2015 Adopt a Noob Official MFP Thread



  • sazrina
    sazrina Posts: 99 Member
    I've never done this before but I'd be happy to mentor someone. I'm 28, married with no kids and I do a full time office job. I've never been over weight as such but I was borderline a couple of years ago and I decided to do something about it in May 2013. Since then I've made a total lifestyle change, lost 21lbs and have become a bit of a gym bunny. I couldn't run for more than a minute but I've pushed on to do a couple of half marathons. I've also taken up lifting and completed a Spartan Race last year and I'm a girly girl who hates mud!

    I don't think I could help someone who had a lot of weight to lose as I can't pretend to understand that challenge but if someone is looking to make a lifestyle change (no fads) and get fit then I think I could help.
  • writemusic4him
    writemusic4him Posts: 312 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi! I am willing to mentor women, especially single women (because I am single). And I'm a short girl :)

    I've been on my weightloss journey for a few years now & have lost 70 pounds already & have another 80 or so to lose. So if you are looking for someone with experience and can be on the journey with you, then feel free to contact me.

    I believe in a lifestyle approach to weightloss. I have when I was younger done the all-out gungho-lose all the weight fast-biggest loser-approach and then ended up gaining it all back & more over the years. Now I have been working to make these changes be life-time changes that I will implement for the rest of my life. I believe the natural approach to weightloss- not diet pills, weightloss surgery, etc. I am familiar and have done specialty diets as well. Soon I am starting the Fodmap diet per my doctor's instructions. I am also familiar with exercise (have done the gym & personal trainers) I just currently do walking right now with the pain & while we try to determine what might be my health/pain issues.

    It has taken me a little bit longer than I ever expected to lose the weight due to health issues. So if you have some pain or health issues that make it hard to stay motivated & keep on track, I may be a fit for you as well. I also know how important the mental portion is in weightloss in general. When you add not just general life stress but health issues &/or pain as well, I understand how that can be a bit tougher...because I've lost weight without any issues and now with.

    Anything else, just ask...I lead groups on here all the time and they are a lot of fun :)

    Oh, and if you are local in the Phoenix vicinity, I'm working on putting a local group together that will meet in person as well.
  • saitiffeh
    saitiffeh Posts: 251 Member
    I am a newbie looking for a mentor but I am a little too shy to pm anyone so I hope I can leave a message here =)

    I am a 29 year old mother of two... I lost approximately 45 pounds in 2013 but slipped back into bad habits... I know now that I need a total lifestyle change.

    My challenges include:
    -I love unhealthy food and by nature dislike vegetables. I am trying very hard to try new vegetables... today I tried zucchini and didn't hate it! I know it's just a mental block. I also need to start picking healthier options as snacks and learning to grab a yogurt or apple instead of a couple of cookies.
    -I cannot afford a gym currently so rely mainly on exercises at home. I have a friend who works as a personal trainer who has been helping me get started. In the spring I plan to start walking. I would like to eventually start running but have a ways to go first.
    -I have two boys ages 2 and 7 and a picky husband... it's hard to make a meal that is good for me to eat and everyone else as well. I am considering making meals in advance for myself and freezing them.

    I would love to have pretty much anyone as a mentor but if you feel that my challenges are something you can support me with then I NEED to hear from you =)
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    ihad wrote: »
    malibu927 wrote: »
    603reader wrote: »
    @Olivia, @Michelle, @Rachel, please remove me from the list.

    Me as well, I've had many more people than I expected add me

    I think a useful practice would be for a mentor to set a limit on the number of mentees they will take on at a time, and then to move them to a separate list when they reach their max, so people do not seek them out after reaching capacity.

    I messaged Olivia a few days ago about editing my original post for exactly this reason. She helped me out and was wonderfully helpful.

    I received many more requests for mentorship than I'd ever expected. I accepted more people than I'd planned because I hate saying no. But I did have to say no to several people. I know myself too well, I know I tend to overextend myself and then I can't focus on anything very well at all. So I had to turn people away. They were all very gracious about it, and even message me back again to just say thank you for reading their message and request!

    Anyway, having the newly added note at the top of my post has let people know not to message me asking for a mentor. It's been helpful.
  • Katrinaribena90
    Katrinaribena90 Posts: 2 Member

    Not really sure how you are meant to go about this being new here but I would like to be adopted as a noob.

