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  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    edited January 2015
    Heather in Northampton - My DH and I watched all of the episodes of Lost and loved it! We didn't start watching until my sister and niece told us about it so we missed the first couple of seasons. We didn't want to watch it out of order so we bought all of the seasons in DVD bundles. We would stay up way too late watching one episode after another. I'm glad we did it that way as having to wait a week between episodes would have been hard. It had a type of cult following and there were pages on Facebook where people would watch the show and talk about it while it was on and talk to others on Facebook. There were other sites on the Internet that would try to solve the different clues and figure out what was happening. Glad you're enjoying it. :smile:

    Tina in MD
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Went to the weight loss nurse and am actually down 3.5 lbs from last time. A pleasant surprise as I was sure I had gained over the holidays. Trying to exercise any way that I can but I find that cold weather puts quite a damper on my enthusiasm. Gone are the days when I would say "Let's go skidooing, it's only -15" Now I just want to stay inside and snuggle up under my warm fuzzy blanket.
    How do you get a ticker to show up here?
    It is warming up here. Yesterday we had a bit of Chinook. My DGDs built a Frosty but he didn't last long since things were melting. We took a photo because they were so pleased with him.
    Chico, our little dog, is giving some problems right now. He hates the cold so he did his business in the laundry room a few times. I thought we had that sorted out but we were wrong. He was with people most of the day but there was a hour and a half when everyone was gone so he did his business on the bedspread in the spare room. I think he was letting us know that he also hates being alone.
    The new from Paris saddened me immensely. Why do we humans keep doing this to each other? Love thy neighbour.
    Heather UK - I hope you feel better soon. Sri Lanka sounds exciting. Enjoy

    Vicki - The Y challenge seems like it is coming at the right time of the year. How about Wonder Women for your team name?

    MN Margaret - Thanks for the photos. Flowers are so good for the soul.

    Barbie - Reading " The Happiness Project" is on my to do list.
    I too have written down 5 things to be grateful for at the beginning of my journal entries. It has helped me to be calmer as I write and saved putting my pen right through the page.
    Yes, my surgeon told me I should kiss my doctor right on the lips. He said if they hadn't taken part of my intestine when they did I would have likely been dead in a month. Colon cancer goes undiagnosed in women so often. I urge everyone to have a colonoscopy.

    Tina - Angel is very cute. Thank you for giving her a chance for a good life.

    Joyce- Parenthood is one of my favourite shows. I'm sure you would have liked it.
    Wishing you all good health and fun on our journey to fitness
    -Sharon in Alberta.
  • heathermach
    heathermach Posts: 11 Member
    Good morning all, I hope you are all doing well today and looking forward to an active weekend.

    Heather in Hampshire I hope you are feeling better today.

    Tina - thanks for the comments nearly finished LOST now so look for recommendations of something else as exciting to watch - any ideas.

    We had a really windy night which was great and are looking forward to more of the same. Scotland seems badly hit with trees down and bridges closed, so glad I am in the Midlands.

    Am sitting in my classroom and it is really dark outside, the students are beginning to arrive so better get ready for the noise ha ha.

    Stay motivated and safe xx

    Heather in Northampton
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    edited January 2015
    I must have missed a day ? So many pages to catch up with (we are up to page 16 now :o ) I've spent half an hour reading, and still not caught up so thought I'd better do a quick post and catch up tonight.

    I had Wednesday off work and had a restful day. I had to go and get a blood test (not sure if I mentioned but when I was at the hopital visiting DH I picked something up off the floor and it turned out to be a needle and I pricked my thumb) Why I picked it up and fiddled with it I don't know but there you go. I have to go for another blood test in a few months and then again a few months after that.

    It turns out that my grandson Kain has epilepsy - thankfully it is the milder version and he has been given medication to keep it under control. They came to see me on Wednesday evening and the poor little lad looked exhausted, he'd not got much sleep in hospital. He was in good spirits though. His mum and dad will have to be careful though until they get used to giving him his medication etc. Think DS was getting a bit stressed with everything.
    It's my day off work today and I'm going food shopping. I have lost a bit of weight (with all the stress) and i'm trying soooo hard to keep it up but with healthy eating. My aim was to be 10 stone by my birthday at the end of March. So far I've lost almost half a stone (7lbs) my weight seems to go between 10 st 3 lbs and 10 st 5lbs. I'll stock up with fruit and veggies o:)

    Loved the cartoon posted by Diana (I think) it made me smile and also the family photo's from Rita - I think someone already mentioned that you look like your mum. Not forgetting the jokes by Mollywhippet.

