts: 78 Member
    Just for today, 1/8/15,
    I will NOT be upset about going over my calories (going out to dinner to celebrate my birthday). That being said, I am planning to only have 2 pieces of large pizza and a small or regular size ice cream. >> Accomplished, although I went overboard on donuts :(
    I will eat an abundant amount of veggies at lunch and before going out to help myself feel full. >> Did not do, due to being full from donuts!! :\
    I will also try to get to 100oz of water today... its an elusive thing for me these days, used to be no problem at all!!! >> Success!

    Just for today, 1/9/15,
    1. Drink 100oz of water
    2. Log everything!!
    3. Oh, and don't eat the donuts ;)
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    I need a just for today I will not have any alcohol as an everyday goal.
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    Just for today I will not be mad at myself for gaining 48 lbs back. I will simply lose it again.
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    edited January 2015
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 01/08
    1. Do 10 minutes of meditation :)
    2. log everything I eat :( after "completing" my diary for the day, i munched and didn't go back and log :(
    3. Just breathe, all things will pass. :neutral_face: eh, I don't think I did this either.

    Just for Today 01/09
    1. Do 10 minutes of meditation
    2. log every morsel I eat
    3. Do not let my weight determine my mood. Give myself a break - there's a lot of crap going on right now.
  • babbalita
    babbalita Posts: 25 Member
    Just for today 01/09
    1. Log all my food
    2. Drink all my water
    3. Treat myself as I would my best friend.
    4. Plan my grocery list & meals for success.
  • shubhajp
    shubhajp Posts: 41 Member
    Just for today: 01/10:
    1) Eating healthy, smaller portions
    2) Staying active
    3) exercise for one hour...
    4) Avoid boredom eating...
  • Xpecta
    Xpecta Posts: 451 Member
    Xpecta wrote: »
    I love this. I posted once in your last thread. I think I need the support of everyone else here.

    My just for today for January 9 2015:

    Wake up early for an at home workout
    Drink at least 2 litres of water

    The only junk I will eat tomorrow is my pizza (Tomorrow is our weekly pizza movie night)

    I stuck to all my goals!! I'm happy about that!

    Just for today for January 10 2015

    Make a healthy well rounded dinner.
    I will exercise at least 30 minutes
    I will drink at least 2 litres of water.
  • losingrae wrote: »
    losingrae wrote: »
    just for today 1/3

    1. i will get in 8 glasses of water (this is a challenge on weekends, when I'm not stuck at a desk with a glass sitting next to me) :)
    2. do 5 minutes of meditation :)
    3. log everything I eat :):):)

    I feel pretty proud on logging what I eat! Logging is something I have only done when I'm on top of things, so of course everything looks good. But lately, I'm working on logging the good, the bad and the ugly.

    Yes, I find keeping my diary secret helps me be completely honest. Other times feel like sharing it keeps from eating something i will have to admit. Try it both ways, see what works best.

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,747 Member
    Just for today 1/9
    1. Morning run (late morning) :\:\
    2. Healthy food choices for lunch (going out to lunch with friends) :D:D (Hubby and I ended up just going to lunch)
    3. Water water water :):)
    4. Remember consistency with diet & workouts is THE KEY to a successful journey! :):)
    5. Take hubby on walk! :):)

    Just for today 1/10
    1.Plan day out
    2. Remember NO MATTER what scale says, it's ONLY NUMBERS! Keep moving forward!
    3. Either gazelle or ANOTHER walk with hubby!

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,747 Member
    edited January 2015
    losingrae wrote: »
    losingrae wrote: »
    just for today 1/3

    1. i will get in 8 glasses of water (this is a challenge on weekends, when I'm not stuck at a desk with a glass sitting next to me) :)
    2. do 5 minutes of meditation :)
    3. log everything I eat :):):)

    I feel pretty proud on logging what I eat! Logging is something I have only done when I'm on top of things, so of course everything looks good. But lately, I'm working on logging the good, the bad and the ugly.

    Yes, I find keeping my diary secret helps me be completely honest. Other times feel like sharing it keeps from eating something i will have to admit. Try it both ways, see what works best.

    Sometimes, I find sometimes people judge you by WHAT and HOW much you eat! There's times people tell me, I NEED to eat more! I'm been on MFP for three years and know what works for me, lol. When, I get sick of it off goes MY DIARY! Good luck with your journey
  • Hi
    I just started my journey on the 5th of Jan. I fell off really bad during the holidays. :( I know what I need to do just need to do it.

    Love your statements ladies..I want to join the group.

    1. Be consistent
    2. Drink the water .....so hard for me.
    3. Do some type of exercise every other day

  • kish1202
    kish1202 Posts: 2 Member
    This is my first time posting on MFP. So here goes. Just for today 1/10/15...
    1. I will log EVERYTHING I eat.
    2. I will not eat the crust off my kid's grill cheese sandwich.
    3. Up my water.