    Recently found out I have PCOS and an intolerance to gluten and wheat, have tried a million times (well it feels like it) to shift the weight maybe some advice and support would be the key?

    Katrina :) x
  • gr8tfulm
    gr8tfulm Posts: 10 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi my name is Marianne. ( gr8tfulm). I do iifym and flexible dieting. I have maintained a large weight loss and lead an active lifestyle. I teach fitness classes and have dealt with PCOS, Thyroid, arthritic conditions and all sorts of limitations. I am available to help anyone that needs an extra boost or is new to MFP.
  • Kendall2006
    Kendall2006 Posts: 124 Member
    Hello there. I would love to help out Noob. But the thing is I am no pro. I take it one day at a time. I have been an active member for about 2 years. But have stuck with the app for about a year. It has helped me make better decision on what to put into my body. I am also a budget friendly grocery shopper. If anything, we can always learn together. Down 31 lbs and plenty to go. I am always looking to make new friends and help out as often as I can. Congratulations on joining on the app and find nifty new things to incorporate in your journey. And if I am not the one, then you will find your perfect match.

  • Hi all, Just got engaged and nothing has kick started me into getting into shape like that ring. We are getting married Sept 12, 2015. I have battled being just a bit bigger but carrying it weirdly only in my stomach for forever. I lose.... then gain... then lose... then gain. Over the summer I was down from 200 to 170 and it was awesome. I was doing a vegan diet and I used a diet pill my doctor gave me, adipex. After three months I was off the pill and switched from vegan to vegetarian....back came most of the weight over the next six months. Now I am back to 192. I have been working out once a week but really eating what I want..... hence, the weight gain. My fiance.....who is 6'2" was in amazing shape.....until SEPT? Out of nowhere he gains 40 pounds a gut and the start of manboobs.

    He took a pic of me two nights ago and I just looked horrible in it. I wasnt confident and I definitely didnt feel healthy. I was regretting my huge lunch that day. SO I just made a pact with myself that I want to look amazing during the best time of my life. I am hoping I can make some buddies on here to keep in check with. I think a mentor would be great too!

    Jamie Ann
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    edited January 2015
    I could take on 1-2 folks

    I'm 24, a native western NY'er (grew up on a small farm) living on Long Island and working as a social worker. I've been overweight since ~10 y.o., and put on a lot of my weight through binge eating. I had my gallbladder removed at 21 and it helped push me in the right direction, but I still needed to commit. Not sure if there's many others out there, but I have Tourette's and my shoulder tics interfere with daily life. I have lived with chronic pain for a long time, and know how daunting it can make weight loss seem. Since my highest of 293 lbs at 6' tall, I've lost about 80 lbs. I've discovered a love for cycling as well, and am finally addressing my long-term knee issues. While I still have a bit to go and some of my goals are yet to be determined, I've learned an incredible amount through this process and am always happy to share. I'm unlikely to be commenting on your every post, but I like knowing my friends and I will reply to messages. I will also point out if something you're doing seems unhealthy, unrealistic, or downright stupid. We have to look out for eachother! I have a somewhat atypical schedule and can't check in all day, but I'm available daily and looking forward to my pending 365 day login streak.
  • Jordan
    Jordan Posts: 307 MFP Moderator
    List has been updated! Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers - you guys rock!

    *To anyone wanting to be adopted, you don't need to post in this discussion but you should send the person you want to be adopted by a private message*
  • StrawbC
    StrawbC Posts: 167 Member
    I'm having trouble contacting any of the mentors as I too am getting an error message when I try to pm them .


    Would love to be adopted... I need help!!!

    I'd be excited to be adopted as a noob...

    I've played around with MFP for a while but always half heartedly with no real success though this time I'm taking a slightly different approach as in not giving up just cause I stray which has been my previous pattern.

    I want to make 2015 a different year, I'm not sure how but I definitely can't do another year like the last few.

    I'm an Aussie turned 50 in 2014 which sent me mildly insane & have 4 kids between 18 & 20 ... There's a set of twins in there ... & I'm ready.. really ready for change but know I can't do it on my own.

    Even tapping this out is extraordinary for me!!