    Better get ready - have a good day everyone and welcome to all the newcomers.

    Viv (Windy York UK)

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,289 Member
    morning ladies~
    yesterday was an unpaid day off, I went to see DFIL first off and bless his heart I got there at breakfast time, he no longer gets out of bed for breakfast.. so I fed him , and he did quite well..he ate all his maypo ,scrambled eggs,home fries,coffee and orange juice. from there I went and got my hair cut,stopped at walmart and got stuff to make chili and individual chicken pot pies, came home and took the dogs out quick,came in and started cooking.. froze the chili and let a pot pie out for DH for dinner tonight,
    I was so bad yesterday ,I just kept stuffing my face,and I dont know why.. I havent exercised and I feel like a slug.. I would love to find a piece of exercise equipment to have here so I dont have to go out in the bitter cold.
    I forgot who was talking about the insurance for colonoscopy, ours is the same, it will pay for the procedure, if they find polyps then it becomes a procedure and not covered.. I had one at 51, and he said I was clean as a whistle so I didnt have to go back for 5 years so another couple of years..
    working 11:30 till 5, and 7:30 till noon tomorrow and then off for the rest of the weekend. I am looking for a part time job to supplement our income,, but can only work a couple of days a week,
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sorry guys, not very chatty. Upset about Paris, work still hanging by a thread, eating not going well.
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning ladies.

    Margaretturk, I am loving your photos. I have a new laptop for Christmas so all of my photos are on my other computer. I am a horticulturist so I have a ton of flower pics. I will try and get some on here.

    I went a little over my calorie limit yesterday however not much and frankly that is OK compared to what I was doing.

    Grandmallie, that was me talking about insurance and colonoscopies and I got the same speech at first. I did have to pay for the biopsy and removal but they covered the procedure. At least she agreed to do it. It was like pulling teeth to get her to do one at the age of 41.

    As far as exercise, I am finally not sore today...yea! I am going to go to a step class this morning.

    Jeannine in Missouri
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good morning; looks cloudy out there today, to be a bit warmer today then super cold on Sat. again. Skipping gym today; will exercise at home.....going out just not appealing between the weather and amount of flu out there.

    Sylvia.........I've had two dogs and both absolutely insisted they were covered at night; one liked nothing better than to get all the way under the covers in bed and wiggle down and sleep by my feet. The other had a dog bed by our bed and tons of covers on it.

    Carol (peach).......Your dog never fails to make me smile every time I see that pic!

    pip......You look sooooo happy in that pic and it looks like the dogs might have got medals too! Love their names too.

    Robin.......YAY for Bodi........he's had such a tough time of it. I'm thrilled he's doing so well.

    Wow, I just realized everything I've written is about dogs.......they truly are family members!!!

    Margaret...........Beautiful lilly; actually found myself leaning forward to try to sniff........

    Beth........Would you please send a little of that snow south..........please?????

    Tina.........Cutie pie dog!!! What a great life you are giving her after such a horrific start!

    Sharon.........YAY for 3.5 down!!! Good for you.

    Viv.......So sorry Kain has epilepsy but glad it is mild and controlled.

    Well, the news is that the French killers are cornered. My DH lived for a good part of his childhood in France and we are both saddened and horrified by these acts of murder.

    Je Suis Charlie.

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
  • DianaLovesCoffee
    DianaLovesCoffee Posts: 398 Member
    Last night I took my unofficial-someday-to-be daughter in law for a girls night at Wine and Canvas. (No wine for us) They provide all the supplies and talk you through step by step painting a picture. They were all beautiful and all slightly different. Mine isn't display worthy, but I may hang it any way just to remember the night with her.

    I'm a little frustrated with my progress this week. I've done everything right. Logged everything. Significantly under calorie goal (goal is 1700 and I've been about 1500) and I've walked over 5 miles every single day and didn't eat back those calories. Yet I'm UP 1.5 pounds. I think I need to put away the scale and just weigh weekly.

