

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    i'm marking my place and too tired to post. Have a great evening. :flowerforyou:
  • stormy007
    stormy007 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi y'all... Hope I can find my way back here again... My name in MFP is Stormy007 just in case I don't... Lol. I'm 56-1/2 -- I'll be 57 in August. I've been using MFP for several months now off and on (sometimes I get down sick and am off for a few days) and love the app! It really helps me keep track of everything. I'd like to lose about 50 pounds but I am stuck here. I need to move more but cannot motivate myself to do anything and don't know anyone local anymore... I'm the kind of person I'll get out for someone else before myself... Hate to disappoint anyone -- except myself, I guess.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    I have a lot of reading to do, My 18 year old God daughter, Emily, came to spend an overnight before she goes back to college; so I had her from noon on Thursday to mid-afternoon Friday... Great visit. She is turning out to be a delightful young lady, and like her brother crazy smart... pre-med.

    I got out of the habit of weighing everyday over the holiday - so will get back on the scale on next friday --- this am was too busy. Tomorrow is a busy day; farmers market in the am, a gardening class on growing asian greens in the afternoon...and work tucked in between. It has been a bit warmer here - so the wimp from CA is feeling warmer.

    Each month I send a box with goodies to my god kids - one to Emily in Boston, and the other one to Ben in Seattle, today I had Emily go through recipes to pick some she would like to get, so made cookies for her (a chocolate coconut) and for Ben (peanut butter rice crispies treats) and boxed them up then put the extras on a plate to take and share at class tomorrow... so non left in the house. YEAH!!!

    Joyce – hope the Dr is on time! Brrr is right!!!!

    Heather Northampton – Holidays for me this year, I will be spending 3 days in Morro Bay which is on the south central California Coast in Feb. visiting a friend, and 3 days or so in Seattle, in May for Seattle University’s graduation – as my god son is graduating with a double BA in Biology and Chemistry and a double minor in Physics and English ---he is an over achiever.

    Heather Hampshire – Sri Lanka!!! I remember now… hope you are feeling better.

    Terri – take care and stay warm!

    Yanniejannie – that calendar gig is awful!!! How much were you helping to sell them for?

    Pipcd34 – you are the youngest of 7 and your mom was 23, so she started at 15 or 16….. wow I was just taking care of myself at 23, no way could I have taken care of children!
    I would go crazy if I had to eat the same thing over and over again, but if it is well balanced and works for you… why not.

    Robin – What a great post! Bodi wagging his tail and DH and you sharing good things together!

    Beth - you said it best “Paris ... More madness ... And sadness ...”

    Janemartin – I cook to heat up the house too…..

    Margaret – what are the lavender and yellow flowers? I thought maybe an iris… they are beautiful!

    Vicpoole188 – welcome, these are my only on-line exclusive friends and it has made all the difference for me.

    SugarySweetheart, 26 banker , bonitajean1 and others I missed – welcome

    Joyce – I am not a big TV watcher so often find out about something “cool” too late, but may TV shows are available on DVD and my library has them – free to check out…

    CynthiaT60 – thinking of you… (((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))))))))))0

    Diana – hang in, sometimes it seems to take a few days for the scale to realize how wonderful we are doing…

    Sylvia – Great NSV to not let that guy’s comment get you down! But a 5x Pea Coat…. You need to hunt the second hand shops for a smaller coat, as what are you wearing now? A medium???

    Rita – great news on your son, good thoughts coming your way!

    Janet – I tend to like to buffer my calorie count with a couple of hundred calories – so that spoon lick or overestimated exercise don’t re-rail me… but I am trying to stay in loosing mod, not maintenance --- that said, I don’t eat if I am not hungry (if I am recognizing that I am not hungry) and sometimes am under sometimes over and figure over the course of a week it all evens out.

    January goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well right now I am wearing the leggins, quite comfy but I can't imaging people wearing them as pants, jeans, etc. But a lot of people don't have things that look like mine :D I have found one problem. I wear the mid rise jeans. Leggins don't come in midrise :'( They are warm here in the house. I will see what they feel like outside tomorrow. And I can't tell with my jeans on that I have anything under the jeans.

