January 2015 - No Alcohol Challenge!



  • andysport1
    andysport1 Posts: 592 Member
    2011 hardly drank, 2012 started drinking, 2013 I was drinking 180 units a week or equivalent to 60 pints, put on 50lbs, 2014 cut back to 55 units or 18 pints,
    2015 I aim to go back to hardly drinking,
    January aim is 0
    To date 0

    Good luck to everyone.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    I haven't had a drink in over ten years, lol. Pretty certain that won't change this month. ;)
  • Mauigirl62
    I'm totally in. I know it's the wine that is making it impossible to lose weight. I habitualy drink wine every night. Since I joined MyFitnessPal I first tried to fit a glass or two of wine in but whenever I tried I went over my 1200 calorie limit by exactly the amount of the wine... I now admit it is the wine that is the problem so I have stopped for 3 days now. Will be glad to join you and support one another!
  • xXBabyBelleXx
    xXBabyBelleXx Posts: 110 Member
    I'm on day 5 already. How is everyone else doing? I think weekends will be harder, I am trying to think of alternatives too. maybe yoga on a friday evening? ha.

    Same here! First Friday tonight without my usual glass of wine - must say that im loving not drinking. I had no idea how ill it was making me feel. So nice to wake up without a hangover !!!

    Im now drinking diet coke "as a treat" lol instead of alcohol as I always think of coke as being a "naughty" drink :-P
  • laurynashley1
    Yes. After New Years weekend I decided to do this for myself. I drink too much to begin with and I know all of that beer doesn't help my waistline. The cold weather in Ohio has helped me this week because I've been able to avoid two drinking occasions (a date with a friend and our team beers after volleyball).
  • CJ8585
    CJ8585 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm glad that everyone is doing so well. The weekends are worst for me and we are coming up on the second alcohol free weekend of the month so I've go to stay strong! =)
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    I really need a group like this. I am desperately trying to get through 30 alcohol free days. Alcohol is my biggest diet buster and I can not lose weight (at all!) when I drink. It will be hard, but I'd love to see the results on the scale after a month without booze. (Just FYI - I am an equal alcohol lover - wine, beer, liquor, mixed drinks, everything).
  • Mamamac1010
    Mamamac1010 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I am definitely in! Drinking seems to be interfering with my weightloss, so I will try and cut it out for a few months. This will be tricky but can be done!! Good luck everyone!
  • Cosborne02
    Cosborne02 Posts: 13 Member
    Count me in!! I started leaving out alcohol this week, so this will be a great support group!! Thanks.
  • JohnH71
    JohnH71 Posts: 123 Member
    First booze free Friday. Feeling OK, actually. Went to the gym, it was nice and quiet. Am looking forward to waking up tomorrow fresh as a daisy and doing a bit of off road mountain biking in gale force winds. :D
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    edited January 2015
    Day 12 - so I've made it through two weekends without any booze (my husband has too!)....Friday nights are the worst....but we managed to get through it with soda water with ice & fresh lime (looks like a G & T so tricks the mind!)....the week days are OK but weekends are tough. Almost half way though. How's everyone doing?
  • Ellasdream
    Ellasdream Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in too!!! I had already decided to do this for similar reasons so I was excited to see a post about it! Let's smash it... Without getting smashed ;)
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    Joining! I've been booze free since NY. Not much help from the significant other. He's always offering, but I've been strong so far. Keep it up everyone!
  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    So far no temptation until last night, when OH offered a hot chocolate with Brandy. I refused, but was tempted.
  • GretchenB02
    GretchenB02 Posts: 59 Member
    I've been alcohol free since the January 4th. This past weekend was tough since we went to the bar to listen to a band. But I held strong and enjoyed water. We can do this!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    I've done well so far, no drinks yet since New Year's Eve! It was definitely tempting this weekend though with all of the football games.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    So far so good, 12 days, dropped over 3 lbs, finally getting rid of the 'last 15'. Probably saved $200 between home and restaurants on wine. Not missing it.
  • kiwi1003
    kiwi1003 Posts: 54 Member
    I've been doing this already, but just saw this thread! Would enjoy the help for the next 18 days or so! It is really working, have lost 6 pounds by staying under calories every day, always feeling good enough to wake up for the gym at 5:30am, and saving money too!
  • notcorky
    notcorky Posts: 49 Member
    This was my first booze free weekend in a very, very long time. Yay me!!!
  • MrsJuli4B
    MrsJuli4B Posts: 27 Member
    Two weekends done, got through it so far drinking sparkling water and fruit tea, lost 3lbs and saved a fair bit of money. The weekends are the worst, but I feel very positive about it.
    The only thing I wish I'd done was take a close up picture of my face (skin) to see if there was any improvement after a month.