    Thankful for a treadmill as it is below zero again today and supposed to get significant wind!

    Diana in Northeast Indiana
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Distirratt, don't be down! I've been within calories for most of the week and then binged last night. So of course I'm up 2 pounds this AM. And yes, I did drink wine. It is my nemesis.

    Taking the Pom to the vet. He has chronic hot spots due to allergies and once again needs a round of antibiotics and anti-itch meds. I think sitting on wet carpet from all the rain we had last week prompted this outbreak. Couldn't bathe him because he would just go back out and sit in mud puddles. I think most folks keep their poms inside most of the time but this one wants to be out from after breakfast until night. Hates to be inside.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,315 Member
    edited January 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding

    *Diana, I know the feeling. I've been stuck at the same weight for a week and I'm eating right, recording and exercising more. Maybe we will both get a "big" weight loss one of these days.

    *S Sweetheart, welcome. We are happy to have you with us and support your success. Keep us updated.

    *28banker, welcome. That is a very good point about not all calories being the same. Something for me to concentrate on as I'm stuck in one spot. I don't eat a lot of processed food, but will look hard to see if there are some I can limit. We're glad to have you with us.

    *Tina, Angel is a doll and does look like a loving girl.

    *Viv, how scary that you pricked yourself with that needle. Hopefully you will stay all clear. It's good that they caught Kain's epilepsy so they know how to care for it. My thoughts are with them.

    *Cynthia, yes the Paris situation is very upsetting. But you have to concentrate on you and spend a little time planning what you will eat. Unfortunately for all of us, that is an every day priority. You can do it!

    *Jeannine, glad you aren't sore today. Hang in there with the food.

    *yanniejannie, when it's this cold, I'd love it if one of my dogs would get under the covers by my feet. The bed is so cold to get in at night and seems to take forever to warm up. A little furry foot warmer sounds like just the thing. :)

    *peachstategal, I had to smile about your Pom wanting to be an outside dog. I have two small poodles and we are always talking about no matter what they look like, they are all just dogs. The little one's don't seem to know that they are supposed to be fru fru doggies. But boy do I hate having to clean them every time they come in from rolling in the dead grass and scratching any time they can find a bare spot with dirt/mud.

    *Welcome to any of the new ladies that I missed. We love having you with us and invite you to post often so we can get to know you. This is a very supportive group.

    I hope you all have a wonderful, happy and healthy day.
    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Janet: I mentioned other things besides Paris. One person's solution may not work for another. But thanks for your concern.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning everyone! We are supposed to have temps at or above freezing today, but snow. Another good day to stay indoors.

    Something happened yesterday that bummed me out, but not as bad as it would have two years ago. I was walking from the parking lot into the grocery store and stepped into the crosswalk in front of the store. A car was approaching and when I noticed it wasn't stopping, I stepped back. The guy on the passenger side (whose window was down for some reason despite the cold) said "Move your fat *kitten*!" I was sort of stunned. Nobody has said anything like that to me in a very long time. Now there are two main things that came to mind immediately. 1. This guy is a total meth-mouth trailer trash uneducated idiot jerk. and 2. He can't even SEE my *kitten* because my huge coat is covering it up. (I'm still wearing my 5X black pea coat.) Of course, later as I was stewing over it, I was ashamed to have even given it a moment's thought considering all the horrible things going on in the world. But the good news for me is that I never shed one tear over it. Two years ago I would not have been able to get out of bed for a week.

    Not much else going on here. I have some drafting to do this morning, then need to pack up my friends' artwork so I can return it to them on Monday.

    Diana, the Wine and Canvas thing sounds like such fun! I wouldn't have had any wine either.

    Jan, we got Molly a "Cave Bed" which is a round bed with a fixed cover over it that is held up a little bit by a little plastic tube. A smarter dog could figure out how to stick her nose under the tube and slide into the bed under the cover, but Molly is not exactly a rocket scientist. She's all beauty and no brains. She she can't figure it out. She also has a crate that is full of pillows and blankets. But, a dog bed on the floor is beneath her dignity. She prefers a nice sofa, and humans to cater to her every whim. Hey, maybe she's not as dumb as I thought?

    Tina, Angel is beautiful! I can't understand how people can do stuff like that to a sweet helpless animal. It's heartbreaking. She's lucky you found her.