    Wow Kim, that godson is an overachiever! Enjoy your time with them.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning and thanks to those who are being supportive.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I haven't done much besides sleep, drink water, and take Tylenol. I am still several days behind in reading all the posts, but I hope to catch up soon. Now it's 3am Saturday here, and I can't sleep. My fever is finally down to 99.5 on medication, so that's a treat. I did a little eating Friday thanks to DH warming up chicken, and taking DS to Culvers. My body still aches, and my cough is getting worse. My goal is to get back to work Monday, but it's not looking good for that. Seems I got it good this time. DH is even sleeping in the other room. He never gets the flu shot, so I hope he can fight this. DS had it over Christmas. Tomorrow is a big day of bowling for DS, but all the H.S. teams bowl in the same location, so DH can take care of everything, so hopefully I can sleep more.

    I hope everyone is staying healthy, and making wise choices. I'm going to try to go back to sleep.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi everyone
    Managed to sort out the papers under the computer table. Slowly but surely I am getting on top of the clutter :)

    Molly your jokes always make me smile, loved the last one "the spider didn't know what hit it" it had me laughing out loud :D

    I'm having a quick cuppa and then back to the sorting/tidying etc I was going to go to the shop but there's a gale force wind outside so I'm keeping indoors where its safe! Both Heathers how is it in your part of the UK? I've heard there are lots of road closures in the Yorkshire area. I was a bit worried about DD driving to work this morning.

    Terri I hope you are feeling better soon, best you can do is take it easy and let it take its course don't forget to keep yourself hydrated.

    Michele glad the colonoscopy results were good

    I had an enjoyable day yesterday, it was my long weekend off work and my friend Jean picked me up and collected our friend Jane (from work) and took us off to her house for lunch. We had soup, sandwiches and then a dessert. All very lovely, then we dropped Jane back off to work and we went off shopping for a few hours. I bought myself a top (not sure I like it now though :( ) I bought Kain a tee shirt and also 2 little t shirts for baby James (my niece's boy) They were in the sale so couldn't resist.

    I am so lucky in that I have good friends who "persuade" (bully is too strong a word ;) )me to get out of the house. I must admit that whilst I was off work I went out with DD to walk the dog, and not much else. I wasn't too keen on talking to people on the phone either, but Jean and Jane phoned every week or so to check on me. I'll have to let them know how much I appreciate all they did - and continue to do.

    Well cuppa finished better get on with a bit more work, I can easily get distracted when on the computer.

    Welcome all the newcomers

    Viv in Wild and Windy York UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    morning ladies,
    the old saying sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me is WRONG....My DD sent me a scathing text that hurt me to the core... saying that if my ex and I stayed together there lives would have been so different,that if I tried to work it out with the ex,it would have been different... I will write her a long letter to try and explain when I feel up to it.. she said she loves me but not like a mom.. I ruined my exs life and hers and my sons..she will make sure her daughter has everything and they will stay together ...that I left to find someone who took me to concerts and we have new cars and 2 homes etc... Oh I am just heartbroken.. didnt sleep well, and am not hungry..(praise the lord) I look like Porky pig...I am working at 7:30 until 12...
    My ex has mental illness and I was taking care of 2 children, working 2 jobs,cooking cleaning, and when need be shovel ,because my ex did nothing, except go to work, come home, and change and go in his room to watch television, I didnt sleep with the man 8 years before we divorced...he payed no attention to me, I thought I deserved more. the DH and I bought a house 5 minutes from where my ex lived so that they could go back and forth. my only regret is giving the ex primary residence , because there was no rules, he let my daughter do anything including going out drinking and drugging underage.. I tried really I did, I was the one at all the school functions, I was the one that took them to dance and cub scouts .. I did it all but she doesnt remember that does she..
    sorry for the vent.. off to wash my hair and off to work..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good wishes to Terri! Hope you feel better fast! :flowerforyou:
    My DH never has the flu shot either and I don't think he is going to take the typhoid.
    My second lot of aches were much better than the first, so I'm hoping the last pill on Sunday will be ok. :happy:

    IMHO eating the same thing every day works well for some people, (Barbie etc.) but for most of us I believe we need to eat in a way we can sustain for the rest of our lives. Otherwise, the minute we come off the "diet" we will just put it back on again. We have to change the whole way we think about food and make it work for us for ever and in all circumstances. 95% of people put back the weight they have lost and more. Depriving ourselves is part of this cycle.
    I believe the more we enjoy our food the easier it is.
    I really feel for the people who work full time and experience exhaustion, stress, lack of time. That makes it ten times harder. :flowerforyou: Working exercise into your day like Pip seems the best way to go.
    Otherwise it all comes down to planning, research and logging. Boundaries have been mentioned many times on this thread. Make yourself the priority in your life. You are worth it. Your health and strength should be the most important thing or you won't be able to do another vital job, looking after others. Eating well and getting nourishment from all food groups, including healthy fats, is essential for health, especially brain health. The occasional processed item is not bad for you, but not as a way of life. :noway: Fill your plates with loads of veg.
    Tonight I am having duck leg, well roasted with spices rubbed in, mushy peas and a huge amount of delicious roasted cauliflower.
    Followed by stewed plums from our own tree with home made yoghourt.