  • HazelBug1987
    HazelBug1987 Posts: 30 Member
    I would love to help 1 or 2 people. I'm a stay at home mom of 2 children. I've got a 2 year old and a 3 month old. My specialty is putting on pregnancy weight (and losing it again). When I'm not gestating I like to challange myself with my workouts. I'm 10 pounds away from my goal weight. (gained 48 pounds during my last pregnancy)

    I'm not just into weight loss. I'm into nutrition and fitness. I usually watch my carb and sugar intake. I don't worry as much about fats. I'm also currently breastfeeding, so I may be more helpful to another breastfeeding mom.
  • captjac97
    captjac97 Posts: 17 Member
    I would love and need to be mentored. I am 35 years old. I am married with 2 kids. I have a sedentary job. In 2013 I went from 185 to 161 in about 6 months by counting calories and going to the gym. Unfortunately, I got out of the routine after vacation and never really got back into being focused. Until now. I started back 1-5-15 on MFP and going to the gym. I also got a Fitbit for Christmas and trying to incorporate that is important to me. I would love to have a mentor who can help me with a fitness regime as well as someone who can help with diet. I also have to cook supper for my family and would like to make sure that it is something everyone will eat. I am a firm believer that we all eat the same thing. I will not cook a separate meal for anyone. Old school mindset of you eat what I cook for supper or you don't eat at all!! LOL.

    Seriously, I would love to have a mentor who can assist with both eating and fitness to help me reach my goal. Please consider me. I am willing to work hard.

    Hoping for a GREAT 2015!
  • lynnerdmc
    lynnerdmc Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a 'restarter' (again and again and again)!!! I'd love help so maybe THIS TIME I can get healthy....

    writemusic4him, I live in Phoenix and would love to have info about a local group!!!


  • randomtai wrote: »
    I volunteer as a mentor. I like to lift, no it doesn't make you "bulky". I like to eat as food is fuel not the enemy. And I am sarcastic, so thin skinned folks need not apply.

    Hi Randomtai

    I'm rahim and would like to get a mentor. Just starting out on a six week program to shape up. Working with a trainer during this time but only for 3 sessions. Possible to get some advice from you?
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    I would be happy to mentor a couple people.

    I've been on fitness pal since April of 2013. I'm married with 4 kids. I will be 40 next month. Work behind a desk. I'm from the south and love southern cooking so I'm always reinventing ways to lightening foods up. I love to cook and experiment with different spices, ingredients and flavors.

    I've began exercising more. Cardio and bowflex. I don't have massive calorie burns but I do what works for me. Not a strong lifter but enjoying my bowflex. Hoping to (no I WILL) improve as time goes by.

    I'm not a nutritionist but not dumb by no means. I've done my research and I've listen to advice of others on the forums.

    I'm a strong believer that the only way to succeed is to set your mind to it. If you don't have the right mindset that you will work for it, you will probably fail. If you think you will fail, you probably will. Just my opinion.

    I don't think anyone is perfect so why try to be. Instead of looking at the long run, break it down to smaller goals and meet those.

    My diary is always open. If I eat it, I own it. I do have lower calorie goal due to my age and my height. I know my TDEE.

    Anyways, that's about it. I'm basically a positive person. I can see good in "most" situations.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    @Olivia-how do we change our status as having our noob quotient filled?
  • I would love a mentor. I'm 21, used to be extremely fit and active when I was in high school, and all of that totally flew out the window when I went to college. Now I've put on about ~30 pounds since high school I'd like to lose. I'm a major perfectionist, so it is really difficult for me to deal with the fact that I can't work out at the intensity or consistency as I used to a few years ago, so I deal a lot with "black and white" thinking.
  • davisk16
    davisk16 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey I am really k noob. I don't pretentious to know what I'm doing. I just started yesterday but technically today. I want to be motivated and have tried to follow everything today. I am 48 and would love to have a mentor.
  • Hey! Id love a mentor. I'm 24, 5'0, a wife, and mother of two. I started my journey in 9/13 when I had my daughter. I started at 243. Im now down to 213. I lost basically from nursing and kind of sticking to weight watchers. Since January 1st I have opened a gym membership ,and really been working hard. My highest healthy weight is 132. So, I have a long way to go. But, I'm dedicated. I have been to the gym six days a week since I opened my membership. I really just nees help figuring out diet and lifestyle change. Also this app. Ive had it for a while and never used it! :)
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