    I'm sorry I'm having such a hart time keeping up with everyone. We've had so many new ladies since the first of the year and I'm enjoying reading about everyone. Love the pics of dogs and flowers and grandbabies! More please!

    Bye for now.


  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Sylvia: you were on a crosswalk and he yelled at YOU? What a...jerk. :flowerforyou:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,591 Member
    yannie - you r right, I was., that was I ran with rocky and he was slowing down, so the run was just a 5k and I was coaxing him to keep running so I wasn't thinking of winning or placing at all, but to my (and my husband) shock, I got first place in my age group with him!!, my husband got second in his age group. that ended up being the last run I did with him, he is now in doggy heaven. in my profile pic, the black one, Yogi will be a year on the 18th. he's got the energy, I think I found me a new running buddy when I run outside now. Bullwinkle is still with us but she can't run anymore, she'll be 10 this year
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    This is the joke of the day. I think some of us have seen it before, but there are so many few folks maybe they will enjoy it.


    An old man walks into a bar, sits down, and starts crying.

    The bartender asks, “What’s wrong?” The old man looks at the bartender through

    Teary eyes and between sobs says, “I married a beautiful woman two days ago. She’s a natural blonde, twenty-five, intelligent, a marvelous cook, a meticulous housekeeper,

    Extremely sensitive to my wants and needs, very giving, my best friend, and intensely passionate in bed.”

    The bartender stares at the old man for a brief moment and says, “But that sounds great! You have what every man wants in a woman, so why are crying?”

    The old man looks at the bartender and says, “I can’t remember where I live!”

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm glued to the news this morning, worried sick about the thing in Paris. My deepest regards to those effected.

    From Kansas, but having ancestors from France and Switzerland.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,952 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Weird thing today. Feel so much better that I zipped through my exercises with a PR on the elliptical. Felt lithe and flexible for the first time in weeks! Yesterday I was still cranky with the typhoid pill and slept in the afternoon, then in the evening on the sofa and then had a good night's sleep! ! ! ! Unfortunately I had to take a second pill this lunchtime so I'm waiting to see how it goes this evening. Hope I don't get those horrible aches again. :grumble: The last dose will be on Sunday. It is a live bacteria! ! ! ! ! ! !
    Felt so good this morning that I got through lots of things I'd been putting off. Changed the cylinder on my Sodastream, made my first ever sauerkraut, and got through small chores. They felt so impossible yesterday when I was down that I couldn't face them. Wish I felt that healthy all the time. Is there a bounce back effect from the immune response to the typhoid? Any medics out there know? Even my lymphodema arm felt less heavy!
    I don't think DH will take the typhoid capsules. :ohwell:

    Sylvia - that'll teach you to wear a too big coat! ! ! ! :laugh: Next time it will be "Move your skinny ***!"
    We are having Fish Chowder tonight. Must go and do the base for it.

    Love to all. Not watching the news until 6pm.

    Heather in gloomy Hampshire UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,591 Member
    does anybody tend to eat the same thing 5days a week? I do (including dinners) and I was just wondering. I know you would "think" that would get boring but I love what I eat and so far i'm not sick of it. I will chalk that up to my weirdness. :0/
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Diana in NE IN: I am no fan of running because I pound my knees and they’re not up to it. I use a bike for cardio. I am a fan of enjoyable exercise and if you enjoy running, I hope you’ll do a better job protecting your knees than I was able to do. Planning a summer vacation sounds like a wonderful thing to do. :flowerforyou:

    Rita: It is nice to see you posting more often. :flowerforyou:

    Vicki: What is a nustep? Good luck curbing the evening munchies. I like caffeine free mint tea in the evenings, with a small piece of dark chocolate. I am able to have just one piece of chocolate. I buy the chocolate that’s individually wrapped 50 calorie portions so I don’t have the temptation to finish a big piece of chocolate. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I’m glad your doctor appointment went well. Congratulations. :flowerforyou:

    Sue in TX: Nice to see you after a long absence. I hope you’ll be back often. :flowerforyou:

    Vicpoole: As long as you have internet service you have a ready group of people to support you. Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I don’t do well in heat, and hot yoga will probably never be a part of my life. I am sorely missing regular yoga at the moment. The new teacher won’t start until February. :flowerforyou:

    Sharon in Alberta: I have the link to my ticker saved onto the word document I use to compose most of my posts. I prefer writing in a word document because it is more reliable and I can edit my comments before posting them. Much of my editing is for spelling and grammar, but sometimes I rethink the wisdom or “positive nature” of a post. Prior to the word document, I lost a lot of posts and was frustrated redoing them. :flowerforyou:

    Viv: I’m sorry that your DGS has epilepsy but glad it is a form of that is treatable with medication. I can see why your DS is stressed. My kids are grown and their health worries are still stressful for me. When they’re little health problems are much more stressful. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I’d look for a stationary bike to have at home if I was you. I have one in my garage that is a real bike on a trainer. Barbie has a stationary one in her house and can knit, watch TV, and exercise all at once. I confess to a little envy. Good luck finding the right part-time job. :flowerforyou:

    Diana: When I’ve eaten at or below calorie goals and had a weight gain anyway, it usually goes back to something with too much sodium that has caused water retention. Drinking the water that I should be drinking but have slacked on often solves the problem. I think that alcohol can also cause water retention. As to plateaus—they’re a fact of life and seem to be part of healthy weight loss. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: The guy in the car was a total jerk. I suspect he gets back the kind of garbage he dishes out to others. (Karma.) As to the too big coat, I’ll bet it is cozy. I bought some clothes in smaller sizes as I lost weight and wasn’t always happy with the results. I’m clearly smaller around the middle, but I’m tall and have long arms that don’t work with the smaller sized long sleeved tops. The jacket I bought to replace the one I lost in the airport is a size bigger and is more comfortable because of the extra sleeve length. I can also stuff a whole bunch more layers under it in really cold weather. I love the old man joke. :flowerforyou:

    Pipcd: Our current dog is a Keeshond and so was the one before, but DH is tempted by black lab puppies lately. They’re awfully hard to resist. I don’t want more than one dog at a time, and neither does he, really. We live in a townhouse and don’t have the needed outside exercise space for a Lab. :noway: :flowerforyou:

    I am so sorry about the senseless killings in Paris. There is too much of this in the world, and I have a hard time understanding a religion that promotes it. Is it really the religion or is it a warped understanding of it? On the other hand, we seem to harbor whackos with no religious affiliation at all who attack innocent school children and shoppers in our country. It isn’t something I can understand. :cry:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi, all! Thanks for all of your suggestions regarding my daughter. I'm thinking this weekend, we will sit down and have a chat. This afternoon we are going shopping to see if I can find some stuff I need and/or want for the new place. Tomorrow, we empty out the old place of anything I want except the attic--I don't think either of us will be up to that. The only things I know that I want out of it are the storage containers I set up for keeping the children's baby/childhood "memories" in. I have no clue what else is up there.

    Just a little anecdote about the whirlwind that is my life right now: I went to Walmart to get some groceries and a couple of other things last night. I decided to splurge on a couple of 2-liter soft drinks since they've reduced the price (I rarely drink soda). I picked up a diet, caffeine free Pepsi and a diet, caffeine free Mountain Dew. After dinner, I sat down with a glass of Pepsi to relax. It was so good, I went back for a second glass and THEN noticed that the word "diet" was missing from the label! Arrrgghhh!!! There went my bedtime snack! I must find a way to slow down and focus before I do something much more serious. :smiling_imp:

    Barbie - Thanks for mentioning taxes. It reminded me that I MUST get all of my charitable giving receipts from the old house. I gave away a ton of stuff last year!

    I hope every has a great day and that those of us in freezing temps manage to stay warm!

    Carol in NC
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hello everyone! I'm looking for new friends to help keep me going. I've been here for a couple of years but have been slipping lately (before the holidays). I just turned 50 in October, had all of the "fun" welcome-to-50 physical stuff and got a clean bill of health. I like to eat "clean" when possible, prefer outside workouts, but also enjoy a good hard gym workout, and love gardening. Please friend me if it sounds like we would be a good motivator for each other.

    Lib, Sunny Florida
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,916 Member
    Happy Friday! Only good thing I can say about food yesterday is I logged it all. Today when I came into work the quote by the time clock really spoke to me. Daily we must begin anew and not allow our failures to discourge us. Rather may they help us to grow in humility. So today is a new day and beginning again.