    For any newbies, skinnytaste.com is a great source of recipes as are Hairy Bikers diet books,. Many of these can be cooked in advance and frozen in portions. I love my herbs and spices and they make any veg so much more interesting.
    I do cut back on carbs, not becsuse I think they are bad for you, but because I don't have enough calories left! I sometimes use grated, microwaved cauliflower as "cauliflower rice" or shiritaki noodles. (V low cal) with a pasta sauce or in an Asian style soup. In a dire emergency, yes it does happen, I would have shiritaki noodles, dry fried and a touch of sriracha sauce to fill me up.

    "If you always do what you've always done you'll always get what you always got."

    TRUE. If what you are doing isn't working for you long term, change it. The only person who can change is you.

    Love Heather in windy but mild Hampshire UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Allison: I am so sorry you got that text. You don't deserve it.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    My good friend ,Melody passed today on her twins 24th birthday.
    Heaven has another angel.
    Asking for prayers for her hubby and kids.
    hugs jane
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Jane - so sorry for your loss. :flowerforyou: Our friends are so important to us. :cry: Hugs.

    Heather UK
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Cynthia ... I hope you realize my "pull yourself up the bootstraps" is about eating and not any of the other situations in your life ...

    Alison ... so sorry your daughter has selective memory ... she should not have sent such a nasty text!

    Still snowing this morning. Lots to do. I called off work yesterday so have to go in today sometime to get ready for Sunday (I work at our church). My husband will probably go in with me by the looks of the roads.

    Have a good day ladies!
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    So very Sorry Jane you were good to her until the end.

    Well as for me I had a lazy week. Have to get back with moving more and losing more.
    I know I can do this. I have the know how and the want to. Just need to put it all together and in practice. Only been getting about 3,000 + on my fit bit not enough steps but hard when you can barely move let alone try walking.
    So today I'm going to work on getting 4,000 but it's still to cold to go walking outside. -25 right now.

    Good luck to all and make it a great weekend
    See you all lighter
    Linda In Northern Ontario.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Jane ... praying for you and your friend's family ...
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    good morning ladies. I am having trouble withbeing able to edit the text.
    I don't know if it is my phone or the site. Anyhow,I enjoy reading your text.its sounds likemost of you have known each other for a long time.
    I spent the last 3 days visiting my daughter and eating my comfort foods. I still try to stay with in my 1200 calorie range.I eat mac and cheese with hot dogs in it and peppermints frosted chocolate cake. We had Chinese on Wednesday night andstopped for a bacon double cheeseburger with french fries on the way home. Needless to say I was in great fear this morning during my way in.sorry I still can't correct the spelling or errors. I was very excited when the scale did notgo up.

    I'm not sure if this text will B falling length or not because last time I wrote it only sent one third of my response.so I am going to stop now insaine see what happens!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding

    Good Saturday morning, ladies. I hope everyone is staying warm and safe in this deepfreeze. I saw on the news, so many multi car pile ups on the freeways. It is so sad that the weather reeks such havoc.

    *Toni, congrats on Blueberry. Hope you will share a picture soon. I'm glad all are healthy and doing great.

    *Sylvia, I loved the jokes and DH liked the one about the driving instructions. lol I vote to keep slowly looking at coats until you find what you like. This time of year the prices should keep going down.

    *Michele, I'm glad you can exchange the DVD. Let us know what you get.

    *Stormy007, welcome to the group. Let us know what kind of support you want and you'll get it. And yes, you are the only one that will be disappointed if you don't do this for yourself.

    *Kim, your grand children sound great. I know you must be proud.

    *Joyce, I'm glad the leggings are working. My DH always says, if you keep your kidneys warm, the whole body will feel warmer. Who knows?

    *Terri, I'm so sorry you got the flu. Wish we could help more than wishing you the best. Keep taking care of yourself and don't try to get back to work too soon. (((((Terri)))))

    *Viv, Isn't it nice to have great friends! I have to ask, "What is cuppa"?