    Joyce--Congrates on the good doctors report.

    Sue--Welcome back,

    Sylvia--That is strange that WalMart would not check your anitfreeze. Thought that was part of an oil change. Next time stop by an O'Reillys as I know they will check it for you. Some people are just a##holes. I always wounder if that makes them feel better. Say a prayer for them and so proud of you for handling it well.

    Margaret--Thanks for sharing the flower, and I agree the laughing pig is great.

    Was told this morning that it will be known next week what is going on about downsizing and things here at work. I just do not understand why they can not just tell us what is going on instead of letting things get spread that are not true. Also heard yesterday that St Elizabeth hospital in Lincoln laid off 109 people. This deal with BCBS and the fact they have a choice of hospitals in Lincoln has cut down their business alot. Here in Grand Island we are the only hospital so why we have noticed some smaller numbers, not enough to make alot of difference. But because we are part of CHI with Lincoln and Omaha their numbers are down so we have to do some cutting back. I will just be glad when we know.

    Tina--Angle is cute. She is lucky to have her home with with and know love.

    Sharon--Thanks for the idea of a team name I do like it and will pass it on to my parnter.

    Viv--glad DGS is doing better and they know what is going on. Sorry to hear about getting stuck with the needle. Glad they are keeping on top of it.

    When I was down riding the nustep for break I was watching the news break about the happening in Paris. I am praying all those people how sad.

    pipcd34--I eat the same thing for breakfast most days and the days I work I eat the same lunch.

    katla--the nustep is like a bike only you push your legs back and forth instead of around. And both arms go back and forth. The machine and rehab laides tell me it is a complete cardio workout. I know I enjoy doing it on my breaks as feel I am getting something done. Been to cold to walk home as the air hurts my lungs and I find it hard to breath.
    Today is my short shifts of only 8 hours. Need to do a couple reports for our CMA group that are due tomorrow. Then I am off tomorrow and work 7-2 on Sunday. Have DGS 5th birthday party at the bowling alley tomorrow and Sunday after work have my DGGS 4th birthday party at the bowling alley. I don't plan to go, just watch the little ones have fun. Keep warm and hugs and prayers to all. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,591 Member
    today is not a good day! I will live but after work, I will need a drink (yes I do count it)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,952 Member
    Vicki - I don't know what it is you are craving in the evening, but, rather than relying on willpower, for the moment why don't you get in some calorie free jellies and desserts. It's not the complete answer, but it may help you through a bad time. I have eaten the jellies a couple of times.
    - I get them on Amazon. :flowerforyou:
    - if it's savoury you crave then PB2 on ryvita or rice cakes might just beat it. Marmite is a British thing that is great for anyone who isn't cutting down on salt. I have sriracha quite a lot.

    Anyone who is struggling today - I send my love. :heart:

    Heather UK
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning dear ladies.

    Glad to see I’m not the only one who had one heck of a Thursday. I pack breakfast and lunch and left the house with an empty lunch bag yesterday. (The food was still safely in the frig!) So I grubbed around in my desk until I found “something”. Totally unsatisfying.

    Left work early to go to a Herding lesson with the dogs. Grabbed a peanut butter sandwich and a big handful of nuts. Felt better. At least I could focus through the lesson. We are working on the transition between the dogs flanking the stock -- bringing the sheep to me and driving the stock which is pushing the sheep off of me and generally moving the sheep in a straight line. I’m having trouble seeing the angles (dog to stock to the direction I want them to go) so it was a long lesson for the dogs because the Instructor had to keep stopping us and walking out the re-show me the angles before the dogs could start again.

    We ran errands on the way home so it was dark by the time we finally got to go down and feed our own cows. No extra time walking for anyone.

    I ate a good dinner, but had a terrible craving for French fries. If I had just got in the car and got a small fry, I could have split it three ways with the dogs and we all would have been happy. Instead I ratted around the house all evening munching on random things trying to kill the fry craving. I hate it when that happens.

    But today is a new day!! I went for my run this morning and pushed really hard at the 1 minute warning and finally got my 3 miles in!! Actually 3.02 miles in 33 minutes. Yeah!! Then took the older dog for a brisk 1 mile cool down. I get to go to yoga class at noon.

    Life is good!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.




  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,497 Member
    Patceoh, Thanks for compliment on my pictures!

    Joyce in Indiana - Great news on your physical!

    MNMargaret - Beautiful flowers! We had snow today too so loved the Spring reminder!

    Barbie - and others who mentioned it, I just ordered the Happiness Project and 5 year journal. I need something to focus on rather than my son's problems!

    Michelle in NC - I first got insurance for an empty house, then switched to renters when I had renters there. I think I will leave it that way for now until I sell it, although I really should change it one more time back to an empty home insurance. Just the bother is stopping me as the price is pretty close to the same.

    Tina in MD - Love the picture of Angel!

    Viv (Windy York UK) - Thank you for the comments about my pictures!

    I am so glad! My son asked me to help him contact a detox center for him. I was able to contact one who told me they can't call him, he has to call them. Well, after giving them all the info I could about my son, they 'accidentally' put him on the waiting list and called him! I am so glad that happened because he agreed to go in and will be there for the weekend. It is only a 3 day detox center but they will counsel him and direct him on the best way to go once he leaves. I am trying to convince him to go to rehab for 30 days and really clear everything up. Please continue to pray for him.

    Thank you all for supporting me. This is a great bunch of women. I am thankful every time I go to the website that I found you all!

    Welcome to 'newbies', hugs and prayers for all!

    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation
    January Goals:
    1. Fix TN house and sell
    2. Taxes
    3. Exercise 20 times this month
    4. Lose 5 pounds
    All to get to my year end goals of Financial stability and lose 50 pounds.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Pipcd34, sometimes we all have those kind of days. :s I eat the same breakfast almost every morning (Frosted mini-wheats and milk, which I share with two little moochers at the table) and have a handful of things I do for lunch and dinner. The same six or seven dishes really, in a loose rotation. Those are things that I know fit into my plan. Last night I had pork chop with spicy orange sauce that I normally do on chicken breast. That was wild and daring of me, don't you think. One of my favorites is turkey chili. I can make a batch of that and eat for days. Sweet potatoes are one of my staples, either sauteed or baked or mashed. Of course, everything I do is low salt or no salt. So I usually have to make a whole 'nuther meal for hubby. One of my favorite things is brown rice, which now I read is very high in arsenic, so I'm going to have to find a substitute for that. But rice is so good with my spicy orange sauce. Boo hoo. I tried to add turkey bacon to my breakfast routine but found that it has nitrites and was worried that was contributing to my chest pain, so I cut that out. And I like to make extra of whatever I'm cooking so I can have another meal ready to go for lunch the next day. My son even gave me a new book of rubbermaid containers for Christmas. because I use them so much.

    I've been wasting the day watching the news online. So sad.

    I've also been trying to log into facebook and cannot figure it out for the life of me. When I log in it takes me to a page called "advertising" and tries to make me buy an ad or something and won't let me go to my page. I can do it on my ipad but not on my desktop or my phone. But the stuff I want to put on facebook is on my desktop, not my ipad. Grrr! I hate facebook.

    Starting in February I'm going to have a kids clay class at my studio. This is the first time I've tried anything like that, and only am doing it now because another potter offered to teach it. So, basically, they are using my space and he's doing all the work. It should be interesting. Twelve kids running amok in my shop is not my idea of fun. But I have had SO MANY requests for that kind of thing, I thought I'd give it a try. So, he made up a flyer and put it on facebook and I'm trying to put it on my facebook, but no luck.

    Well, fooey, I guess I will have to try to do something constructive. Have a great evening everyone.


  • Bonitajean1
    Bonitajean1 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Barbie:
    I would like to join the group. I am 51 and quit smoking 9 years ago and as a result I gained approximately 70 pounds. I have tried doing weight watchers but always felt hungry and was consumed about food. I'm now counting calories and it seems easier but based upon my age, height and weight I seem to have conflicting information about how much I should be eating so I went with the middle.

    I joined Planet Fitness on January 7 and I plan on taking it slow so I do t get discouraged. Also, I don't want to spend a lot of time there either so I'm just getting my feet wet right now.

    My hope is to drop enough weight so that when I go to Colorado in the summer that I will be able to do some hiking and walk the trails without huffing and puffing from all this excess weight.

    Thanks for reading,