    *grandmallie, My heart goes out to you. Our children have no idea how something like that can cut to the core. You know that you did the best you could and you just have to hold on to that. She has no idea how things would have turned out if you had done things her way. You deserve to be happy too.

    *Heather, I'm so glad the second pill was better. Great post on eating. Thanks.

    *Jane, so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a good friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you and her family.

    *Beth, I think we all need to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps at times. I know that even though I stay under calories, I need a swift kick (you know where) to do more exercises. You can tell me that any time. :)

    Welcome to any new people that I missed. We are glad you are with us and I hope you all become big losers.

    My new word for the rest of the month is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    I wish you all good health and happiness.

    Janet in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Forgot to say - Toni, many, many congrats on Bronwyn. Lovely name! Do you have Welsh ancestors?
    - Pat - fabulous photo! A concert pianist in the making? A real sweetie!

    DDIL has just responded to my request to go up to London to see the DGC . We are booked in for the afternoon of Monday 19th! ! ! ! ! ! Hooray! Have to get my regular dose. :bigsmile:

    I have done my typing for 8 days in a row. o:) I was a bit shocked this afternoon when I started typing up a section that was very racy. I'd forgotten about that as I wrote it 34 years ago! I want it to go out more or less as I wrote it then, as a historical document, so I will have to just swallow my qualms. :noway: It's not as I would write it now, that's for sure. :ohwell:

    Viv - wanted to say I think it is wonderful that you are so open to your friends' help and love. It shows you have a big heart. :love:

    A "cuppa" is a cup of tea. These days sometimes coffee. But mainly it refers to tea. The British panacea for all woes. :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    edited January 2015
    Good morning.
    Things are good.

    The 3 grateful things at the end of the day is really going well. Yesterday DH found out that a work friend passed and he was a mess all day. I was worried he couldn't come up with 3 positive grateful things.

    He did though, and his third one was that Bodi came in from the kennel when DH got home and when DH opened the door to the house Bodi walked in and then did a U-Turn. He walked outside and pooped instead of running to his food dish to scarf his dinner first. You have to understand the trials and tribulations we have had with him and his "accidents" since his injury to understand how this was a thing to be grateful for.

    However, the absurdity of the third item on his list didn't escape either of us and we burst into laughter laying in bed waiting to go to sleep. So instead of feel sad about his friend he and I went to sleep with extremely "Happy" feelings.

    I made my first real oatmeal today. I have never made it before. My mom always did but I was a "instant" oatmeal kind of girl. It turned out great.

    Well time for a walk with the Bodi Boy.

    Sending Positive Happy feelings to all of you!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jane, I'm so sorry about your friend's passing.

    Robin, Hooray for Bodi!!!

    Heather-London, Hooray for typing eight days in a row!!! OOH, I want to read the racy parts!

    Janet, I'm coat shopping online now, just looking though.

    I'm at the studio for another hour, then we are going to the lake, hoping the pipes didn't freeze again last week when it was so cold. We went swimming this morning and when I got out of the shower and started to get dressed I realized that I had forgotten to bring a shirt! I wear my swim suit to the Y with my jeans and coat over the top, and usually toss a shirt in my bag. Oops. At least I had my coat to wear out again. I swear every time I forget something. Last time it was underwear. Hubby is threatening to make me make a checklist. Not a bad idea, really. At the studio I finished packing up my friends' artwork and breaking down the tables. I'm planning to run stuff over to Joplin Monday if the weather isn't too bad. It'll be good to get it all back to it's owners. I'm scared something will get broken.

    On the way here hubby and I went to his office on campus to pick up a bookcase. He had taken one from home several years ago to use in his office, and now that they have remodeled his office (and made it smaller) he doesn't have room for it, so he's giving it to me. Yippee! I can always use more shelves. It needs a little bit of fixing, after holding his heavy books for all those years, but it'll be fine.

    OK, so I have a question about the jokes. Do you ladies like the jokes, or think I should stop posting them? I'm worried that there are so many posts to read now that it's just adding to the overload. I know I'm having trouble keeping up, so you might be too. It's just more stuff to read, and sometimes they aren't that funny. Let me know what you think.

    Here is the one for today:


    Two guys were sitting in a double hole outhouse doing their business, when #1 gets through and pulling up his pants, a quarter falls out of his pocket and falls into the depths of the hole. As they both peer down the hole, #1 pulls out his wallet and throws a 20 dollar into the hole. "What did you do that for?" inquires #2.

    #1 replies "You don't think I'm going to climb down there for a lousy quarter, do you"


    Have a great Saturday!
